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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


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Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is Creative Writing?

A. Any writing that goes with normal professional, journalistic or academic.
B. Any writing that goes with the bounds of normal professional, artistic or
C. Any writing that goes with the bounds of normal professional, journalistic or
D. Any writing that goes with the bounds of normal poem, journalistic or
2. Which one is NOT an example in Creative Writing?
A. Short Story B. Biography
C. Case Study D. Essay
3. What is the characteristic of Imaginative Writing?
A. It expresses writer's thoughts and feeling often in scholarly and journalistic way.
B. It expresses reader's thoughts and feeling often in unique and poetic way.
C. It expresses writer's thoughts and feeling often in unique and poetic way.
D. It expresses facts and real event in formal and journalistic way.
4. Expository Writing is a form of writing that seeks to explain.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
5. One of the main techniques for generating emotion in poetry is through diction.
Diction refers to .
A. sounds of words. B. the emotional quality of words.
C. the meanings of words. D. the words being chosen for the poem.
6. An author's craft that appeals to a reader's senses is called
A. Simile B. Imagery
C. Metaphor D. Hyperbole
7. Imagery is one of the techniques in making our writing colourful.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
8. Imagery is related to our seven senses.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
9. Tactile imagery deals with words that are appealing to our sense of sight.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
10. Auditory imagery is used in the statement “The crunchiness and crispiness of
the chicken gets my attention to go back to our table.”
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
11. Describing sizes and shapes is one way to use visual imagery.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
12. Visual imagery is associated with olfactory imagery.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
13. Body odor is an example of fragrance.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
14. Our choice of words can either make us good and bad writer.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
15. Our diction will tell what kind of writer we are.
A. True C. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above
16. Slang can be used in academic writings.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above

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17. Jargons are terms used in different fields of professions.
A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above

18. Only informal diction is applicable in writing novels.

A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above

19. Good selection of words will ruin our writings.

A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above

20. We should consider our readers in our diction.

A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above

21. Diction created mental pictures among readers.

A. True B. Undecided
C. False D. All of the Above

22. Which of the following sentences contains imagery?

A. I opened my eyes and looked around.
B. "It was nice to see you again," Micah said.
C. I told Charlie I had a lot of homework to do.
D. I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby.
For 26 to 36. Read closely the sentences below then identify the figures of speech employed in
each sentence.
23. “Oh, my love is like a red, red rose. “
A. Simile B. Apostrophe
C. Metonymy D. Alliteration
24. “I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. “
A. Paradox B. Synecdoche
C. Oxymoron D. Metaphor
25. “Seize the throne!”
A. Alliteration B. Metonymy
C. Simile D. Metaphor

26. “Lake Pinatubo is a beautiful disaster. “

A. Oxymoron B. Personification
C. Metonymy D. Hyperbole

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27. “Pitter, Patter, Pitter, Patter. Softly it falls. Hurry home quickly before mother
A. Metaphor B. Alliteration
C. Hyperbole D. Onomatopoeia

28. “Our cat meows and our dog barks loudly when the stranger passes by in the middle of
the night.”
A. Paradox B. Onomatopoeia
C. Apostrophe D. Personification

29. “The trees sway as the strong wind blows.”

A. Oxymoron B. Synecdoche
C. Hyperbole D. Personification

30. What are the four (4) parts of a story?

A. Beginning, Motivation, Climax, End
B. Beginning, Middle, Conclusion, End
C. Beginning, Middle, Climax, End
D. Beginning, Middle, Climax, Protagonist

31. What is meant by flashback?

A. Middle of the narrative
B. Conclusion of the narrative
C. Beginning of the narrative to show what will happen in the future
D. Interruption in the narrative to show quick events from the past which may help
explain what’s occurring in the present.

