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A reunion, a gift, and a new adventure

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, 半妖の夜叉姫 | Hanyou no Yashahime
| Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Anime)
Relationship: Rin/Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Jaken & Rin & Sesshoumaru
(InuYasha), Ah-Un & Jaken & Rin (InuYasha), Higurashi Towa & Rin &
Sesshoumaru (InuYasha) & Setsuna (Hanyou no Yashahime)
Character: Rin (InuYasha), Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Setsuna (Hanyou no
Yashahime), Higurashi Towa, InuYasha (InuYasha), Higurashi
Kagome, Moroha (Hanyou no Yashahime), Jaken (InuYasha), Ah-Un
Additional Tags: Reunions, Reunion Sex, Family Reunions, New Adventure
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Journeys Through These Lives
Stats: Published: 2021-03-12 Completed: 2021-09-04 Words: 40,694
Chapters: 8/8

A reunion, a gift, and a new adventure

by orphan_account


When Sesshomaru brought Towa and Setsuna to the Goshinboku spirit to bring their mother
back all received some surprising news from the spirit of the Goshinboku....


See the end of the work for notes

Chapter 1

Sesshomaru led the way into the depths of the realm where the spirit of the Goshinboku resided.
He listened to the steady thrum of two heart beats behind him. He could hear both hearts flutter at
the sight when he finally stopped, and they walked around him.

“Mother,” Towa said softly, her shoulders sinking. “I didn’t remember her…I didn’t remember her
singing her lullabies to Setsuna and I. How could I forget my own Mother?! She had held onto my
hand, trying to keep me here!” Towa shouted out and turned to him. “Why didn’t I remember her
Father?!” She questioned him.

He stared down at her wide magenta eyes brimming with tears. He glanced to Setsuna who stared
on at Rin before turning his gaze to Towa and placing his hand on her head. “Rin erased her
existence from Setsuna’s memories, thus yours, Kaede’s, and Kohaku’s. You were lost, Setsuna
had to be kept safe from being found again by Zero’s dream gaze spell and for Kirinmaru to
believe I had forsaken her. Your mother saw this as the only way for Setsuna to live,” Sesshomaru

Towa’s bottom lip wobbled but she sniffled and nodded her head slowly before turning back to
Rin. “Mother, Setsuna is free of Zero’s wrath, and we all are free from Kirinmaru! It’s time to
bring you home!” Towa shouted and took off running toward the tree.

Setsuna walked ahead of Sesshomaru and she glanced back at him. “Father, I remember you were
there that night. I remember awakening in your arm, Tenseiga in the other. I was killed that night,
was I not?” She asked quietly, brows knitted.

Sesshomaru had hoped she would have forgotten that he had been there and that he did indeed had
to use Tenseiga before putting her in the perfect spot for A-Un to collect her. He glanced to the
tree. “You will not die a second time, use your time wisely and be careful on any field of battle. Do
not worry your sister with this knowledge,” he told her sternly.

Setsuna nodded, she was more like him in her reasoning. “Mother and Jaken know though, you
should swear them to secrecy,” she told him as they reached the base of the tree where Towa had
her palms pressed flat against the spirit tree that surrounded her mother.

“Sesshomaru and his daughters have come at last to retrieve Rin,” the spirit called out before
walking around the tree and looking to them before turning to look up at Rin with a smile. “I
doubted your family Rin. They walk their own paths that I do not see, they make their own. I once
thought Sesshomaru was forsaking you when he turned his back and left, but you knew he had a
new plan to save your youngest from Kirinmaru’s sister,” the spirit bowed her head to Rin’s
sleeping form. “I do not understand the thoughts or feelings that youkai or humans possess but you
must be loved and special.”

“Can you let our Mother out now?” Towa growled out softly. “She’s been in there for ten years!”

The spirit turned to Towa and smiled gently. “I have taken from her for ten years, I shall give her
something she has wished for a long time. She had made the wish many times before my tree, I
shall grant it. For a part of me shall always be within her now,” the Goshinboku spirit explained.

Sesshomaru stared at her and saw his daughters shift on their feet not understanding. “Your Mother
wished upon a shooting star and the Goshinboku knew it was, apparently, to live by my side for
eternity,” Sesshomaru explained.

Setsuna and Towa turned to him, the former with surprise and the latter of the two grinning

Sesshomaru glanced back to the spirit. “What are the terms then?” He asked.

She bowed her head. “Do not let the Goshinboku, me, fall. Create a shrine and have Kagome
protect it. This shrine will remain in the care and duty of the Higuarashi family. For as long as the
Goshinboku remains, so shall Rin,” the Goshinboku explained.

“So that’s why the shrine was created!” Towa exclaimed. “Kagome will find that amusing!” Towa
laughed and turned to her father.

“It will be done Goshinboku, release Rin back into my care,” Sesshomaru ordered.

The spirit nodded and raised her hands. The spirit tree exploded with an upwards spray of water
that sparkled in the realm of the spirits. Rin floated for a moment before Sesshomaru leapt up and
caught Rin and landed on the other side of the former spirit tree.

“Rin had given me strength, now she has mine. This is the last time we shall speak Sesshomaru.
Live long and well with your wife and children,” the spirit said gently before fading.

Sesshomaru turned away and started walking. “Come Towa, Setsuna. Your Mother will awaken
once we are gone from this place,” he told them.

“Coming!” Towa shouted and ran after him, Setsuna following after Towa.

Sesshomaru glanced down at Rin who remained motionless in his arms, but he could hear her
heartbeat picking up from it’s slow restful pace.

Sounds of birds chirping were familiar. The whispers of a girl pleading that she wake up soon
made her desire to wake more. Slowly Rin opened her brown eyes and saw magenta eyes hovering
just above her face. She smiled softly as she recognized the eyes, the nose, and the smile on the
girls face. Rin cupped Towa’s face and sighed softly. “Towa you still like to be the first thing I see
when I wake up,” Rin teased gently.

Towa blushed softly and then hugged Rin tightly. “Mother you’re back! I’m sorry I forgot you for
so long! But I remember that night, you tried to so hard to protect me!” Towa cried softly into Rin’s

Rin wrapped her arms around her now bigger daughter. “Towa I am your Mother, I will always do
what I can to protect you, it’s my duty,” Rin sighed out softly.

“Mother your job is to remain alive. We are grown enough now to protect you,” a sharp voice bit
out. Rin glanced to see her violet eyed daughter sitting on her heels on her other side. Rin opened
her left arm and Setsuna moved closer before sinking down against Rin’s other side. “Mother you
sacrificed yourself for me, it was foolish,” Setsuna chided, a soft blush on her cheeks.
“Anything to protect my darling girls. Thank you for all of the dreams, they made me long to see
you again, both of you,” Rin said gently. “You also play so beautifully, Setsuna.”

Setsuna’s cheeks warmed as she glanced away shyly, embarrassment at the knowledge that her
mother had heard her play her violin.

“Rin-chan you are forbidden from doing anything as reckless as that ever again! Making a deal
with the Goshinboku to stay in perpetual asleep so that Zero could not find Setsuna through her
spells! That butterfly youkai was after Setsuna and you decided to take her place! Reckless! And
these two are just as reckless as you were but worse because of their demonic energies!” Jaken
squawked out.

Rin lifted her chin and glanced behind her to see Jaken sitting on the floor and watching over her
and the girls. “Jaken-sama,” she said with a smile.

He huffed and nodded, leaning forward, and brushing her bangs back from her face. “He’s just
outside in the courtyard speaking with Inuyasha, Kagome, and Moroha,” Jaken explained.

Rin grinned. “Inuyasha…Kagome! Let’s go Towa, Setsuna! I haven’t seen them since I left the
village!” Rin said as she pushed on her daughters. “Come on you two, up, up!”

Jaken left the three to get Rin ready as he explained to the others that Rin wanted to see them.

Both resigned themselves to sit up and help Rin dress into a pink kimono that Sesshomaru had
brought for Rin. Rin spun on her heel and turned to her daughters. “Your Father gave me a pink
kimono the year he formalized our betrothment, is this one pretty?” She asked her daughters.

Towa smiled and Setsuna nodded. “You are beautiful always, Mother,” Setsuna said and offered
Rin her arm as Towa slid the door open. The three of them walked down the porch and Rin let go
of Setsuna’s arm to leap off the porch and ran to Inuyasha and Kagome. Throwing her arms around
their necks.

“Welcome back!” Rin cried out and held on tightly.

Kagome and Inuyasha returned the hug and held her close. “Rin, I’m so glad you are alright.
Sesshomaru explained what the Goshinboku wanted. I would be honoured to protect it and you,”
Kagome said as she pulled back and smiled through her tears. “Always,” Kagome promised.

Rin smiled and closed her eyes, Kagome pressing her forehead to Rin’s.

“You two are getting all mopey!” Inuyasha complained as he tried to extract himself from their

“Inuyasha promise Rin you will protect her by protecting the Goshinboku!” Kagome gritted out
while Rin laughed softly.

“Keh! Rin knows!” Inuyasha huffed out.

Rin nodded and pulled away from them. “Moroha, I want to see her,” Rin said and glanced around
for her.

“Oh…I’m right here,” Moroha said quietly behind Sesshomaru’s Mokomoko. Rin found her
quickly and cupped her face and taking in all of her features.

“You are a mini female version of Inuyasha, but your eyes are Kagome’s,” Rin said gently and
pulled Moroha into a hug. “I had longed to have you with Towa and Setsuna. But the plan was to
keep you safe with Kouga’s tribe, I hope you understand it was the best thing in the worse
scenario,” Rin sighed softly.

“Yeah…Uncle here has explained it to me directly. But thanks for thinking of me as family,”
Moroha said quietly and wrapped her arms around Rin’s waist. “Towa’s a lot like you, but Setsuna
has more of your scent,” she commented.

“Thank you for helping your cousins. Your Mother and I always wanted you three to be best
friends and grow up together, but I guess now is better than never,” Rin said as she pulled back.

Moroha nodded with a grin. “I can’t imagine getting to see my parents or you without them…and
Uncle and Jaken,” Moroha said sheepishly.

Rin smiled and turned to Sesshomaru. “Sesshomaru-sama thank you for protecting our family, you
have carried that burden for too long all alone, now is your time to rest and enjoy your family,” she
told him gently.

A small upturn in the corner of Sesshomaru’s mouth registered with Rin that he was pleased by her

“Uncle! You should say something after Aunty says something sweet like that! Like ‘thank you’ or
‘anything for my family’ what is with that blank expression?!” Moroha shouted. “It’s like
Setsuna’s but much more void of emotions!”

“That’s just Sesshomaru’s face Moroha, don’t make fun of your uncle,” Kagome laughed softly.

“I don’t think Sesshomaru’s ever expressed anything else but maybe anger and annoyance!”
Inuyasha chuckled out.

“It all makes sense. Setsuna really did inherit Father’s expressions. Setsuna you must become more
like Mother and I and smile more!” Towa complained.

“I am fine the way I am!” Setsuna growled out.

“But you used to smile and laugh lots, I remember now. You smiled like Mother!” Towa whined

“Towa-sama don’t push Setsuna-sama too much,” Jaken sighed heavily and then everyone watched
as Setsuna leapt at Towa. The two tumbled to the ground, Towa laughing as Setsuna tried to
wrestle her.

“Not regretting releasing me yet, are you?” Rin teased Sesshomaru softly as she sidled up beside

He glanced down at her and smirked. “Never Rin no kimi,” he told her quietly.

Moroha and Inuyasha smiled at the couple before turning back to the twins. Kagome trying to stop

“Stop for Aunty! I want to get to know you two better!” Kagome complained.
Sesshomaru kissed Rin slowly as he pushed her down to the futon, Mokomoko under her head.
Sesshomaru palmed her bare breast before kissing his way down her neck.

“Sesshomaru-sama…slow…I know it’s been a long time for you, but be slow,” Rin said quietly.

Sesshomaru purred softly and encased her nipple with warm lips, sucking gently. He reached
further down and cupped her sex, rubbing gently along her folds. He heard her softly sigh and
whimper his name. He popped off her breast and moved back up to kiss her lips slowly as his
fingers spread her open and touched her more.

“Rin no kimi I have longed to have you in my arms again. Our daughters have hogged you for the
past three days and nights. I am restless and need to be sated. You are my wife; it is your duty to
help provide me with pleasure…in return I will give you pleasure. Or have you forgotten your
wifely duties,” he teased her as he rubbed his nose, nuzzling along the side of her own nose. “Have
you forgotten our passion? Shall I remind you?” He purred out before sealing his lips over hers, his
tongue delving into her mouth to explore.

He felt hands on the back of his head and shoulders, Rin’s moans increasing in the kiss as he
rubbed her clitoris in slow circles. Her tongue pushing and rubbing against his.

Her hands moved down his bare back to his hakama before moving to the front. Sesshomaru pulled
back from the kiss and saw Rin’s pupils dilated with lust and want as she glanced down and untied
the knot of his hakama. She pushed the loosened fabric down his lean hips, he kicked them off as
she grabbed for the knot of his fundoshi.

Moments later he was in her with a low groan slipping from his lips and a muffled moan from Rin
as she covered her mouth. Both moved together, the slow dance of their love making before
Sesshomaru wordlessly pulled out. Rin nodded and turned over onto her hands and knees, knowing
what he wanted and needed. Sesshomaru gripped her hips and sank back into, the position letting
him drive harder into her.

“Don’t stop…mhmm…ahn…Sesshomaru,” Rin moaned and sank onto her chest, hands over her

Sesshomaru leaned over her and kissed her shoulder. “Give me a son Rin…hnngh…nngh…Rin,”
Sesshomaru groaned into her ear.

Rin turned her head and caught his lips hungrily. Sesshomaru pulled out of her again and heard her
frustrated growl. He sat back on his knees and pulled Rin onto his lap. She reached her arms back
around his neck as he held her hips, helping her move up and down on his length. Rin fisted his
hair at his scalp as he mouthed her neck, nipping, licking, and sucking the flesh, as her free hand
slid down her body and worked her clit. He moved his hands to her breasts as she earnestly moved
on him, loudly crying her body’s pleasure. He growled at the first clench around his length and
thrusted harder up into her. Both desperate for the end, they moved out of rhythm and he heard Rin
gasp as he pinched and pulled her nipples, spurring her on to her release.

He came deep within her moments after feeling her final clench and spasm around him, her release
bringing on his.
Sesshomaru eased Rin to the futon as he got up and grabbed a cloth from the basin to clean himself
and then a fresh cloth for Rin. He gently cleaned the mess between her thighs before tossing the
cloth away and laying down behind her, pulling the blanket over her.

“Our daughters may have you during the day, but at night you belong to me,” Sesshomaru growled
softly into her ear.

Rin reached behind and cupped his backside. “I will not forget, but I may need a gentle reminder,”
she laughed softly.

“Insolence,” Sesshomaru huffed out and cupped her breasts. “I shall remind you again then.”

Towa and Setsuna had different reactions to when they realized Rin was with child. Towa was
thrilled to have a sibling on the way. Setsuna thought the idea was abhorrent and that Sesshomaru
was a monster for impregnating her Mother again.

Setsuna was more appalled when Rin readied A-Un’s saddle, the two headed beast had been in
Inukimi’s care for the past decade, waiting for Rin’s return as he was more Rin’s than

“You should not travel in your condition!” Setsuna growled out.

“But we are going to the palace in the mountains. It was Touga-sama’s and his nee-chan still lives
there. She has requested to meet you and have us there. Sesshomaru-sama agrees it is time for him
to take the Inu no Taisho’s palace as his own. Besides, I am only a couple months along, plenty of
time before this little one will join us,” Rin explained. “Would you rather I stay here with Jaken-
sama and you and Towa go with your Father?” Rin asked Setsuna.

Setsuna shook her head and huffed as she crossed her arms. “It’s a place full of youkai…you are
ningen and we are hanyou…it’ll be dangerous,” Setsuna argued.

“It is safe, Aunty and the youkai that live there are all friendly. I met them long ago when I was
carrying you and Towa. Some of them have hanyou there too,” Rin hummed softly. “Right A-Un?”

A-Un rumbled softly and nuzzled Rin with their two heads.

“But Granny Kaede…” Setsuna said quietly.

“She is in fine health. We talked the other day. She will send word with Kohaku if she falls ill. She
wants us to live our lives freely now. Kagome and Inuyasha are close to her too. She is in good
hands,” Rin explained.

“But why didn’t we live there in the first place?” Setsuna asked with a frown.

“Sesshomaru-sama and I decided that it was better if we stayed here in the village. Sesshomaru
was already aware that Kirinmaru was off and that Zero was upset over the rumours about
Sesshomaru marrying me,” Rin explained.

“Why did Zero hate Father?” Setsuna asked as she noticed Towa and Sesshomaru walking down
the steps toward them, Jaken right behind them. Setsuna was still getting used to seeing Towa
wearing a kimono and hakama.

“It began with Touga-sama. Apparently Zero loved him and had hoped for a marriage, but he chose
your grandmother instead,” Rin said drily. “Love is complicated Setsuna, one day you may

Setsuna nodded in understanding that she was unaware of what love would do to a person.

“Is A-Un going to be able to carry all three of us?” Towa asked Rin as she patted the beast’s side.

“We’re light, they’ll manage,” Rin responded gently. “Jaken-sama did you give Kagome my

“Hai, Kagome appreciated receiving it,” Jaken said with a nod.

Rin smiled and lifted herself up onto A-Un’s saddle. “Come Towa, Setsuna. We are going to make
our way to the palace in the mountains. There we will stay until your Father gets restless and
decides to travel again,” Rin said with a gentle laugh.

“But you can not travel too much while pregnant or when the baby is young!” Towa chided and
looked to Sesshomaru. “Father!” She growled.

“Jaken will remain with her at the palace if it is necessary for me to wander, you and Setsuna are
welcomed to learn to patrol the lands that are ours,” Sesshomaru informed Towa.

Towa’s face turned from concern for her mother to excitement to spend time with her father. She
ran to him and threw her arms around his middle. “Father! It’ll be so fun to travel and camp
together! It’s like all the parent and child camping trips Papa Souta used to do with me!” Towa
hummed out.

Setsuna saw the mildly tick in her father’s jaw and wondered if hearing Towa call Kagome’s
brother “Papa” still bugged him.

When Towa regaled Sesshomaru and Rin of her trip to the future and her life there, Setsuna could
see her father’s discomfort at Towa calling another man her father. Setsuna was going to question
him, but Jaken had approached her in the hallway before the study. He had motioned her to follow
him and he brought her into the garden to explain that Sesshomaru was most likely jealous of the
time that Souta had with Towa.

“It had always been your Father’s hopes to raise you and be there for you. Sesshomaru-sama did
not wish to be like other youkai fathers, he wanted to be better,” Jaken had explained.

When Setsuna questioned Jaken on how he knew she wanted to ask Sesshomaru her questions,
Jaken merely hummed lowly and smiled in his own way. “You carry yourself and your expressions
much like your Father. I have served him for centuries. A mere look and we understand each
other. I can read you as well Setsuna-sama,” Jaken said with a nod.

Setsuna sat behind Towa on A-Un and wrapped an arm around Towa’s waist, Towa holding onto

Rin held the reins with a smile. “A-Un follow Sesshomaru-sama,” Rin said gently.
Jaken grabbed Mokomoko and Sesshomaru lifted off into the air.

A-Un glided up beside Sesshomaru and Setsuna saw Sesshomaru glanced to the three of them with
almost a fond look in his eyes. She smiled at the look of contentment in her father’s eyes, despite
the unmoving features of his brows and lips.

“Sesshomaru-sama maybe we can show the girls the village I was born in?” Rin hummed out.

“We should bring them to Lady Mother too, she has requested to see them,” Jaken piped up.

“This is an exciting new adventure! Can you show us all the exciting places you have been to on
your travels, Father?” Towa asked him.

Sesshomaru remained silent but glanced to Towa eagerly waiting a response. Setsuna could see
something click in their father’s mind and he glanced back ahead. “We could travel for a month
before it is time for Rin to settle,” he said aloud.

Towa cheered and Rin laughed lightly at Towa’s antics.

Setsuna understood her father’s jealously now. They should have had many adventures together.
She smiled and turned her gaze away as her father glanced back and caught her grin.

At least they could travel now together as a family.

The Empty Village
Chapter Summary

On their journey to Touga's old palace, the family stops in a village once familiar to

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jaken made sure there was enough sticks for the fire as Towa rolled out her sleeping bag from the
modern era. Setsuna was staring at the bag as she sat cross-legged from across the fire.

“You kept it?” Setsuna asked her twin sister.

“Mhm! Why would I get rid of it? Moroha kept the backpack though and Kagome really loved the
extra large one, she was disappointed about the destruction of our bike though, she had been
looking forward to riding one again apparently,” Towa said with a soft laugh. She then opened the
zipper and pushed the bag open until it was double it’s width. She sat back on her heels and patted
the space beside her. “You, me, and Haha-ue will fit here perfectly!” Towa hummed.

Setsuna looked at the space that the sleeping bag offered now, Towa was correct, the three of them
would fit on it now. Setsuna yawned and glanced back over her shoulder, frowning. Her parents
had returned, a slight tick in the back of her mind wondering if they disappeared again from their

“Setsuna-sama, Sesshomaru-sama took Rin to the hot spring. They’ll be back eventually, for now
you should rest. You are getting used to sleeping again,” Jaken told her gently.

Setsuna turned her gaze back upon her and Towa’s retainer. Now that they both had their memories
restored, they did remember Jaken and how he raised them with their mother.

“But Jaken…” Setsuna said quietly, eyes lidding.

Jaken stood up and went to A-Un’s side. The small youkai opened the bag that was by the beasts
side. Jaken rummaged for a brief moment before pulling out a white yukata and a purple obi. “Go
change for bed Setsuna-sama, I say this as your retainer, you must sleep child,” Jaken huffed out

Setsuna grumbled for a moment but stood up, placing her naginata by Towa’s sword before taking
the two cloths from Jaken and going into the wooded area behind A-Un. She changed quickly and
returned with her clothes folded. She sat down on the bedding and felt fingers in her hair.

“Towa?” Setsuna growled softly as Towa pulled her hair tie, releasing her hair down. Setsuna then
felt the teeth of a comb slowly work through her hair, working out all the small knots of the day’s

“I’m your big sister, I’ll take care of your hair,” Towa hummed softly.

Setsuna was honestly too tired to fight or care. Jaken placed a shoot of water before her and told her
to drink it all.

Between the cool liquid and Towa’s soft humming as she combed her hair, Setsuna found herself
falling asleep quickly. She felt Towa’s arms pull her gently back onto the bedding, the fur of the
pelt Setsuna wore under her cheek. She snuggled into it and felt a blanket draped over her.

Towa smiled as Setsuna fell asleep on the far left side of the bedding, leaving room for their
mother to lay between them. Towa leaned down and kissed the top of Setsuna’s dark hair. She sat
back up and worked on her own hair which had been growing out over the past couple of months.
She still felt guilt that she could not return to the modern era like she promised Mei, but her father
said it was possible that her and Setsuna could live five hundred years as their clan was known for
their exceptionally long lives.

“Towa-sama you should get changed yourself,” Jaken told her as he set a white yukata and blue obi

“Thank you, Jaken. You take such good care of us,” Towa said with a smile as she finished with
her hair. She grabbed the items and went into the woods like her sister had. She changed just as
quickly, pulling her kosode from her hakama and folding it first before dropping her hakama. She
wrapped herself, left over right before wrapping the obi around her waist three times and tying it.

Her head snapped to the left as she scented a new presence, she felt as if eyes were on her, and she
blushed at the idea that someone or something had watched her dressed. She gathered her clothes
and pretended that there was nothing there, she casually walked back to the camp and felt her flesh
goosebump as a twig behind her snapped.

Towa frowned and kept walking back to camp. She reached the light of the fire and saw Jaken
whittling away at something as Setsuna slept. Towa set her clothing down and whistled softly.
Jaken glanced at her with narrowed eyes. Towa pointed to Setsuna and then to her sword. Jaken
nodded as if understanding that he was to watch over her as Towa grabbed her sword. Towa
grabbed it and turned around, the demonic energy flaring out of the broken end of the blade.

Towa let out a yelp as two things wrapped around her waist and neck, pulling her into the woods.

“Towa-sama!” Jaken shouted as the darkness of the woods swallowed her.

“Mhm,” Rin hummed softly as Sesshomaru breathed softly above her. Both laying on the grass as
they remained tied together. “My love you were quite eager tonight,” Rin hummed softly as she
rubbed Sesshomaru’s back.

Sesshomaru kissed and licked her neck up to the spot beneath her ear. “You were quite willing to
endure my arduous love making,” Sesshomaru growled softly, nipping her ear lobe.

“No…you are supposed to relax now, not wanting more,” Rin laughed softly and felt Sesshomaru
shift above her. He grabbed her left wrist and pinned it above her head as he shifted his bent knees
wider, spreading Rin’s thighs further apart.

“I will never tire of desiring my wife, especially when she is so willing and wanting herself,”
Sesshomaru teased as his knot eased and his length kept it’s stiffness.

“But we should get back,” Rin said gently.

“The girls are safe, Jaken and A-Un are with them too. Focus on me,” Sesshomaru said before
sealing his lips over hers.

Rin moaned softly into the kiss. She moved her hips with his slowly and pulled back from the kiss.
“Darling,” she whined softly.

Sesshomaru pulled out and flipped Rin onto her hands and knees. He pushed back into her and Rin
keened and fisted the grass as he held her side tightly.

“Yes, harder…ahn…Sesshomaru…fuck me,” Rin moaned with a soft breath and pushed back
against his thrusts.

Sesshomaru pushed between her shoulder blades she sank down to her elbows. Sesshomaru reached
under her and cupped a breast, kneading and teasing her stiff nipple as he thrusted harder. He
listened to the slap of their flesh meeting wetly from their previous releases.

Rin’s moans pitched in volume as Sesshomaru leaned over her and bit her shoulder gently, fangs
not piercing, holding her in place as he thrusted harder into her.

“There! … oh god…I’m going to…ahn!” Rin cried out and Sesshomaru felt Rin clench down on
his length tightly. Sesshomaru grunted and growled her name as he spilled in her, thrusting gently
to work Rin through her orgasm. Rin reached back and patted his side, her breath coming out in
soft pants as she recovered.

