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Assignment 1

Ravindranath Chowdhary Kanuri (8873647)

Project Management-1298, Conestoga College

MGMT8400 – Sec 24 Advance Project Planning and Control

Sawsah LawLa

June 4, 2023

Table of Content
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………3
2. Objective………………………………………………………………………………………3
3. Procurement Plan…………………………………………………………………………….3
a. Assessments of requirements……………………………………………………………4
b. Supplier Identification……………………………………………………………………..4
c. Items to be purchased…………………………………………………………………….4
d. Request for proposal……………………………………………………………………...4
4. Selection of Quality supplier………………………………………………………………...5
5. Support area roles…...……………………………………………………………………....5
6. Contract types ….………………..…………………………………………………………..5
7. Negotiation of Contract ...…………………………………………………………………...6
8. Evaluation criteria…………………………………………………………………………….6
9. Timelines………......………………………………………………………………………….7
7. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………..8

1. Introduction

The procurement plan covers the strategy and process for discovering, selecting, and

contracting with business partners to meet the PRME project's objectives. The project

aims to build long-term ties with business partners worldwide to create, transfer,

disseminate, and spread ecologically sound educational innovations to developing

nations. Educational technology will be a content delivery platform for elementary and

secondary school organizations. The strategy focuses on meeting the project's

objectives while adhering to responsible management education concepts such as

fostering diversity and favorable conditions for developing countries. By January 1,

2024, the initiative hopes to have partners ready to cooperate with school organizations.

2. Objectives

 Identify and build relationships with business partners for the project.

 Purchase educational technology and related services from the chosen partners.

 Personalize and implement technology in educational organizations.

 Train instructors on how to use technology.

 Develop student training materials.

3. Procurement Plan

The procurement process will adhere to equity, openness, and inclusion values. The

following are the steps involved in the process:


a. Assessment of Requirements

1. Conduct a detailed needs assessment to determine the needs of the

school organizations.

2. Determine the exact features and functions needed in educational


b. Supplier Identification

1. Conduct market research to locate possible business partners.

2. Prefer developing-country partners, partners with visible minorities, and

women as majority owners.

c. Items to be purchased.

1. Digital Screen: A screen is used to display the content for the students.

Hence displays must be of high quality.

2. Projectors: To display the material on the digital screen

3. Laptops: Issue laptops to the faculty

4. Internet: Stable internet is needed for the student without interruption.

5. Speakers: The speaker should be of good quality to provide crisp and

clear audio.

d. Request for proposal (RFP)

1. Build an in-depth RFP document that outlines the project's objectives,

scope, technical specifications, and assessment criteria.

2. Include the project's budget, timeframe, and responsible management

education principles.

3. Distribute the document to partners and set a realistic submission


4. Selection of Quality Suppliers:

a. Create an initial qualification questionnaire or checklist to examine potential

suppliers' capabilities, expertise, and adherence to responsible management


b. When evaluating vendors, consider technical experience, financial stability, track

record, certifications, and environmental sustainability practices.

c. Suppliers who fulfill the prequalification requirements should be shortlisted for

further consideration.

5. Support area roles:

a. Finance: The finance team manages the project budget, tracking

expenditures and ensuring financial compliance. Finance works with

procurement to ensure efficient financial management of contracts and supplier


b. Legal: The legal team ensures that all legal and regulatory standards are met

throughout the project. They go over project-related contracts, agreements, and

legal documentation. They deal with any legal concerns or conflicts during the

project's implementation.

6. Contract types:

Multiple types of contracts may be used in the PRME project's procurement

procedure. The contract type chosen is determined by several criteria, including

the nature of the project, the degree of risk involved, and the expected goals.

7. Negotiation of Contract:

a. Conduct in-depth contract discussions with the selected suppliers, ensuring the

terms and conditions are consistent with the project's objectives and responsible

management standards.

b. Establish explicit expectations regarding product quality, customization,

installation, training, continuing support, periodic upgrades, and user assistance.

c. Include language ensuring compliance with environmental norms, diversity

concerns, and developing-nation concessions.

8. Evaluation criteria:

a. Assess the proposal's technical approach and how well it fulfills the project's

needs and specifications.

b. Consider the seller's project-related experience, certificates, and credentials.

c. Examine the proposal's clarity and comprehensiveness in addressing the

project's scope and objectives.

d. Assess the seller's value for money regarding the suggested solution's quality,

features, and advantages.


9. Timelines:

a. Information on the suppliers by the end of June 2023.

b. Bidding will be carried out in the mid of July 2023.

c. Contract and agreement negotiations are to be done by September 2023.

d. Vendors evaluation will be done by the end of November 2023.

e. Finally, the partner should be ready to work with the school organization on

January 1, 2024.

Institute, P. M. (2017). PMBOK guide. Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute, Inc.

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