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Created, Copywrites belong to Jasim Althawadi from Bahrain Polytechnic - 202001713

How to Design PCB using Altium designer

1. First, you need to open Altium Design of course and create a new
PCB project.
2. Then open a new Sheet and PCB file.
3. In the Sheet, draw the circuit that you are planning to print in our
case we build an RC low-pass passive filter. Make sure that the
components are taken from the Altium library and check with your
technician about the values of the components available to match
them in the design.
4. Make sure you include a header for the input and output ports.
5. Once you finish the steps above, it is time to import it to the PCB
6. By going to design -> update schematic.

Then You will see the “Engineering Change Order” dialogue box pop
up as shown below.
Created, Copywrites belong to Jasim Althawadi from Bahrain Polytechnic - 202001713

Click on Execute changes.

You will have something like this:

7. In the PCB, before doing anything go directly to the rules and

the following:

- Go to Design -> Rules -> Electrical -> Clearance -> Set

minimum clearance to 0.5mm (Not if you are not seeing mm as
of unit, go to View -> Toggle Unit (Q)).
Created, Copywrites belong to Jasim Althawadi from Bahrain Polytechnic - 202001713

- Then go to Routing -> Width and make the

minimum=0.254mm and the preferred=1mm and
maximum=2mm. To ensure that
the route is thick enough that it won’t make a short circuit while
we are soldering the components later and for eliminating
printing errors.

- Then go to Plane -> PolyconConnect and set the Value of the

conductor width to 0.7mm.
Created, Copywrites belong to Jasim Althawadi from Bahrain Polytechnic - 202001713

8. Arrange your circuit in PCB

9. Then draw a route to each component by following a white
guideline provided by Altium.

You can edit the board size by going to view -> Board
planning mode -> Design -> Edit board. Edit it to the length you
11. Then Create a new mechanical layer by clicking L on the
keyboard and going to mechanical and right click. Then, press
new mechanical layer and name it mechanical layer 4 and set the
layer to 4
12. Then create a border across the board with the mechanical
layer 4 with a small 2 gap of 1mm wide to be able to remove the
PCB when its finishes printing.
Created, Copywrites belong to Jasim Althawadi from Bahrain Polytechnic - 202001713

13. The last step is to create a polygon pour. Go to place ->

polygon pour. Then make the pour all over the pour. Afterwards,
make the pour connected to the ground by right click and go to
property and then net then
choose GND. Moreover,
make it pour over all same
Net objects and check the
remove dead copper box.

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