His knot thankfully had not returned as he easily pulled out of Rin gently. He licked her tender
shoulder and nuzzled her beneath her ear as his hand cupped the flesh of her belly. “I’m glad this
little one has not made you as sick as the girls had,” Sesshomaru told her gently.

Rin laugh softly, “The morning sickness was worth seeing our girls in the end, Setsuna came out
smiling into this world. I thought she was going to be more like me, turns out she is very much
your daughter.” Rin sat back up onto her knees and turned to Sesshomaru, wrapping her arms
around his neck.

Sesshomaru stroked Rin’s hair and gently ran his claws through her hair. “We should bathe and go
back; our daughters will be unable to sleep without you close by. They have been uneasy about
travelling with you carrying child,” he told Rin gently.

“I don’t think it’s the little one that has them on edge, I think it’s just me. I don’t think they want to
lose either of us again. You are just as important to them as I am, look at you and Towa. She loves
and admires her Father very much,” Rin said as she cupped Sesshomaru’s cheeks and stared into
his amber eyes. She could see his doubt and apprehensions. She leaned in and kissed him slowly
before pulling back. “Towa reads you like an open book like me and Setsuna is more
understanding of your nature. They understand that your every action and move to save all of us,
including Inuyasha, Kagome, and Moroha, had to be precise and you had to push away

Sesshomaru remained silent, his brows coming together as he frowned for a moment before he
sighed in concession to Rin’s argument. He stood up, gathering Rin into his arms. “Come, we’ll
bathe quickly and return to our daughters. Setsuna will wonder where we are,” Sesshomaru said
with a small dip of his chin.

Sesshomaru kept his arm resting on the back of the boulder as Rin leaned against his side, both
enjoying the soak in the warm water.

Rin stood up in the water and frowned as glanced around.

“Rin?” Sesshomaru called her gently.

“Something is wrong,” she said softly.

Sesshomaru stood up quickly and ushered her out of the water to their clothing. He trusted Rin’s
instincts more since the Tree of Ages imbued some of its spiritual powers into Rin. It had not just
lengthened and immortalized Rin, but it heightened Rin’s senses of time and things to come.

“Where?” Sesshomaru asked as he hastily tied his fundoshi into place. He pulled his hakama on as
Rin wrapped her yukata around herself.

“Camp,” Rin said quietly.

Sesshomaru hurriedly finishing dressing and slid Tenseiga and Bakusaiga into his sash. Rin draped
Mokomoko over his shoulder and he nodded. She jumped onto his back and he took off flying back
to the camp site.

Sesshomaru heard the soft whistle suddenly. “Towa,” he growled softly.

He flew faster, Rin let out a small gasp at the rush of air hitting them. He landed in the camp site
and saw Jaken standing at the edge of the bedding where Setsuna was asleep. Rin leapt of his back
and ran to Setsuna to check on her.

“She’s just asleep,” Rin sighed in relief. “Master Jaken where is Towa?”

“She was pulled into the woods. But I couldn’t leave Setsuna-sama as I had given her the sleeping
draught to get her to back sleeping normally,” Jaken whined out.

Sesshomaru wordlessly took off into the woods, following Towa’s scent. He ran along the trail and
leapt over a fallen tree in the dark woods. He narrowed his eyes and thought of how slowly he
would rip whatever limbs off.

“Let me go!” Towa screamed.

“Towa,” Sesshomaru ran into a clearing. He whipped out as the youkai wrapped itself around
Towa, squeezing her.

“Father!” Towa called before screaming louder as the youkai’s limbs squeezed harder before her
head lolled back.

Sesshomaru spun and whipped the limbs, the youkai roaring out in pain. He still could not see the
body of the youkai but Towa fell into his arms. He adjusted her in his right arm, Mokomoko
curling around her. He could hear Towa’s heart beat steadily.
With his left hand he pulled out Bakusaiga and swung a wide arc, sending it at the limbs, knowing
the damage would be fatal to the youkai. He sheathed the blade and lifted up into the air to watch
as the limbs fell apart and ended at the base of a mountain a distance that was far enough that
Sesshomaru had not scented it in the first place.

“Mhm…Father…what was that?” Towa asked as she slowly awakened in his arms.

“It lived within the mountain, Bakusaiga will have destroyed it by now,” Sesshomaru commented.

True to his word, the two saw a part of the mountain collapse and slide down.

“Are you hurt?” He asked as he glanced down at Towa.

“No…just sore, Mama probably has an ointment for it,” Towa said and nodded before wincing.
Sesshomaru touched the back of his hand to her head and felt it was damp, the scent of metallic in
the air. Towa was bleeding.

Sesshomaru landed back on the ground and had Towa stand as he looked at the wound on the back
of her head. In the darkness of the night, he could see the glossy blood matting in her white hair,
dying it pink and hues of red, his youkai vision revealing the wound. “Hold still,” he told her
before leaning down and licking the wound shut.

“I’m going to need to wash out the blood,” Towa huffed gently.

Sesshomaru pulled back and parted her hair as he found another small gash and licked it shut. He
pulled back and gathered Towa back into his arms. “There is a stream near by,” he told her and
flew to the stream.

“You can’t let me sleep tonight Father, I could be concussed,” Towa explained to him as they flew
in the chilly air. He saw her shiver and had Mokomoko shield her from the cold.

“What is that?” He asked her as he descended and landed by the stream. He set Towa down and
she knelt down by the stream and leaned her head forward, cupping water and dumping it over her
bowed head.

“It’s when a person sustains a head injury. Concussions can lead to a fatality, apparently it is a
brain bleed or something like that. Symptoms can vary, but if my speech becomes slurred then I
don’t know what to do in this era, but it is bad,” Towa said quietly.

Sesshomaru knelt down beside Towa on a knee and took over cleaning her hair. The fresh water of
the stream gently carrying away the blood from her hair. “We will return to camp to assure your
Mother and Jaken, then you will stay awake with me,” Sesshomaru told her.

Towa yawned as she sat with her father by the fire. She glanced over to see her mother and Setsuna
sleeping, Jaken sleeping on Rin’s other side where Towa should have been.

Towa yawned again.

“Towa stay awake,” Sesshomaru told her.

“But it’s hard when you aren’t trying to keep me awake, Father!” Towa complained and looked to
meet his gaze.

“I…I don’t normally say much,” her father admitted.

Towa sighed, her shoulders slumping. “It’s where Setsuna gets it from. Am I chatty like Mama?”
She asked.

Sesshomaru raised a brow and Towa knew her answer: she was just as chatty Rin.

Towa shifted on her knees and onto her rear before leaning against her father’s side. She felt his
claws in her hair.

“Your Mother’s words were a comforting change,” her father eventually spoke up.

Towa smiled and then yawned again. She slapped her cheeks and shook her head. “Then…do you
want to hear about Kagome’s world? The future? I can talk about my schooling, my martial arts
and kendo championships, and Kagome’s family!” She smiled at her father.

He remained silent and Towa looked to the fire in worry he would tell her no because she
understood he was slightly upset and jealous that another man raised her. Setsuna had explained it
after she had a conversation with Jaken, it had surprised Towa but Setsuna admitted, with a small
blush, that she had been jealous that Towa had been raised by loving adoptive parents.

“Perhaps my nature is like Father’s…if I am jealous, perhaps Father is too,” Setsuna stated.

Towa stretched her legs out before her and hummed softly to herself as her father stroked her hair

“I thought you were going to tell me of the world you spent a decade in?” Sesshomaru finally broke
the silence.

Towa smiled and glanced at him. His expression was neutral, and he was staring at the fire still.
“Yes! When I landed in front of the Tree of Ages, I was greeted by a cat, Buyo. Kagome couldn’t
believe Buyo was still alive after all this time, she had Buyo since she was little!” She explained.

“Perhaps it was a youkai then,” Sesshomaru interjected.

Towa gasped and nodded. “Yes…maybe! Kagome’s Father was Buyo’s owner before her…and…
Grandpa…Father! Buyo is a youkai in disguise,” she laughed softly.

“Buyo greeted you?” Sesshomaru prompted.

Towa hummed and continued to tell her stories to her father through the long, dark night.

Jaken awoke to hearing Towa still telling Sesshomaru her stories.

“So, then Pa…Souta decided no more co-ed schools, I had to go to an all girls school! I’ve been
hounded by bullies since elementary school because I defended one little girl way back!” Towa
sighed out.
“But you’ve always let them go, you do not end them?” Sesshomaru asked Towa.

“That’s murder Father! I am not going to prison!” Towa huffed out, crossing her arms, and shaking
her head.

Jaken sat up and stretched his arms and glanced over on the bedding to see that Setsuna and Rin
were still sleeping, Setsuna’s arm wrapped around Rin’s side. Rin’s own arm was wrapped around
Setsuna’s head, keep Setsuna close and safe after Towa’s incident last night.

Jaken adjusted the blanket and heard Towa’s laugh. Jaken turned to see Sesshomaru staring at
Towa with a small quirk of his lips. Sesshomaru was amused by whatever Towa had told him.

“But they always complain and beg for mercy! They should just stay down and out of my life!
Well…I guess they are now!” Towa laughed.

Jaken ignored them and walked into the woods to relieve himself quickly. When he returned he
saw Rin slowly stirring awake, waking Setsuna with her.

“Sleep more,” Setsuna mumbled and tried to snuggle more into Rin.

“No, it’s morning Setsuna. I know you are catching up on all that sleep, but you slept through a
youkai attack last night,” Rin said gently as she stroked Setsuna’s dark hair.

Setsuna’s head popped up. “Mother are you okay?” Setsuna asked with a frown.

“Hai, it was Towa who was grabbed, your Father rescued her, but she had sustained a head injury.
She had to stay awake for the night,” Rin explained.

Setsuna shook her head. “I slept through that?”

“Yes, you did. Come with Mama. Sesshomaru-sama will want us to get ready and moving
quickly,” Rin explained.

Jaken set about putting out the fire and saw Towa walk over and pack up the sleeping bag for him.
When Rin and Setsuna returned fully dressed, Jaken handed them both some berries Rin had
collected the previous day.

Towa changed into her kosode and hakama, yawning as she joined them.

“Towa you will fly with me,” Sesshomaru told her. “It’ll be dangerous if you fall asleep on A-Un
and fall again to bump your head.”

Towa smiled and nodded.

Jaken shared a glance with Rin who gave him a wink. Sesshomaru was finally bonding with at least
one daughter, they were both glad for him.

Setsuna huffed and stroked A-Un’s side. “A-Un let’s get you some nice grass before we leave,”
she told the two headed beast. A-Un nuzzled her side as she led them away from the clearing.

“Oh-oh,” Towa said quietly.

“Was Setsuna-sama jealous of Towa-sama?” Jaken asked Rin.

Rin nodded and hummed softly before looking to Sesshomaru. “Darling, Setsuna is protective of
Towa but she also wants your attention. Think like yourself and understand how our daughter feels.
Tomorrow she flies with you,” Rin told him.

Sesshomaru stared at the three blankly, his amber eyes blinking slowly.

“Father, she wants you to show more affection to her too!” Towa huffed out.

“She is stand offish,” Sesshomaru said drily.

“She inherited it from you,” Jaken squawked out.

Sesshomaru snorted derisively and looked away. The other three shared glances and shrugged.
Setsuna and Sesshomaru had the same personality, one would have to break the silence between

All three knew that Setsuna spoke more than Sesshomaru, she would have to speak her feelings for
once, which all knew would be hard for the younger girl to admit.

Setsuna sat behind Jaken on A-Un while her mother held her sides gently. Her violet eyes watched
as Towa slept in their father’s arms, Mokomoko curled around her and shielding her from the
colder winds they were flying in. Towa was even wrapped in a blanket for extra warmth.

Jaken had warned Setsuna and Rin to bundle up. Setsuna knew it was going to be cold the moment
her mother sighed and slipped on her boots, tying them around her calves before donning her fur

Setsuna bundled her pelt around her neck and shivered. She had been stubborn and refused as she
noticed that only her father remained unbundled.


She had seen his brow raised as Jaken chided her as she clambered onto the saddle, ignoring her
father holding out a fur cloak for her. She gave Jaken a glare that wasn’t really directed at him, but
she made him her target, nonetheless.

He loves Towa more than me, she thought repeatedly.

Her father glanced behind him as Setsuna let out a shudder as she shivered from the cold again. He
glanced forward and then descended. Jaken following behind him dutifully.

As the reached the frost covered earth of a small, abandoned village, Setsuna leapt off after Jaken.
“Why did we stop?” Setsuna questioned her father. She kept her naginata close her side as she
looked around, she didn’t like this village, something terrible had happened long, long ago and she
didn’t like the feeling of the village.

Sesshomaru set Towa down gently as Rin sat on the ground, Towa’s head landing on her lap.
Towa is the favourite! Setsuna’s eyes snapped away and hated her own thoughts of jealously. She
loved Towa dearly, they had been through so much together before the fire and upon their reunion.
She admitted to Towa once that she had been jealous of the life that Towa had in the future.

When Towa had come back to their era with Moroha, Setsuna refused to believe that the smiling
white haired girl was even her sister. But as they reforged their sisterly bonds, even bonding with
their cousin. Setsuna didn’t understand how she survived without her twin, yes she was strong, but
she was missing Towa’s companionship, her laugh, her energetic smiles, and positive attitude.

“Setsuna, come with me,” her father said as Jaken made a small fire for Towa, Rin, and himself.

Jaken gave her a reassuring nod and Setsuna turned and followed her father into the woods along
an overgrown path.

They walked in silence for a small stretch of time, it allowed Setsuna to take in the solemn beauty
of the hoar frosted bare branches. Dead leaves crunched beneath them and Setsuna wondered
where they were trekking to. She wondered if they were hunting for food as she had seen her father
bring back a wild boar once after her mother had felt normal enough to do ordinary things.

She also had the joy of seeing her mother hunting a deer with a bow and arrow with her aunt
Kagome. The two women decided to hunt while her father and uncle were at the palace having a
conversation with her grandmother. Setsuna had accompanied them for amusement as Moroha
dragged Towa off to go fishing.

“Ah! This brings back memories! I missed this!” Kagome had laughed as she walked beside
Setsuna. “Your Mama is a huntress, Inuyasha taught her to survive and hunt after your Father left
her here in the village with Kaede. I can never find the heart to shoot the poor deer though. Your
Mama? No hesitation!” Kagome said with a low hum and Setsuna watched as her mother pierced
the deer’s throat, ending the life mercifully. Her mother offered a quiet thank you for the food they
would have before skinning the beast and butchering the meat quickly.

When they arrived home at dusk, Setsuna saw the look in her father’s eyes as he could smell the
faint scent of animal blood. It was a look of pride in his eyes that Rin had succeeded in her hunt.
Inuyasha teased Kagome for her lack of prowess and praised Rin. Setsuna and Towa looked
confused, weren’t men supposed to provide for their wives and families.

Jaken explained that for an inu youkai, a woman that could provide for the pups was a worthy
mate. Moroha piped up that Ayame always led the hunt for the wolf tribe. “Oh…Kouga loved
when she came home from a hunt. He would whisk her off and do things,” Moroha laughed.

“We’re here,” Sesshomaru stated.

Setsuna, brought out of her thoughts, looked around the hidden glen in the woods. She sniffed the
air and was disappointed by the lack of game scent. “What is here, Father?” She asked him as she
walked around the space.

“This is the place your Mother and I met, and our destinies intertwined,” her father said as he
walked to a tree and stood before it.

Setsuna swung around to look at her father’s back. “This is…this is Mother’s village? What made
you come here?”

“I had been defeated in battle by Inuyasha and Tessaiga. I would have perished had it not been for
Tenseiga saving my life. It brought me here and your Mother, a small, malnourished mute girl
cared for and nursed me back to health in her own way. I still remind her that mice are not food
when she kills one,” her father stated drily.

Setsuna blinked and realized her father ended his longest conversation with her with a joke. She let
the laugh slip and her father turned to her with a sardonic look in his amber eyes. “Father, she feeds
the mice to Kirara,” she said with a smile.

“She also tried to feed me a lizard,” he added.

Setsuna tried not to laugh but ended up snorting. She could see her mother doing so. Her mother
was resourceful and a survivor.

Before they were leaving on their journey, her mother and uncle had a long conversation about
which small creatures would be suitable along the way. Both had agreed that several lizards could
be used in a stew or roasted on the fire. Setsuna agreed but Towa protested at the prospect of eating
a lizard.

“Well, she was a child then, she would roast them or use them in a stew. It’s food Father,” she said
with a shake of her head. “So, why am I here?” She asked him.

“I wanted you to know the place that your mother was born and died before being reborn to
become the girl would eventually grow and become my wife, your Mother,” Sesshomaru told her.

Violet eyes met amber and Setsuna held his gaze. The place seemed important to him, but his
words had her frown.

“Born, died, and reborn? Have you used Tenseiga on Mother?” She asked him.

“Yes, she had been mauled by the wolves of Kouga’s tribe, she held no grudge. As one of my heirs,
you will one day have to learn that sorrow and grief are powerful emotions. I have lost your mother
three times, twice when she was a child, then after the fire. Tree of Age’s gift of longevity means
your Mother will not be lost again to me. Perhaps it is selfish, but she is mine and I am hers,”
Sesshomaru explained with his voice low and quiet, the timber rumbling gently in the quiet woods.
“But Tenseiga can only be used once,” he added.

“Then how is she still here?” Setsuna questioned.

“My Mother revived her with a Meidou stone,” Sesshomaru stated.

Setsuna nodded to the answer. Jaken was slowly telling her and Towa stories of their father’s past,
she supposed one day he would eventually reach the tales where their mother was involved.

“So, I will inherit Tenseiga? Why me? Towa is more compassionate,” Setsuna spoke, uncertain on
her father’s choice.

She watched as his amber gaze held her within his sight before his lips parted and gave her his
answer, “Setsuna you are like me, while Towa is much like Rin. Towa will inherit Bakusaiga and
learn the same lesson as Inuyasha, strength and resolve, you will learn love and compassion for
those weaker than yourself,” Sesshomaru said firmly, his face passive except for the hint in his
eyes that he was still proud of her. “She only kept Tenseiga for a small time to save you.”


She tilted her head at the emotion that was clearly etched in her father’s gaze. He was proud to
have a daughter like her.

She smirked and turned from away from her father. “You are not allowed to decide yet who will
receive your blades. Mother would clearly be disappointed if you died now and did not meet my
little sibling. Besides, I have my naginata and Towa has been teaching me the lessons you wish for
me to learn. Perhaps one day, Tenseiga will have a new master but,” she turned back to see her
father still looking at her with a sense of pride, “I have a very fine weapon. You made sure
Toutousai provided me a weapon fit of my station and talents after all,” she finished with a dip of
her chin then looked back to her father. “I never met the smith. I’ve only heard his name. But he
knew purple was my colour and placed this piece of fur upon it…it was you, wasn’t it Father? It’s
almost identical to my previous one.”

Sesshomaru remained silent for several long moments before walking toward her and placing his
hand on her head. “I was not the greatest Father, but I did what I could from the shadows,” he told
her gently before scooping her up in his arms. It was uncharacteristic and Setsuna let out a cry,
gripping her weapon close to herself.

Sesshomaru leapt into the air and took off back to the small camp site.

Setsuna understood that he was trying to make sure she wasn’t jealous of Towa for being carried
on their way to the abandoned village.

Rin watched as Sesshomaru landed and Setsuna hopped out his arms. She hid her smile and
pretended to look down at Towa and check her.

“Milord, Setsuna-sama did you enjoy your walk?” Jaken asked them.

Sesshomaru remained silent as he glanced at the village. “It has been many years, no one has
returned,” Sesshomaru commented.

“Humans probably thought it was cursed after the massacre,” Rin explained quietly. “Profane
ground haunted by the spirits of the dead. Inuyasha explained that he and the others buried the
dead to give them peace,” Rin said gently before glancing to her hold home. It was caved in now
the little hollow in the rock, but it had been hers.

“Rin, you should walk around, it’ll be good for the little one,” Sesshomaru added.

“Master Jaken,” Rin called the small youkai over.

“Yes Rin, I’ll get Towa-sama her travelling futon thing,” Jaken said as he walked over to A-Un and
grabbed the sleeping bag.

They did the swap and Towa rolled onto her side and continued sleeping on.

Rin stroked Towa’s hair before standing up and walking toward the fallen buildings with Jaken
beside her.

“Mother would you like company?” Setsuna called out.

“Mhm, Master Jaken is with me,” Rin waved a hand and kept walking.
Jaken remained quite beside her until they reached Rin’s little fallen cave home. Rin lifted up a
small rock and tossed it at the other rocks before picking up another to repeat the process. Her tears
came hot and fast, falling before she knelt, hands cut from the sharp rocks.

Jaken patted her shoulder gently with a small, webbed hand. “Many things have changed since you
were last here, hm? You have grown into a beautiful woman with two beautiful daughters and a
third child on the way. You have brought Sesshomaru-sama happiness and love,” he told her

“Yes, I know. But a part of me has always wanted to say goodbye to this place properly. I hated
living in there, by myself. Unwanted and rejected after my family died. I was regularly beaten and
left garbage to eat, I had to resort to finding rodents or steal my food. They turned me into a little
wild child,” Rin said quietly.

“You and Inuyasha both bonded over such miserable childhoods, he saw himself in you. Both of
you are still a little wild,” Jaken teased and patted Rin’s head.

She laughed lightly and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Master Jaken, for always knowing how to
cheer me up. Without tragedy there would be no joy and happiness. I have a family that loves me
very much and I am grateful for all the things that have come way, even if it at times we have all
suffered from nefarious schemes,” Rin huffed and stood up.

She turned her back to her fallen home. “Come Jaken-sama, we should try and wake Towa up. She
should see this village, my birthplace, before we move on to see Mother,” Rin said with a nod.

She heard Jaken groan behind her and she tried not to snicker but Jaken heard her. She tossed her
head back and promised to keep him close so Sesshomaru’s Mother wouldn’t harass him too much
and call him little youkai.

Towa heard her name called and looked to see Setsuna staring down at her. “Towa,” Setsuna said

“What?” Towa murmured out thick with sleep.

“This is Mother’s village. Father let Mother go with Jaken-sama to wander the village. But I
smelled salt and blood from Mother,” Setsuna said quickly before standing up.

Towa sprang up and looked to see her father’s jaw tight, but he was unyielding in his position.

“She is saying goodbye to this place. The memories she does have are filled with unkindness and
hurt,” Sesshomaru said tersely.

“But Mother is bleeding,” Setsuna complained as she started walking away from the fire.

“It is a small amount, probably from the rocks of her old home,” Sesshomaru stated.

Towa huffed and looked at the broken and fallen ruins of the homes that once stood there. “Rocks
of her home? Come on Setsuna, let’s find Mama,” Towa said as she walked off with Setsuna
beside her.

Their father didn’t stop them, so Towa understood that he was letting them go as he remained with
A-Un at the camp.

Towa moved closer to Setsuna’s side, gripping the handle of her sword, “I don’t like this place,”
she said quietly.

“Neither do I. Father explained Kouga’s wolves massacred all the villagers. He used Tenseiga on
Mother in the woods. She had cared for him after he fought Uncle and Tenseiga saved him,”
Setsuna explained.

“Oh…he didn’t save everyone?” Towa asked with a frown.

Setsuna shook her head. “Father learned compassion from Mother. I suspect she was the first
person he used Tenseiga on,” Setsuna hummed lowly. “There,” Setsuna gasped and looked up to
their right.

“Mama! Jaken!” Towa shouted as she saw the two descending along a path from the side of the
rock. She ran over with Setsuna and frowned. “Father said you saying goodbye to your old home…
is it up there?” Towa asked.

“Yes, it’s caved in now, but I have said my goodbyes,” Rin said quietly.

“Mother…you didn’t live in a house?” Setsuna asked gently.

“Yes…before my family was murdered by bandits. I then lived in a little cave, just up there,” Rin
pointed up and to the little fallen home.

Both girls stared with wide eyes.

“No! No one took you in?” Towa cried out and turned back to Rin.

“No, I was a girl and mute, no one wanted me,” Rin explained softly.

Setsuna hugged Rin tightly. “Mother, I am happy you are my mother,” Setsuna responded quietly.

“Hai, I am happy to be your mother, both of you. Now let’s go before your Father gets worried
about my hands,” Rin laughed gently.

“He will lick them like he licked the back of my head!” Towa laughed.

“He licked you?” Setsuna asked with wide eyes.

“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama’s saliva has healing properties,” Jaken answered.

Sesshomaru licked Rin’s palms gently as Setsuna and Towa glared at the village. Towa was even
throwing rocks at it. He pulled away from Rin’s left palm and raised a brow.

“It makes her feel better. She doesn’t want to stay here, neither does Setsuna. The place gives them
the creeps,” Rin said with a shrug.
“I hate you village! You were mean!” Towa shouted and threw a larger rock.

“Towa-sama you are a spirited child, you will have to behave before the Lady Mother,” Jaken
chided her.

Sesshomaru turned back to Rin’s palm licked up to her finger tip before switching to her right

“Thank you Sesshomaru-sama, I am sorry for burdening you with my scrapes,” Rin apologized

Sesshomaru gave her a look before closing his eyes and nipping her palm before licking it gently
again. He opened his eyes to see Rin smiling at him.

He was content to leave once he finished healing Rin’s palms. Towa and Setsuna eagerly getting
A-Un ready, promising the beast the best grass they could find as long as they got them all out of

Sesshomaru smirked and lifted Rin up in his arms and took off. Jaken and the girls shouting at him,
clambering onto A-Un and chasing him.

“Really?” Rin asked him coyly.

Sesshomaru gave her a rare smirk, “Let’s see if they can beat us to Mother’s palace.”

Rin laughed, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “What do we win if we beat them?” She

“We leave them with Mother for a week and enjoy some solitude at that cave we found long ago
when you and I travelled alone,” Sesshomaru purred out and nipped her bottom lip.

“Catch them A-Un!” Sesshomaru heard Towa shout from behind them.

“Sesshomaru-sama! Rin!” Jaken called out.

“Come back with my Mother! She’s with child you lecherous dog!” Setsuna scolded him.

Rin repressed a giggle as Sesshomaru flew faster, leaving the small group behind.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't know if it will continue, it may.

