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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the texts below and answer the questions that follow.
On your answer sheet, write the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following statements BEST describes a communication process?

A. It refers to any interference, disruption, or distortion in the communication
process that affects the clarity and accuracy of the message being conveyed.
B. This is a formal oration or presentation in which an individual addresses an
audience to convey information, persuade, inspire, or entertain, typically
delivered orally.
C. It is the failure or disruption in the transmission or understanding of a
message, leading to a breakdown in effective communication between
individuals or groups.
D. It is the exchange of information, ideas, or messages between individuals or
groups, involving the encoding, transmission, and decoding of the intended
content through various means.
2. What function of communication is shown in the statement, “Take your medicine
three (3) times a day”?
A. emotional expression C. regulation/control
B. information dissemination D. social interaction
3. Which of the following is NOT true about ‘noise’ in the communication process?
A. When noise is present in the communication process, it can lead to
misunderstandings, and misinterpretations.
B. Noise in the communication process is a clear and unobstructed channel,
where the message is transmitted without interference or distortion.
C. Noise can manifest as any external or internal interference that disrupts the
intended message, making it harder for the receiver to comprehend the content.
D. Noise in communication encompasses various factors, including
environmental distractions, conflicting nonverbal cues, language barriers, and
technical glitches.
4. The following order explains the communication process. Which order is it?

I. The encoded message is conveyed through a chosen communication

II. The receiver decodes the message, interpreting the information and
extracting meaning
III. The sender formulates the message and encodes it into a format that can
be transmitted.
IV. The receiver provides feedback, which can be verbal or non-verbal, to the
sender, indicating their understanding or response to the message,
completing the communication loop.

A. III,I,IV and I C. I,II,III and IV

B. III,II,IV and I D. III,II,I and IV

For items 5-10, please choose the appropriate communication model from
the box below.
A. Shannon-Weaver Model C. Schramm Model
B. Aristotle’s Model D. Transactional Model
5. A persuasive communication model that centers on ethos, logos, and pathos to
influence and persuade an audience.
6. A circular model of communication highlighting the reciprocal exchange of
messages between sender and receiver, emphasizing shared understanding.
7. A dynamic model that views communication as an ongoing, simultaneous
process where both sender and receiver play active roles in encoding and
decoding messages, with feedback loops and mutual influence.
8. A linear model that focuses on the transmission of a message from sender to
receiver through a channel, emphasizing technical aspects and potential noise in
the process.
9. This is considered to the the ‘mother-of-all’ communication models because it
contains the most important aspects in a communication process.
10. This model places a strong emphasis on the importance of feedback, as it
acknowledges that communication is not a one-way process but rather a
complex interplay between individuals, involving both verbal and non-verbal

11. Which of the following is NOT a result of communication breakdown?

A. confusion B. conflict C. clarity D. Misunderstanding
12. The following BEST explains what a communication breakdown is?
A. It occurs when there is a failure or interruption in the process of exchanging
information or dieas between two or more people.
B. It highlights successful and clear communication, where information is
conveyed accurately and understood without any confusion or disruptions.
C. It emphasizes a free-flowing and honest conversation in which participants are
forthcoming and maintain a clear and understanding discourse.
D. Communication breakdown highlights successful and clear communication,
where information is conveyed accurately and understood without any
confusion or disruptions.
13. What strategy to avoid communication breakdown is shown in the following
Arrange your thoughts before verbalizing as it helps one to communicate more
clearly and succintly.
A. Learning to listen
B. Building up your confidence
C. Taking care of body language and tone
D. Having clarity of thought before speaking
14. Which of the following communication strategy is being refered to when the
speaker leaves the message unfinished because of language difficulty?
A. Approximation
B. Circumlocution
C. Message Abandonment
D. Topic Avoidance
15. Broom, Cutlip and Center (2012) listed the 7Cs of effective communication in
their book, Public Relations. Which one does NOT belong to the list?
A. complex C. consideration
B. concreteness D. courtesy

For items 16-25, categorize the following scenarios by choosing the

communicative strategies being referred to.

