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Evaluation of the Lateral Step-Down Test as a Clinical Assessment of Hip

Musculature Strength

Article in Athletic Training and Sports Health Care · November 2009

DOI: 10.3928/19425864-20091019-06


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5 authors, including:

Marc Norcross Troy Blackburn

Oregon State University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Darin Padua
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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Evaluation of the Lateral Step-Down Test
as a Clinical Assessment of Hip Musculature
Marc F. Norcross, MA, ATC; S. Doug Halverson, MA, ATC; Tandice J. Hawkey, MA; J. Troy Blackburn, PhD, ATC;
and Darin A. Padua, PhD, ATC.

ABSTRACT Specifically, decreased hip abduction and external rota-

Gluteal musculature weakness is associated with lower extrem- tion strength has been reported in individuals with patel-
ity injury and greater frontal plane knee motion. A method for lofemoral pain syndrome,1,3,5 whereas lesser hip abduc-
functionally evaluating hip abduction and external rotation tor strength has been observed in patients with iliotibial
strength by observing knee motion would be beneficial for band friction syndrome.2 Furthermore, a prospective
clinicians. This study evaluated the association between hip evaluation of collegiate athletes found individuals who
abductor and external rotation strength and knee motion. suffered a lower extremity or low back injury displayed
Peak isometric and eccentric hip abduction and external rota- lesser hip abduction and external rotation strength com-
tion strength were assessed in 47 healthy participants before pared to their uninjured counterparts.4
analysis of knee kinematics during a lateral step-down test. In addition to strength deficits, a lower extremity kine-
The relationships between each strength measure and frontal matic pattern consisting of hip adduction and internal ro-
plane knee kinematics were evaluated using bivariate Pearson tation, and knee valgus has been proposed as a risk factor
correlation coefficients. Frontal plane knee displacement was for patellofemoral pain syndrome,3,6,7 iliotibial band fric-
not associated with hip musculature strength. Frontal plane tion syndrome,2 and anterior cruciate ligament injury.8,9
knee angle at peak knee flexion was not associated with exter- As a result, it has been suggested that greater eccentric re-
nal rotation or eccentric abduction strength. Isometric abduc- sistance to hip adduction and internal rotation provided
tion strength was negatively correlated with peak knee flexion. by the hip abductors and external rotators may attenuate
Hip musculature strength is not indicative of the magnitude of this kinematic pattern and result in an associated decrease
frontal plane knee motion during the lateral step-down test, in knee valgus.2,3,10 This premise is supported by studies
and this test is not recommended for clinical assessment of hip reporting greater frontal plane knee motion during run-
muscle strength. ning11 and single-leg landing10 in individuals with weak
hip musculature. Accordingly, it has been recommended
that rehabilitation and prevention programs for these in-

eakness of the hip abductors and external juries should include evaluation and strengthening of the
rotators is associated with a variety of lower hip musculature.3,12-14
extremity injuries as well as low back pain.1-5 The lateral step-down test is a clinically applicable
method of functional evaluation that potentially may
Mr Norcross and Dr Blackburn are from the Neuromuscular Research
Laboratory, Mr Halverson is from Campus Health Services, and Dr Padua is from be used to evaluate hip abductor and external rotator
Sports Medicine Research Library, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, strength. This test, which demonstrates moderate inter-
Chapel Hill, NC; and Ms Hawkey is from the Department of Athletics, University of
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
tester reliability in patients with patellofemoral pain syn-
Originally submitted April 29, 2009. drome (0.67), evaluates patients’ quality of movement by
Accepted for publication August 25, 2009.
identifying characteristics of lower extremity function,
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented
herein. including medial knee deviation or knee valgus.15 As knee
Address correspondence to Marc F. Norcross, MA, ATC, University of North valgus is reported to be coupled with hip adduction and
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; e-mail:
doi:10.3928/19425864-20091019-06 internal rotation,9,16 it may be plausible to interpret exces-


