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Jack Stauber 1

MGT 454

24 Oct. 2022

LMX Theories and Correlations

A.) Ronen, S., & Mikulincer, M. (2012):

1. The meaning of 2 different correlations of your choice in table 1:

In looking at table 1, we can see that there is a negative correlation between

attachment anxiety in managers and job satisfaction, meaning that as

attachment anxiety in managers increases, job satisfaction will tend to

decrease as a result and we can see that with the correlation being (-.20).

For the second example, there is a positive correlation as the attachment

anxiety of subordinates increases, so will the emotional exhaustion being at a

correlation of (.22).

2. As we can see in figure 1, when subordinates had high levels of anxiety,

managers’ avoidant attachment had little to no effect on their reports of

reduced efficacy, while still very high, there was barely any change. For

subordinates who are more secure and reported low levels of anxiety, their

reduced efficacy was much lower when their managers also had low levels of

attachment avoidance and vice versa.

3. Attachment security, according to Roberto Wenk of Pallipedia, “denotes the


internal representations of self and others and corresponding beliefs about

the availability and benefit of support from significant others” (Wenk, R., et

al., 2022). Avoidance “is the tendency for an individual to be uncomfortable

with closeness and dependency.” Attachment anxiety “refers to the tendency

of an individual to fear the unavailability of others”.

B.) Dulebohn et al (2012). A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of


● Explain 3 correlations between antecedent factors and LMX:

1. A follower’s competence is independent while the work setting, one of the

contextual variables included within the LMX category, is dependent upon

the experiences and skill sets that the employee has built up over the years

and now through the work environment to get their job tasks done, and so if

an employee has a low level of competency in completing the work, that can

dictate a lower level of cooperation among the manager and their employees.

2. Supervisor’s expectations of followers would be independent while the

participant’s location, included within the LMX category, would be

dependent. This is because depending upon the location of where you work,

whether it be in a factory, office, or remote work requires different kinds of


skill sets and resources that would ultimately be dictated by the expectations

that managers have of their subordinates, and so if the manager requires his

employees to come to the office to work overtime without adequate

compensation, then that could lead to a low LMX relationship between the

managers and the employees.

3. Perceived similarity within the interpersonal relationship category would be

independent while cultural dimensions included within the contextual

variables would be dependent because based upon the area in which you

grew up in, and the norms and values that you practiced, would all be

interpreted based on how someone sees you as being more or less relatable

which can affect the relationship dynamic between employees and managers.

● Explain 3 correlations between LMX and consequence variables:

1. Cultural dimensions within the LMX category would be the independent

variable while general job satisfaction would be the dependent variable

because if the manager and employee can’t work through their cultural

differences or compromise, then job satisfaction will decrease, but if they

can come to terms with their cultural differences and work together on

mutual goals, then the best outcome would be that the employee enjoys their

job and performs well.

2. Work setting from the LMX category would be the independent variable

while satisfaction with supervisor would be the dependent variable because

if the manager can’t provide a sufficient work environment with tasks or

activities that are stimulating to the employee, then they might feel

inadequate by the monotonous work that they’re doing, which can lead to a

deteriorating relationship between the employee and their manager and vice


3. Participant’s location would be the independent variable while the overall

organizational commitment would be the dependent variable and that’s

because if the employee is working remotely thousands of miles away from

Asia but the company is headquartered in the U.S., then there might be less

resources available to the employee, more monotonous tasks and less

internal connections with those in the company, which might reduce the

number of opportunities that are available such as promotions and social

events, and as a result, their commitment to the organization would


Works Cited Page

Dulebohn, James H., et al. “A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of

Leader-Member Exchange.” Journal of Management, vol. 38, no. 6, SAGE

Publications, July 2011, pp. 1715–59.

Sigalit Ronen & Mario Mikulincer (2012) Predicting employees' satisfaction and

burnout from managers' attachment and caregiving orientations, European

Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21:6, 828-849, DOI:


Wenk, Roberto et al. “Attachment Security, Avoidance and Anxiety - Meaning and

Definition.” Pallipedia, 3 Oct. 2022,

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