For now, just assume Sesshomaru and Rin win and the twins get to stay with their
grandmother for a week while the happy couple stay in a cave ;)
The Palace
Chapter Summary

Sesshomaru leaves Rin and the girls with his mother as he returns to his father's palace
to check on it. Rin and the girls spend some time with inukimi during the week.
Sesshomaru's return allows him a small moment with Setsuna and both seem to
become a little closer.

Chapter Notes

I am done the term and now I have more time to write and write! As well as paint and
make jewellery and do lots and lots of things!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Oi! Bring me my Mother!” Setsuna shouted behind Towa.

Towa winced as Setsuna dug her nails into her left shoulder. “Ow, Setsuna!” Towa complained
with a quiet whine. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Setsuna’s teeth clenched as she growled

“Beast! Taking off with my Mother!” Setsuna growled out.

“Our mother, he spent fifteen years without her. Besides, Mama doesn’t seem to mind that Papa
has taken off with her,” Towa said with a smile to try and soothe her younger sister. It seemed to be
the wrong response as Setsuna’s eyes flashed with a quiet rage.

“We have to protect her from him!” Setsuna told Towa.

“You really don’t know Rin then. She is always quite content to go along with whatever your
Father suggests and vice-versa,” Jaken piped up as he held A-Un’s reins tightly.

“My Mother should not be mounted like some common bitch!” Setsuna snarled at Jaken.

Towa patted Jaken’s shoulders, “Maybe ask A-Un to go a little faster? We can still see Mama and
Papa ahead of us,” Towa told the small youkai.

“Yes, but Sesshomaru-sama can move quicker now. He is merely playing a game with your sister
knowing how attached she is to Rin,” Jaken whispered quietly, and Towa nodded and received an
elbow to the back of her head.

“I kind of miss her not having her memories, she was much quieter before she remembered
herself,” Towa muttered out and turned her body and grabbed Setsuna’s wrist. “Papa is messing
with you. He knows you are possessive of Mama, clinging to her at night, trailing after like a lost
puppy. Papa knows Mama is your weakness, Setsuna! You are also acting like Uncle Inuyasha
when Aunty Kagome takes off without him,” Towa hissed out.
“Don’t compare me to Inuyasha! He’s uncouth!” Setsuna hissed out quietly.

Jaken stared ahead and hoped he would not bear the brunt of the squabbling sisters behind him.
They were such darling children, Jaken internally sighed out.

Sesshomaru landed on the landing at the base of the stairs. He set Rin down and both turned to see
A-Un flying toward them. He heard Rin gasp at the sight before them.

“Master Jaken!” Rin shouted and then looked to Sesshomaru.

He was amused by the sight of his vassal sitting precariously on A-Un’s left head, Setsuna and
Towa clearly arguing. A-Un descended and Jaken leapt off and ran behind Rin. The twins stopped
arguing the moment they felt the thump of A-Un’s landing on the marble steps.

Both turned to them and Rin watched as the twins’ cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment.

“Jaken were the girls ill-behaved?” Sesshomaru asked Jaken.

“Setsuna was mostly concerned about Rin, milord,” Jaken responded.

“Your Mother is safe with me Setsuna, what is your problem?” Sesshomaru asked Setsuna.

Setsuna hopped off A-Un and walked to Rin, refusing to glance at her father. “Mother, you need
rest. You shouldn’t let Father just take off with you. You should also refrain from letting him
mount you like he’s some common beast. He needs to learn some restraint!” Setsuna huffed out,
crossing her arms.

Rin sighed softly and took hold of Setsuna’s elbows. “When you one day find love, you will
understand. I can not deny your Father nor wish to, and it goes the same for him. He will never
deny me,” Rin explained softly as Setsuna’s face flushed bright red.

Towa hopped off A-Un’s saddle and huffed. “See! I told you Setsuna! Mama and Papa are in
love!” She said with her hands on her hips.

Setsuna turned to Towa and growled softly, “You are supposed to take my side! We are sisters! We
have to protect Mother from Father!”

“From what?!” Towa shouted.

Rin looked to Sesshomaru and watched as he took a step forward. Her and Jaken held their breath
as Sesshomaru stood between the twins, facing Setsuna.

“Do you believe I would harm your Mother?” Sesshomaru asked coolly.

“No…but—” Setsuna started.

“Do you believe I do not know your Mother’s limits in her condition?” Sesshomaru asked.

“No, but Father—” Setsuna started again.

“Do you believe I would endanger your Mother’s life and the pup in her womb?” Sesshomaru
growled out.
“No,” Setsuna bowed her head, shoulders slumped. “I want to protect her.”

Rin sighed softly and walked to stand beside Setsuna, she stroked Setsuna’s long dark hair that she
wore loose for the day. “You are a very sweet girl. Protecting me would remove your Father’s
purpose, you have to ask him if you can protect me if he leaves for a bit. He plans to show Towa
around the Western lands and Master Jaken will stay with me, perhaps you should ask your Father
now if you can stay and protect me,” Rin suggested, her voice melodic.

Setsuna lifted her chin up, looking from her mother to her father. “Father, I want to protect Mother
in your absence. I will keep her company and watch over her and my little brother!” She said with
her face taking on Sesshomaru’s stoic nature.

“Just let her do it!” Towa hissed as she gripped Sesshomaru’s bicep. “Father, please!”

“Do as you wish Setsuna. You and Towa will be staying here for a week with your Mother, I will
be going on ahead with Jaken to see if the palace is ready to welcome its three new ladies,”
Sesshomaru explained.

“Oh? A change in plans then?” Rin asked Sesshomaru as he walked to her. He cupped her cheek,
rubbing his thumb along her soft skin.

“Your daughters will have you for the week,” Sesshomaru said and stepped back and walked to the
ledge. “Jaken, we’re going.”

“Yes, milord!” Jaken cried out and seemed quite eager as he ran between the three ladies to jump
onto Sesshomaru’s Mokomoko as he descended into the clouds.

“Did we scare Father away?” Setsuna asked Rin with a smile.

“Don’t be so smug about it. He originally intended to leave you two with Jaken here for the week,
we were going to visit a cave we had stayed in while on a small adventure after we got married,”
Rin sighed out.

“A honeymoon?” Towa asked Rin.

“Kagome used that word back then. We just wanted to travel for a while before you two arrived,”
Rin said with a shrug.

“Did that ungrateful son of mine leave you on my steps without saying a ‘hello’?” A voice called

Rin smiled and turned to see Sesshomaru’s mother descending the stairs. Rin took a few steps and
took the demoness’ hands. “Hello, Mother. I am happy to see you, I am sorry that Sesshomaru-
sama has gone on ahead,” Rin said gently.

“To his Father’s palace, I’ve heard. He’s already pupped you again,” Inukimi sighed out
dramatically before glancing around Rin. “My granddaughters come here. A-Un go to your stable,”
she ordered the beast.

A-Un took off into the air and the twins approached warily, each standing on either side of their
mother. Inukimi let go of Rin’s hands and walked to the right and looked at Towa. “Your face is
Rin’s, but Sesshomaru’s hair. The magenta is interesting. You inherited Sesshomaru’s Azure
Dragon and split into twin dragons, interesting,” she said with a nod before walking to Setsuna.
“You are quite destructive, curious. You look like Sesshomaru besides your hair and skin tone, like
Rin’s. No amber eyes on either of the girls…nor those puppy ears, maybe this pup will have them,”
Inukimi hummed out and turned on the stairs, ascending them.

Rin nodded and followed after her mother-in-law, the twins staying close as they followed their
grandmother. “Your Grandmother is a kind woman, but, like your Father, she is private with her
thoughts. If she shares them, then they are important to her. Do you two understand?”

“Yes, Mother,” Setsuna sighed out.

“Yes, Mama!” Towa said as she offered her arm to Rin. Rin took it and they ascended the final
stretch of stairs together.

“Sesshomaru, you have finally come to take your Father’s palace as your own, about time,”
Sesshomaru heard as he landed in the courtyard of his Father’s palace. He turned and saw a woman
with white hair, a purple stripe on each cheek, and amber eyes staring at him. The white kimono
she wore with a purple obi tied much like his father used to wear his sash.

“Aunt Aiya,” Sesshomaru said as he dipped his chin.

“No bowing or dipping your chin to me. I am here as a loyal member of your family. This palace is
yours now. Your wife and pups are not with you?” Aiya asked as she folded her hands into her

“Rin is with them at my Mother’s palace. I came to inspect the palace and its readiness for their
arrival,” Sesshomaru stated drily.

Aiya smiled easily and nodded. “You do not trust your dearest Aunty to maintain this palace for the
past two centuries?” She asked him.

“Rin is getting far along! She will need a perfect place to spend the rest of her months quietly!”
Jaken told Aiya.

“Ooh, what a small little youkai!” Aiya smirked out.

“You wrote that you had taken a human husband, where is he?” Sesshomaru asked Aiya, changing
the topic as he walked toward his aunt. Sesshomaru walked up the few steps onto the porch.

Aiya nodded. “Yes, Kenzo is resting. He has been tired lately. It may be his time soon. Our
children are exploring the mainland at the moment, they are both interested in expanding their
knowledge of the world. Do your children have the dog ears?” Aiya asked Sesshomaru.

“My daughters do not have them. I will also advise you that Rin’s life is tied to the Tree of Ages,
do not let the staff become aware of this, it is only for your knowledge as to Rin’s immortality. If
the staff ask in the future why my Rin does not age, you will tell them that Rin’s life is tied to my
Mother’s meidou stone, Rin will be wearing one by the time she arrives,” Sesshomaru explained as
they walked along the wood planks of the porch and toward a set of shoji doors that led into the
interior where Sesshomaru’s chambers were set up for him and his family.

“That is quite wise, no one would harm the tree, and no one here would dare cross Inukimi if they
believed Rin was under her protection. The Meidou was gifted by Touga to her, its significance is
not lost,” Aiya hummed out as she pulled open the shoji door. “This entire wing is for you and your
family. It was Touga’s but your Mother found life here boring. I still think she disliked her first
winter she spent here and was adamant to returning to her home,” Aiya finished with a small laugh.

Sesshomaru turned to the left and slid open the first door he came upon. “Jaken this shall be your
chamber,” Sesshomaru told Jaken.

Jaken walked over and looked inside to see the spacious room with a large futon. “Milord…it’s too

Sesshomaru ignored him and explored the entire wing, discovering the rooms on the three floors.
At the top, he looked out and viewed the mountains and its thick, lush woods. He walked around
the balcony and looked down onto the courtyard. “I want a garden made ready for the spring,”
Sesshomaru told Aiya.

“Yes, that can be easily arranged. Your Mother wrote that some of your Father’s plants existed,
untamed in his old garden. I can collect them in the early spring,” Aiya said as she tapped her chin.
“I believe your Father had the garden in the courtyard too at one point. He tended to them himself.
Have you developed a green thumb?”

“No, it’s Rin. Setsuna enjoys doing the task with Rin as well. The room on the main level that
faces East should be lined with tatami mats. Towa will want a room to train. Knock out a wall if
you must expand it. My study will be on this floor, knock out the wall and connect Rin’s study to
my own. The children will sleep on the second floor. I will also require a thirteen string koto for
Rin, the finest wood must be used,” Sesshomaru listed off his demands.

Aiya smiled and nodded as Jaken mentally made notes of his lord’s demands. “Should a room for
the new pup be set up?”

“Just a bassinet in this room for Rin and I,” Sesshomaru said with a nod.

“Sesshomaru, you have not requested any rooms for concubines, are you not taking any?” Aiya
asked teasingly. “Even sharing a chamber with your wife, you must love her truly to keep her

“Rin is everything, there is no need for a concubine,” Sesshomaru said dismissively.

Aiya nodded and bowed her head. “I was only teasing, I heard from your Mother how precious
your Rin is and all that you had done for her and your daughters,” she said gently before lifting her
chin. “I am looking forward to having your Lady here, she sounds like a remarkable woman.”

“Rin is not so remarkable as she is kind and full of love,” Jaken spoke up.

“There are no twin hanyou, I would say your Lady is quite remarkable. And why do you not
address her as Lady Rin, little youkai?” Aiya asked with a raised brow.

“Their relationship is based on the past. You will have to explain to the staff that Rin calls Jaken
‘Master’ out of habit from their previous stations. Their relationship is based on informalities, but
he is protective of Rin as a father would be,” Sesshomaru explained to Aiya as he closed the shoji
door behind him, cutting out the cool breeze. “Rin will require extra furs and a fire kept steadily
lit,” he added.

Aiya burst into a small fit of laughter. “You have become your Father in many ways, less stoic than
my pouty little nephew who hated anything fun!”

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and refused to reply to his aunt as she told Jaken a few tales of
pranks she used to pull on him as young pup.
“Rin, my sweet darling, I think the violet kimono looks lovely on Setsuna, it makes her eyes pop!”
Inukimi said as she tied a gold coloured obi around Setsuna’s waist.

Setsuna glanced to Rin a small pout on her face as she kept her arms up at her side. Rin could see
the plea to be saved from playing dress up with her grandmother quite evident in her eyes. Rin
picked at the fruit in the bowl as she sat comfortably on some pillows.

“It’s the same fabric that I once wore Setsuna, I now know where your Father got the roll of fabric
from,” Rin said with a smile.

“You wore a kimono with this pattern?” Setsuna asked.

Inukimi finished the bow and patted Setsuna’s hips. “Your Father spoiled her rotten. Though I told
him this would look best with your Mother’s complexion, it also suits you little one. One more Obi
to secure your Father’s pelt to your shoulder now,” Inukimi explained.

Setsuna took the pelt from Rin and held it close for a moment, she inhaled the scent, and it did
smell of her father faintly still mixed with her own scent. “How is this Father’s pelt?”

“Part of it, Setsuna. Your Father wanted a piece of him with you. I bore witness through the
Meidou stone of when he tore off the end. The ends healed as they naturally would with demonic
healing,” Inukimi explained gently as she took the pelt and tied it to Setsuna’s waist, letting the two
ends trail behind her. “Did you never question it?”

“No,” Setsuna responded.

Rin saw Setsuna’s cheeks warm in her embarrassment. Rin eased herself up, hand on her belly as
she pushed herself to stand. She walked around the small table and cupped Setsuna’s face. “You
look beautiful my sweet girl. Your Father sees a lot of himself in both you and Towa. You were
still here in this world and he did his best. I think it shows how much he loves you if he tore off a
piece of Mokomoko for you,” Rin said gently and kissed Setsuna’s brow.

“Would it have hurt him?” Setsuna asked quietly.

“Oh yes, Touga once bit mine playfully while in his dog form and I banned him from our chambers
for a week!” Inukimi said as she stroked her Mokomoko.

Rin hugged Setsuna and rubbed her back. “You and your Father are very similar in your
stubbornness and not wanting to speak of your feelings.”

“You and Towa are too liberal,” Setsuna huffed out quietly.

“Perhaps, but we understand each other and you and your Father more easily. You two haven’t
learned how to speak to each other without arguing over me or Towa. What would you say to your
Father right now?” Rin asked Setsuna as she held her face up to meet her gaze.

“I…I don’t know,” Setsuna muttered out.

“Liar,” Inukimi hummed out. “You smell of embarrassment and shyness. “What would you say to
Setsuna’s cheeks burned bright red. “I’d thank him for writing to me over the years and training
me to survive. For sending me to Granny Kaede…for—for giving me a piece of his Mokomoko
for comfort,” Setsuna finished.

“Well, you certainly are sweeter than Sesshomaru,” Inukimi smirked as she tucked a dark lock of
hair behind Setsuna’s rounded ear.

“Where’s Towa?” Setsuna asked Rin as she tried to change the topic.

“Probably arguing with the seamstress trying to take her measurements,” Rin stated drily.

“I’ll find Towa and make her behave,” Setsuna said and quickly stomped out of the room. “Towa!”
She barked out as she left the room.

Rin sighed. “She is very un-lady-like.”

“Reminds me of a wild child who visited my palace barefooted,” Inukimi retorted.

“Setsuna is also bossy like you and Sesshomaru,” Rin added as she moved back to the cushions,
easing herself down slowly.

“Perhaps she is the firstborn then,” Inukimi said with a sniff but a small smile playing on her lips.

“I know which of my two daughters came out first!” Rin remarked before popping a grape into her
mouth. “The heads of hair are completely opposite!”

“I have to tolerate you and the girls for five more days…Sesshomaru is a spiteful son,” Inukimi
said teasingly as she sat down across from Rin.

Rin smiled at her mother-in-law. “You are a terrible liar, Mother. You are very grateful for the
company,” Rin told her mother-in-law.

“Am I now?” The demonesses’ amber eyes glittered like rare gemstones under the light. “Hmm,
perhaps you are simply wearing me out.

“It’s too tight! It’s too girly!” Towa complained as she stood beside her mother, Setsuna on the
other side.

“Towa complains a lot, doesn’t she?” Inukimi asked Rin on the day of Sesshomaru’s return to the
palace. The demoness sat on her divan while Rin and the girls stood before her.

“I want my hakama!” Towa whined out to Rin.

Setsuna leaned forward in her purple kimono with the golden butterflies. “We are only dressed up
for Father’s arrival, behave Towa and be quiet!” Setsuna ordered.

Towa stuck her tongue out at Setsuna, and Rin closed her eyes with a deep sigh.

“How uncouth, perhaps Towa shares more in common with her uncle?” Inukimi questioned.

“Towa stand straight, I can scent Father!” Setsuna growled out.

Towa straightened up, pushing fallen locks off her shoulder and behind her. “I want a haircut later
Mama, I don’t like my hair this long,” Towa said quietly.

“Yes, yes, I will trim it later tonight,” Rin promised as she looked up and saw Sesshomaru flying
down toward them. She smiled at seeing him for the first time in a week. She hoped he had been
well without her and the girls.

Sesshomaru landed before them and his amber eyes held hers for a moment before appraising his
daughters and their new kimonos. Setsuna’s the same pattern as Rin’s childhood purple one.
Towa’s was like the pink kimono, but rather than kemari balls there were flowers and leaves
embroidered onto the fabric with a green obi.

Rin wore a green kimono with a softer green obi and a gold outer layer. “Welcome back milord,”
Rin said with a smile.

Sesshomaru’s eyes flicked back to hers and he walked to the three of them. “This is a very formal
greeting from my Rin no kimi and daughters,” he said with a small quirk of his lips before glancing
at his mother who stood up from her divan. “Mother, Towa prefers hakama and kosode. Setsuna
prefers her slayer uniform but is not opposed to a kimono over her uniform,” Sesshomaru told his
mother. “Rin is not the one to complain, but her kimonos should be looser during pregnancy,” he

“You know us and our preferences very well, milord,” Rin hummed out.

Sesshomaru’s eyes burned into hers before looking at his daughters in turn. “I will say this, despite
your squabbling moments ago Towa, you do look like the young princess of the West that you are.
Setsuna you remind me greatly of your Mother when she once wore that same pattern, it suits you
well,” he told them both.

“Milord, I am going to take Towa to grab A-Un and the extra clothing Mother has gifted us,” Rin
said and then turned to Inukimi, “Mother, come with me and help me pack the scrolls you told me
I could take,” Rin said as she held out her hand.

Inukimi smirked and walked toward her. “Yes, yes my darling girl. I have several brushes and ink
you may wish to have for yourself,” she said before addressing Sesshomaru, “I expect letters and
visits or invitations.”

“Yes, Mother,” Sesshomaru gritted out and saw Towa smirk before taking Rin’s arm.

Setsuna was left alone with Sesshomaru, both fell into silence. Setsuna shifted her tabi covered foot
in her sandal before looking up and seeing her Father watching her.

“You wish to speak to me privately, Rin is unaccustomed to lying or fibbing,” Sesshomaru told

Setsuna nodded. “Yes, Father, I did wish to speak to you about your letters when I was younger,”
she replied and kept her hands folded.

Sesshomaru turned away and walked off. Setsuna understood to follow, she had often seen the
same interaction between her parents or her father with Jaken, Inuyasha, or even Kagome. She
trailed behind him and he slowed his steps and she walked beside him, understanding the next
hidden meaning.

They walked along the marble flooring of the palace courtyards until they walked around and
Setsuna stared at the open doors of a garden. She frowned at the untidiness and wildness of the

“This was my Father’s garden. Mother has not had the heart to touch it or to have destroyed. I wish
for you to speak your mind as you choose which flowers you would like to see in a garden that will
be your responsibility with your Mother,” Sesshomaru told her.

Setsuna blinked violet eyes and looked up at her father. “Mine and Mother’s garden?” She asked.

Sesshomaru turned his head and glanced down at her. “Have you not enjoyed your time gardening
with your Mother? I thought you would like to continue that in our new home,” he told her, his
brows furrowing.

She could read his expression: Did I have it wrong? No, he didn’t have it wrong and she smiled
and nodded. She turned her gaze back to the garden and walked through the gate.

“I have enjoyed my time in the garden, but it was mostly to be with Mother. When my memories
came back…as it had for Towa, I was filled with sorrow that I had not remembered her, or Jaken.
You came several times while we were sleeping before leaving. I had awoken once, and you held
me until I fell asleep again. But, like you, Mother is my favourite person. I do not have the same
type of kindness she possesses, and I want to make up for the lost time. I am also learning about
botany and her knowledge on medicinal purposes. As a slayer I learn what is poisonous to make
concoctions to kill demons. Now I am learning how to heal,” Setsuna explained as she touched one
of the flowers. She glanced to her left to see Sesshomaru following her, almost hesitantly. “This
was Grandfather’s garden,” she stated.

“I have not set foot inside since he left to be with Inuyasha’s mother,” Sesshomaru replied as he
looked around with a frown. “It is not as it once was.”

“It’s a jungle of wild flowers, some have even cross-breaded,” Setsuna said as she pointed at a
flower that was strange in its appearance.

Setsuna could feel her father’s unease as he stayed close to the entrance. Does it feel strange to be
here without his Father? Setsuna wondered.

“You chose a good home for me, Shiori loved me dearly as did all the orphaned hanyous. I want to
still go to the barrier and protect it on the solar eclipses,” Setsuna said.

“Were you happy?” Sesshomaru asked her.

“Yes and no,” Setsuna answered thoughtfully. “I had no memories of my family, so something was
always missing. I was stronger than all of the other children, except for Shiori herself, so I
wondered who my youkai parent was often,” Setsuna explained.

“Shiori’s Father had been a daiyoukai himself. The other hanyous in her village did not have
daiyoukai as their parent. Inuyasha said he had heard rumours of Shiori’s village before your birth
and I had found it before the fire. I did not wish to separate you from Rin before it was time,”
Sesshomaru responded.

Father, you did everything possible to keep her safe and happy, Setsuna thought before nodding.
“Thank you, the memories that I have of Mother are happy ones. The ones I made with Shiori and
my friends are happy too. You have always provided for me and you trained me as well as you
could despite the distance,” Setsuna said quietly and felt Sesshomaru’s eyes on her as she looked at
the grass. “And…for a part of Mokomoko, it must’ve caused you a lot of pain, but I have always
looked to it for comfort. Especially when I could not sleep, I would sit and wait for the dawn, my
pelt wrapped around me. T-Thank you, Father,” Setsuna finished quietly, she could feel her cheeks
warm from the embarrassment of sharing her feelings.

I am not like Mother or Towa, this is hard! Setsuna mentally complained. She felt claws in her
hair, and she looked up to see her Father staring down at her. He stilled his hand on top of her head
and leaned down, kissing the top of her head.

She had seen him do the same action to Towa when Towa demanded him to give her a kiss
goodbye. She thought it was wrong to ask for attention, but there she was receiving a kiss on top of
her head.

“When I experienced the loss of your Mother, each time had been different and with its own unique
pain. It was quiet, dull the first time as I had barely known her, and she had been defenceless
against the wolves. The second time had me understand sorrow and grief, there was no power to be
had if it cost her life, Mother brought her back for my happiness. When Rin fell into her slumber,
tied to you, tied to Zero, it was as if she had died again,” Sesshomaru explained before sighing
heavily and cupped Setsuna’s face. “But your death, Setsuna, had left me with untold grief. I had
named you ‘Setsuna’, ‘a moment’ representing the moment your Mother and I had together in my
eternal life. I had cursed your life to be a moment like your Mother’s. Tenseiga was broken, I could
not wield it, it had chosen Towa. You and Towa are our precious daughters, your Mother took a
curse for you, I kept you far for your safety. You and Towa were created from love,” Sesshomaru
told her.

Setsuna smiled, “You are a good Father. You truly do love Mother, but I can’t guarantee that I will
yell at you when you kidnap Mother.”

Sesshomaru released her face with a glint in his amber eyes. “Who has said I kidnapped your
Mother? She is the one who often suggests our excursions,” Sesshomaru told her.

Setsuna gasped and pointed up at him as she snarled softly, “Any self-respecting Father would
never suggest that his wife is the instigator of such things! My Mother is a lady! Do not slander
her, beast!”

“Aww…they were having a nice moment!” Towa complained loudly from the entrance.

Setsuna froze, eyes wide as she looked to see her twin, Mother, and Grandmother at the entrance of
the garden. Her Grandmother tossed her head back and laughed at the obvious discomfort of both
Sesshomaru and Setsuna.

Rin smiled sympathetically.

“Rin…a lady? Ha! Don’t make me laugh! She is still a wild child at heart!” Inukimi laughed out.

Towa, dressed in her hakama and kosode, smiled, hands clasped in front of her chest. “Papa and
Setsuna are adorable in their embarrassment! Setsuna inherited Papa’s manners, so cute! Setsuna is
a mini-version of him!”

Rin patted Towa’s shoulder. “Don’t tease them, darling,” she said gently before looking to her
husband and Setsuna, “A-Un is ready. I am afraid someone has to be carried by you Sesshomaru-
sama, Mother has overloaded A-Un with bags of gifts,” Rin explained.

“I choose Mother!” Setsuna said as she touched her nose.

“What a bizarre thing to do. Did the little youkai drop her as a babe?” Inukimi asked.
“It’s a game Granny! Whoever says what they want first while touching their nose, gets what they
want. Usually it is, ‘one, two, three, not it,’” Towa explained with a smile.

“So, Setsuna gets Rin to herself?” Inukimi asked Towa.

