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Rose Janice M.

Cabason BSED-3 First Schedule

Contemporary Questionnaire

1.How has literature consumption changed in recent years?

A. It hasn't changed B. It has become more digital

C.It has become less diverse D.It has become more expensive

2.What technological factor has significantly influenced literature consumption?

A. Social media B.Radio C.Telegraph D.Typewriter

3. What is the most significant challenge faced by emerging authors in gaining recognition?

A. Limited access to traditional publishing avenues

B. Difficulty in standing out in a saturated market

C.Lack of writing skills

D.Insufficient use of social media

Answer: B

4.What role do you think cultural diversity plays in the challenges faced by emerging literature?

A. It enriches literary landscapes B. It poses barriers to global acceptance

C.It has no impact on emerging literature D.It limits the audience reach

Answer: A

5.How do you perceive the impact of social media on literature consumption habits?

A. It has positively diversified reading choices

B. It has decreased overall reading engagement

C. It plays no significant role in literature consumption

D. It has led to information overload and confusion

Answer: A.
6. What role do online book communities play in shaping individual reading preferences?

A. They heavily influence reading choices

B. They have minimal impact on personal preferences

C.They create a sense of community but don't affect preferences

D. They contribute to information overload

Answer: A

7. How has the shift to digital formats affected the accessibility of literature to diverse audiences?

A. It has increased accessibility for diverse audiences

B. It has decreased accessibility for certain groups

C. It has made no significant impact on accessibility

D. It has led to a digital divide in literature consumption

Answer: A

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