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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

I Internal Assessment Question Bank I SEM BE (2023-24)
Course Name: Introduction to Cybersecurity Course code:

1. What is cybercrime? How do you define it?

2. How do we classify cybercrimes? Explain each one briefly.

3. What are the different types of cybercriminals?

4. What is the difference between cybercrime and cyber fraud?

5. Write a short note on “Indian Legal perspective on cybercrime”.

6. Explain extended enterprise context in relevance to cybercrime.

7. Write a short note on “Global perspective on cybercrime”.

8. Define a. Hacker b. Cracker c. Brute force hacking d. Phreaking

9. How are cybercrimes classified? Explain with example.

10. Explain the difference between passive attack and active attack with examples.

11. What is social engineering? Explain in detail.

12. What is cyberstalking? As per your understanding is it crime under the Indian Act?

13. Explain how botnets can be used as a fuel to cybercrime.

14. What are the different attacks launched with attack vector? Explain.

15. Explain cloud computing and cybercrime.

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