“Yes! Papa, you have to carry me! Or do I hold onto Mokomoko this time?” Towa asked with a
grin and laugh.

“Only Master Jaken does that, it isn’t safe for a human or a hanyou,” Rin answered with a frown.
Rin saw Sesshomaru walk further into the garden. “Sesshomaru-sama what human and/or hanyou
did you let ride your Mokomoko?! Was it Kohaku!” She gasped out in realization he was avoiding
the conversation.

“Rin no kimi, do not upset the little one,” Sesshomaru called out calmly.

“It was Aunty Kagome!” Towa told Rin. “She told me it was a lot of fun!”

Sesshomaru stopped and glanced over his shoulder as he stood at a patch of himawari.

“Ka-Kagome?! Does Inuyasha know about this? Kagome could have broken her neck! When was
this Sesshomaru-sama!” Rin shouted and walked into the garden. Towa followed behind her with
wide eyes. Setsuna with amusement as they watched Sesshomaru walk around the garden, carefully
avoiding his pregnant wife.

“It was while we were all inside of Naraku’s body, we flew to you and Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru
responded carefully.

Rin placed her hands on her hips. “You couldn’t carry her?” Rin asked. “What type of brother-in-
law are you?!”

“They weren’t married at that point,” Towa pointed out quietly.

“I agree with Mother! You knew of Aunty’s importance to Inuyasha, and you left her to hang onto
your Mokomoko,” Setsuna pointed at her father.

“Sesshomaru, it seems that as much as Setsuna is like you, she has quite a bit of Rin in her too,”
Inukimi called out with amusement.

Sesshomaru quietly huffed to himself, glad that his next child would be a son. He was
outnumbered by the opposite sex. Giving up on the argument he walked to a patch of flowers.
“Would this be suitable in your garden, Setsuna?” He asked, trying to change the topic.

Setsuna walked over, weaving around a few covered paths before she reached her father. She
looked at the flower and touched the kinmokusei. “I would like this one,” Setsuna responded with
a nod and looked at her mother glancing over in half ire, and half curiosity. “Mother, Father says
we will have a garden of our own. I will choose some specimens to be harvested for seedlings,”
Setsuna said with a smile.

“Oh…sure…I want this sumire,” Rin said before walking back to Inukimi, Towa giggling behind

Setsuna looked up at her Father. “You should have the seeds of the ajisai collected as it means
apologies and gratitude,” Setsuna told him with a smile as she pointed to the bush to their left. “She
will understand the message.”
Sesshomaru nodded and walked around their bush to the ajisai. Setsuna watched as Sesshomaru
broke off a stem filled with the white and pink flowers. Setsuna watched her Father walk back to
the entrance, meeting Rin on a path. Towa stepped back as Sesshomaru held out the stem to Rin
with several flowers on it. Rin took it and his hand in free one. Towa glanced toward Setsuna and
raised her hands to her shoulders with a smile as she shrugged her shoulders.

Setsuna smiled to herself and made her way back. She plucked a couple asagao for herself and
Towa. When she caught up to her family her mother was mounting the saddle on A-Un’s back.
Towa was still asking if she was going to ride Mokomoko.

Setsuna walked up behind her sister and tucked the asagao behind Towa’s ear. Towa stopped in
mid-sentence and touched the flower. By the time Towa turned to face Setsuna, Setsuna was on A-
Un’s saddle behind Rin with a matching asagao tucked into her hair.

Towa’s eyes caught up and found Setsuna. Setsuna looked ahead, ignoring her sister’s gaze but
smiled, nonetheless. Setsuna felt Towa’s own smile on the back of her head before turning back to
their father.

“You have to carry me Papa! I can’t lose my flower, Setsuna gave it to me, it’ll be rude to lose it
now,” Towa told Sesshomaru.

“I have to see this,” Inukimi hummed out as she watched them prepare to leave.

“Thank you for enduring our presence, Mother,” Rin told Inukimi.

“Yes, it was quite the arduous task of spoiling you three,” Inukimi said with a smile.

Rin smiled back and glanced at Setsuna. Setsuna nodded and wrapped her arms around Rin’s
waist. “Thank you, for everything Grandmother,” Setsuna added as Rin gripped the reins tightly
and A-Un gently ascended without needing much prompt, knowing their rider well.

Sesshomaru lifted Towa up in his arms and took off after them. Inukimi’s laughter was loud as she
enjoyed the scene of her son carrying his eldest daughter in his arms.

“Why does she find it so funny?” Towa asked Sesshomaru.

“Sesshomaru-sama once hated humans and hanyou,” Rin replied.

Towa gasped and looked at Sesshomaru. “There’s a lengthy story, isn't there?! Story time!” Towa
said as she kicked her legs in the air.

“Towa behave or I will toss you and you can ride Mokomoko…and potentially lose your precious
flower,” Sesshomaru warned her.

Towa pouted but fell silent.

The family continued flying as the sun began to set. They flew onwards into the mountains with
their dense woods to the palace that once belonged to Touga but was now Sesshomaru’s, and
ultimately all of theirs’ new home.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! You can follow me on Tumblr and Twitter

Asagao: Morning Glory
Himawari: Sunflower
Ajisai: Hydrangea
Kinmokusei: Orange Osmanthus
Sumire: Violet
The Flu and Love
Chapter Summary

The family has settled in the new home, but someone has taken a turn in their health:
Rin. Despite gaining some measure of immortality from the Goshinboku, she remains
prone to illnesses. Setsuna blames Sesshomaru, Towa goes in search of the Kikyo root,
Sesshomaru tries to understand Towa a bit more, and Rin tries to assure everyone that
she will be fine.

Chapter Notes

Look another chapter!

There is a hint for a new possible pairing in years later.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sesshomaru listened to the cough that wrecked through Rin’s frame as she sat on the futon
coughing and clutching her yukata collar.

Setsuna was sitting behind Rin, rubbing her back through the thin fabric and occasionally sending
him a sharp glare.

“I told you that we should have waited! Mother is sick now because you couldn’t wait!”

“Setsuna-sama.... Please, do not yell at your Father!”

“I will speak my mind as I please and yell if I want! Father just because her life was extended
doesn’t mean she can’t be spared from human illnesses!”

Setsuna calmed down, violet eyes widening as Sesshomaru conceded to his daughter.

“I understand the limits of the Goshinboku now Setsuna, had I known, I would not have travelled
in the fall.”

Jaken heaved a heavy sigh and then looked to Setsuna. “Towa-sama has left with A-Un to find
some medicinal herbs that Rin has drawn for her. Please give Rin a hot bath and keep her to her
bed. Sesshomaru-sama must meet with the staff,” Jaken informed Setsuna as Sesshomaru had
walked to Rin and kissed her forehead as she remained wrapped under several blankets and furs.

The meeting had been tedious and Sesshomaru’s mind had strayed to Rin often as Aiya led him
through the palace and introduced him to the staff, there were several hanyous that seemed pleased
that Sesshomaru was accepting of them.

By midday Sesshomaru had enough of the tour and requested a break to check on Rin, which was
where he stood presently in his chamber.

Rin smelled sickly but not deathly.

“I should have gone and collected your herbs, I have a better nose than Towa,” Setsuna complained
to Rin.

“I know, but she acted quickly,” Rin explained before a series of coughs made her tremble.
“Water,” she said quietly.

Setsuna got up from behind Rin, wearing a yukata herself, her hair pulled up into a bun as she
walked to the cabinet that had a pitcher on top with some cold water. Sesshomaru guessed that
Setsuna had bathed with Rin to ensure that Rin didn’t fall asleep in the hot bath. Setsuna poured the
cup and stopped to look at him. “Father, can you get some hot water in a bowl and a thick towel,
I’m going to try and clear Mother’s sinuses. I’ve seen Kohaku do it once when Hisui fell ill,”
Setsuna explained.

Sesshomaru nodded and turned. “I’ll return shortly,” he assured Setsuna as she returned to Rin’s
side with the cup of water.

He descended the stairs and walked down to the other end of the hall past Towa’s open bedroom
door. He stopped and looked inside her room seeing her collection of items, present and future.
Sesshomaru had no interest in being intrusive but she had left her door open and he decided to try
and understand his daughter a bit more. She was vocal and bright like Rin.

Sometimes he felt at a loss in how to deal with her as she would just smile and wrap her arms
around his arm snuggling into him like some...pup.

He had also seen how serious she could be in battle if Setsuna was in danger.

He walked into the open room and saw her strange futon rolled and tied up, sitting on top of a
cabinet. Her table was littered with scrolls and pieces of parchment. His eyes swung around and
saw a collection of papers on the floor, neatly lined up. Sesshomaru walked over to it and saw that
under the sheet was a flower and that another sheet was under the flower. There were several
sheets that had books on top of them, pressing them flat.

Does she have an interest in flowers too? He wondered. He had seen how Setsuna enjoyed them as
much as Rin did, albeit more quietly than Rin ever had. He should’ve known that Towa would
inherit a love for flowers like her sister had. He returned to the table and saw that most of the
parchment was littered with own scrawled calligraphy. He would have Jaken sit with her and
practice as he thought it was atrocious but then knelt down and lifted a piece of parchment.

She’s writing a book on botany for Rin and Setsuna . He glanced at the pressed flowers on the
floor and back to the parchment he held that described the himawari.

He set the parchment back down and quickly left her chamber to retrieve the hot water Rin needed.
A-Un landed gently in a valley surrounded by woods. Towa patted his side and swung her leg over
and hopped off.

“Well done A-Un. I am sure this is the place Mama suggested,” Towa said as she glanced at the
drawing and scribbled writing.

In a valley, surrounded by woods south of us, near the base of the mountain, there is a root that
grows in abundance. The Kikyo root as Kagome named it. Dig deep into the earth near healthy
flowers and you shall find it.

Towa nodded and patted A-Un’s neck. “Mama said you used to take her and Kagome for flights
out of the village. You’ve been here before haven’t you?” She asked the two headed beast.

They rumbled in response and she smiled as she unfastened their muzzles. “Go on, get some fresh
grass by the woods. I’ll find the Kikyo root,” Towa said with a nod.

She watched as the beast turned and walked toward the woods, curling up and laying down, both
heads chewing lightly on some grass. She smiled and turned to the flowers. She set down the small
yellow bag and pulled out the knife and digging tool her father had given her. She ventured into the
field of flowers and knelt down at some pretty yellow flowers.

Towa dug into the soft earth beside the flower and revealed a root in the dirt. She pulled it out and
cleared the dirt off of it. “This must be the Kikyo root Mama was talking about. I’ll try and collect
a dozen of them, maybe Setsuna can figure out how to cultivate them with Mama and they can
grow them domestically,” Towa hummed to herself.

“Does the princess talk to herself now?” A deep masculine voice spoke up.

Towa froze on the spot and slowly pulled herself up straight while remaining crouched. She
glanced over her shoulder and saw a face she didn’t think she would see again. “Kirinmaru,” she
hissed softly.

His mask was off as was his armour. Green eyes held her gaze somberly. “You came here without
realizing I was here first, should I not be the hostile one?” He asked her.

She stood up and gripped the roots in her left hand, knife in her right. “Riku is dead because of
you,” Towa spat out. “I’ll always remain hostile toward you!”

Kirinmaru sighed heavily. “He was a doll, princess, made from a very piece of me. He was also not
the first doll of mine you have met. Your English teacher was a doll of mine. Do you know why I
had dolls observing throughout the ages?” He asked her, hands at his sides.

“The Goshinboku said you were trying to destroy time!” Towa huffed out. Mr. Kirin...the hair, I
understand now.

“No, the spirit of that ancient tree was trying to eradicate youkai. You and I both know that no
youkai are in the future. I was trying to preserve our kind. I used the Bone Eater’s Well twenty
years ago, sending one of my puppet’s into the future after hearing that Touga’s son was capable of
travelling back and forth with that priestess of his,” Kirinmaru explained before touching his face.
“By creating those puppets, I sacrificed a part of myself. Riku was the first because I had a desire
to be a father but I had no desire to marry.”

Why is he telling me any of this?

“I saw your every interaction with my puppets, princess. Whatever love you had for Riku was-” he
started and stopped as Towa’s eyes widened.

“No! I don’t love you,” Towa hissed out. “I’m sorry, I must collect some herbs for my Mother and
return home at once,” Towa said as she knelt down and quickly dug up several more Kikyo roots.

“Is Rin-sama ill?” Kirinmaru asked her as he remained standing where he was.

“None of your business! You set the butterfly curse on my Setsuna and Mother, you even struck
down Setsuna! Unforgivable,” she snarled out.

“It was never meant to kill, I didn’t realize that weapon could not withstand my attack. There are
things that you don’t understand, princess. Such as your Mother asked for the curse when Zero
discovered Setsuna through her dreams. Not even your Father knows that Rin-sama was under my
protection, in a way. The butterfly curse was to allow her daughter safety,” Kirinmaru explained.

Towa rested her forearms on her bent knees. “How can I believe that when Zero’s prophecy was
believed by everyone, including you? You wanted us dead!”

“I wanted a fight like the one I once had with Touga. I am unmatched by almost all youkai.
Sesshomaru is my equal but he doesn’t care for battle unless it suits him or his family is
endangered. I also had no desire in murdering pups that did not have full use of their fangs and
claws,” Kirinmaru said as he looked to the sky. “It was during the time that you were living in the
woods that your grandmother had Akuru take the pinwheel on Sesshomaru’s request. Your clan
are guardians of the wheel of time and it annoyed me that it wasn’t moving anymore. Sesshomaru
was going to use the pinwheel as a bargaining chip in gaining your Mother back but he first had to
deal with Zero’s treachery. His mother was only eager to help him, apparently.”

“You sound as if you are trying to make yourself seem innocent in all of this. You allowed your
sister to mess with other people’s lives just because she was insulted. Didn’t my parents deserve to
be happy? My aunt and uncle? My parents were finally able to be together and you let Zero ruin
that! Inuyasha and Kagome struggled to have a child and finally had Moroha, only to be forced to
give her up! What’s wrong with you?!” Towa shouted as she got back up with her basket on her hip
and marched over to Kirinmaru until she stared up at him.

“I would do anything for my sister, wouldn’t you?” Kirinmaru asked as he looked down at her and
Towa saw pain in his green eyes and she felt as if she had been verbally slapped. “She forsake me
when she knew I would no longer allow her to wreak havoc, she said I was dead to her and your
Father did kill her in the end,” Kirinmaru said quietly.

Towa bowed her head. “I am sorry that your sister died. My grandmother said that Zero was
always upset for not being chosen as a concubine of my grandfather’s, but he didn’t choose any. He
loved my grandmother and he loved Izayoi, he had two loves and that was that,” Towa sighed out
and stepped back. “I really do have to get back to my Mother though,” she said awkwardly.

“Understandable,” Kirinmaru said with a nod of his head before his hand reached to his ribs.

Towa looked at her palm full of roots. “Here, take these. I’ll collect some more quickly. They are
Kikyo roots. My Mother said that they are good for old and new injuries, they are also good to
bring back good health,” she explained as she kept her eyes on the ground as Kirinmaru took a few
pieces of the roots she collected.

“Thank you, princess, it is more kindness than I deserve,” Kirinmaru spoke gently.

Towa felt her cheeks heat and she turned away. “Hmph..I’m going this way now, bye now!” She
announced and marched off quickly, tossing the remaining roots into her backpack and marching to
another spot to search for some roots.

She knelt down in her new spot and glanced to see Kirinmaru staring at the root in his palm before
walking toward the Eastern woods.

I want to ask Mama about the night of the fire from her perspective and her bargain with
Kirinmaru...he isn’t as villainous as I once thought.

Setsuna laid in bed beside her mother and her Father on the other side sat patiently with his legs
crossed as he read from a scroll.

Rin tossed and turned as much as Setsuna allowed her to as she held her gently.

“Her fever has spiked quickly. Towa should be home by now!” Setsuna hissed quietly.

She watched as her father stood up and went to the attached bathing room, setting aside his scroll.
He returned a few minutes later with some wet cloth in warm scented water. He knelt down and
wrung out the first cloth placing it over Rin’s brow.

“Sess...Sesshomaru,” Rin murmured quietly.

“Shh Rin no kimi rest,” Sesshomaru told her gently as he cupped her cheek.

Setsuna had never seen her father speak so gently to anyone before. Most of his words were curt,
even to her Mother. She had even wondered how her sweet, loving mother could have ever fallen in
love with her Father. She had even asked Kohaku once after she realized he and her Mother were
once childhood friends and travelled with her Father.

“Why didn’t you marry my Mother? Wouldn’t that have been more compatible?”

Kohaku laughed as he kept his arms folded. “No...I see Rin as a younger sister. I love her, truly I
do, but I also love your Father. He saved me several times as a boy, even if he will refuse to admit
it. The red string of fate was always tied around them. I am glad you and Towa are not my
daughters,” he explained once his laughter had died. “You two are such a handful! You listen to
orders well but when it comes to Towa, all reason leaves you lately. Towa is the same about you!”

Setsuna had been satisfied with his answer, but she simply did not understand the whole belief in
the red string of fate. Perhaps, because she had not fallen in love herself.

She curled around her Mother, resting her chin on Rin’s shoulder as her Father wiped Rin’s collar,
neck, and even her left arm. She watched her father as he gently ran the cloth along Rin’s fingers,
one at a time before turning her arm and gently caressing the cool cloth along her palm and wrist.

The shoji door slammed open and Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder as Setsuna glanced over to
see Towa panting.

“I got the roots! How is Mama feeling?” Towa asked as she walked over bare foot on the wooden
floor, setting her backpack down.
Setsuna got up and quickly knelt down before the backpack as Towa unloaded the roots. “Why did
you grab so many?” Setsuna asked as she took four and stood up, seeing another couple dozen in
Towa’s backpack.

“Papa said you and Mama will have a garden, do you think you can grow it domestically?” Towa
asked her.

Setsuna huffed. “They grow better in the wild. Ask Aunt Aiya for some pots quickly and seeds of
some flowers. They grow alongside flowers and plants,” Setsuna said as she looked to her Father.
“Keep Mother still, I am going to boil these down into a broth. I’ll be back in a half hour,” Setsuna
told her father.

Her father did not respond but continued to wipe Rin’s brow.

Setsuna looked down and saw several flowers poking out from within the backpack. “Were you
picking flowers?” She hissed at her twin.

“No...they were given to me,” Towa explained nervously, staring at the flowers.

“Who gave them to you?” Setsuna questioned her twin. If their father wasn’t going to question
Towa, Setsuna would. Someone had to be responsible for keeping Towa honest and well behaved.
She narrowed her eyes and her nostrils flared at the scent of the youkai lingered on Towa. “Was it
Kirinmaru?” Setsuna hissed.

“It was! But it’s complicated!” Towa complained and got up, walking around Setsuna and taking
her abandoned spot. “Mama, Kirinmaru said you agreed to his curse to save Setsuna. He told me
some things that I want to ask you and Papa once you are feeling better,” Towa said gently as she
leaned down and kissed Rin’s cheek. “For now, he gave me some flowers since you love them so

“Does Kirinmaru love our Mother now too?!” Setsuna hissed as she marched to the open doorway
in her yukata.

“He doesn’t...he respects her,” Towa muttered in response.

Setsuna snorted and left her parents and sister in the room as she marched along the wooden floor.
Her steps heavier than normal as she stomped with each step along the wooden floor. She would go
to the kitchens once she found Jaken and had him bring her there. “Jaken!” She shouted out as she
walked to the stairs and descended to her and Towa’s floor. “Jaken!”

“Milady, you rarely shout. What is wrong?” Jaken asked as he ran toward her from the main floor’s
stairs from his room.

“I need to go to the kitchen and boil this. Lead the way,” Setsuna told Jaken.

“Oh, right, yes!” Jaken said with a nod and turned on his heel before glancing at Setsuna. “Do you
wish to dress properly?”

“No, go on, quickly!” Setsuna ordered. “My yukata will have to do.”
Rin felt better after a few days later, her fever broke after Setsuna gave her the broth made from the
root. Sesshomaru remained at her side and if he had to leave her to meet with staff he left Setsuna
with her as Setsuna assumed responsibility for Rin’s care.

“You have to eat more Mother. The baby needs it,” Setsuna scolded Rin as Rin sighed heavily,
picking up her spoon and eating a couple more spoonfuls of her stew. Jaken snorted gently as he
went over a list at a desk near Rin’s side. “What?” Setsuna asked Jaken with a raised brow.

“You are as bossy as your Father,” Jaken hummed out. “‘Rin eat more meat you are carrying
twins’, ‘Rin, rest more you are carrying twins’, so on and so on,” Jaken said with a nod.

“Ah! That’s why it sounded so familiar,” Rin laughed lightly. “Sesshomaru-sama passed on bossy
genetics to Setsuna!”

Setsuna blushed and folded her arms as she looked away from Rin and Jaken. “I’m just caring for
you, it’s not supposed to be bossy,” she huffed out.

Rin smiled and took Setsuna’s hand and pressed it to her belly. “Your brother is thankful though,
feel that? He’s doing a somersault because his big sister has taken care of him and their mother,”
Rin said gently.

“What an annoying baby! Rest dammit! Let Mother rest!” Setsuna huffed out.

“You should’ve seen your Mother’s belly when she carried you and Towa-sama, the clothes
literally moved with each kick,” Jaken commented as he wrote something down. “Rin, look at the
ledgers, I should have everything in order now,” he said as he turned the parchment to Rin.

Rin lifted the parchment and read the ledger. “Sesshomaru-sama is very rich, inheriting his
Father’s wealth and a lot from his Mother. She gives a rich allowance...I guess that’s why he said
we could renovate the entire palace. How was everything?” Rin asked Jaken.

“Lady Aiya did not use the funds to make any repairs over the past two hundred years. So the
entire East Wing is off limits. It’s where they used to house soldiers, but there are none here now,”
Jaken explained.

“Hmm, I would like it to be remodeled then into a place where it can be used to house guests of
honour or weary travellers. I would like a kitchen in our building here, I won’t give up cooking,”
Rin said with a hum.

Jaken nodded. “The South wing is where the servants are housed and it needs some repairs itself.
The top two floors have been inaccessible for some time. I have made a plan that will require you
or Sesshomaru-sama’s approval,” Jaken said as he tapped a design he had drawn.

Setsuna lifted it up and looked at it herself as Rin coughed mildly for a moment. “Four floors high?
How many servants are here?”

“Sesshomaru-sama has decided that the children of the hanyou village you were raised in after the
fire are welcomed to come here if and when they leave. It will be your first emissary task as
princess of this castle,” Jaken explained.

“Yes, I would like to thank Shiori myself,” Rin said softly and cupped Setsuna’s cheek. “She took
such good care of you, I wish to meet her and assure her that she and the hanyous have a safe haven
here should they decide to leave the mountains,” Rin said.

“You and Father have discussed this?” Setsuna asked.

“Mhm,” Rin hummed out with a smile.

“Mother, do you think Kirinmaru is still a threat?” Setsuna asked Rin.

Rin glanced at the flowers in a vase. “He was never the threat. Your Father and I agreed that I
should go as a guest-hostage. Kirinmaru was rather kind and always a gentleman. I never saw Zero
during that time. Even though I was confined to a room, he would come and sit with me while I ate
or he would read and ask my opinion on Sesshomaru-sama. He released me only after a few
months and told Sesshomaru-sama I had no worth as a hostage, I think he felt bad that you and
Towa were without me. Then one day he came to the woods and informed me that Zero discovered
you through your dreams. He asked me what I would do to save you. I answered honestly,
anything,” Rin explained softly. “He told me I was to bring you to him and he would curse you,
cursing me. I would take all your dreams, keeping you safe from Zero’s gaze. But Zero acted
without Kirinmaru’s permission and burned the woods,” Rin explained. “Sesshomaru-sama found
us and agreed, he placed me in the Goshinboku once it was done, sending you with Jaken and A-
Un to Shiori.”

“Jaken was never there,” Setsuna frowned.

“I was hiding underneath his belly. ‘Live!’” Jaken said and Setsuna snorted.

“So, Kirinmaru was never truly evil?” Setsuna asked.

“What youkai wouldn’t be worried about being felled by something different? He was supposed to
be the strongest, or one of the strongest,” Rin answered. “Even Sesshomaru-sama would feel
threatened if someone told him there was a prophecy about his demise. Youkai are near immortals,
the closest creatures to gods. Death is not a thought until it becomes real, even if it is a prophecy.
But Sesshomaru-sama and Kirinmaru are both honourable youkai, there is no sense in killing the
weak. Sesshomaru-sama may have done so in the past if he was annoyed, but he has grown a lot
since I’ve met him,” Rin said with a smile.

“I think Towa received the flowers from Kirinmaru for herself and she gave them to you,” Setsuna
huffed out.

“Hmm, maybe but she is not quite sixteen yet. Just don’t tell your Father that. He may think
Kirinmaru is trying to court Towa and Sesshomaru-sama may not be ready to part with his
daughter or be comfortable with that idea of courtship,” Rin said with a melodic laugh.

“Augh...Sesshomaru-sama would be most displeased. Didn’t Towa-sama love Riku?” Jaken asked

“Riku was a doll and part of Kirinmaru, he was capable of seeing and feeling whatever his doll felt,
or so he explained once. He said he let go of Riku to let him be free. Riku was quite bitter about
that and Zero used him. I think Kirinmaru knew Zero was up to no good and used Riku to see if
that was the case. But it may be all too much for me to understand as I am a simple human!” Rin

“You know more than you are letting on,” Jaken huffed as he pointed at Rin.

“Jaken-sama, do not accuse me of knowing things that go on in a daiyoukai’s mind! I am simply

guessing that perhaps...if Towa loved Riku, perhaps it was really a part of Kirinmaru she loved,”
Rin hummed out.

Setsuna paled. “That’s just wrong,” Setsuna said as Jaken sighed and shook his head. Setsuna
stood up. “I have to go hunt a daiyoukai down.”

“Setsuna-sama! Sesshomaru-sama and Kirinmaru have a truce! You mustn’t go hunting Kirinmaru
down!” Jaken shouted.

“He thinks he can take my Towa simply because Riku was a part of him? I think not, I will go tell
him so,” Setsuna growled out.

Rin looked at Jaken and they both nodded at each other. Rin knocked over her bowl of remaining
stew and faked a coughing fit. Palms on the floor as she twisted her body.

