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Humanity has evolved a lot over time, creating all the conditions for a comfortable existence.

However, people don’t realise that apparent progress leads to potential regression, as new inventions
and human activity in general damage the environment and deplete resources, which are limited.
If this continues, future generations will not be able to see the future in bright colours, but
will see the world in the dull colour of smog. So to change the situation we need to take action.
One of the solutions can be considered circular economy. The circular economy is oriented
to nature as its role model. The aim of circular economy is to keep raw materials in a closed loop. In
this way, resources are maximally used, the need for new ones is reduced, waste is avoided and the
life cycle of products is increased. So, it can be considered that circular economy is the economy of
a flourishing future.
In order to protect the environment a way can be also environmental conservation.
Environmental conservation is a practice of saving the nature from the loss of species, and the
destruction of the ecosystem, primarily due to pollution and human activities. Conservation is vital
in saving and helping both animals and trees as we are all dependent on one another for survival.
Another method can be considered the using of renewable energy. It also touches the
economy in a way. Energy production is a massive part of the economy and infrastructure, but
traditional production methods are incredibly harmful to the environment. Using renewable energy
is an essential aspect of protecting the environment because it drastically cuts pollution while
tapping into more readily available and long-term focused resources.
Finally, I can say that for a bright future, people should think more about the environment
and less about money.

Rusnac Ecaterina, EG21Z

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