A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-Taking D. Topic Control

E. Topic Shifting F. Repair G. Termination
16. “It was nice meeting you. Bye!
17. That is all for today class, goodbye!”
18. In meetings, “May I have the floor,please?”
19. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
20. A debater says, “I think let’s go back to the topic.”
21. “Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. That’s not what I mean.
22. “Excuse me, there are seven (7) communication strategies, not six (6).
23. The teacher says,” Do you agree with the character’s action? Yes or No.”
24. You open a topic about the recent news about the Middle Eastern conflict.
25. Someone says, the rice crisis is not just a battle about food, it is the battle for our
mental health.
For items refer 26-32, please refer to the given minutes of the meeting below.
Answer the question that follow.

Minutes of the Meeting | West Blue National High School

1. Welcome and Introduction: The meeting commenced at 4:30 pm, with Mr. Mabuti welcoming
everyone and introducing the purpose of the meeting – the planning of the upcoming school pageant.
2. Review of Pageant Date and Venue: Mrs. Maayos provided an update on the confirmed date, which
is October 27,2023, and the venue,Vigan Complex, which has been reserved for the event. The
attendees confirmed the suitability of the venue.
3. Pageant Theme and Contest Categories: Mrs. Malikhain presented potential themes for the
pageant, including Anime, GOT, and Star Wars. After a brief discussion, it was decided to finalize the
theme as Anime. Contest categories were discussed, and it was agreed to have categories for Sports
Wear, Talent Portion, and Q & A portion.
4. Fundraising and Budget Allocation: Mrs. Mapera provided an overview of the budget and
fundraising plans. The estimated budget for the pageant is P20,000, and various fundraising options
were discussed. A committee will be formed to explore fundraising ideas and allocate resources
5. Roles and Responsibilities: Mr. Matikas outlined the roles and responsibilities for the planning
committee. It was decided that Mr. Maagap will be responsible for coordinating and delegating tasks. A
detailed document outlining specific roles and duties will be prepared and circulated before the next
6. Promotion and Publicity: Discussion on promotion and publicity strategies, including social media,
posters, and school newsletters, took place. The promotion subcommittee, led by Mr. Maayos, will
develop a comprehensive plan for promoting the pageant.
8. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment: The next meeting was scheduled for October 30 at 5 pm in West
Blue Gymnasium. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Ezekiel Mandapat
Approved by:
Mr. Jerry
What kind of oral communication activity is being presented above?
Principal I
A. Caucus B. debate C. meeting D. Rally
27. Referring the sample script above, what was the topic of the said oral activity?
A. The body talked about the upcoming Barangay and SK elections.
B. The faculty gathered together to jumpstart a community project.
C. The officials came up a with a plan to reduce garbage in the community.
D. The faculty gathered together and planned plan for the upcoming school
28. What is the role of Mr. Matikas in the planning process?
A. He will develop a comprehensive plan for promoting the pageant.
B. He outlined the roles and responsibilities for the planning committee.
C. Mr. Matikas provided an overview of the budget and fundraising plans.
D. Mr. Matikas presented potential themes for the pageant, including Anime,
GOT, and Star Wars.
29. What specific function of communication is displayed when Mrs. Mapera
provided an overview of the budget and fundraising plans?
A. Emotional Expression C. Regulation/Control
B. Information Dissemination D. Social Interaction
30. When Mr. Maayos sighed in disappointment when he heard that the budget only
amounted to P20,000. What function of communication was shown?
A. Emotional Expression C. Regulation/Control
B. Information Dissemination D. Social Interaction
31. Mr. Jerry Buhat considered significant information about his personnels’
mood,race, background, preferences, education and others when he gave his
comments after the said meeting. What kind of speaker was he?
A. Affective B. Charimastic C. Effective D. Savage
32. Which of the following shows positive feedback or remark?
A. Markian gossips incessantly to for his own benefit.
B. You display a destructive attitude toward other people.
C. Reymart cooperates consistently with your teammates.
D. Jessie intrude in other people’s businesses more than yours.
For items 33-36, evaluate the following scenarios and determine what
type of oral communication activity was observed.
A. One-on-One Speaking B. Small-Group Oral Work C. Full-Class Discussion
D. In-class Debates E. Speeches and presentations F. Oral Exam

