Listening Comprehension Test For 9th Grade Students

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In this section you are going to listen to the text about dreams and whether they reveal our secrets. You will listen to
the recording twice. The task includes 10 TRUE/FALSE questions and 10 multiple-choice questions. Write the correct
letters in boxes 1-20.

1. It takes you a long time to understand that it was just a dream about you arriving at the job interview dressed
not in a proper way.
A True B False
2. Dreams can give us some hints about our perceptions of our life.
A True B False
3. You can hardly believe dream analyst.
A True B False
4. Sigmund Freud supposed that dreams touch our wants that are kept deep inside.
A True B False
5. Dreams are not so much mysterious.
A True B False
6. Dreams do not normally present the thoughts we have during the day.
A True B False
7. The work of our brain while we are asleep is similar to its work when we are awake.
A True B False
8. All parts of our brain are less active when we are asleep.
A True B False
9. There are certain ways how to interpret dreams.
A True B False
10. Barrett was the second to introduce the idea that dreams are important.
A True B False
11. If you look up your dream in interpretation dictionaries,
A you will see the same meanings in all of them.
B you will find different meanings. C you will feel anxious.
12. Hollywood films as well as fiction works
A correctly demonstrate the connection between dreams and our life insight
B together with some studies show that there is the connection between dreams and our life insights.
C are unlikely to have scientific proofs that there is the connection between dreams and our life insights.
13. According to Deirde Barrett
A dreams are symbolic. B dreams are not symbolic. C dreams are rarely symbolic.
14. Greeks and Romans considered dreams to be
A meaningful thoughts. B messages from Gods. C the prognosis of the future.
15. Since Freud the science on dreaming
A has remained the same. B hasn’t changed much. C has advanced.
16. In dreams
A we think about people dear to us. B We do not think about our social life.
C we avoid threats and fears.
17. While we are asleep, the part of our brain that forms images in our dreams
A works more B works less C is asleep too.
18. While we are asleep, cocktails of chemicals in our brains
A modifies. B does not become different. C does not alter.
19. Dreams are
A like Easter eggs. B cannot be interpreted using a formula. C can be interpreted using a formula.
20. The idea that dreams can tell us about ourselves was introduced by
A Freud B Barrett C Freud and Barrett

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