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10 - JADE

"The Importance of Recycling”

Recycling: A Pathway to a Sustainable Future

Environmental issues are more important than ever in the world

we live in now because of how quickly things are changing. Recycling
is one of the most straightforward yet effective steps we can take to
fight climate change and protect the world for future generations.
Recycling must be done; it is not an option. Recycling primarily helps
to reduce waste and conserve resources. The need for new resources is
decreased through recycling things like paper, glass, and plastic,
which results in less energy use, less greenhouse gas emissions, and
fewer trees being felled. Recycling is a practical way to protect the
limited resources of our planet.

likewise recycling boosts the economy and creates jobs. When we

recycle, we help the businesses that gather, process, and reuse items.
Employment possibilities and economic growth are consequently
created. Recycling also encourages civic engagement and
environmental awareness among people and communities. It motivates
us to be aware of our consumption habits and waste production, which
ultimately results in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly
way of life.

In outcome, recycling is an essential step toward a sustainable

future and not only an option. It promotes economic growth, resource
conservation, waste reduction, and environmental awareness. Let's all
make recycling an everyday routine in order to protect the
environment for future generations.

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