33. Miggy tried to explain the economic flow to Markian inside their classroom.
34. The Mabini Crew had a discussion among themselves on how to ration the food
for the next three days in an encampment.
35. Gabriel Iglesias led a stadium-packed stadium in a night of stand up comedy.
36. Two groups of students engage in a structured consideration of some issue from
two or more points of view.
37. The following lists the different speech contexts EXCEPT one. Which one is?
A.Interpersonal B. Intercontinental C. Intrapersonal D. Public
38. Which among the statements is TRUE about Mass Communication?
A. It involves sending a single message to a group.
B. It allows as to stay in our phones for a significant amount of time.
C. It is a not-so-powerful force in modern society and in our daily lives.
D. Mass communication does not adapt rapidly to new technologies.
39. CongTV addresses his throngs of subscribers via a live-stream.In what speech
context does this communication process happen?
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication
40. What speech context is displayed in the following scenario?
The local barangay chief addresses the whole community about his platforms
during meeting the avance. He promises that each family would receive ten (10)
cavans of rice every month should he win the race.
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication
41. Which of the following BEST describes communicative strategies?
A. These are secret codes used by spies to send covert messages.
B. Communicative strategies are advanced tactics for winning board games
through strategic verbam maneuvers.
C. Communicative strategies involve interpreting the movements of celestial
bodies to predict communication outcomes.
D. Communicative strategies are techniques on how to deal with difficulties
encountered when communicating.
42. What is the difference between topic control and topic shifting?
A. Both of these communicative strategies can be used interchangeably.
B. None of these communicative strategies are effective in the process of
C. Topic control means, the listeners must put their focus on the topic; topic
shifting signals that a new topic is being introduced in the conversation.
D. Topic shifting means, the listeners must put their focus on the topic; topic
control signals that a new topic is being introduced in the conversation.
43. What type of communication strategy is reflected in the statement below?
“It was nice meeting you. Bye!
A. Nomination C. Restriction
B. Repair D. Termination
44. When the speakers address the problems in speaking, listening and
comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation, what communicative
strategy is employed?
A. Repair C. Topic Control
B. Termination D. Turn taking
45. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly
understand what we want to say about the issue”, exclaimed Therese at their
annual meeting. What type of communicative strategy is exhibited by Therese?
A. Repair C. Topic Control
B. Termination D. Turn taking
46. Which of the following BEST explains the inclusion of yes-no questions as an
example of restriction?
A. If a communicative strategy does not ever permit the listener to respond, then it
belongs under restriction.
B. If a communicative strategy opens up a new topic to the other person,then it
belongs under restriction.
C. If a communicative strategy repairs the mistake/s of the other person,then it
belongs under restriction.
D. If a communicative strategy constrains or restricts the response of the other
person, as in yes-no questions, then it belongs under restriction.
47. Knowing when to talk depends on watching out for the verbal and nonverbal cues
that signal the next speaker that the previous speaker has finished or the topic
under discussion has been exhausted and new topic may be introduced. This
statement aptly explains what type of communicative strategy?
A. Repair C. Topic Control
B. Termination D. Turn taking
48. Sometimes, the termination is quick and short. Sometimes it is prolonged by
clarification, further questions, or the continuation of the topic already discussed,
but the point of the language and body movement is to end the communication.
Analyzing this statement, which of the following is TRUE about termination as a
communicative strategy?
A. One should terminate the discussion when it becomes remotely boring.
B. The speaker should continue talking even after the matter is discussed.
C. Feedback is an important factor before terminating the communication process.
D. The speaker should evaluate the listener by throwing random trick questions to
keep the conversation going.
49. Carla decided to open a topic about Philippine politics in front of her friends. She
let her friends share their thoughts and encouraged them to stay in topic.
However, after five (5) minutes, they found themselves discussing the recent
celebrity breakups. Which of the following communicative strategies was NOT

