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CHAPTER 1: MAGIC "THE EFFECT THE MOURNLAND HAS ON SPELLCASTING: something we know tragically litle about. Restorative ‘magic is weakened significantly, though we are unable 10 confirm if itis universally unusable. While we are still investigating the effect these lands ave on existing magic, our studies have also led to a ‘few “new" spells, though some may have been known in ages past. These spells have been extremely usefil to 1s in our own forays into the Mournland. —Report to Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn “Magic inthe Mournland isa tricky business. Elsewhere in Khorvaire, magic is reliable and consistent. Inthe ruins of| Cyr, it is anything but, Collected in this section are a series of new spells that were discovered or ereated during the research that led to the other ‘results in this volume, Many are specifically tailored to the Mournland and might find only limited use elsewhere. while ‘others are move universal SPELLS For ease of use the spells ae listed herein omer of evel. No ior sels are includ in the report only newly discovered forcreated pels are present. ‘AMterwars, each clas asst of what spells thas om its spel ist. a classi not ised iteannot use any ofthe spells inched hee ast Level fogbol: 3rd Level ‘arcane backlash 4th Level bands of glass umber claws 6th Level barrier reaver ath Level dreadmist ARTIFICER 3rd Level ‘arcane backlash 4th Level bands of glass umber claws Barb Ast Level Jfogbolt CLERIC 4th Level bands of glass 6th Level harrier reaver 8th Level dreadmist Druip Ast Level Jogbolt 3rd Level ‘arcane backlash 4th Level umber claws 8th Level dreadmist PALADIN 3rd Level ‘arcane backlash SoORCERER 4th Level bands of glass lumber claws 8th Level dreadmist WarLock, 3rd Level arcane backlash 4th Level umber claws 8th Level dreadmist ‘WIZARD Ast Level Jogbolt 3rd Level arcane backlash 4th Level ands of glass umber claws 6th Level barrier reaver ath Level, dreadmist Learning Rare Spells ‘While certain classes typically can learn any spell on their clas's spellist, your DM may determine that rare spells suchas these require a character of any las to study this report before they ‘an firs learn or prepare one of the spells listed here SPELL DESCRIPTIONS ‘The new spells are listed in alphabetical order. ARCANE BACKLASH Sra-level abjuration Casting Time: | bonus action Range: 30 feet ‘Components: V. S, M (a scrap of cloth from the Mournland) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute ‘You twist arcane magic around a creature you can see within 30 fet, placing a reflective ward onit and choosing one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fie, force lightning, erotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. ‘The next time the affected ereature casts a spell dealing the chosen typeof damage, they must make a Charisma saving throw or become the centerpoint or target of their own spel the spell normally requires an atack roll it automatically succeeds Ithe spell forces a saving throw, the creature rakes the save against their own spel save DC, ‘Similaly, i a target attempts to use a nacural ability (such ‘asa breath weapon) dealing that damage type, they must also make & Charisma saving throw or take half the damage of the ability themselves, A creature affected in this way does not take the normal saving throw for that ability, ‘The spell ends after triggering, i you lose concentration, oF after I minute, The spell does not tigger ifthe creature uses ‘an item that deals the chosen type of damage, such as 3 poison-tipped arrow or a necklace of fireballs Banps OF Gass th-tevel conjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 60 feet ‘Components: V, S. M (a shard of glass from the Mournland) Duration: Concentration, up to | minute You summon burning bands of glass around a target Large or smaller creature you can see within range. The ereature makes 2 Strength saving throw, breaking free on a suevess On a failure, the target is restrained and cakes 346 fine damage, The creature ean use its ation on subsequent turns to re-attempt the saving throw, taking 246 fire damage on a failure or breaking free on a success. Ifthe spell is broken early, burning shards of glass seater to the ground, making the area 10 feet around the target into clfficult terran for the remainder ofthe duration if you maintain concentration. At Higher Levels. When cast with 6th level spell slot, this spell ean target two creatures instead of one, provided both ‘are within 5 feet of each other. If they both fail they are ‘drawn together and bound by a single band of glass. either ‘one breaks free, the other is immediately freed as wel. If