32. What does the word inanimate mean?

A. alive
B. not alive
C. a human with no soul
D. a monster-like creature in fairy tales

33. What is meant by point of view?

A. How the story ends
B. How the story is told
C. How the story is illustrated
D. How the story is described

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34. What is meant by a linear narrative?
A. Stories that start at the end and finish at the beginning
B. Stories that happen from one point in time to the next
C. Narratives that jump back and forward in time.
D. Narratives that have more than one narrator

35. What does Climax mean?

A. It is the turning point of the narrative, and it reveals the process involved for
solving the conflicts.
B. It is the end point of the narrative, and it reveals the second character.
C. It is the beginning of the narrative, and it reveals the first process of the story.
D. It is the middle point of the narrative, and it reveals who the protagonist is.

36. What is meant by Flash-forward?

A. Interruption in the narrative showing what is to come in the future that is used to
create tension or excitement.
B. Middle of the narrative showing what just happened
C. A type of symbol that relates to the future
D. Another name for a lead character

37. What is/are dialogue(s)?

A. These are the conversations which occur in one character only.
B. These are the conversations which occurs in the middle of a story.
C. These are the conversations which occur at the beginning of a story.
D. These are the conversations which occurs between two or more characters.

38. What is meant by the hero?

A. The main character in the story who loses.
B. The main character in the story who kills the antagonist.
C. The antagonist in the story who fights against difficulties to prove their worth.
D. The main character in the story who fights against difficulties to prove their

39. What is meant by the Anti-hero?

A. A central character who lacks conventional heroic characteristics.
B. A central character who lacks faith in themselves.
C. A central character who is against the protagonist.
D. A central character who is evil.

40.What is a protagonist?
A. The leading character in a film
B. The minor character in a play, film, novel
C. The leading character in a play, film or novel
D. The leading character in a play, film or novel who always dies

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41. What is foreshadowing?
A. It is an advance hint of who will die
B. It is an advance hint of the title of the story.
C. It is a hint of what just happened in the story.
D. It is an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.
42. What is meant by the Narrative hook?
A. It draws or ‘hooks’ the reader’s attention to keep them reading.
B. It draws or ‘hooks’ the reader’s attention to stop them reading.
C. It ‘hooks’ the reader’s attention to the protagonist.
D. It ‘hooks’ the reader’s attention at the end.
43. What is meant by conflict?
A. It is the challenge which the main characters need to solve to achieve their goals.
B. It is the challenge which the main characters fail at.
C. It is the setting that the main characters live in.
D. It is the main character in a horror film.
44. A play that takes place, from beginning to end, in a single act.
A. Short play
B. One-Act Play
C. Normal Act Play
D. All of the Above
45. This may refer to the changes in the play when the location of the action shifts or
when a new character enters.
A. Scene B. Episode
C. Title Card D. Graphical Illustrations
46. It is derived from the Greek ‘dran’, which means to do or to perform.
A. Story B. Song
C. Lyrics D. Drama
47. The writer who writes play.
A. Director B. Playwright
C. Scribe D. Teacher
48. The playwright’s instructions about how the actors are to move and behave.
A. Floor Manager
B. Stage Directions
C. Post-productions
D. Associate Productions

49. From what French word did the word essay come from?
A. Essai B. Esaie
C. Essaye D. Eshay

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50. Which one is not a type of essay?
A. Figurative B. Argumentative
C. Narrative D. Expository

51. Which of the following belongs to a certain type of poetry?

A. Ode, elegy, sonnet
B. Form, stanza, structure
C. Narrative poetry, epic, ballad
D. Descriptive poetry, elegy, lyric poetry
52. ABBA ABBA CDECDE is the rhyming pattern of what sonnet?
A. Italian
B. Shakespearean
C. Spenserian
D. Petrarcan
53. The structure of a poem is described as?
A. the overall organization of lines and/or the conventional patterns of
B. the series of lines grouped together and separated by a space from other stanzas.
C. a vital part of art and culture.
D. None of the above.
54. Which of the statement below is true about ballad?
A. It is a narrative poem that has a musical rhythm and can be sung structure.
B. It is a poem that tells a story, the structure resembles the plot line of a story.
C. It is a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary hero.
D. It is a poem that is accompanied by music and its purpose is to praise and individual, an
idea or an event.
55. Fiction is described as an imaginative work of prose, which means that it is what?
A. Fiction is not true
B. It is based from facts
C. It is passed through oral traditions
D. It is not a work of art.
56. Which among the following is NOT a type of third person POV?
A. Objective POV
B. Third Person Limited
C. Third Person Omniscient
D. Subjective POV