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Lateral Step-Down Test

sive knee valgus observed during this test as an indication

of eccentric weakness of the hip abductors and external
rotators. To this effect, Mascal et al5 used an anterior step-
down task for evaluative and rehabilitative purposes in 2
case studies on the management of patellofemoral pain
syndrome, reporting increases in hip abduction and ex-
ternal rotation strength and decreased knee valgus dur-
ing the step-down test following a 14-week intervention
These case reports coupled with the intertester reli-
ability of the lateral step-down test support the premise
that this technique may provide clinicians with a simple
method to evaluate the strength of the hip abductors 1
and external rotators during a functional task. The ap- Figure 1. Starting (A) and ground contact (B) positions of the lateral
step-down test.
plications of this test could be 3-fold, with the test being
used to detect strength deficits, serve as a benchmark for continuous concentric-eccentric isokinetic repetitions
progression during rehabilitation, and identify individu- and 3 isometric trials lasting 3 seconds each with 10 sec-
als at risk for lower extremity and low back pathology. onds of rest between trials. All data were sampled from
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the the dominant leg, defined as the leg used to kick a ball
association between knee valgus and hip abduction and for maximal distance.
external rotation strength during the lateral step-down Following completion of the strength assessment,
test. It was hypothesized that individuals displaying less- participants performed the lateral step-down test, during
er hip abduction and external rotation strength would which knee kinematics of the dominant leg were mea-
demonstrate greater knee valgus during the lateral step- sured. This test was performed at a standardized tempo
down test. of 58 beats per minute via a metronome to standardize
movement velocity. Participants began in a single-leg
Methods stance on their dominant leg atop a 30-cm high box with
the nonstance leg positioned just lateral to the box and
Participants the hands placed on the hips. At the first beat of the met-
Forty-seven healthy individuals (22 men, 25 women; ronome, participants lowered themselves toward the
mean age, 21.3±2.0 years; mean mass = 71.6±14.8 kg; floor so that their nondominant heel made contact with
mean height = 194.3±11.5 cm) volunteered to partici- the ground at the time of the second beat; participants
pate in this investigation. Participants were generally returned to the starting position by the third beat of
healthy and had no history of lower extremity surgery, the metronome (Figure 1). Participants were instructed
anterior cruciate ligament injury, or lower extremity to maintain level hip position by not reaching for the
injury within 3 months prior to data collection that ground with the nonstance leg. Following proper dem-
prevented participation in activity for more than 1 day. onstration of the task by a certified athletic trainer (T.J.H.
All participants read and signed an approved informed or S.D.H.), participants were allowed to practice until
consent document prior to participation. comfortable before performing 5 separate trials of the
lateral step-down test.
Experimental Procedures
Isometric and eccentric peak torque of the hip abductors Instrumentation
and external rotators of the dominant leg were collected Peak torque was measured using the Biodex System 3
prior to kinematic analysis of the lateral step-down task Isokinetic Dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems,
in all participants. The order of testing for hip abduc- Shirley, NY). Hip abductor strength was assessed with
tion and external rotation was randomized. However, participants positioned on their side with their arms
the eccentric measure was always performed prior to crossed at the chest facing the dynamometer so that the
the isometric measure, with participants performing 5 dominant leg was positioned on top of the nondominant

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Norcross et al.

Figure 2. Positioning of participants during hip abduction isokinetic
and isometric strength assessment.

leg (Figure 2). The nondominant leg and trunk were sta-
bilized by straps to control for trunk rotation, and the
axis of the dynamometer was aligned 0.5 inches medial
to the anterosuperior iliac spine at the level of the greater 3
trochanter.17 Resistance was applied by the lever arm to Figure 3. Positioning of participants during hip external rotation iso-
the lateral aspect of the thigh just proximal to the lateral kinetic and isometric strength assessment.
femoral condyle. Participants were instructed to exert
maximally against the dynamometer in the direction of 5° of hip external rotation. Isometric peak torque was as-
abduction while keeping the dominant leg straight. sessed 3 times for 3 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest
Peak eccentric torque was recorded during the mid- between trials. Participants’ positioning remained the
dle 3 of 5 continuous concentric-eccentric repetitions at same as in isokinetic testing but with the hip fixed in neu-
60°/second through a range of 0° to 20° of hip abduction. tral rotation (0°). Intrasession reliability for eccentric iso-
Isometric peak torque was then assessed 3 times for 3 sec- kinetic (ICC = 0.94, SEM = 3.61) and isometric (ICC =
onds each with 10 seconds of rest between trials. Partici- 0.93, SEM = 3.20) hip external rotation peak torque mea-
pants’ positioning remained the same as in isokinetic test- sures were established during pilot testing prior to data
ing but with the hip fixed at 10° of abduction. A separate collection.
reliability study established high intrasession reliability Knee kinematics were assessed during the lateral
for eccentric isokinetic intraclass correlation coefficient step-down test using an electromagnetic motion cap-
(ICC) = 0.85, SEM = 11.34) and isometric (ICC = 0.95, ture system (Flock of Birds, Ascension Technology
SEM = 6.41) hip abduction peak torque measures. Corp, Burlington, Vt). Electromagnetic tracking sensors
Hip external rotation strength was assessed with par- were positioned directly on the skin of the anteromedial
ticipants seated with the hip and knee flexed to 90°. Par- shank, lateral thigh, and sacrum over areas of minimal
ticipants sat with the arms crossed at the chest, the thigh muscle mass to reduce motion artifact. Global and seg-
and trunk stabilized by straps, and a rolled towel placed ment axis systems were established with the positive X
between the knees (Figure 3) to act as a fulcrum for ex- axis designated as forward/anteriorly, the positive Y axis
ternal rotation and to prevent compensatory hip adduc- as leftward/medially, and the positive Z axis as upward/
tion, which could have altered the peak external rotation superiorly. The dominant lower extremity was modeled
strength measured. The axis of rotation of the dynamom- by digitizing the ankle, knee, and hip joint centers. Ankle
eter was aligned with the long axis of the femur, and resis- and knee joint centers were defined as the midpoint of
tance was applied by the lever arm immediately superior the digitized medial and lateral malleoli, and the medial
to the medial malleolus. and lateral femoral condyles, respectively. The hip joint
Peak eccentric torque was recorded during the middle center was estimated using a least squares method de-
3 of 5 continuous concentric-eccentric repetitions at 60°/ scribed by Leardini et al.18 The Motion Monitor motion
second through a range of 15° of hip internal rotation and analysis system (Innovative Sports Training, Chicago, Ill)