only ‘one creature fails the saving throw, only tha ereature is affected. Barrier REAVER Gth-level abjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 60 feet ‘Components: V, S, M (a blade from the Mournland) Duration: Concentration, up © 1 minute ‘You point a finger at a magical barrier within range, such as 8 wall of force, wal of fire, orantilife shel, and cleave a fissure ino it. The caster of the barter spells allowed a saving ‘throw with thei spelieasting ability modifier. An unattended hartier (such as one created from an item or a permanent enchantment) does not make a saving throw (On a failure, the magical barrier is spit and a S-Foot by 5. foot gap opens in the side nearest you. For the duration ofthis spell, creatures, objects, and spells can pass through this sap normally, an unattended barter is affected and you maintain your concentration for the full duration ofthis spel, you can leave a rack in the barrier, This crack lasts fora year and a day and can be detected by anyone who studies the barvier and succeeds on a DC 15 Arcana check. Within tis time, you can reopen te rift in the bartier as an action, without expending spel slot. The gap can only be open for upto 8 hours per day, at which point it closes and cannot be openeel again until the ext dawn, Any other creature can only open the rift if they know the erack is there and cast dispel magic on it.The tft then remains open for number of minutes equal 10 the level ofthe dispel magic spell before it closes again and requires nother dispe! magic tobe reopened. DREADMIST Sth-Level necromancy Casting Time: | action Range: 60 feet Components: V. S, M (bones from a Medium or larger creature that died in the Mournland, which the spell consumes) Duration: Special ‘You coalesce a miasma of necrotic energy and release it on a creature you can see within 60 Feet. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or contract a homibe plague. (On a failure the target is restrained and takes 10d6 necrotic damage at the beginning of each of its tums. The creature can repeat its saving throw with disadvantage atthe end ofeach of its tums, ending the effect on a success. If the target dies while under this effet, each creature within $ feet oF it, including the original caser. must make their own saving throw against this spell. Similarly, ifan affected creature fails its saving throw by 10 oF more, the disease spreads toa random creature within 30 feet, including the caster: ‘The spell lasts for [hour after a vietim is first afflicted, or until the original easter dies or moves more than 1 mile away from a victim. Once 24 hours has passed from the original casting the spell can no longer spread to new targets, but does ‘ot immediately end on any sill-afMicted ereature Focsour Iselevel evocation Casting Time: | action Range: 30 feet ‘Components: V.S Duration: Instantaneous A boiling globe of mist appears around your hand, after which {you hurl it ata target within 30 feet, You caa target either a ‘creature oa light source such as a torch, fire, of lantern. If you target alight source, the fog bursts on impact and creaies a fog cloud centered on the object. This functions as a Ist level fog cfoud with half the area and a duration of 1 ‘minute or until you lose concentration. TI you target a creature, you make a ranged spell tack agains them, On a hit, the Fog envelops the creature's head. For I minute, or until you lose concentration, the target perceives everything as though it was in darkness, regardless of the actual light present, During this time, all Perception checks relying on sight have disadvantage even ifthe creature «ean normally seein darkness, UMBER CLAWS Ail-leveltransmuation Casting Times | action Range: Self Components: V.S, M (the claw of an umber hulk) Duration: 1 hour “The magic warps your hands, twisting then ‘oan umber hulk, While transformed, you cannot wield any ‘weapons or items and cannot cast spells with somatic ‘components. ‘You can use these fo claws similar aws to burrow through earth and stone, and you have a burrowing speed of 60 feet through sol, earth, and clay, and a burrowing speed of 30 feet through stone. ‘When traveling through stone you leave a 5-foot by 5-Foot tunnel in your wake. You can also leave a tunnel through soi, earth, and clay but you must halve your movement speed 10 dos. ‘Adaltionally, you can use the claws to make two claw attacks as an action. The claws deal 148 damage and have the Finesse and Light properties. You are proficient with these claws while the spell lasts ‘At Higher Levels, When cast at Sth level o higher, the ‘duration increases by | hour per level above 4h,

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