“Setsuna-sama! Rin’s cough is back!” Jaken shouted as he ran around the table and patted Rin’s
back. “Rin, Sesshomaru-sama will kill me if you die!”

“Mother!” Setsuna gasped out as she returned to Rin’s side and cupped Rin’s cheek.

Rin covered her mouth. “I am sorry,” she said and broke into another cough. “I believe I got scared
of you hunting down Kirinmaru...that it brought back my illness,” Rin said weakly.

“Promise Rin to not hunt down Kirinmaru, let Towa-sama figure out things on her own in time!”
Jaken demanded.

Rin coughed dramatically, eyes pleading Setsuna.

Setsuna frowned and looked from her mother to her retainer. “Fine, but he’s too old for my Towa!
Back into bed Mother. I’ll bring the desk closer so you can rest better while Jaken goes over the
ledgers and plans.”

Rin sighed and nodded. Kirinmaru owes me for saving his hide! Setsuna was ready to chop off his
head. And if Towa really did love Riku, does that mean she really loved Kirinmaru? That’s
something only Towa can explore her heart for in time, once wounds have healed.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

A Kitsune's Fire
Chapter Summary

The family realizes winter is coming soon after Rin has recovered. Aiya makes a
request of Sesshomaru for her ailing husband and Rin creates a plan that Jaken
executes. Sesshomaru only wants some peace and alone time with Rin, while Setsuna
still opposes him.

Chapter Notes

Here is the continuation of the story, enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Rin woke up and felt an arm hold her down to the bedding. She felt a foot press on her bladder
from the inside.

“Pee,” she complained softly.

“You are supposed to rest,” Setsuna huffed and held her mother more tightly.

Rin wiggled out of her daughter’s grasp, a feat since Setsuna’s strength far surpassed her due to her
demonic blood. “Setsuna, I will wet this bed and you will have to explain this to your Father,” Rin
huffed and pushed at Setsuna’s arm.

Setsuna, perturbed, let go of Rin and the pregnant woman pushed herself up, waddling to the small
chamber to relieve her bladder. When she returned she saw Setsuna sitting on the bed and looking
around the room.

“Father has a lot of random things in here,” Setsuna said as she got up and walked to a chest and
touched the embroidered silk that was framed.

“Oh, I made that for our wedding,” Rin explained as she walked over as she touched the frame and
looked at the other framed silk images. “I made all of these.”

“Father kept them all?” Setsuna asked her.

Rin nodded. “He must’ve sent them to Kaede or Mother for safe keeping. I suppose, if I had died,
he would have let you and Towa have them,” Rin explained gently.

“You are a very talented artist, Mother,” Setsuna said softly with a smile as she traced her finger
along an embroidered flower.

Rin smiled and walked to a purple and pink flower embroidered. She lifted it down and returned to
Setsuna. “I made this one after Sesshomaru-sama told me we were going to have you and Towa.
He told me we would have daughters and together we chose your names. I chose Towa,
Sesshomaru-sama chose your name, Setsuna. Our love was a moment in eternity, so I told him and
he told me it was eternity living in a moment,” she explained and held out the framed silk.

Setsuna touched the pink flower and how it curved around the purple flower below it. The frame
could have been twisted around in different positions and the two flowers would always chase each
other. She touched the purple and it made her think of the symbol of Yin and Yang. Her and Towa
were opposites but she needed Towa as much as Towa needed her. They were sisters, twins, and
they protected each other despite all their differences.

“Sesshomaru-sama and I are opposites in so many ways, like you and Towa are. Yet, we are all a
happy family. You and Towa were strong because you inherited the best of Sesshomaru-sama and
I. It makes me so happy. An orphaned girl like me thought I was always going to be alone, this life
that I have now is more than I ever expected. It sometimes feels like a dream,” Rin said
whimsically with a sigh and held out the frame to Setsuna. “I want you to take this one. Let it
remind you that even if Towa one day falls in love, leaving us, she will always be your other half
first and foremost, you both came from the same womb together. You were quite determined to
follow after your sister so quickly that Kagome almost tossed Towa to Kaede,” Rin finished with a

Setsuna took the frame and held it close to her chest. “Will Towa leave us?” Setsuna asked softly.
She had lost ten years with Towa, had lost the memories of their childhood and bond from before
that forest fire, a part of her wished to be greedy and keep Towa for just a little longer.

“Maybe, but like I am connected to Sesshomaru-sama, I know you and Towa can hear each other
over great distances. You two will always be connected by your blood, heart, and soul. You two
are twins,” Rin said gently with a smile.

Setsuna nodded and hugged her mother. “You always know how to make me feel better Mother,
thank you,” Setsuna said gently.

Rin rubbed Setsuna’s back. “Setsuna, as nice as this hug is, I am quite hungry,” Rin said with a
melodic laugh.

Setsuna pulled back and broke into a small laugh herself. “Alright Mother, we’ll get you fed!”

Towa stood in the empty garden, her palms out and catching the snow. She had never seen as much
snow falling from the sky before when she had lived in the future.

“Global warming affected the beauty of winter,” Towa sighed softly.

“What is global warming?” A tenor voice asked her.

Towa turned to see her Father walking toward with a kimono draped over his arm. The rich blue
colour was beautiful and she knew it was for her before he even unfolded his arm and draped it
over her shoulders. He stood beside her and looked at the snow falling around them.

“Global warming is what humans have caused in the future, Father,” Towa said gently.

“Is it destroying the land in the future?” He asked her as his eyes seemed to take in the beauty of
the snow falling, blanketing everything in pure white snow.
“Yes, there are multiple factors involved. Overpopulation, oil, fossil fuels, industrialization, and so
many things that there has been mass extinction of animals. But,” Towa said with a nod to herself,
“there are humans who are fighting to save the planet’s ecosystem and the animals. I sometimes
think life and death are intimately connected, one cannot exist without the other,” Towa finished.

“Humans, generally, have always been greedy. Naraku’s human self, Onigumo, had been a man of
vices. Humans seem to turn their greed from women, money, drink, and owning land to exploiting
the gifts of the earth,” Sesshomaru reasoned.

Towa gasped, “That’s a good way to explain it. Though, Japan is making progress in being more
green. It’s the Scandanivan countries in Europe that are really ahead of everyone,” Towa huffed
out and then laughed. “You probably don’t even know what I am talking about when talking about
countries and regions outside of Japan,” Towa laughed gently.

“Is this land Japan?” Sesshomaru asked Towa.

Towa nodded and folded her arms. “What do you call this land?” Towa asked him.

Sesshomaru gave a low hum as he looked around. “The West, my domain. I’ve heard it's called
Nippon. Kagome called it Tokyo or Edo, but this land is home,” Sesshomaru explained.

Towa grabbed Sesshomaru’s arm and held it tightly as she smiled up at him. “Father, you are
philosophical. Maybe it doesn’t matter what the land is called because it is home! Also, we are
now far away from what would be Tokyo...and Edo seems to only be developing now and
expanding toward Kaede’s village,” Towa explained.

Sesshomaru didn’t pull his arm away but let Towa snuggle into his side and arm.

“Sesshomaru, Towa, you two are enjoying the snow?” A feminine voice called out.

Towa looked to see her father’s aunt, Aiya, approaching them with a soft smile and her tail draped
over her shoulders. “Morning Aunty Aiya!” Towa replied with a happy smile for the demoness.

Aiya smiled back and made her way over to them through the growing snow. “I am glad to have
found you easily. This snow is going to be a problem in the South Wing’s restoration,” Aiya
announced as her smile faded. Amber eyes looking from Towa to Sesshomaru.

In many ways, the woman’s gentle nature and demure reminded Towa of her mother’s quiet nature.
She couldn’t wait to see the two speak more and bond, but with her father and Setsuna keeping her
mother upstairs and Aiya was busy with her husband.

“Setsuna and Mama’s plans to have the South restored by spring will be halted then,” Towa

“Weather can not be stopped, it is what it is,” Aiya said with a gentle shrug.

“I will have Kohaku bring Shippo here and he can use his fox fire to melt the snow while
construction does enough to keep the roof up and last until spring,” Sesshomaru said.

“Fox fire could work very well,” Aiya said with a nod. “Is it possible to speak to Rin?” Towa could
see the unease in Aiya’s eyes and her body language. Her great-aunt was worried about

“Aiya, how is your husband?” Sesshomaru asked, his brows furrowing.

“ feeling less well,” Aiya answered and they watched as she wrung her hands. “Actually,
he may be close to his time now. I was wondering if Rin may know some potions to help ease his

“I would prefer if Rin is kept away from any of those plants during pregnancy,” Sesshomaru
responded quietly. Towa could see her father trying to figure a solution to help his aunt while
keeping her mother and unborn brother safe. Towa could see Aiya’s eyes droop in understanding,
shoulders sagging under an invisible weight.

“However, I believe that Rin can guide Towa and Setsuna in creating one of her concoctions to
ease whatever discomfort that Kenzo is experiencing,” Sesshomaru added.

Aiya’s eyes lifted and she smiled gently. “Thank you,” she said and dipped her chin. “Our children
are returning home to say goodbye, I want Kenzo to be able to recognize them.”

Towa squeezed her Father’s arm, Kenzo’s fate once could have been her Mother’s fate. The
Goshinboku had given her Mother a blessing, extended life. Towa wondered if Aiya would be okay
after Kenzo’s passing. She hadn’t been able to see the elderly man as Aiya wanted to keep him safe
and sheltered as his health was deteriorating quickly. She let go of Sesshomaru’s arm and took
Aiya’s hands in her own.

“Whatever we can do, Setsuna and I will do our best to help Kenzo and keep him well enough until
he can see his children,” Towa promised gently. “Then he can pass without pain.”

Towa saw Aiya’s eyes fill with tears. She had never seen a youkai cry either, maybe a child youkai
but never an adult youkai. Aiya broke down and held Towa in a tight embrace.

“Your determined face...reminds me of my brother,” Aiya said quietly through her tears.

“T-Touga?” Towa asked her great-aunt quietly.

“Yes,” Aiya pulled away with a small smile and stared at Towa’s face. “He was always kind yet
determined, a small fire behind his gaze. I see that in you. My big brother would be proud to call
you his granddaughter.”

Towa smiled. “Then you know you can trust me,” she assured her great-aunt. She felt something in
her great-aunt words, her grandfather would be proud of her. It meant a lot to hear those words
from someone who knew the enigmatic figure that was her grandfather.

Sesshomaru walked inside the West Wing and stopped before the shoji door to Jaken’s chambers.
“Jaken,” he called out as Towa shook off the fallen snow from her hair and shoulders, shaking her
body. “Jaken,” Sesshomaru called again as he slid the door open. He stepped into the chamber and
saw that Jaken’s futon was rolled up and put away in the corner. His desk was neatly organized, a
few scrolls rolled up and brush set to dry.

Sesshomaru heard Towa’s footsteps and she kneeled at the small table, looking around at

“Where is Jaken?” Towa hummed out as she looked at one of the scrolls on the table and unruled
“Is it a letter?” He asked Towa.

He saw Towa scan it quickly before hopping up and smiling at him as she offered the scroll to him.
He opened it and looked at the plans that Jaken had designed for the South Wing with notes from
Rin written in.

One note stuck out in particular to both him and Towa.

With Winter’s snow, the Kitsune needs a den.

“Rin was already aware that Shippo’s fox fire would be needed for the winter to ensure that the
South Wing would be salvageable. Jaken must’ve left to get him already. Will you go check the
stables?” Sesshomaru asked Towa.

“If Jaken took A-Un then we know that he’s gone to get Shippo, cutting out Kohaku from
searching for Shippo,” Towa conjectured.

“Yes, Jaken and Shippo have formed a friendship of sorts over the past decade, primarily because
of your mother. Shippo would not deny your Mother’s request,” Sesshomaru said with a nod and
rolled up the scroll. “Their plans are sound.”

“Mama is very smart Papa,” Towa hummed as she took back the scroll and set it down on the

Sesshomaru turned and walked out of the chamber with Towa sliding the door shut behind him. He
watched as Towa went back to the entrance door and slid the door open, grabbing the boots she set
down by the door. He retreated upstairs to the third floor and returned to his chamber where he
could hear a harmony and melody from the music coming from the violin and koto.

He slid open his chamber door to see Rin and Setsuna still in their yukatas playing together. Rin
looked much healthier than when she had been sick the week earlier with a bad cold and chest

The song was gentle in tone, the somber songs that Setsuna once played were replaced by gentle
melodies. Sesshomaru often thought it was because Rin’s songs pulled Setsuna out from whatever
sadness existed in her heart from her loss memories were being replaced slowly. Something that set
Sesshomaru’s own heart at ease since he left her and Towa in the forest as newborns. He still knew
it was well reasoned that he had his and Rin’s precious daughters.

Rin’s tears still haunted him as he ruined the happiest moment of her life, their life. He had been
overcome with joy when he heard their cries in the distance, a sign that Rin and their daughters
were well. He felt the smile tug at his lips, his heart beating fast. Almost as fast as when he had
first made love to Rin, his nerves were on fire with every touch she laid upon his skin, setting him
aflame. The heartbeats were different, the feelings were different, but nonetheless he felt immense
joy in his daughters’ births.

They were far more beautiful than he imagined when he held them. Tiny, perfect little beings that
he and Rin created together. Now, she was carrying their son in her womb. He already had a name
chosen for their son but was going to wait until the little one was in Rin’s arms to announce the
name of their son.

She had promised that he could name their son.

The song ended and Rin lifted her fingers up and off the strings while Setsuna eased her bow back.
They both smiled at each other and then Setsuna looked at him.
“Father?” Setsuna called him.

“Towa is checking the stables, it seems Jaken has realized that the winter is coming quickly and
the South Wing requires the Kitsune to make a den for the winter,” Sesshomaru said and glanced
at Rin.

Rin smiled and looked at the koto as she rubbed her belly. “Jaken-sama has taken initiative then?
That’s good. Setsuna, open the porch door, I wish to see the snow,” Rin said.

“Mother, you just recovered fully from your illness with no coughing today, no snow!” Setsuna

Sesshomaru walked around the bedding and Setsuna and slid open the porch door. He heard
Setsuna huff in agitation for defying her orders.

“You are the pup, I am the father, if I decide your mother can see the snow, she may see the snow.
I know Rin no kimi’s limitations more than you,” Sesshomaru said as he turned to see Rin pushing
herself up and walked to the porch, her hand wrapping grabbing Sesshomaru’s haori.

“It’s beautiful, so much more than back at Kaede’s village,” Rin commented gently. “I guess it’s
because we are up in the mountains that there is more snow.”

“Father, was there anything else?” Setsuna called out from behind them.

He glanced back at Setsuna and down to Rin. “Rin no kimi is fully healed, you will return to
sleeping in your chambers, she has been fully healed the past few days and I allowed you to stay to
assure yourself,” Sesshomaru told Setsuna and saw Rin’s eyes glitter for a second before she
evened her face once more.

“I am providing her care, if you keep her exposed she will fall ill again,” Setsuna responded

“Why am I being discussed as I am not part of the conversation?” Rin asked as she turned to
Setsuna. “My sweet, darling girl, I know my body, don’t forget that I was trained as a healer and
was a very competent midwife. I know we have years and years to make up for, but I am not going
anywhere and time is now on our side,” Rin said gently and held out her arm.

Sesshomaru watched as Setsuna took Rin’s hand and held it. “I am sorry Mother, perhaps I have
inherited some traces of protectiveness. It seems to be genetic,” Setsuna said, glancing at

“Precisely, but your Father has learned that he can’t always win against my stubbornness,” Rin said
with a smirk.

Setsuna sighed and Rin tugged her closer and pressed her hand on her belly.

“Your brother likes the snow,” Rin hummed out.

“Beastly child! How can you possibly tolerate him kicking you?!” Setsuna growled out as she
glared at her hand on Rin’s belly. “Every time!”

Sesshomaru was eager to feel his son, he had been kicked out of his room for the past several days
while Rin recovered and Setsuna insisted on being with Rin.
Rin laid on her side, feeling claws dance over her bare belly as Sesshomaru touched and felt for
their son’s kicks, his lips on her bare shoulder, pressing kisses. She pressed her backside into his
groin, feeling his still soft length against her.

“Sesshomaru-sama...I’ve missed you in a variety of ways,” Rin said as she glanced over her
shoulder. Warm lips closed over hers, tongue dipping into mouth. She moaned softly into the kiss
and let her tongue dance as his hand moved to cup her breast. “Mhmm...Sesshomaru-sama,
careful...the milk’s coming in,” she breathed out.

A pinch, twist, and pull and Rin bit her lip as she grabbed his wrist.

“Gentle,” she gasped out as she could feel him stirring behind her with a soft growl as he shifted
and pressed against her. Friction between their skin grew as they moved together in slow

“Then I’ll touch you more gently,” Sesshomaru rumbled out and let his fingers skim down her
breast, belly and beyond the dark curls. His fingers curled along her inner thigh and hooked her leg
over his thigh before his fingers danced closer, her flesh sensitive to his touch. He nipped the shell
of her ear, sucked her earlobe, kissed beneath her ear and down her neck to suck on her pulsepoint
as his fingers rubbed and circled her pearl.

She clutched his wrist as ran the pads of his fingers down and circled her entrance. Rin keened as
he gently pushed his fingers in and stroked her internally, his thumb on her clitoris, and his lips at
her ear telling her how he missed being connected to her, one with her, moving with her, while
always mindful of his claws.

Rin reached behind her and dug her fingernails into his rear, letting her blunt nails dig into his skin
drawn over a firm behind.

“You are nearing seven months, perhaps we must be more gentle,” Sesshomaru whispered as she
felt his shaft rub between her thighs along her folds as he removed his fingers. She let go of his
behind and reached down, letting her fingers feel the flared head and run along the length she
could reach. A small nip on her neck and she brought him to her core, letting him push inside of

Rin shuddered and Sesshomaru rubbed her arms and side as he kept his pace slow and gentle. His
lips teasing her gently, his small groans of satisfaction kept her on the edge. She moved her leg,
drawing her thighs together a bit to make it a tighter fit for them.

“Rin...Rin,” Sesshomaru groaned at the squeeze around his length. His hand cradled her belly, a
gentle kick once in a while as if their son was asleep in her womb and kicking out of reflex.

Rin enjoyed these moments where Sesshomaru would just take his time with her. There was no
rush in finishing.

“Do you think you can handle being on your back?” Sesshomaru asked her.

“Propped up a bit, yes,” Rin told him with a nod before Sesshomaru pulled out gently, swiftly.

She moved to her back as he settled Mokomoko behind her shoulders and head, making it easier
for her to breathe as she laid on her back.

Sesshomaru moved between her legs and returned to her heat. He hooked her knees on his elbows
and gently moved in her.

Rin laid there beneath him as he thrusted in and out of her, slowly driving her mad with pleasure.
His eyes remained fixed on her except for the moments his eyes would flutter shut, his hips
grinding into her before his eyes opened, low and heated, simmering into a dark golden honey. She
arched her back and fisted Mokomoko, toes curling.

“Sesshomaru,” she moaned long and softly.

“You are too far along for anything more vigorous...and Setsuna would attempt murder if you are
sore by morning,” Sesshomaru told her with a huff as he ground into her, pelvis right against her,
giving her friction she needed.

Rin nodded remembering when she was pregnant with the twins how Sesshomaru gently made
love to her, kept her satisfied even when she doubted she could enjoy sex while being so round.

Sesshomaru never seemed to care that she was round and bloated. If she got tired during sex he
would stop and that was it, he would let her rest without touching himself as he cleaned between
her thighs and tucked her into bed.

Presently, Rin stifled a yawn. Sesshomaru paused above her, stilling his pumping hips.

“Rin no kimi, perhaps you are still recovering and need to rest,” Sesshomaru suggested.

Rin felt that small coil in her belly, she needed sex but he was right, she was tired. She had finally
spent a whole day awake and not resting on Setsuna’s orders. “I am so close...please, Sesshomaru-
sama,” she whined softly. “Just a little more,” she begged and tiredly bucked her hips up.

Sesshomaru grabbed her hips and rear end. His thrusts sped up just enough she could hear the
gentle slaps of their flesh together, reminding her of crashing waves against rocks, a constant
motion. She writhed beneath him, closing her eyes and moaning as he angled his hips, driving into
the spot where he prodded against that made her body tingle, toes curling, and she swore it felt like
her body was on fire. He pulled her hips into each of his thrusts, making it easy for her.

“Yes...ahn, just like that, mhmm Sesshomaru,” Rin moaned loudly and opened her eyes to watch
him move over her. That sight of him moving, hearing him plunge into her body over and over, and
feeling him against her, inside of her had her body tumbling over the precipice and into her orgasm.
“Ahh!” She cried out and felt her body tingle as she released, body quaking and gripping
Sesshomaru’s shaft.

“Rin...nngh...Rin no kimi,” Sesshomaru groaned as she sensed the bite of his claws sinking into her
hips as he spilled into her hotly. His hips moved slower, as if pushing his seed as deep as he could
get it.

Bodies stilled and Rin reached up with her hands and Sesshomaru gently pulled from her and laid
astride her before leaning over and letting her pull him close. They kissed slowly, gently, and she
relished in the fact that she was the only one who knew his gentle side, his entire body belonged to
her as she belonged to him.

His tongue, warm and probing, pulled back and amber eyes stared down at her. “I’m going to get
you a cloth and then I’ll clean you up before tucking you into bed,” he told her as he kissed her
She yawned softly and nodded. “I love you so much Sesshomaru-sama, you spoil me,” she told
him with a smile.

“You give me beautiful children and your complete adoration, you spoil me,” Sesshomaru told her
before he gave her another gentle kiss on her lips, back of his fingers running along her cheek.

“We spoil each other,” Rin hummed out tiredly.

“Rest Rin no kimi, I will take care of you,” Sesshomaru promised gently as he left their bed to go
to the small chamber.

Rin allowed herself to close her eyes. Her body was weary enough that she simply yielded when
Sesshomaru returned with a warm cloth, cleaning their mixed mess between her thighs thoroughly
before he pulled the blanket over her. He laid beside her, his hand rubbing her belly as their son
kicked. Sesshomaru’s low humming lulled Rin into a peaceful sleep.

Her last thought was whether she would hear Sesshomaru’s beautiful singing voice and if he would
sing their son a lullaby.

Setsuna woke in the early dawn and used her small chamber to freshen herself up. She decided to
properly dress for the day as she returned to her main chamber. She tidied her bed quickly and was
grateful for the sleep she did have. She shed her yukata and found a fresh one and outer kimono to
wear. The purple one her grandmother had fitted for her. Now that her grandmother had her and
Towa's sizes, she seemed to regularly send them new kimonos.

I have years to make up for when I could not interact with you two. I will spoil you both rotten.
Sesshomaru spoils Rin.

Was one of the messages sent by her grandmother. She wrote back that it wasn’t necessary to send
a kimono per season. Towa seemed to like the choices in kimonos, hakama and kosodes.

Once her gold obi was tied in place Setsuna brushed her hair out and then set back the ornate brush
down onto her chest. She left her room, sliding the door closed behind her.

“Ah, Setsuna-sama, good morning,” Jaken called out.

Setsuna turned and nodded. “Good morning, Jaken. Are you going upstairs to Mother? Did you
find the kitsune?” She asked him.

Jaken nodded. “Yes, Shippo is getting a tour by Sesshomaru-sama right now of the South Wing,”
he said as he walked past her and toward the stairs to the third level.

Setsuna nodded and looked across the large hall to her sister’s room, the door open in her absence.
“Have you seen Towa this morning?” She asked as she followed after Jaken.

“No, perhaps she is with Rin,” Jaken suggested.

Setsuna nodded in agreement and ascended the stairs quicker than Jaken. She walked around the
railing and down to her parents’ chamber. “Mother,” Setsuna called out as she reached the double
shoji door. “I’m coming in,” she announced as she slid open the doors.

She saw her mother sitting at the desk, bathed and a bowl of porridge on the desk nearly finished.
Rin looked up and smiled. “Good morning Setsuna,” Setsuna heard the call and smiled at her
mother as she walked to her and sat down across from her mother at the desk. “Did you sleep

Setsuna nodded, “Yes, Mother, I slept well. Where is Towa? Her chamber door was open meaning
she was absent from her room,” Setsuna asked and explained.

Rin looked at her bowl of porridge. “Towa brought me breakfast earlier. Just after Sesshomaru-
sama left the room to show Shippo around. I believe Towa may have joined them as she was eager
to meet Shippo or she went in search of something in the woods,” Rin replied gently.

“Rin, I have the ledgers you wished to see about the library!” Jaken announced as he entered the

“Good, I am curious to know what we have here. Aunty said we could order more and Mother said
she had plenty to send, but I am hoping to get some human texts,” Rin said as Jaken sat down on
another end, setting his scrolls down.

“Mother...if Towa went outside of the palace grounds, then she may have gone to see Kirinmaru,”
Setsuna hissed as she clenched her fists.

She watched as her mother sighed gently and nodded. “She may have gone to see him or she may
have gone to see Moroha,” Rin said gently.

“She wouldn’t have left me behind if she were going to see Moroha,” Setsuna saw with a huff.

“Well, then, use that nose of yours my sweet darling and find your sister. If A-Un is here, then she
is close to the palace. If A-Un is gone, then she is gone too. She may have even gone to see you
grandmother. She’s a wanderer, like her father. You can’t keep those two on leashes,” her mother
explained with a smile.

“For a long time I thought I was like Father, wanting to keep my Towa safe and tamed. Really it is
a trait of yours wanting to keep loved ones safe. I will seek her out,” Setsuna said as she stood up
and took Rin’s bowl. “At lunch you will eat everything,” Setsuna told her.

Rin smiled. “Yes, Setsuna. Go on then, Jaken and I will be here doing the dry, busy work,” she
said as she took a ledger and unfurled it beside her already opened scroll.

Setsuna quickly made her way down through their West Wing and walked to the entrance door.
She could feel the cold from outside sweeping in before she even pulled on her boots that sat by
the door on a small mat Jaken unfurled to let their boots dry from the snow. She slid the door open
and closed quickly and walked along the footprints. She sniffed the air looking for Towa.

Towa was not close by, Setsuna knew that. She marched through the snow and checked on the
stables quickly to see that A-Un was not there. She felt her left eye twitch in annoyance.

