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Course Content : English for Spesific Purpose

Lecture : Salmia Syarifuddin, S.S., M.Pd

Written by :

Group 7

A. Fajaruddin (06620220003)

Maharadi (06620220028)

Muh. Arfah Fauzi (06620220031)






We should always give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, God Almighty, who until
now still gives us the blessings of faith and knowledge so that group 7 was given the opportunity
to complete the assignment of writing a paper on "English for Spesific Purpose (Ellectrical)."

Don't forget to always offer prayers and greetings to our lord, Prophet Muhammad SAW,
who has conveyed Allah SWT's instructions to all of us. Group 7 also sincerely hopes that this
paper will be useful and beneficial.

Apart from that, group 7 is also aware that this paper can be found to have many
shortcomings and is far from perfection. Therefore, the author really hopes for criticism and
suggestions so that the author can then revise and write in the future, because once again the
author realizes that nothing is perfect without being accompanied by constructive suggestions.

Finally, group 7 hopes that this paper can be understood by readers. Group 5 also
apologizes profusely if there are any typos or writing errors in this paper.

Makassar, 6 November 2023


Group 7




LIST OF CONTENS.........................................................................................................3

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................4

A. BACKGROUND.....................................................................................................4
B. PROBLEM FORMULATION.................................................................................4

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................................5

A. DEFINITION OF ELECTRICAL IN TERMS OF ESP..........................................5

B. WORD IN ELECTRICAL : COMMON ENGLISH AND ESP..............................6
C. SENTENCE IN ELECTRICAL : ESP....................................................................7

CHAPTER III CLOSING.................................................................................................10

A. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................10



A. Background

In an increasingly interconnected global world, the English language has become

a highly important international communication tool. However, English usage is not
homogeneous; it exhibits significant variations in different contexts and purposes.
Therefore, the concept of ESP has emerged as a response to the learners' need to acquire
English language skills that are suitable and relevant to their work or study. The ESP
approach stems from the understanding that general English language instruction often
falls short of meeting the learners' communication needs in their professional or academic
environments. The content taught in ESP is based on highly specific needs analysis,
taking into account the communication situations that the learners will face in the future.
This includes an understanding of the tasks, roles, and contexts in their workplaces or

ESP aims to develop relevant communication skills such as speaking, writing,

listening, and reading, in line with the learners' needs and objectives. In some cases, ESP
educators may collaborate with practitioners or specialists in specific fields to ensure that
the taught material is truly aligned with real-world requirements. With the ESP approach,
learners have the opportunity to acquire English language skills that are tailored to their
specific purposes, ultimately enhancing their chances of success in their careers or
studies. ESP helps them become effective and competitive communicators in relevant
professional or academic contexts.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the definition of electrical in terms of English for specific purposes?
2. What are some examples of words found in electrical in terms of english for specific
purpose and words from general English?
3. What are some example sentences used in electrical English for specific purposes?



A. Definition of Electrical in Terms of ESP

In the context of ESP (English for Specific Purposes), the term "electrical" refers
to materials or lessons specifically designed to teach the English language to individuals
who work or are involved in the field of electrical or electronic engineering. ESP is an
approach to teaching English that is tailored to the needs and communicative goals of
learners in a particular discipline, in this case, the field of electrical engineering.
Learning ESP electrical will focus on aspects of the English language related to
the electrical field, such as technical vocabulary, phrases, expressions, and relevant
grammar. The main goal is to prepare learners to communicate effectively in professional
situations and to understand technical documents in English related to the field of
The content of ESP electrical learning may include topics such as electrical
installations, maintenance of electrical equipment, electrical network repairs, and safety
in electrical work. Additionally, the learning materials will emphasize the use of English
in communicating with colleagues, customers, and in reading and understanding
electrical equipment manuals or technical instructions.
The ESP electrical approach aims to ensure that learners can use English
effectively in their work in the field of electrical engineering, which often involves
complex equipment and procedures that require a good understanding of the language.
This supports their professional development and enables them to participate in a global
workplace that often uses English as the international language of communication.

B. Word in Electrical : Common English and English for Spesific Purpose
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a type of English language learning
specifically designed to meet communication needs in a particular field or context. In the
electrical field, ESP will focus on vocabulary, phrases, and communication situations
related to electrical, engineering, or related industries.

Examples of ESP words and phrases in the electrical field include:

A circuit (e.g., "electrical circuit" for an electrical circuit).
Electrical current.
8.Ohm's Law:
Ohm's Law.
9.Wiring Diagram:
Wiring diagram.
11.Power Supply:
Power source.

Common Words in the Electrical Field:
A switch, used to turn electrical current on or off.
An outlet, where electrical appliances can be plugged in.
Plug, the part used to connect appliances to an outlet.
Wire, an electrical conductor.
Socket, where appliance plugs can be inserted.
Fuse, a safety device that protects circuits from excess current.
Ground, a connection to the earth used for electrical safety.

These are some examples of words that can be used in English specific to the
electrical field and words more commonly used in everyday situations related to
electricity. Understanding and using specific vocabulary is crucial for effective
communication in this field. In ESP learning, the goal is for learners to communicate
fluently and effectively in situations related to their specific field. By learning relevant
vocabulary and sentence structures, learners can understand and participate in
discussions, technical documents, or projects related to electrical engineering.

C. Sentence in Electrical : English for Spesific Purpose

"English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the electrical field is the use of the
English language focused on the needs, vocabulary, and context related to the electrical
and electronics industry or profession. Examples of ESP language or sentences in the
electrical field include:

1. *Technical Manuals:*
- "To install the circuit breaker, connect the red wire to the positive terminal and the
black wire to the negative terminal."

2. *Safety Procedures:*
- "Make sure to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as
insulated gloves and safety goggles, when working with high voltage equipment."

3. *Troubleshooting Instructions:*
- "If the circuit is not functioning, check for loose connections, damaged cables, or a
blown fuse."

4. *Electrician's Report:*
- "After inspecting the wiring, I identified a short circuit in the control panel, which was
causing the intermittent power outage."

5. *Engineering Design Specifications:*

- "The electrical system for this industrial facility must be designed to handle a load of
1,000 amps to ensure optimal performance."

6. *Circuit Diagram Descriptions:*

- "In the circuit diagram, the resistor R1 is connected in parallel with the capacitor C2
to control the time constant."

7. *Instrumentation Readings:*
- "The voltage across the transformer's secondary coil is reading 220 volts, which is
within the acceptable range."

8. *Communication in Control Rooms:*

- "Open the main circuit breaker to isolate the equipment, and then communicate with
the field technician to proceed with maintenance."

9. *Electrical Engineering Presentations:*

- "The implementation of a power factor correction system has resulted in significant
energy savings for our company."

The examples above demonstrate the use of highly specific and technical English
language in the electrical field. This includes specific terms, commands, and descriptions
relevant to electrical work, research, and communication in the workplace or electrical
projects. Language in ESP should align with the context and specific needs of the
industry or field, making communication efficient and accurate."



A. Conclusion
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a type of English language learning
designed to meet communication needs in specific fields or industries. This means that
the English learned and used is highly relevant to the skills and work contexts within
those fields. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the electrical field is a language
learning approach specifically tailored to address communication needs in the context of
work or studies related to electronics, electrical engineering, or related fields.


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