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Write an essay of 350 words on the benefits of recycling

What would happen if we bacame over run by trash due to increasing human population and rapid
industrial ? We probably would not be living in a healthy environment and lifestyle then. Therefore,recycling is
one of the best ways that can protect this mother earth from environmental problem. In fact,we always heard
about ‘reduce,reuse,recyle’ slogan since we were child. So,what is exactly recycling ? Recycling is the process
that converting the waste materials into the new products. Most products are made with recyclable materials
such as plastics,papers,glasses and even rubbers can be recycled. There are many benefits of recycling which
include prevents plastic pollution,save energy and creating job.

One of the most significant benefits of recycling is, it can prevents plastic pollution that threatens the
existence of earth. As we known, plastic pollution is one of the environmental issues that the world is currently
facing. The production of plastic has been drastically increase throughout the years due to population growth.
People tend to use plastic because it is lightweight ,inexpensive and waterproof which is affordable for them to
use. But unfortunately, plastic is one of the materials that does not biodegrade and it take long enough time to
be decomposed. Hence,by recycling plastic,it will ensure that it has been utilised fully before being destroyed
and will help in reducing plastic pollution as less raw plastic will need to be produced.

Besides that,recycling can also saves energy by lowering the demand for the production of new usable
materials because processing of usable items like paper,plastic and aluminium needs huge amount of energy.
For example,recycling paper saves energy by reducing the energy consumption at various stages of paper
production process from collection to pulping and manufacturing. Other than that, it also can saves thousands of
trees that can contribute lower greenhouse gas emissions which may lead to the climate change. All these
factors make recycling paper an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Other than positively helping environment, recycling can also boost the economy by creating various types of
different job around the world. Most of the businesses and industries that operate are most likely depend on
recyclable materials to make profit. Recycling operations require workers for collection and processing of
recyclable materials.This leads to the employment of individuals in many role such as collectors,plant workers
and managers. In addition, recycling also important in manufacturing process which involves creating new
product from the previous collected. These job is suitable for anyone because it did not require high education
and can help unemployed to find stable job.

In a nutshell, recycling is not just important for the environment but also for the economy. People may see
that recycling is a small step by human to protect this earth. But this small step is very suitable and effective in
the long run. Therefore,it should be put into action in every country by creating proper awareness among people
and industries.

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