“Towa...cavorting with the enemy!” She hissed and left the stables to find her father. She trekked
through the soft snow and stopped once she reached the doors to the North Wing. She pulled it
open and walked inside, removing her boots and setting them aside by the door. She marched
through the interior of the North Wing that connected to the South Wing. A few staff members
dipped their chins or bowed their heads, wishing her a good morning. She responded to each and
scented her father ahead with a new scent with him.

Shoji doors were opened for her as she kept marching along the wooden floor. She took a left and
finally found her father floating up in the air with a lithe fox youkai floating up above him in a pink

“Yeah, I can make sure my fire keeps the snow melted around the tower without burning the place
down,” the voice was distorted before the pink bubble burst and he fell with ease toward the

Setsuna watched as her father gently landed and she got a good look at the Kitsune. He was lithe
and smaller than her father but at least the height of her uncle. Blue eyes twinkled as he looked
around and he smiled.

“You must be Rin’s daughter Setsuna, I’m an old friend, Shippo,” he announced, fang peeking
between his lips as he smiled. Sandy hair pulled back into a ponytail.

“Yes, I am Setsuna,” Setsuna said with a nod. “Nice to meet you,” her words came out stiffly, as
stiff as her father’s would.

Shippo laughed, arms folded. “She looks more like you and definitely has your personality,

“Setsuna is my daughter,” Sesshomaru said and looked at Setsuna. “What’s wrong?”

“Towa took A-Un, probably to see Kirinmaru!” She hissed.

“Are you certain?” Her father asked as his hand rested on the hilt of Bakusaiga.

Setsuna nodded and then watched her father’s brow furrow. She could sense his displeasure and
even Shippo’s unease about Towa spending time with Kirinmaru.

Possibly. They would have to find Towa first.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading, more will come in a couple of weeks!

Thanks for taking the to read my story.
Winter & Porridge
Chapter Summary

Towa and Sesshomaru discover Kirinmaru and that the wound Towa warned him
about the last the met has worsened. Rin teaches Towa as best as she can on how to
care for Kirinmaru since Sesshomaru keeps her back due to her pregnancy. Setsuna
returns from Shiori's village, her heart feeling lighter than ever before knowing that
her two families will be together in the same place.

Chapter Notes

Hi! Thanks for continuing with the story! I think it is actually heading to the end of the
first part with the birth of Rin and Sesshomaru's son quickly approaching. I may
continue with a second set of stories involving in the family. I also want to give more
time to Aiya, Touga's sister, including a short story of her and Touga when they were
younger, including younger Kirinmaru (and ...Zero). Let me know if you want to see
that possible in the future!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Towa had seen and watched as the snow fell for days. She had a nagging feeling, deep down that
Kirinmaru was still wandering the woods without a weapon, without his armour. She knew it was
ridiculous to think that he was in trouble. He was a daiyoukai after all. He wouldn’t need her help.

But something told her that something was off with him the last time she saw him. He was
melancholic and he had forsaken all of his normal armour and sword. Even his bone skull mask
was missing.

I didn’t find him the other day when the feeling began that he was in trouble though...and Setsuna
has revoked my A-Un privileges. I am the older sister!

Towa stirred the porridge with a pout one more time before ladling it into a bowl for her mother,
her stomach turned at the idea of breakfast. She pinched some salt and spices that her mother
enjoyed before stirring it in, distributing the seasonings throughout.

She set the bowl onto the tray and covered it with a lid. She fetched the tea pot and spooned the
leaves into the base, filling it with hot water.

“Little bird, you are already flitting about so early?” A gentle voice called to her.

The kitchen in the North Wing had been empty at this time in the morning. Towa turned to see her
Aunt Aiya standing there with her hands tucked into her long billowing sleeves that looked like she
was wearing clothing from China rather than the traditional clothes of Japan.

“Your children arrived!” Towa guessed immediately.

Aiya smiled as she touched the soft pink silks. “Yes, they wanted me to wear something. I hope to
introduce you to Akihiro and Aika after they have spent their time with Kenzo,” Aiya spoke gently.
“Kenzo was pleased that they came back from the mainland to spoil me.”

Towa walked to her great aunt and hugged her, rubbing her back. Aiya let out a soft sound and
returned the embrace. “Did the drink help Uncle Kenzo?” Towa asked Aiya as she pulled back
from the demoness.

“Yes, thank you. His hands are not as stiff and the cream Setsuna gave for his feet has reduced the
swelling there. His belly remains swollen and he can’t eat anymore,” Aiya explained quietly as
amber eyes looked to the floor. “The children will have just a few days with him.”

Towa thought of the swollen belly and his inability to eat. She turned back to her tray and lifted it
up. “Aunty, try mixing the tea with some porridge, soften it up, bit by bit. It’ll give enough
nutrition to give a proper few days,” Towa offered.

Aiya took the tray and smiled. “This was for your mother. Sweet floral tea and the spice of the
porridge. Kenzo will enjoy what he can. What about Rin?”

Towa smiled as she turned half her body back to the large pot. “I make plenty for the house staff
when they wake up. Take some for Akihiro and Aika. I can easily make Mama another bowl with
leftovers for everyone,” Towa offered.

Aiya set the tray down on the counter and took two more bowls, seasoning them some lighter
seasonings before lifting the tray back up. “He is in the woods. Closer than you know. I suppose he
has come to pay his respects to this house,” Aiya said and practically glided in her steps as she
walked toward the kitchen doors that were open. “I remember those days when he and Touga
would spar together for fun. He was so full of pride, Touga just wanted to have fun,” Aiya said
softly before turning the corner and disappearing from Towa’s view.

Towa snorted softly to herself. “Of course, the danger is Kirinmaru coming here ,” she sighed and
fixed another tray for her mother. She fixed Jaken, Setsuna, and herself bowls as well. She
managed to just get the new teapot onto the tray. She lifted it up easily and quickly left the kitchen.
In the hallway she saw a tired peacock youkai heading toward the kitchen.

“Good morning, Towa-sama. Thank you for breakfast as always,” the demon nodded at her.

Towa laughed softly and smiled. “Everyone has found out then?!”

“Day one, Jaken-sama said to let you believe we knew nothing of your kindness,” the peacock
youkai hummed out and turned into the kitchen.

“Have a pleasant day Genki!” Towa called back to him and slipped around the corner and headed to
the door of the North Wing that entered onto the courtyard that was shared with the West Wing.

She toed on her boots carefully and then heard Shippo’s feet padding along the wood.

“I’ll get the door!” Shippo told her quickly as he slid the door open.

“Thank you,” she said with a nod and stepped into the snowy courtyard. “We need to connect the
West to the rest of the house, it’s just a tower all by itself!” Towa complained as she trampled
through the snow.

She heard the heavy wood door slid back into place and snow crunching behind her. “Your mother
said the same thing the other day when I stayed and chatted with her,” Shippo said as he walked
alongside her.

“I guess with all the other projects, it’s on the bottom of the list,” Towa hummed out as they neared
the West Wing.

“For now, your father will probably order it to be priority since Rin wants it,” Shippo chuckled as
he opened the door for her. Towa stepped back into the warmth of her tower. Shippo slid the door
shut and shook off the fallen snow on his shoulders.

The two headed toward the stairs but then heard Rin’s voice from Jaken’s chambers.

“In here, I decided to come downstairs,” Rin called out to them.

Towa turned into Jaken’s chambers and saw her mother sitting with her back to the fireplace, a
cloak draped over her kimono. Jaken sat across from her, a table between them.

“I brought you breakfast!” Towa hummed out. “And some of your floral tea.”

Rin smiled warmly at Towa and patted the spot beside her. Towa joined her mother and leaned
over, giving Jaken a bowl after her mother.

“Where is Setsuna?” Towa asked.

“Your sister has left to go speak to Shiori. She said she wishes to spend a few days there, she
brought a few goods with her this time. All things that we could afford to give easily,” Jaken said
as he looked at a piece of parchment. “Two barrels of rice, several containers of dried fish, and
some furs.”

“Shiroi, the hanyou bat? I would have liked to see her,” Shippo said as Towa handed him Setsuna’s
bowl. “It’s been years.”

“Well, Setsuna is offering her and the hanyous some peace with a sanctuary here rather than the
mountainside, which can be unforgiving,” Rin responded.

“The South Wing,” Jaken hummed out.

Towa lifted her spoon to her lips, full of porridge before remembering what her aunt said in the
kitchen. She shovelled it quickly down.

“Where’s father?” Towa asked quickly.

“Slow down, my sweet girl, you’ll choke!” Rin gasped as Towa set her bowl down and stood up,
marching out of the room. “Towa?!”

“I have to check something in the woods!” Towa called back, leaving the other three in the room
quite confused.

Sesshomaru walked into the forest after scenting Kirinmaru. He tread lightly in the dense snow and
reached his destination after leaving the palace’s gates. He could also scent sickness.

He frowned and followed both to the same source as he found Kirinmaru leaning against a tree, his
hand on his side where Riku had once stabbed him.

Sesshomaru paused in his steps. Neither was wearing their armour, but Sesshomaru had Bakusaiga
on his hip.

“Kirinmaru,” he called the daiyoukai.

Kirinmaru coughed up blood, sprinkling and spraying over the snow. “I did not take your
daughter’s seems this wound Riku gave me was more malicious than I thought,”
Kirinmaru spoke tightly and strained as if every word drained him of his remaining energy.

“Hn, she gave you good counsel and you did not take heed. Towa is smarter than she is given
credit for,” Sesshomaru responded.

Kirinmaru grunted and turned his head, panting as he pressed his forehead to the bark of the tree. “I
deserve this death, it was the prophecy...I was to be felled by a creature neither human nor youkai,”
Kirinmaru gasped in pain.

“It seems you came here for a reason. You wish to live,” Sesshomaru retorted.

Emerald eyes looked at him as Kirinmaru tried to straighten himself up, standing tall and proud as
he could. “I came to confess,” Kirinmaru told him, grimacing through some pain.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru intoned as he stood several feet away from Kirinmaru.

“I am the reason your father, my friend, is dead,” Kirinmaru told him.

“Ryukotsusei and Takemura are both responsible, you are not to blame,” Sesshomaru responded.

Kirinmaru’s eyes flashed in anger and he took two steps toward Sesshomaru and groaned in pain.
“Dammit!” He hissed out and knelt on a knee. “It is my fault! I refused your father when he
requested I aid him against Ryukotsusei. I told him to take you, I called him a fool for falling in
love with a mortal. What good is a love for a mortal when we are near divine beings?” Kirinmaru
asked him.

“A sentiment I once used to feel myself. Father fought Ryukotsusei alone. I scented his blood on
the wind and found him staring toward the sea. He was looking, possibly for you, his oldest
friend,” Sesshomaru replied coolly.

Kirinmaru’s jaw tightened, his eyes staring up at Sesshomaru. “I failed him more than once. We
were to fight together against the dragon. I refused. I sent Riku to save Touga from his wounds
once I got word of the battle’s outcome. Riku watched as the flames engulfed your father. That is
my fault,” Kirinmaru spoke adamantly before a cough wracked his frame and he planted his hands
on the snow, coughing up more blood. “This is my death, it is my punishment.”


Sesshomaru turned and saw Towa running in her winter kimono and boots.

Kirinmaru lifted his head up as Towa took Sesshomaru’s arm, gripping it tightly but stared down at
Kirinmaru. “If you give up on life now, then you insult the memories of my grandfather and Riku!
Life is pain! You can’t give up just because for once you feel it!” Towa snarled at Kirinmaru.
Kirinmaru stared at them for a couple of moments, a soft huff leaving him before he collapsed in
the snow.

“He’s unconscious! Quickly Papa, we gotta get him home and fix him up!” Towa demanded of
him as she waved her arm at Kirinmaru.

Sesshomaru snorted softly and walked over to Kirinmaru’s body, lifting him onto his shoulder. The
stench of sickness and the metallic blood clogging all of his senses. “He will be your
responsibility,” Sesshomaru told Towa before taking off into the air toward the palace.

He felt Towa cling to Mokomoko with a gentle laugh despite the situation.

Sesshomaru landed a few short seconds later and flexed Mokomoko to gently set Towa down onto
the ground. She ran around him and toward the house. “I’ll get a futon ready in the spare chamber
on the first floor!” Towa shouted.

Sesshomaru followed after her and could hear Shippo and Jaken gasping as they sensed
Kirinmaru’s presence.

Sesshomaru stepped into the Wing, his home, and saw Rin walking after Towa down the hallway
as fast as her round belly allowed.

“Sesshomaru…” Shippo shuddered out. “He’s poisoned.”

“Riku’s blade, not my claws or fangs,” Sesshomaru responded and walked after his wife and
daughter. “Jaken go tell Rin to leave the room, Kirinmaru is poisoned.”

“Y-yes!” Jaken squeaked out and took off running shouting after Rin.

Sesshomaru reached the room and Rin stood under the stairs with Jaken. Towa was tossing a few
logs into the fireplace and started work on the flint.

“Ahem...Sesshomaru-sama, Rin says that Towa-sama has to clean his wounds directly,” Jaken said

Sesshomaru eased Kirinmaru down onto the futon and looked at his daughter who fanned the
ember, coaxing the ember to catch and burn. She looked like Rin in that moment when Rin once
treated patients in Kaede’s village.

“Towa is Rin’s daughter. Kirinmaru is her patient, leave him in her care,” Sesshomaru settled the

Towa walked to the doorway and looked at Rin who was out of Sesshomaru’s sight. “Mama, what
do I do?” Towa asked calmly.

“You need to use charcoal, it will bind all the toxins inside his body. To dress his open wound you
will have to be careful. If it is through and through, you should address the back first since he will
be laying down,” Rin explained and continued as Sesshomaru left the chamber. Rin paused in her
lesson to Towa. “Sesshomaru-sama, can you please bring Towa my box? Shippo has already left to
get some boiled water.”

Sesshomaru nodded and ascended the stairs to his chamber but paused and stepped back down a
couple. “Rin, is the poison contagious?” He asked her.
Rin walked around the stairs and looked up at him with a smile. “No, only if it gets into a wound
or Kirinmaru spits blood on someone, and that is just a slight chance.”

Sesshomaru nodded and ascended the stairs to their chamber and changed his kosode, tossing the
old one into the fireplace. He washed his hands before touching Rin’s box and returned down to
the main floor with the large wooden box.

He set it down inside the chamber and watched as Towa already had Kirinmaru’s shirt removed
and was dabbing gently at the top wound beneath his ribs.

“Can I put charcoal into the wound?” Towa shouted.

“It will only mask the odour,” Rin called out. “Clove will help with his pain and inflammation of
the skin.”

“The skin is really red!” Towa shouted.

Sesshomaru left the chamber and stood with Rin. Shippo came running carefully with a pot of
boiling water. He set it down inside the chamber and backed up.

“Towa, do you know how to suture a wound shut?” Rin asked.

“No...Setsuna does though!” Towa huffed out in response.

“Alright, well I teach you,” Rin said as she walked to the chamber and stood in the doorway and
looked to Towa across the room. She mimicked motions, hands poised, and giving detailed
instructions. “This will come later, for now clean both his wounds and place cloves in both sides of
the wound, it’ll help. Feel his forehead, is it warm or hot?” Rin asked.

Sesshomaru walked forward with Shippo and Jaken remaining where they were. He watched as
Towa paled as her hand pressed to Kirinmaru’s brow.

“Hot, very hot,” Towa said quietly.

“He has a fever,” Rin said and chewed her thumbnail. “He needs an ice bath, but he needs those
wounds closed too. Clean the wounds first and you’ll have to wrap it tightly. He’ll need an ice bath
as Kagome would say.”

Towa nodded in agreement. “Would ice from the local pond in the woods help?”

“Yes,” Rin said.

Sesshomaru looked back at Shippo and Jaken. “Your task is to find as much ice, break it and bring
it back. Inform Genki that he is to assign several staff to help you and to bring a basin large enough
for Kirinmaru to settle in,” he ordered them.

He looked back at Towa as she lifted the pot of water. She took a cloth and cleaned the wound
gently before mindfully packing crushed cloves from one of Rin’s jars into the top wounds. She
looked back to Rin for guidance.

Rin raised her chin. “It’s too far along to suture...I was mistaken. It’ll have to repair itself. He’s a
daiyoukai, it’s possible,” Rin assured Towa.

“Setsuna still has those roots you requested,” Sesshomaru said.

“Kikyo root...I’ve never used it on a youkai, but it does have healing properties,” Rin hummed out.
“I gave him a whole handful!” Towa hissed out and sat back up. “Are you telling me he didn’t use

“He said he didn’t take your advice,” Sesshomaru informed Towa.

He heard Towa hiss lowly before smacking her hand down onto the wound. “Eh?! Didn’t take my
advice? I told you so! You are going to live just to say the words Kirinmaru! ” She snarled out and
rolled him onto his side, none too gently. Sesshomaru watched Towa diligently, if not a little bit
more rougher, cleaned, packed and dressed the wound.

Setsuna smiled as she flew back home. She was excited to share her news that Shiori and the
hanyous would be joining them in the spring. Her heart felt lighter knowing that her other family
would be with her again.

A-Un descended onto the snowy courtyard and Setsuna wrinkled her nose in disgust at the scent in
the air.

“Poison...Kirinmaru,” Setsuna huffed out. “Gone three days and somehow he is here!”

She leapt off A-Un’s saddle and patted their side. The beast took off back to the warm stables, to
borrow into the hay.

Setsuna marched to the door of the tower and slid the door open, kicking off her boots at the door,
leaving them there. She slid the door shut and followed the scent of Kirinmaru to a large chamber
at the back of the main floor.

She slid the door open and saw Kirinmaru laying on a futon with his stomach bound in bandages.
What surprised her most was that Towa was asleep, curled by the fire a few feet from the futon that
Kirinmaru laid asleep on.

Setsuna padded over to her twin and knelt down. She gently stroked Towa’s white hair that hung
loose over her shoulders. Towa stirred away and pushed up. A smile flitted onto Towa’s sleep face,
her right cheek resting on her hand.

“Hi,” Towa said, voice thick with sleep.

“Why is Kirinmaru in our home?” Setsuna asked quietly.

“Riku’s blade was poisoned. Father and I found him in the woods the day that you left. I’ve been
treating him since. Father won’t allow Mother near him,” Towa explained and sat up. She turned to
the fire and stoked it gently with the prongs before adding a couple more logs. “His fever broke
last night. He’s resting better now.”

“You did well as a physician,” Setsuna hummed out and sat down on the floor, crossing her legs.
Towa leaned against her and she allowed it this time. “How’s Mother doing?”

“Still very pregnant. She said she felt the baby shift downwards and Father sent Shippo to get
Kagome,” Towa said with a small yawn.
“When the baby shifts and drops, it means it is getting ready to be born. Mother will be three
weeks early then,” Setsuna replied.

“Mhmm, she’ll be fine with Aunty. Did you know I gave him kikyo roots and he didn’t even use
them?” Towa wagged a finger at Kirinmaru. “He probably would have been fine...but no, he tossed
them away!”

“Perhaps he felt he deserved to die?” Setsuna asked Towa.

“He said that! He should live. He made bad decisions but he wasn’t the villain, Zero was!” Towa
sighed out.

“Do you love him because he created Riku?” Setsuna asked Towa and rested her cheek on Towa’s

“No...I liked Riku, truly I did, but love...I don’t know if I truly loved him. Kirinmaru is...I don’t
know. I am too young to think of him that way. We’re not even sixteen yet!” Towa huffed out.

“Mother’s age when she married Father and conceived us,” Setsuna reminded Towa.

“Okay...well, I was raised in the modern world and women marry later. By a decade sometimes!”
She told Setsuna.

“Mhm,” Setsuna hummed out and tiredly closed her eyes.

“How was your trip?” Towa asked her quietly.

“They will come in the spring. They even want to help with the construction. Shiori told me she
won’t accept it if she and the hanyous can’t help with construction of their new home,” Setsuna
smiled softly.

“Go tell Mama and Papa, I’m okay here,” Towa said gently as she pulled back.

Setsuna stood up and headed to the door. She paused and watched as Towa got up tiredly and
washed her hands in a small basin before peeling back the bindings.

“It’s doing much better today, Kirinmaru. Cloves for the inflammation and pain. Charcoal for the
toxins and Kikyo root broth to give you strength,” Towa said tiredly and leaned down checking the
back wound before rolling him onto his side, shoving a couple pillows to keep him off the

Setsuna smiled to herself before removing the smile. “Towa,” she called her twin firmly.

Towa looked over her shoulders, bags under her eyes. “Yes?”

“I will bring you some breakfast and tea after I speak to Mother and Father. Afterwards, you will
nap wherever you wish. I will watch over Kirinmaru for you,” Setsuna promised her twin.

Hope glimmered in Towa’s eyes. “Really?”

“I will be back as soon as I can,” Setsuna said with a nod and left her sister.
Rin stirred the pot of stew, throwing in some vegetables. “Jaken-sama, would anyone be upset if I
used beef?” She asked as Jaken stood on a stool at the opposite counter taking count and note of all
the spices in the kitchen that was before him.

“You are the lady of the house, they will be fine with it. If you are worried about a cow youkai...I
have never met one before,” Jaken replied.

Rin smiled at him and set the wooden spoon down and moved to the other pot. “Everyone really
loves porridge for breakfast here,” she hummed.

“ have been making our breakfast?” A male voice called.

Rin looked over her shoulder and smiled at Genki, the peacock youkai was usually the first up in
the morning. “Well yes, Towa has been preoccupied by her patient. I know that you all rely on her
for breakfast. I have started a stew for lunch too,” she told Genki.

“Milady...we are truly blessed to have you and your daughters here,” Genki said with a bow.

“We are glad to be here. But tell me honestly, does everyone here love porridge for
breakfast...everyday?” She asked Genki with a smile.

He laughed gently. “Touga-sama said it was the best meal to have to start a good day. After
he...passed, we didn’t have it for the longest time. Towa-sama made it her first morning here and it
reminded us of our lord. This place felt like home again,” he explained.

Rin sniffled and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

“Milady, I am sorry for upsetting you!” Genki gasped out, hands in front of him, his blue eyes

“She cries while pregnant whenever she hears a sweet story. She’s fine,” Jaken said with a wave of
his hand. “I’ve finished my ledger here.”

“Good job, Jaken-sama!” Rin wailed out.

Genki stood horrified as Sesshomaru walked into the kitchen with Setsuna right behind him. He
bowed quickly to him. “Sesshomaru-sama, Setsuna-sama...I am terribly sorry for making Rin-sama
upset. I only told her about porridge being Touga-sama’s favourite and that Towa-sama made it her
first morning here, making it feel like home again,” he explained quickly.

Rin hiccoughed through her tears and turned to Sesshomaru and Setsuna. Sesshomaru looked
mildly displeased, he had probably rushed over to the kitchen scenting her tears. Setsuna sighed
softly and walked toward her.

“Mother, I’m home,” Setsuna said.

Rin smiled through her tears, “Welcome home, Setsuna. Breakfast?”

Setsuna nodded. “I’ll take a bowl for Towa. Father will speak to you about Shiori,” Setsuna
informed her.

Rin nodded and grabbed a couple of bowls, filling them for Setsuna. “Genki, stop bowing,” Rin
ordered him gently.

“Yes, milady!”
“Take your bowl and go along now, I didn’t mean to give you a fright with my tears,” Rin laughed

“It’s my beastly baby brother’s fault,” Setsuna huffed as she seasoned her porridge and Towa’s.
She set the bowls down and grabbed a readied teapot from her father. “Making his preparations to
arrive early too!”

“Make sure Towa stays hydrated,” Rin told Setsuna.

Setsuna nodded and set two teacups on the tray and left the kitchen.

Genki quietly thanked Rin and left quickly to return to his room to eat.

“So?” Rin hummed out.

“Shiori’s only stipulation is that she and the hanyous help with the construction,” Sesshomaru
informed her as he set three bowls onto a tray on a counter.

“You’re having breakfast?” Rin asked him with a smile.

“Apparently, it is a tradition. I remember eating porridge with my Father. It is interesting to see that
it was quite important to him and his people here,” Sesshomaru responded.

“Have you heard from Aunty Aiya?” Rin asked him as she laddled porridge into the bowls as
Sesshomaru held the tray.

“Nothing,” he replied quietly.

“Kenzo has been fed liquified porridge the past few days. He is still dying, but he has enough
energy to speak to his children,” Jaken said quietly.

“Did you check on her?” Sesshomaru asked him.

Jaken nodded grimly. “Despite his belly being bloated and his cheeks hollow, he is still enjoying
his family. I told Aiya-sama that her and her children will have whatever they need.”

“Good, they are family. I had hoped to see Kenzo myself, but Aiya has kept him close and
sheltered. I don’t blame her,” Rin sighed softly.

“For now, we give her space,” Sesshomaru told her as he carried the tray. “Jaken, tea.”

“Yes, milord.”

Rin waddled after Sesshomaru. “Any day now, Sesshomaru-sama. This baby boy wants to meet
you and his sisters!” Rin laughed gently.

“Then you are confined to our chambers.”

“Are inu youkai that protective and territorial of their spouses?” Rin hummed out with a smile and
teasing note.

Sesshomaru looked back at her with slight annoyance. “You are mine to protect. Our pup too,” he
informed her.

Rin smiled up at him. She would gladly stay in her chambers since the snow came and went, one
day or one hour with large flakes that drifted slowly down from the sky, the next moment the sky
was a blur of white flakes everywhere.

Her son would be a winter baby, just like his uncle Inuyasha.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading and sticking around for the story. My work schedule is hectic since
it is summer. Thank you for being so patient. You can follow me on Twitter and
Tumblr @myravenspirit. My DMs and asks are always open.
False Contractions and A Near Kiss
Chapter Summary

Rin is confined to bed after false contractions worry Sesshomaru. Setsuna argues with
Moroha and cares for Towa once Kirinmaru has awakened. Sesshomaru with his wife
and his daughters indisposed of tries to help his aunt Aiya after receiving word that her
husband passed. Towa goes to pay her respects to her aunt and cousins with Kirinmaru
accompanying her.