A. Nomination C. Turn Taking

B. Restriction D. Termination
50. What is the importance of employing the proper speech style in a given situation?
A. It ensures confusion and misunderstanding.
B. It enhances the speaker’s charisma and adds followers.
C. It piques interest, making the message more funny and aggressive.
D. It ensures that the message aligns with the context and audience expectations.
For items 51-60, read and analyze the following statements according to the
type of speeches from our recent discussions. On your answer sheet, write the
letter of your answer.
A. Argumentative B. Entertainment C. Informative D. Persuasive
E. Roast F. Toast

51. "Today, I will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the technological
advancements that have shaped our modern society."
52. "I urge you to support the initiative for renewable energy, as it not only benefits
our environment but also creates new job opportunities for our community."
53. "Investing in education is an investment in the future of our nation, and I
encourage you to join me in advocating for increased funding for schools."
54. "In light of recent research findings, it is evident that stricter gun control
measures are necessary to address the rising rates of firearm-related incidents."
55. "Contrary to popular belief, lowering the legal drinking age to 18 will not
necessarily lead to a more responsible drinking culture among young adults."
56. "Get ready for a night of laughter and joy as we delve into the humorous side of
everyday life."
57. "Through captivating stories and lively anecdotes, I aim to transport you to a
world of imagination and entertainment."
58. "Let's take a moment to appreciate Ken's unique fashion sense – always keeping
us guessing, and, well, never failing to surprise!"
59. "If Magnus were any more laid back, they'd be horizontal. Seriously, has anyone
ever seen them in a hurry?"
60. "Here's to the newlyweds, whose love is as enduring as the stars in the night sky.
May your journey together be filled with joy and everlasting happiness.

For items 61-70, evaluate following statements and determine the principle of
effective speech delivery being employed in the situations. On your answer
sheet, write the letter of your answer.
A. Articulation B. Body language C. Modulation D.Facial Expression
E. Rapport F. Use of visual aids G. Adaptability
61. In his presentation on climate change, Mark carefully chose straightforward
language, avoiding scientific jargon. He made sure to explain complex concepts in a
simple and concise manner, ensuring that everyone in the audience could follow his
62. During the storytelling part of her speech, Sarah lowered her voice to create
suspense and then raised it with excitement to emphasize the climax. The varied
pitch and tone captured the audience's attention and added an engaging dynamic to
her narrative.
63. While discussing the company's achievements, Alex stood tall, with a confident
posture. He used open gestures to express positivity and openness, reinforcing the
success of the team and instilling confidence in the audience.
64. When sharing the heartwarming success story of a community project, Maria's face
lit up with genuine smiles, reflecting the joy and pride she felt. Her facial expressions
conveyed the emotion behind the story, making it more impactful.
65. During his talk on futuristic technologies, Brian seamlessly integrated holographic
visuals to illustrate complex concepts. The visual aids complemented his verbal
explanations, enhancing the audience's understanding and creating a memorable
66. Despite technical glitches during the live demonstration, Chris remained calm and
adapted on the spot. He seamlessly switched to a backup plan, keeping the
audience engaged and showing resilience in the face of unexpected challenges.
67. In the middle of his presentation, David posed thought-provoking questions to the
audience, encouraging them to share their opinions. This interactive approach
created a lively atmosphere and allowed the audience to actively participate in the
discussion. In the middle of his finance seminar, Michael shared a relevant case
study and then turned to the audience, asking them to brainstorm possible solutions.
This interactive session not only engaged the audience but also encouraged them to
apply the concepts they had just learned.
68. During her motivational speech, Emily gradually increased the volume and intensity
of her voice as she approached the climax of her message. The rising energy in her
voice captured the audience's attention and left a lasting impact on the importance of
resilience and perseverance.
69. In his presentation on stress management, John used a soothing and calm tone
when discussing relaxation techniques. As he transitioned to the section on
proactive coping strategies, his voice became more assertive and confident,
effectively conveying the shift in focus and empowering the audience to take control
of their well-being.
70. Presenting a project update to a diverse team, Angela carefully chose language that
was accessible to all team members, avoiding technical terms that might confuse
non-specialists. By providing clear and concise explanations, she ensured that
everyone, regardless of their background, could grasp the key developments and
goals of the project.

