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Work in pairs. You and your partner have to choose one of the topics presented here below. Then
you have to develop a presentation in which you have to include.

The background of the problem. Why is it controversial

The pros and cons and the opinion of the people of each side.
Your point of view. Include facts and evidence why you chose that options.
Use the appropriate information in your slides. Remember do not include too much text.
Instead, use pictures, tables or graphs to support your opinion.

At least 5 minutes.

1. Capital punishment: Should it be abolished or retained?

2. Animal testing: Is it necessary for scientific research or should it be banned?
3. Plastic usage: Should we reduce plastic consumption or continue using it as we do now?
4. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Are they beneficial or potentially harmful?
5. Sweatshop labor: Is it acceptable for companies to use cheap labor in developing
6. Euthanasia: Should individuals have the right to choose when to end their own lives?
7. Climate change: Is it real or an invention?
8. Nuclear energy: Is it a viable solution for clean energy or too dangerous to pursue?
9. Internet censorship: Should governments have the right to control online content?
10. Cultural appropriation: Is it respectful or offensive when borrowing elements from other
11. Drug legalization: Should certain drugs be legalized and regulated?
12. School uniforms: Are they necessary for discipline or do they limit individuality?
13. Corporate social responsibility: Should companies be held accountable for their
environmental and social impact?
14. Immigration policies: Should countries have stricter or more lenient immigration policies?
15. Assisted suicide: Is it a compassionate choice or a violation of the sanctity of life?
16. Cyberbullying: How can society address and prevent cyberbullying effectively?
17. Affirmative action: Is it a fair approach to promoting diversity or does it perpetuate
18. Renewable energy sources: Should more emphasis be placed on renewable energy over
fossil fuels?
19. Animal rights: How should animals be treated in terms of their rights and welfare?

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