Chapter Notes

Thank you all for patiently waiting. This will be the second to last chapter of this story.
It will end with the birth of Sesshomaru and Rin's son. It may lead into a series of
small stories splitting off between SessRin and baby; Setsuna and baby brother; and
Towa, family...and Kirinmaru.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Rin sat on the bedding and sighed as Setsuna smoothed out the blankets around her before reaching
behind Rin and fluffing the pillows. Rin spared a glance at her sister-in-law, Kagome, who sat
patiently beside the bedding across from Setsuna.

“Are you sure that you are comfortable, Mother? I can get more pillows...a better futon,” Setsuna
said quickly as she leaned back and sat on her knees.

Rin took her hand and squeezed it gently, giving Setsuna a reassuring smile. “I’m fine Setsuna.
Your brother hasn’t arrived yet and he won’t for a few more days, this is just to give me some
space,” Rin explained gently.

“From Father?” Setsuna asked as a frown wrinkled her brow. “Has he been...has he...did he…”
Setsuna huffed out, cheeks flaming red in embarrassment at the accusation of her father mounting
her mother that she withheld. She was obviously horrified and embarrassed to say the words as her
eyes glanced away quickly.

“Has Sesshomaru being having sex with Rin? Probably lots, he loves her very much and she loves
him. You can’t change that and it’s fine and safe. And if he’s like Inuyasha, he’s probably gentle
and more concerned about the baby then your mother during sex,” Kagome stated with a smile.

“It’s true,” Rin said with a low hum.

“M-mother!” Setsuna gasped out, cheeks and the tips of her ears bright red as she stood up and
stomped out of the room. The ends of her hair trailing behind her as she turned the corner at the
open door quickly.

Kagome laughed softly. “She still has no interest in boys then?” She asked Rin with a smile. “Not
even a girl?” Kagome pressed as Rin remained silent.
Rin smiled and shook her head. “She’s like Sesshomaru-sama, she’ll love someone when they
reach through that guarded, icy heart of hers and then she’ll love them with everything she has.”

“Hisui wasn’t that person for her, huh?” Kagome sighed out.

“No...apparently not. She trusted him as a friend and ally. Towa called Sesshomaru-sama and
Setsuna demi-sexuals, I didn’t quite get what she meant by it but she explained it’s like asexual
beings who have no sexual desire unless they really like the person. I think?” Rin tilted her head
wondering if she had gotten Towa’s explanations correct.

“Towa is probably right...though I still have something to ask that you wouldn’t answer after your
wedding night. Was Sesshomaru a virgin?” Kagome asked as she leaned in with a smile. “Come
on...tell me! I have a standing bet with Miroku!”

“Why would you need to know such information?” A rich baritone voice called out and Kagome
gasped as she sat up straight. Rin watched as Sesshomaru strode into the room.

Kagome gasped. “No armour?! Still have the swords must be relaxed in your own
home!” She said cheekily, adding a wink.

Sesshomaru glanced from Kagome to Rin unaffected by Kagome’s teasing. “Towa asked me to
inquire whether or not she could add some ointment to Kirinmaru’s wounds at the edges. She said
that the skin is cracked and dry,” Sesshomaru explained.

Rin nodded. “It should be okay with the balm. Setsuna knows which one it is,” Sesshomaru stared
at her and then amber eyes flicked down to her hands on her belly. “He’s shifted a little downwards
again. A couple days or so, Sesshomaru-sama, and we will have our son.”

Sesshomaru stared at her before glancing at Kagome. “You are to ensure she remains in bed,” he
said and then turned and left the room.

Kagome raised her right hand to her forehead and saluted him with a smile at his back. “Four
hundred year old virgin, I win the bet,” Kagome snickered.

“Oh Kagome,” Rin sighed out and took Kagome’s hand as the older woman giggled.

“Is he kicking?” Kagome asked and scooted closer again and placed her palm on Rin’s stomach.
She sighed, shoulders sagging as she smiled at Rin. “Those are some good kicks! I remember when
I got to feel the twins kicking and then my little Moroha.”

“How is Moroha doing?” Rin asked.

There was a noise outside of the room and two voices arguing.

“You have to stay out of there! My Mother needs rest before delivering my brother!” Setsuna was
calm, yet she was somehow loud all at the same time.

“Please! My Mother is teaching me medicine! I’m supposed to be in there!” Moroha shouted back.

“I have learned from my Mother and I will be the one going in there!” Setsuna spoke over Moroha.

Kagome’s jaw dropped as Rin snickered softly.

“Reminds you of them too, right?” Kagome asked Rin after a moment and stood up walking over to
the open door to peek out. “Hey! Quit that, right now! You two are worse than your fathers, you
know that?! Go ask Sesshomaru about the time that Inuyasha cut off his left arm for trying to steal
Tessaiga! Go on!” Kagome shouted.

Rin laughed from her spot, imagining Setsuna and Moroha both staring at Kagome like she grew a
second head.

“Mom...are you blind?” Moroha asked loud enough for Rin to hear.

“My Father has both arms,” Setsuna assured Kagome.

“Well, ask him how he grew it back then. It was quite the sight!” Kagome said and then stepped
back, sliding the door shut to the chamber. She slid her palms against each other a few times and
sighed before turning back to Rin. “I solved the problem, they took off together looking for
Sesshomaru. They’re fine now.”

“Good, I’m glad you all came,” Rin said with a smile.

“ must be why Inuyasha was glaring at the corner door on the first floor,”
Kagome said as she padded back over along the wood floor and sat down.

“That obvious he’s here?” Rin asked.

“His aura stank too,” Kagome said with a frown as she crossed her arms. “Are you sure you want
him to be here? I mean didn’t he cause all of the crazy shit we went through?” Kagome asked with
a frown, lips turned down.

“Zero was the real cause. It’s all complicated,” Rin sighed.

Kagome decided to lay on her side on the floor, Rin passed her a pillow from beside her. “Well,
maybe you can tell me a little bit more. I only knew from Sesshomaru and the kids’ perspectives.
Yours has to be a little interesting! I know how strong you must’ve been through everything.”

Rin nodded with a small smile before she told Kagome her side of the story.

“Setsuna!” Moroha complained as she followed her down the stairs. “Where are we going?! I
want to ask your old man how he regrew his arm!”

“There is no ‘we’ here, Moroha. You can explore the palace as you wish and try asking Father, he
probably will stare you down rather than answer. I’m taking this to Towa,” Setsuna said as she
held up the jar of balm before pulling it close to her chest. She didn’t want Moroha to touch it or
try to eat it.

“What is it?” Moroha asked curiously.

“It’s a balm for Kirinmaru’s injuries,” Setsuna said as she reached the landing and turned around
the stairs. She walked across the floor towards the door of the room that her father gave Kirinmaru
while he was unconscious and in Towa’s care.

“We should kill him, you know, for everything that he has done to us and our families,” Moroha
said quietly and Setsuna paused in her steps to glance at Moroha. Moroha still wore the same red
outfit and red bow in her hair. She hadn’t grown much since Setsuna last saw her, her cousin was
as petite as Rin but with less feminine curves. Setsuna was surprised upon meeting her aunt that
Moroha was so flat chested. It wasn’t an observation made on purpose but Kagome had hugged her
so tightly, shoving her face right into her breast that Setsuna knew there was a difference between
mother and daughter.

Sestsuna sighed. “Zero was the enemy. In many ways, Kirinmaru was manipulated and deceived
more than us. He probably blindlessly listened to her because she was his older sister.”

“Well you never listened to Towa so blindly!” Moroha huffed and placed her hands on her hips.

Setsuna smiled just a bit. “I forgot her for the longest time, Moroha. But I love my sister and I
would now do almost anything to make her happy,” Setsuna said and then quickly amended
herself, “unless her being happy is something that will endanger her.”

“Like Kirinmaru?” Inuyasha asked as he walked over to them from Jaken’s room, Shippo right
behind him.

Moroha made a face and Inuyasha patted her shoulder.

“Eww. Him? She liked Riku!” Moroha started drily with a roll of her eyes. “And Kirinmary
temporarily killed you, I should know...I witnessed it!”

“Like is different than love,” Shippo hummed out.

Setsuna nodded in agreement with Shippo. “Towa said the same thing and she doesn't know her
heart, she said so herself. Now, if you will excuse me, we have a patient to care for. Kouga’s
wolves once killed my Mother...she let it go, Moroha. There is wisdom in that, ” she added as she
dipped her chin and turned around, marching along the wood floor in her tabi and reaching the
door to the chamber. She knocked on it gently, feeling three sets of eyes on her back. “Towa, it’s
me. I have the balm,” she said as she slid open the chamber door.

She walked inside the room and walked further inside until she saw Towa asleep, torso draped over
the desk their father brought her the other day. Setsuna’s eyes landed on Kirinmaru who was sitting
up wide awake, a blanket on his lap, his chest bare.

“You are awake,” Setsuna said as she walked over to Towa’s side.

Kirinmaru nodded and kept his eyes on Towa. “She could’ve allowed me to die...Could have killed
me when I was vulnerable and unconscious. You as well, Setsuna,” Kirinmaru said.

“Then we weren’t the ones of the prophecy,” Setsuna said coolly.

Kirinmaru nodded. “Even your father spared me.” Setsuna heard him, just above a whisper before
his eyes glanced back to Towa.

Setsuna held out the jar of balm. “Take this. Since you are awake, you don’t need someone to rub
it on,” Setsuna told him.

“How long have I been unconscious?” Kirinmaru asked as he took the jar.

“Approximately nine days. Your fever was high and didn’t break until two nights ago,” Towa
yawned out and slowly stretched her arms out on the desk before sitting up.

Setsuna turned her attention to Towa, a hand on her shoulder. “You’ve done enough, you can return
to your chambers and sleep properly,” Setsuna said as she stood up and grabbed Towa’s arm.

Towa stood up and then leaned against her. Setsuna could feel Kirinmaru’s eyes on them as she
draped Towa’s arm over her shoulders. “Legs asleep,” Towa muttered.

“Of course they are,” Setsuna said and looked at Kirinmaru around Towa. “That balm is for the
dry skin around your wounds that are healing. Towa needs rest and you are not to call for her.”

“Yes, I understand. Thank you...and Setsuna, it is good Tenseiga was able to bring you back,”
Kirinmaru said.

“Father entrusted Towa to bring me back. You’ve seen her powers, she was able like Father,”
Setsuna said and pulled Towa along who was yawning in her ear.

Sesshomaru saw the backs of his daughters heading up the stairs, Towa leaning heavily against
Setsuna. He paused at the entrance door and then headed to the door at the end of the corridor on
the main floor. He saw a flash of red and black streak toward the open door then red and white with
a muttered curse and a name.

Sesshomaru didn’t make haste to the room, Inuyasha would handle his daughter.

“You better not hurt our Towa!” Sesshomaru heard Moroha hiss out.

“I would never intentionally do so,” Kirinmaru responded evenly as Sesshomaru reached the
doorway and walked into the room where Inuyasha was holding the back of Moroha’s haori collar.

“You hurt her when you killed our Setsuna! Our Setsuna! You made my Uncle seal my parents
away in a desperate attempt to save them! You are the worst!” Moroha shouted at him.

“Moroha, that’s enough. He can’t even defend himself right now, he’s defenseless,” Inuyasha
hissed at his daughter.

Sesshomaru paused in his steps as he smelled tears.

Moroha rubbed at her eyes as Kirinmaru stared at her as if he had been slapped in the face or
stabbed through the chest again.

“I didn’t have my parents because of you! held Aunty Rin hostage! You let her and
Sesshomaru live in misery! Everything is your fault!” Moroha shouted out.

Inuyasha glanced at Sesshomaru, amber eyes locking with his before turning back to Moroha and
gently patting her back. “Come on, everyone is safe now. Maybe we should try Rin’s way and just
forgive and move she did with Kouga’s wolves. You don’t have to forget what happened,
but you need to move on and heal.”

“I was raised with those wolves!” Moroha gasped out. “Kouga killed humans!”

“Way...way in the past! Stories for another day,” Inuyasha promised.

Moroha’s expression was one of exasperation and no comprehension. “I want to blame Kirinmaru!
Let me blame him! Let me shout at him!”

Sesshomaru saw Inuyasha’s jaw tighten before glancing back at him. Sesshomaru didn’t have an
answer either for Moroha.

“You may voice your hatred for me, Moroha,” Kirinmaru said as he grabbed the blanket Towa left
behind and draped it over his shoulders.

Moroha turned back to him and stood still for a moment. Her fists clenched and cheeks bright red.
“…” She let out a pained sound and then pointed at him, one hand on her hip. “If you
start something with Towa, it better be because you aren’t just stringing her along! She deserves
better! If she chooses you then you treat her like a queen! She’s the nicest of the three of us!
Setsuna may just try and hunt you down! But I’ll rip off your balls first!” She shouted and then
stormed out of the room.

Inuyasha snorted and shook his head. “Towa’s my favourite niece, so same sentiment as Moroha,”
Inuyasha said and walked out of the room, giving Sesshomaru a nod. “What happened to you
yelling at him Moro?” He called after Moroha.

“Last time...I tried shouting at Setsuna and I ended up calling her cute!” Sesshomaru heard Moroha
complain as she walked off with her father.

Sesshomaru internally snorted at his niece before he glanced at Kirinmaru. “You’ve received
enough threats of harm and death today. I had only come here to see for myself that you are

Kirinmaru nodded. “I am, due to Towa’s caring. I’ll leave as soon as I am able,” Kirinmaru said.

“I expect you to pay your respects to Aunt Aiya, a face from her past may be of comfort as her
husband is nearing his death,” Sesshomaru said.

Kirinmaru stared at him blankly before sighing heavily in understanding. “Aiya married a human.”

“Kenzo. Their children have come to say their farewells,” Sesshomaru added.

“Before I leave, I will pay my respects to her and her family. Touga’s little sister, he treasured her
very much. I remember her being a young pup chasing after him. He was six centuries older than
her and he practically raised her after their parents died. She’s only five centuries older than you,
Sesshomaru,” Kirinmaru said and sighed heavily.

Sesshomaru stared impassively at Kirinmaru. “Things have changed Kirinmaru. We do not live in
the same world we once ruled over.”

Kirinmaru nodded in agreement and lifted up the jar of cream. “I agree. It’s why I sank my ship in
the sea with my armour and mask. I am no longer Kirinmaru of the Dawn...just Kirinmaru. Yet,
you have taken up your title as Lord of the West again.”

“I have no desire to create an empire. I wish to create a stable home and community for my family.
But I will not tolerate youkai senselessly killing humans,” Sesshomaru replied tersely.

“Rin has had an impact on you.”

“Perhaps Towa will have one on you. It will be by her terms if she decides on it,” Sesshomaru
stated drily.
“I understand. I do not know how I feel. There may be too much bad blood between us,” Kirinmaru
responded and slowly twisted off the lid of the jar.

Sesshomaru turned and started to walk away. “She stayed by your side day and night, cleaned your
wounds, gave you an ice bath, and cared for you. That is her answer,” Sesshomaru said and left
Kirinmaru with those words as he left the other daiyoukai with his thoughts.

Sesshomaru was unsure how to feel about his eldest daughter being quite possibly in love with
Kirinmaru, but he did understand that the heart and soul chooses who is best for you. He had never
expected to fall in love with Rin when she became a woman, but now they were married and
expecting their third child.

Love was complicated and he knew that from experience. He also knew it had ups and downs. It
was bliss and it was pain. It was euphoric and it hurt the heart. It could set your heart fluttering,
blood rushing to your cheeks, or your heart could hammer away in dread of your loved one hurt
and your cheeks paled.

He would just have to let Towa figure it out on her own and comfort her if she was hurt.

Towa woke up, limbs feeling heavy, her eyes heavier. The soft bedding called to her and pulled her
back to the space that was somewhere between the waking and dream worlds.

“Towa, you should wake up,” Setsuna said, her voice almost firm but not quite.

“Tired,” Towa mumbled out, eyes falling shut again.

“You haven’t eaten in two days since I brought you up to my room,” Setsuna huffed gently.

Towa raised her hands and smiled as she understood what the softness around her head was, her
sister’s Mokomoko. “Mokomoko,” she hummed out dreamily, turning and rubbing her cheek into
the soft pelt.

“Yes and I want it back,” Setsuna sighed out.

Towa let her eyes open and she blinked heavily for a few seconds before stretching her arms over
her head and out in an arc, shoulders popping. “Did I really sleep that long?” Towa asked her twin
as Setsuna sat a few feet away at her desk lifting the lid off two bowls.

“Yes, now come eat after you’ve relieved your bladder. We have to talk,” Setsuna said and Towa
nodded, getting up and retreating to the shared watercloset on their floor. When she returned, she
felt a heavy feeling sinking in her gut by her sister’s earlier words. If she had dog ears like their
uncle they would have flattened against her white hair by now.

“Okay…” Towa prompted her twin as she sat on her knees on the pillow, pulling the bowl of
porridge close.

“Kirinmaru is up and about now, he talked with Mother and Father and he will be leaving this
evening after he’s paid his respects to Aunty Aiya. Kenzo…” Setsuna paused and took Towa’s
hand from across the table. Violet eyes showing more emotion than usual.

Towa lowered her spoon and nodded slowly. She felt her tears and she let them fall. She hadn’t
gotten the chance to see Kenzo, her great uncle, but her heart mourned for her great aunt. “Oh
Aunty Aiya...and Akihiro and Aika!”

“Yes, he passed last night. Aunty Aiya has been in her chambers since with her children. Mother is
distraught that Father won’t let her go see them. He’s worried about her since she had some
contractions, which Kagome said were a false start, but to Mother’s stress,” Setsuna explained.

Towa’s lips parted and shook her head. “A lot’s happened, fill me in as I eat.”

Setsuna nodded and removed her hand, tucking dark hair behind her ear as she explained what
happened over the past two days that Towa was unconscious.

Towa ran up the stairs after quickly washing herself and dressing in a fresh kimono her
grandmother sent her before the snow fell. A deep red wine colour with gold flowers embroidered
on it. She ran to her mother’s temporary room and slid the door open to see her mother and aunt
chatting. Her mother stitching on a canvas.

“Good morning Mama!” Towa said as she quickly walked over and sat on the bedding beside her
mother, kissing her cheek.

Rin set her embroidery down and cupped Towa’s cheek. “You’ve gotten some rest?” She asked
with a smile.

Towa laughed. “Two days worth! I won’t sleep again for days!”

“You’ll be fine,” Rin said gently and her smile faded. “Setsuna informed you?”

Towa nodded quickly. “Yes, I thought I would ask you for your opinion first. Should I make them
some food and try to get them to leave the room or leave them be?”

“They do need their strength,” Kagome said and Rin nodded in agreement.

“I would make everything a little more bland, they may be too upset for their stomachs to handle
the food though,” Rin added. “Will you give Aunt Aiya my love and regards. And if she and the
children would like to come visit, I would enjoy their company.”

Towa nodded and got up and looked at Kagome. “Take care of Mama, Aunt Kagome,” Towa said
with a smile and Kagome returned it. Towa then turned and bounded out of the room and down the
stairs, across the floor and down the next flight to the main floor.

She marched toward the door of their tower and grabbed her boots, slipping the right one.

“Towa,” a masculine voice called her and Towa set her booted foot down, turning to see Kirinmaru
dressed in one of her father’s spare haori and hakama that he didn’t wear because he didn’t like the
green and blue combination. It wasn’t flattering to Kirinmaru’s complexion, but clothes were
clothes, especially when free.

“ should be resting still. I have to go to the kitchens and make Aunty Aiya, Akihiro
and Aika food,” Towa explained.
Kirinmaru continued to walk toward her and she turned back to her left boot and slipped it on. “I
would like to talk when you have the time,” Kirinmaru said behind her. “I leave this evening.”

“It’s dumb to leave at night, you may be a youkai but you are still healing. You’ll stay until I say
you are fit enough!” Towa said and glanced over her shoulder at him with a fixed glare. “You are
my patient Kirinmaru, you have not been given permission to leave, understand?”

Kirinmaru’s green eyes stared at her in surprise at her authoritative command. He nodded and
stepped closer. “I will accompany you then and you may judge my health,” he told her and slid the
door open. He winced at the motion of his arm stretching, probably pulling at the healing wound
on his ribs.

Towa internally huffed and kept her face as impassive as possible but Kirinmaru’s slight tightening
of his jaw and frown told her that she showed concern for a brief moment and he knew that he had
shown pain. Neither spoke of it as they walked quickly to the North Wing and to the kitchens.
Kirinmaru followed her all the way.

She entered the kitchens to see several members of the staff staring at her uncle as he was cooking
a pot of something that smelled horrible. Their hands were over their mouths and noses, Genki
looked ready to pass out.

“Uncle Inuyasha! What is that smell?!” Towa gasped out, desperately trying to not throw up

Inuyasha turned and glanced at her with a grin. “It sure does smell awful! But it’s my mother’s
liver soup. It’ll help Rin feel better with those contractions,” he explained.

“Towa-sama!” Genki cried out and then ran out of the room, muttering an apology as he nearly
barrelled into Kirinmaru.

Towa saw that even Kirinmaru was looking a little green. She grabbed his arm and pulled him
outside of the kitchen. “You stay and breathe some cleaner air. I’ll deal with my uncle!” Towa told
him and patted his arm, seeing him nod slowly and exhaling in relief. Towa turned and marched
back into the kitchen, sleeves held to her mouth and nose. “Inuyasha...mother is not unwell.
Contractions are the signs that a baby is coming! Don’t feed her this! Don’t feed this to anyone!
Did you try to feed this to Aunty when she went into labour?!” She shouted at him, thinking of her
poor pregnant aunt force fed this horrible ‘soup’. The other staff of the house watching on.

Inuyasha frowned at her and went back to the pot he was stirring. “I’ve made this for Kagome and
Rin over the years. Even for Miroku, Sango, and their kids. I would’ve made it for Moroha, you,
and Setsuna too. It’s my mother’s recipe to cure any illness,” he explained.

“Well…” Towa started, seeing the kindness in the intention her uncle had. Even the staff in the
corner lowered their hands. She smiled at her uncle. “It’s really sweet, but I think right now, mother
needs porridge and lots of rest. She’s not sick. But...But it’s really nice to know you really care
about your family,” Towa said and patted her uncle’s shoulder as she stepped up beside him.
“Please...stop cooking it for today!”

Inuyasha chuckled. “Sure, Towa. But do you want some of this for Kirinmaru?” He asked her in a
mock whisper.

“No, I’m not going to torture him,” Towa said with a laugh. Inuyasha nodded and looked at the
staff. He muttered an apology and carried the pot right off the cooking fire, muttering that A-Un
would enjoy it.
Towa mentally agreed that A-Un would think it was a delightful treat to eat something warm,
meaty, and disgusting to everyone else. She had seen them once eat a cow, though he usually
enjoyed grass.

Her father admitted that in front of her mother when she had been young, A-Un only ate grass. It
had been a shock for her mother when she saw A-Un eating a deer that she asked him if A-Un was
sick. Towa could imagine her parents discussing A-Un’s eating habits. He wasn’t an herbivore but
still even to this day it seemed that the two headed beast was opposed to eating meat in front of Rin
unless she presented it to them. Setsuna claimed it was fascinating that the beast did something so

“Towa-sama is Rin-sama really having contractions?” One of the older staff members asked.

“False ones! She’s fine, no labour yet! She’s confined to her chambers until it's time and my aunt is
with her,” Towa explained quickly.

They all smiled at her and started to bustle about the kitchen, airing it out and Towa looked behind
her to see Kirinmaru walking back inside. The sound of a pot was set before Towa and she turned
to see a pot of water there.

“Do you cook, Towa?” Kirinmaru asked her.

“Towa-sama makes breakfast every morning for us, Kirinmaru-sama,” A female peacock youkai
said with a small bow.

“Then I took Towa away from her duties for some time then?” Kirinmaru asked.

“Rin-sama came down here herself for a few days, then Setsuna-sama. This morning was
Sesshomaru-sama himself! He seemed to be carrying a written list of instructions from Rin-sama,”
the same female answered.

“ father came down here this morning to cook?” Towa asked and then threw her head
back and laughed.

Fuyuko, the peacock youkai, giggled with her. “Genki thought you were all ill and told Inuyasha-
sama that Rin-sama was sick with contractions as Sesshomaru-sama stated that was why he was
here. It seems neither knew what that actually meant! Clearly two men who have never taken the
time to learn about labour.”

Towa smiled and nodded. “Genki is your father after all and Inuyasha is a father too, you think
they would know?!” She hummed out as she walked to a set of spices and grabbed a few before
finding a cleaned carcass of a chicken. “Chicken and rice soup!”

Towa returned to her pot and saw that a few of the female youkai were staring at Kirinmaru with
keen interest as he walked around the kitchen. Even Fuyuko spared him a glance that looked quite

Towa paused and stared at himself. Dark unruly wine hair hung low behind him. Green eyes
looking everywhere. His marred flesh was hidden, right eye just able to see through his bangs, but
she knew it was soft and smooth from when she took care of him. His jaw was angular and sharp,
nose a perfect straight line. She could see her and Setsuna’s crisscrossed marks on his cheek. She
felt a new feeling in her chest and lower still that she had not expected.

“Kirinmaru...can you bring me that onion, Fuyuko can you tell him where the knives are?” Towa
asked as she tossed the chicken bones into the boiling water.
“Yes, milady!” Fuyuko said with a smile and directed Kirinmaru to the collection of kitchen

Towa carried a tray of soup a couple hours later with Kirinmaru walking beside her.

The soft cries of her second cousins and the wails of her great aunt echoed in the corridor as they

Towa saw a figure standing outside the door and recognized her father. “Papa?” Towa called him.

Sesshomaru turned his head from them to the tray before glancing at the tray on the floor. “They
have not eaten. Perhaps your attempt will succeed,” Sesshomaru said as he lifted the tray off the
floor and walked toward them.

“I’ll try my best. Kirinmaru wanted to pay his respects. He’ll stay a little longer because I don’t
think he’s well enough yet,” Towa informed her father. She noticed the slight raise of his eyebrows
before nodding. Curious but trusting her.

“He is your patient, Towa,” Sesshomaru said before walking around her and down the hall.

“Sesshomaru is annoyed by my presence,” Kirinmaru said as he followed Towa to the door.

Towa rolled her eyes. “He’s annoyed with most people, don’t worry about it,” Towa huffed out.