For items 71-75, read and analyze the following article and answer the questions
that follow.
[1] It’s an outright imperative for leaders to first maintain their composure and second, to get their communication right.
If people don’t understand you, it’s not an automatic fault of the listener. You — the sender of the message — must
have played a very crucial part.

[2] For over 15 years as a professional public speaker, I have come to different places, speaking to diverse audiences
— from business owners to rank and file workers. In those years, I’ve learned many things about how important
communication is in making progress. Failure in business doesn’t happen often because of bad luck. Many times,
ineffective communication — or worse lack of communication — is the reason.

[3] Public speaking in the Philippines and elsewhere play a vital role in rallying your people to achieve your leadership
agenda. If you haven’t noticed yet, major events that shaped world history had someone — a leader — who spoke in
front of a crowd and the crowd listened to. When they got the message correctly, they succeeded in their cause. But
first, it was the speaker — the leader — who made the people understand the message.

[4]A great leader doesn’t assert his intelligence when he speaks in public. He does it behind closed doors in a
boardroom where his core leaders discuss their idea. Once a leader stands behind the podium, he speaks in language
and terms which ordinary people understand. Great leaders, in a public speaking perspective, must have an authentic
connection with their audience or they will find themselves making more enemies than they make more friends.

[5] As an audience myself, I can easily find speakers who are faking it — simply reading their prepared speech hoping
that they can fool their audience. It happens many times on different occasions. But that’s not a sustainable way of
getting the job excellently. Public communication in a form or speaking is done with authenticity or you don’t do it at all.

Simply put, your audience is smart enough to feel if you’re true or fake. [6] Every leadership role is not without a leader
taking part in the communication process. In other words, the way you convey your message is as equally important
as your message itself. When you have a great message and you delivered it ineffectively, it’s as good as giving a bad
message. You don’t want your good message to go to waste for it’s not only the message you would have wasted. It
goes with the time you spent preparing it, reading or delivering it plus the effort of the audience listening to you and
their time and attention doing that.

[7]When we are not understood by our people, don’t automatically fault them. More than anything, your role is to have
a message and make it understood by the people. The burden is mostly on you. Besides, you know for a fact that as a
leader, you lead. Thus, lead them to a conversation that is worth everybody’s time.

[8] Establishing an authentic connection with people is a learnable skill. Should you want to lessen your get-the-best-
of-me scenes in your life as a leader, you’ve got to learn to communicate with authentic messages while establishing a
real connection with the people who listen to you.


71. What is the most important message of the article?

A. Public speaking is only reserved for people who are articulate and intelligent.
B. Effective communication is a non-negotiable skill for leaders, especially in
public speaking.
C. Public speaking in the Philippines is a requirement to win elections and impact
significant change.
D. Every great leader that has shaped the country possessed a tremendous
amount of connections, especially in the government.

72. What does paragraph [5] suggest about speech delivery?

A. Any speech delivery should be done with authenticity.
B. Only keen observant audiences should be allowed in formal venues.
C. A good speech delivery is done with the best sound system equipment.
D. You can actually fake the emotions and motives as long as you speak loud.

73. The following BEST describes the general tone of the article. Which one is it?
A. Insistent and pushy
B. Motivational and preachy
C. Domineering and adamant
D. Instructional and persuasive
74. Which paragraph served as a reference for the title of article above?
A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4

75. Which among the statements are highlighted in paragraph [7]?

I. It is the audience’s fault that the speaker’s message is not understood.
II. It is the job of the speaker to get his message across and be understood.
III. The responsibility lies heavily on the speaker to lead the audience
in a worthewhile conversation.
A. I and II only C. I,II and III
B. II and III only D. I and III only

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