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57. What does characterization do?
A. It is a way to introduce the different elements of a fiction story.
B. It reveals the climax of the story
C. This is a way to introduce or reveal a character to the audience.
D. None of the above.
58. Why do authors break down dialogues and passages when writing a fiction story?
A. Because, it will make the story nottoo lengthy and boring.
B. Because, it will make the readers bored.
C. Because, it will add aesthetic to the story.
D. Both a and b.
59. Which of the following BEST demonstrates a setting for a story?
A. June 26, 2023
B. The place is dark.
C. Balungao, Calumpit
D. It was summer of 2023 in Mt. Einstein where the trees shine the brightest.
60. Ejay wants to write a poem to commend his friends because they helped him finish an
important task. What kind of poetry can Ejay make?
A. Elegy C. Irony
B. Epic D. Ode
61. Ashley and her sister had a little fight and she wants to apologize to her, but she has no
courage to talk to her directly. She learned that her sister is a fan of William Shakespeare’s’
works. What do you think Ashley can offer to her sister?
A. A flower.
B. A bag of chocolates.
C. A poem with an octave and a sestet
D. A poem with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyming pattern.
For items 62-67, identify in what sense each line appeals to. On your answer sheet, write the
letter of your answer.
62. At eleven o’clock the private patrolman goes around the bar on Second Avenue for a beer. Be
sure that all the lights downstairs are out. There should be only one light visible from the
A. feeling B. hearing C. sight
D. taste
63. At eleven fifteen, a subway train crosses the bridge. It makes a noise in case her window is
open and she should scream.
A. hearing B. smell C. sight D.

64. If I could get a breath of fresh air or just lean out the window.
A. feeling C. smell
B. hearing D. sight

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65. I’m an invalid, and I’m very nervous and I‘m not supposed to be annoyed.
A. feeling B. hearing C. smell
D. taste
66. Ringing and ringing and ringing every five seconds or so, and when I pick it up, there’s no
one there.
A. feeling B. hearing C. sight
D. taste
67. I see nobody except m maid Eloise—She’s a big two-hundred pounder— She’s too lazy to
bring up the breakfast tray.
A. feeling B. hearing C. sight D. Taste
For items 68-75.Identify the letter of the correct feature of a prose higlighted in the following
passages. On your answer sheet, write the letter of your answer.
68. The story arc that holds all the events of a story in an orderly way ( E.M. Froster)
A. characters B. conflict C. plot D. setting
69. The historical time and place, social circumstances in the world of the literature.
A. characters B. conflict C. plot D. setting
70. The point of greatest emotional density, interest, or
suspense in the plot of a narrative.
A. climax C. falling action
B. denouement D. rising action
71. When the character struggles against the forces of nature, the conflict is considered as
A. man vs. God C. man vs. nature
B. man vs. man D. man vs. Society
72. Parting is such a sweet sorrow.
A. irony C. oxymoron
B. metaphor D. Simile
73. My bounty is as boundless as the sea
My love as deep
A. apostrophe C. oxymoron
B. irony D. Simile
74. “Like as he is to look at, so is his apartment in the dusk of the present afternoon. Rusty, out
of date,withdrawing from attention, able to afford it. Heavy-backed, old fashioned
mahogany and horsehair chairs, not easily lifted, obsolete tables with spindle-legs and
dusty baize covers, presentation prints of the holders of great titles in the last generation,
or the last but one, environ him.” - Dickens, Bleak House Ch. 10
A. characters B. conflict C. plot D. setting
75. Harry had taken up his place at wizard school where he and his scar were famous… but
now the school year was over, and he was back with the Dursleys for the summer, back to
being treated like dog that rolled in something smelly.” - Harry Potter Chamber of
Secrets, J.K. Rowling
A. First Person Point of View
B. First Person Peripheral
C. Third Person Limited
D. Third Person Omniscient

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