“I think he worries about something else when it comes to me,” Kirinmaru muttered with a sigh
and knocked on the door. “Aiya, it’s Kirinmaru. I have come to pay my respects.”

The crying stopped and Towa held her breath as she heard footsteps on the other side. The door
opened and a male hanyou opened the door. He had amber eyes and white hair, looking very much
like her uncle, including the soft white ears. “Akihiro?” Towa asked softly.

He nodded and stepped back for both of them to enter. Towa could smell death and saw Kenzo
shrouded with a white blanket. “I brought you three a small pot of soup. Just to give you some
nourishment,” Towa explained and felt her heart constrict as she saw Aiya sitting, hand on Kenzo’s
chest. Aika was leaning on her mother and holding her, reminding Towa of Aiya’s appearance.

“Aiya, it has been centuries since I have seen you. I am sorry they are under such circumstances,”
Kirinmaru spoke up.

“Kirinmaru?” Aiya said quietly and glanced from Kenzo to Kirinmaru. “You must think I was a
foolish woman to fall in love with a human.”

Towa glanced up at Kirinmaru and gripped the tray tightly, holding her breath. Kirinmaru stared at
Aiya and sighed. “I believe I was wrong. I treated your brother terribly the last time I was here.
Will you forgive me for the insult? I have learned much recently,” Kirinmaru said and bowed his
head. “I know what I have forsaken for pride...and it was wrong.”

Kirinmaru’s daughter, Rion , Towa thought and kept her thoughts to herself on the matter.

Aiya looked from Kirinmaru to Towa and nodded slowly. “All is forgiven, you were his oldest
friend,” Aiya said softly. “Thank you Towa for bringing us soup. You are as kind as your mother.”

Towa smiled gently. “Father was outside your chambers and I think he had made you three
porridge, but he didn’t want to bother you. Mama sends her love and wishes she could be with you
but Father has her confined to her chambers. She had some contractions, but it didn’t lead to
labour,” Towa explained as she walked to the small table, setting the tray down.

“Then the pup will be here any day. Tell your mother I will come visit her soon. Akihiro and wanted to meet your cousin Rin after all, right?” Aiya asked as she gently smoothed out
Aika’s hair down.

“Yes, Mother. After we’ve laid Father to rest,” Aika said quietly and rested her head on Aiya’s

“Of course, my little one. Akihiro will be making arrangements for the pyre,” Aiya added and
Towa looked at the older hanyou who nodded.

“Uncle Inuyasha is here right now, until the birth of the baby anyways since Aunty Kagome is
delivering the baby, he can probably help you Akihiro,” Towa offered.

“Thank you,” Akihiro said and gave a dip of his chin.

“Perhaps, we should allow you three some more time. I will be staying a little longer, we may
speak a little more another time, Aiya,” Kirinmaru said.

“Yes, I would like that. I do have questions,” Aiya said with a nod.

Towa followed Kirinmaru out of the room a few minutes later. She kept her gaze on the wooden
floor and heard Kirinmaru sigh heavily. She lifted her gaze and felt a hand cup her jaw, stopping
her in her tracks.


“Do you think Aiya thought it was worth it?” He asked her, leaning down.

“Yes,” Towa responded immediately. She didn’t need context, she knew it was about Aiya’s love
for Kenzo.

“A youkai and a human?” Kirinmaru asked her with a frown. “Hanyou for children?”

“All of it was worth it to her, to Touga, to my father, and to all the others who had hanyou children.
Even if you thought it was a great shame when you had your own,” she said quietly and saw those
viridian eyes widen for a split second before continuing. “Aiya loved Kenzo, Touga loved Izayoi,
and Papa loves Mama very much. Is it hard to believe Kirinmaru? That a youkai could fall in love
with a human and forget their differences? Did you feel no love for Rion’s mother?”

Kirinmaru’s gaze drifted to the wall at the question before he stared at her and Towa felt her
cheeks warm under his gaze. He stared at her lips and Towa wondered if he was going to kiss her.
She even wanted him at that moment to pull her closer. Fifteen, nearing sixteen, she wondered if
her father would run his arm through Kirinmaru’s chest or Bakusaiga.
Kirinmaru’s grip eased and he released her a moment later. He straightened up and cleared his
throat. “I don’t know nor remember,” he responded coolly, green eyes hardened as he walked off
ahead of her.

Towa felt as if something had changed between them in that moment but it was broken and
shattered in an instant. She had brought up Rion. She wondered if Rion was at peace, she felt a
pang of guilt for not thinking more often of the once sealed hanyou who gifted her one of her
blades. Towa didn’t like to think of Rion’s was just too hard.

She sighed heavily and then felt a hand wrap around her wrist. She turned and saw Aiya standing
there in the hallway.

“Time, little bird. I don’t think he expected to fall in love with you,” Aiya said gently and pulled
Towa into a hug that Towa didn’t know she needed until Aiya held her.

“I didn’t think...I didn’t know that I would care for him so much,” Towa sighed out heavily.

“You are still young, he probably is thinking he doesn’t want to take you away from your family.
You are close to sixteen now, you have plenty of time. Perhaps, tell him you wish to be his friend.
He has so few left in this world now,” Aiya suggested and kissed the top of Towa’s head. “Now run
along, tell Rin I’ll visit in a few days. Akirhiro would appreciate the help too.”

“Of course, Aunty Aiya, you’re family,” Towa said with a gentle smile.

“Tell Sesshomaru we’re sorry for not accepting his food,” Aiya added with a smile. “We were
probably mourning over the sounds of his knocks, and Sesshomaru was too polite to barge inside.”

Towa nodded and left her great aunt to find Kirinmaru again. She was getting tired of always
looking for him, she would have appreciated being the one looked for once.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! One more to go!

Note: I do start school next week and it's at the MA level...the final chapter may take

The End and The Beginning of a New Adventure
Chapter Summary

Sesshomaru writes late into the night when he hears Rin call to him from the chamber
she is resting in before their son is born. Soon enough Rin goes into labour, making
Sesshomaru go in search of waking his daughters and Kagome and Moroha.

The birth of their son has Sesshomaru and Rin have a conversation about their
daughters, their hopes and concerns for their girls.

Chapter Notes

Sometimes the end of a story is the beginning of another.

That's the plan for this story anyways. You get a new character POV at the end and it
will lead into a new story which will have a different tone than this one.

A friendly reminder that Towa and Setsuna are close to sixteen (3-5 months away).
The same age as Rin when she likely was courted by Sesshomaru, Sango was
seventeen. It's the feudal era. This is a note since I received a comment and deleted it
for certain reasons. Towa is NOT fourteen.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sesshomaru slowly dipped the brush into the ink, carefully holding the sleeve of his yukata back as
he brushed the pointed tip of the brush, stroking the brush down and around. Sitting alone in his
and Rin’s chamber was something he had become unaccustomed to over the months he was
reunited with Rin. It was only a shoji door that separated them. He was on edge knowing their son
would be born soon and trying to keep himself distracted as he decided to write a letter to his

The fact that he was writing to his mother spoke volumes to his boredom. For months, nights had
been filled with Rin wrapped all around him, holding him close and treasuring her as if he was
afraid she would disappear from his hold.

Without her in their chamber, even while being so close, he felt so desperately alone again.

He let out a quiet breath, the candle’s flame flickered with it. He would send Jaken in the morning
with A-Un to deliver the letter. He decided to write to her that he did not need gifts for the new
pup, it would be here soon, and that he would be well provided for. Sesshomaru stared at what he
wrote and crumpled the rice paper.

It was too informal, too impersonal. Too rude if Rin had read it.

He dipped the brush again and heard a pained groan from the chamber attached to his. He set the
brush down and stood up, slowly walking across the floor. There was no smell of blood or fluid.
Rin had not gone into labour. He paused as he gripped the handle of the door, tempted to check on
his wife. He listened closely to her breathing and her heartbeat.

“S-Sesshomaru,” Rin called out quietly.

Sesshomaru opened his chamber door and crossed the threshold into Rin’s current room.

She was pushing herself to sit up and placed a hand on her belly. He knelt down and gently pulled
her up to sit better. He shifted behind her and held her shoulders as she breathed heavily. He
understood from what Kagome had explained during Rin’s first pregnancy on how Towa and
Setsuna growing in her womb created pressure inside the body, the organs inside shifting.

“Do you wish me to stay?” Sesshomaru asked as Rin caught her breath. She nodded slowly and he
pressed a kiss to her shoulder. He settled behind her and let Rin lean back against his chest, his legs
supporting her sides.

“Thank you,” Rin breathed out in relief.

Sesshomaru remained quiet as he held her, rubbing her arms and shoulders. Rin sighed softly and
let out a soft gasp. Sesshomaru stopped his ministrations as he waited for Rin to breathe softly
again or she told him that she needed Kagome.

“Get Kagome,” Rin let out a painful gasp, the scent in the room changing with Rin’s water

Sesshomaru shucked off his Mokomoko and let Rin lean back against it, letting her down gently.
He walked out of the room with purpose, he spared a glance back at Rin and she gave him a
reassuring smile. He left his chamber and walked down the hall to the stairs, making his way down
to Towa and Setsuna’s floor. He noticed that Towa’s door was open and he internally huffed. He
did not have time to chase after his eldest.

Yet, as a father he did have concerns that she would be with Kirinmaru this late at night. He knew
Kirinmaru was a respectful daiyoukai, so no transgressions would occur. But Sesshomaru was a
father who loved his daughters. He could be irrational if he so chose to be.

He moved to knock on Setsuna’s door and pulled it open, Towa had demanded that he always
knock on her and Setsuna’s closed doors, respecting their privacy. He had conceded to the wilful
demand of his daughter. She was as wilful as he was and he respected that.

“Setsuna,” Sesshomaru called his youngest daughter’s name and he watched as she pushed herself
up from her stomach, rubbing her eyes and looking at him in the darkness, her hair hanging down.
“Your mother will need you. I will fetch Kagome,” Sesshomaru stated and turned around, leaving
the door open.

He heard Setsuna make a few noises as she got up, sleep trying to pull her back to bed. He heard
her feet walking up the stairs a moment later behind him as he walked down the next flight down
at the end of the hall. Reaching the main floor he walked to the room that Inuyasha and Kagome
were sharing with Moroha.

He paused in front of the door and wondered if he should be as polite as he was with his children. It
was more difficult when it came to Inuyasha and his family. He stared at the door and thought of
Rin upstairs needing Kagome’s aid.

He rapped his knuckles gently against one of the wooden frames by the door. “Rin is in labour, get
Kagome upstairs,” he ordered Inuyasha and headed to Jaken’s room next door. He slid it open,
Jaken was his vassal after all. Sesshomaru saw that Jaken was asleep, a blanket pulled up to his
chin. There were several rolls of parchment on his table with the ledger book that he and Rin took
over together and were managing well.

“Jaken, Rin has gone into labour. Get hot water boiled and brought to the chamber,” Sesshomaru

Jaken’s eyes flew open and he sat up on the bed glancing at Sesshomaru. “Wh-what do you want
me to do milord?” Jaken asked.

“Hot water for the pup. Quickly now, Jaken,” Sesshomaru reiterated and decided that since he
found those that were essentially needed he could find his eldest daughter.

Leaving Jaken’s chambers, Sesshomaru followed his nose to the door of the tower. He figured that
Towa went to Aiya’s chambers as she had been for the past several days. It was simply Towa’s
nature to try and care for everyone as best as she could. He turned around and sensed that
Kirinmaru was sleeping. His fears of his daughter running off with Kirinmaru were unfounded for
the moment.

Towa gently stroked Aika’s hair as the hanyou rested her head on her lap. Towa was fascinated
with the dog ears that flicked if Towa stroked them gently, gently pinching the tips. Akihiro laid on
a futon beside Aika’s. Aika was the younger of the two and had cried herself to sleep, which
tugged at Towa’s heart as she let Aika rest her cheek on her lap. Towa looked to her great-aunt
Aiya sitting by the partially open shoji door that looked outside to the courtyard. Cool breeze
drifted into the room.

Towa hoped she would be herself soon, her second cousins needed their mother, even if they were
over several decades.

Towa smelled a familiar scent and looked to the door. It slid open slowly and she saw her father
standing there.

“Your mother needs you Towa,” Sesshomaru announced and Towa gently settled Aika’s head
down onto the pillow as she tucked it under her head. She padded over to Aiya and kissed her

“I’ll bring breakfast in the morning,” she promised before feeling Aiya’s hand wrap around her

Aiya looked at her gently, a small smile on her lips. “Be there for your mother. We’ll be fine here,
tomorrow a new sun will rise,” Aiya said softly.

Towa nodded and was released by her great-aunt. She walked to her father and he gave Aiya a nod
before sliding the door shut. They walked quickly together along the wooden floorboards. “When
did Mama’s water break?” Towa asked Sesshomaru.

“Not too long ago, Setsuna is with her now. I woke Inuyasha up to get Kagome to go there as
well,” he informed her, his voice just a little tighter. She grabbed his hand, the palace quiet enough
to allow her this small action with her father. He held her hand and did not draw his away until they
reached their tower.

Setsuna watched as Kagome looked between her mother’s legs before reaching between them.

Kagome and her mother both explained things as everything progressed. Moroha sat behind Rin to
give her support in sitting up and patting Sesshomaru’s Mokomoko as she yawned tiredly before
patting Rin’s shoulders as she shook her head, remembering that Rin was her charge. The
opportunity to pet the Mokomoko was rare for Moroha.

“See, Setsuna, look here, I washed my hands and then pressed in to see how dilated she was,”
Kagome explained. “She isn’t ready to push yet as she’s dilated just a bit.” Kagome then grabbed
her bicep and pulled her closer. “You aren’t looking. Look down now, see?”

Setsuna made a noise as her aunt forced her head down to look. She proceeded to get up quickly
then, running to the other chamber and into her father. She felt his hands grab her shoulders.

“Your mother needs you,” her father said gently.

Setsuna shuddered and looked up at her father. “I….I’m never having a baby. Did you know that that ?!” She hissed out as she felt her gut twist. She imagined the pain that
would bloom and remain there from such a thing leaving her body.

Her father looked mildly amused at her. “How else would the baby come out?” He asked her,
gently stroking her hair.

“I know...but…” Setsuna complained.

Towa ran around their father and looked between the two of them. “Is everything okay? Is Mama
okay?...Are you okay Setsuna?” She asked as she pulled up her white hair into a hastily tied bun on
top of her head.

“She’s fine, Setsuna was just a little startled by the reality,” Sesshomaru explained.

Setsuna flinched as her mother made a noise on the other side of the thin rice paper door. She felt
her father’s hand still at the noise before stroking down again on her hair and listened to Towa’s
footsteps going to their mother.

“Hi, Mama. How’s everything, Aunty?” Towa checked in with both women.

“Setsu took off looking green, huh!” Moroha chuckled quietly.

“I rushed her,” Kagome said gently.

Setsuna inhaled and exhaled slowly as her father stroked her hair behind the door. She wondered if
they would’ve had more gentle, quiet moments like these between them if it weren’t for Zero.

“Your pride won’t allow you to just stay here Setsuna,” her father said quietly.

She swallowed slowly and nodded in agreement. Her sister and Moroha were in there, she couldn’t
be a coward.

“Hold her hand,” her father told her.

She nodded and glanced up at him. He was asking her to do something he was not allowed to do
for Rin. She could tell he wanted to be on the other side of the door. She knew that delivering the
baby in the room next to her mother and father’s chamber was not a regular practice. Her father
was bending every rule possible, but his presence with his wife while birthing was taboo.

She gave one more nod and inhaled sharply before turning around, taking a few steps around the
rice paper door. She saw her mother smile up at her, Moroha dabbing a cool cloth to her forehead.

“Come here,” Rin said gently, hand out for her to take.

Setsuna knelt down and sat on her knees. She took her mother’s hand and pressed it to her cheek,
looking at her mother’s already flushed cheeks.

“I’ve done this before. Kagome, Sango, countless women too have been through this Setsuna. I
will be alright because I have you all here,” Rin assured her.

Setsuna lowered her eyelids in thought of all the books Jaken had given her on birthing processes
and conditions. Some were pretty grim. She was scared for mother who, like her, had no more
chances to be saved by Tenseiga.

“This is less dangerous than twins,” Moroha assuredly said and Setsuna glanced at her. Moroha
shrugged. “Just so you know and my Mom is good at this. She just helped Hisui’s wife deliver
their first baby.”

Setsuna blinked and glanced at Towa. Towa shrugged at her, it was news to her as well. Setsuna
wondered if that could have been her if she had chosen Hisui. The thought terrified her. She felt too
young to be a mother at the edge of sixteen summers.

But...she also felt no sexual desire. She was beginning to believe there was something wrong with
her. She desired no husband, no children. Towa had tried to assure her several other times that they
were still young and most people in the future, the place where Setsuna was reunited with Towa,
often didn’t marry until they were double her age.

She wondered if she would ever want this kind of pain her mother was about to endure. She stared
at Towa and saw the excitement there. A new baby. New life beginning.

Setsuna’s heart withered, her sister was going to one day leave her and be a mother herself. She
wondered if it would be with Kirinmaru. She had observed how those two seemed drawn together,
even when they were enemies. Now it seemed they would glance at each other with an unspoken
conversation between them before Kirinmaru would turn and walk away, leaving Setsuna to
approach and comfort Towa while not knowing how to mend her whatever wound Kirinmaru
inflicted. The fact that she cared so much about Towa’s feelings surprised her, she had resented
Towa when they were first reunited.

But like their mother won their father, Towa’s optimism and kindness had their bond repairing over
time. Setsuna loved and trusted her sister like no other in the world. They came into this world
together, they were bonded for life.

Her mother’s cry of pain had her gasp at the tight squeeze on her hand and a reminder to remember
where she needed to be in the present.
She looked at her sister, now sitting between her mother’s legs, Kagome in Towa’s vacant spot and
giving her directions and leaning over to check. Towa looked determined and Setsuna heard
Moroha huff in disappointment in not being in Towa’s place. Setsuna would never understand why
it was so coveted.

But Towa seemed content in her place, ready to receive their brother into her arms. Setsuna finally
realized that Towa would be the first person to hold their brother. Not even her father or mother
would physically hold him first despite her mother carrying him for nine months or her father
diligently remaining at her mother’s side unless he was needed elsewhere briefly, always briefly.

When her mother squeezed her hand and let out a scream with Kagome praising Rin before
counting down. Towa explained everything she saw and when Setsuna smelled blood and heard the
wail of her brother, she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

She was elated to hear him cry. The tiny baby that was her brother and flesh and blood had
prevailed in his entrance to the world.

Rin smiled and cooed as she nursed her son who hungrily fed after his grand entrance into the
world. He was cleaned and wrapped in a warm blanket. Sesshomaru was laying beside her, staring
at her and their son so intently she could practically feel his elation that everything and everyone
was alright. His eyes reminded her of liquid honey.

His hand rested on her hip, gently holding her close to him. They had sent Setsuna and Towa off to
bed after they helped Moroha and Kagome clean the other room up. Now it was just them and their
son who had her dark hair and his golden eyes. The soft lavender stripes, one per cheek and
crescent moon was a surprise. The black dog ears flicked as Rin stroked them gently.

“What shall we name?” Rin asked Sesshomaru.

“I had a name but it doesn’t suit him,” Sesshomaru commented. “You?”

“Mhm...Tadaaki? Born from the faithful light we all had in your father protecting us. You are the
result of his devotion,” Rin hummed softly at the newborn.

The little baby yawned and turned from her breast. She watched as Sesshomaru sat up and took
him, placing him against his chest as she adjusted her yukata. She heard the soft belching of their
son and looked to see Sesshomaru wiping Tadaaki’s mouth with a cloth.

“Do you like the name?” She asked him.

Sesshomaru glanced at her and then at their son in his arms. “Tadaaki is a good name for him,”
Sesshomaru said as he gently traced their son’s markings with his fingers, careful with his claws.
“Mother will be amused with his markings,” Sesshomaru commented.

“He has her markings, identical to hers,” Rin yawned tiredly.

“Yes,” Sesshomaru replied and looked at her. “Rest, I have Tadaaki,” he assured her.

“I know,” Rin said and laid down. “Wake me when he fusses for more milk,” Rin told

When she woke up next, the dawn was just peeking through the partially open shoji door. She
enjoyed the cool breeze and saw Sesshomaru sitting at his desk reading a book with Tadaaki
nestled in the crook of his arm with Mokomoko trailing from under Sesshomaru’s arm to under her

She smiled and stretched. Tadaaki let out a wail and Sesshomaru lifted his gaze.

“We had a conversation about being polite and letting you sleep, but it seems he has sensed your
awakening,” Sesshomaru commented.

“I doubt he would have understand you, but he was kind enough to let me rest,” she hummed and
saw the small smirk on Sesshomaru’s lips.

Rin nodded and crawled over to the desk and sat, leaning against Sesshomaru’s side, taking
Tadaaki and nursing him again, hushing his cries.

“Will Aiya come visit?” Rin asked Sesshomaru.

“She told Towa she would soon,” Sesshomaru replied as he flipped the page of the bound book.

The silence stretched for several long moments as Rin nursed and Sesshomaru read.

“Do you ever fear that Setsuna won’t find love?” Rin asked Sesshomaru.

“She is like me, you said that once and Towa believes that. Setsuna has time to find someone she
can love, if not that is her choice. But for all her griping about Tadaaki...she seemed the most
elated in his birth,” Sesshomaru commented. His lengthy responses were only reserved for her
when they were alone.

“What do you mean?” Rin asked as she tried to think of the moment she birthed Tadaaki. She had
been quite exhausted.

“She had cried and when she came to me she was smiling as brightly as you, bright as the sun,”
Sesshomaru answered and lifted his chin up from his book. “Perhaps she will simply love her
siblings with all that her heart can offer, but I don’t think that will be the case forever. It is Towa
I’m concerned about.”

Rin watched his profile, the tightening of his jaw, the knit of his brow, his lips turned down. She
knew he loved both their daughters equally yet differently. Towa was Sesshomaru’s first born and
heir. There were going to be more expectations of her in time, yet she saw a battle in Sesshomaru’s
eye. He would not subject Towa to the same direction his mother gave him as her heir.

Rin leaned up carefully and kissed Sesshomaru’s cheek. “Towa has a twin, split their duties and
you will not lose your daughter,” she suggested softly.

The kiss seemed to reach through to him and he turned to her. “I only fear her falling in love with a
youkai who once abandoned his hanyou daughter, sealing her for six hundred years. Kirinmaru
will break her heart, will he not?” He asked her.
She smiled softly. “She must decide if she wants that choice one day. We will be here if she needs
us. Don’t tell her she can’t...that would only drive her into his arms,” she counseled and saw
Sesshomaru’s fangs as he silently snarled. The idea that he could be a catalyst to driving his own
daughter into Kirinmaru’s arms was not something he wanted to know.

Tadaaki let out a sound and fussed in Rin’s arms. “I don’t think he liked your snarl or youki,
despite your best efforts to not snarl aloud,” Rin chided Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru sighed and took Tadaaki as he had during the night, burping him and then letting him
rest in the crook of his arm. “I will change him again shortly,” he said as he checked and the diaper
was dry.

Rin kissed his cheek and got up. “I wouldn’t worry about Towa. As much as she has my nature, she
is also your daughter. Stubborn and strong, physically and mentally. She wouldn’t need you to
fight Kirinmaru if he broke her heart, you would have a display of her strength as she kicked his
ass. Wouldn’t that be a sight?” She asked Sesshomaru.

She saw the curl of his lip in the corner. He made a soft noise and Tadaaki yawned in his arm,
feeling safe and content in his father’s hold compared to when he fussed at the snarl.

Whatever happened in the future years, she was grateful for the extended time from her ties to the
Goshinboku. She was allowed to see her daughters blossom and grow. She was able to bring
Sesshomaru a son that they had talked about in the early days of their marriage.

She had been given so many blessings and she was happy to raise her son with her family. They
were a united front and no longer divided.

Kirinmaru stood in the garden, staring up at the moon that shone brighter than the stars. It’s white
glow giving him light in the darkness.

He glanced back to the tower he had been healing. He had heard the cries of the son Rin birthed.
He wondered if he would be allowed to see the son or if he would be denied.

He realized that any growing familiarity with Towa had to be halted. His sister had destroyed
Towa’s life, ripping her family apart in four directions, even through time. He could not try to
understand his feelings for the young woman, not when he was partially responsible for all the
years she was forced to live in hiding or in a future where she felt she didn’t belong.

Towa deserved to be a daughter of the Lord and Lady of the West, to learn her duties as her father’s
heir, to be the big sister she longed to be for Setsuna...for the new son born.

Kirinmaru wondered if he was being selfless for once, but the whispering at the back of his mind
was telling him that he was a coward, running from Towa. He wondered if he could slip away at
that very moment. It surely would be easy with everyone sleeping.

Those inu youkai, even the hanyous, had excellent hearing and scent. They would find him quickly
and having to meet Towa’s eyes after running away was not an option. He would dread seeing her
upset and angry with him.

Instead, he walked through the soft snowfall and back into the tower of the West Wing. He would
stay...just a couple more days, he assured himself. Then he would leave, but only after telling Towa
that he was a monster and she could not love him.

He eased himself down tiredly onto the futon, thinking of how Towa’s chamber was above his.

He would let her live a better life than she could ever have with a youkai like him. He had so much
to work on with himself, to amend for so could someone so kind and purehearted as
Towa love a beast, Kirinmaru repeatedly wandered as sleep eluded him. He also didn't know the
depths of her care and affection she had for him, she was just shy of sixteen. She was much like her
mother if she were to simply get married at sixteen. Kirinmaru also felt Sesshomaru's youki, a
protective father unwilling to let his pup go just yet. He didn't blame Sesshomaru, Towa had been
removed from Sesshomaru's life for over a decade. They needed time as a family.

“I will have to leave and never see her again,” he told himself and those words felt heavy on his

He closed eyes and wondered why for the first time in his long existence that sleep was refusing to
come to him. When he closed his eyes, magenta eyes stared at him, white hair with that lock of the
same magenta looked to him.

Kirinmaru was still firm about his decision on leaving...he just wondered who it was going to be
harder on. Towa or him?

Chapter End Notes

Thank you all for reading and sticking with the story, it means a lot.

End Notes

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