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ASSIGNMENT NO.1 (Module-1)

Format No: ACD21 Doc. No:1 Date :-07/10/2022

Programme: Bachelor of Engineering Semester : 1 –CS3

Course Code & Title : Cyber Security / 22ETC154 Date of Announcement: 27/12/2022
Faculty Name : Sunil Kumar B Date of Submission : 09/01/2023
Sl.NO. Questions-Module-1 (CO-1)
1. What is Cybercrime? How do you define it.? (Write all definitions.)

2. How do we classify Cybercrimes? List all with suitable examples.

3. What is Cyber Security? Who are Cybercriminals? How are they differentiated?

4. Explain the following:-i)E-mail spoofing ii)Spamming

iii) Cyberdefamation iv)Internet Time Theft v)Salami Attack.

5 Explain the following:- i)Data Diddling ii)Forgery iii) Web Jacking

iv)Industrial Spying v) Hacking.

6 Write a note of Pornographic offenses. Explain in steps how Pedophiles operate?

7. Explain the following:- i)E-mail Bombing ii)Usenet Newgroup as a Source of Cybercrimes.

iii) Computer Network Intrusions iv)Identity Theft.

8. Write a short note on Indian Legal Perspective on Cybercrime.

9. How Cybercrimes are punishable under Indian Law. Explain?

10. Explain Cybercrime from the Global Perspective.

Note:-1. Write the assignment in a 200 pages long note book.

2. Prepare the assignments from the exam point of view.
3. Assignments books have to be submitted for documentation purpose, keep a backup/Xerox it before

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