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Lateral Step-Down Test

4 5
Figure 4. Scatterplot showing normalized isometric (Iso ABD) and ec- Figure 5. Scatterplot showing normalized isometric (Iso ABD) and
centric (Ecc ABD) hip abduction strength and FPA ([-] valgus, [+] varus) eccentric (Ecc ABD) hip abduction strength and FPD ([-] valgus, [+]
with associated simple linear regression trend lines. The solid line rep- varus) with associated simple linear regression trend lines. The solid
resents Iso ABD (r = -0.372, P = .011*), and the broken line represents line represents Iso ABD (r = -0.132, P = .381), and the broken line rep-
Ecc ABD (r = 0.103, P = .496). *Correlation is significant at p ≤ 0.05. resents Ecc ABD (r = 0.216, P = .149).

was used for model generation and calibration as well as plane displacement was defined as the difference be-
data acquisition. tween the peak frontal plane knee angle during the test
and this same angle at initial descent.
Data Sampling and Reduction
Peak eccentric isokinetic and isometric torque values Statistical Analysis
for hip abduction and external rotation were gravity The relationships between each strength variable (Ecc
corrected, normalized to the product of participants’ ABD, Iso ABD, Ecc ER, and Iso ER), and FPA and
height and mass, and averaged across trials, resulting in FPD, respectively, were evaluated using bivariate Pear-
4 unitless expressions of relative strength: son correlation coefficients following the removal of
l Eccentric hip abduction (Ecc ABD). outliers. In total, the data for 3 participants were re-
l Isometric hip abduction (Iso ABD). moved from various analyses when their value on a de-
l Eccentric hip external rotation (Ecc ER). pendent variable involved in the correlation was more
l Isometric hip external rotation (Iso ER). than 2.5 standard deviations from the mean. This re-
Kinematic data were sampled at 50 Hz and filtered sulted in slightly different sample sizes and composition
using a zero-phase lag 4th-order Butterworth low-pass across analyses but maintained the assumption of nor-
filter with a cutoff frequency of 12 Hz. Kinematic an- mality for the statistical models. All analyses were con-
gles were calculated as the reference frame of the shank ducted using SPSS 16.0 software (SPSS Inc, Chicago,
relative to the reference frame of the thigh using Euler Ill). Statistical significance was established a priori with
angle sequences rotated in an order of flexion-extension the alpha level set at P < .05.
(Y-axis), valgus-varus (X-axis), and internal-external ro-
tation (Z-axis). By convention, knee flexion was indicat- Results
ed by positive values, and knee valgus was indicated by There were no significant relationships between Ecc
negative values. ABD and FPA (r = 0.103, P = .496, n = 46) and FPD
Values for knee varus-valgus and flexion-extension (r = 0.216, P = .149, n = 46); Ecc ER and FPA (r = 0.052,
were obtained at initial descent, defined as the time P = .734, n = 45) and FPD (r = 0.050, P = .746, n = 45);
when the knee flexion angle exceeded 10° and at peak Iso ER and FPA (r = -0.179, P = .228, n = 47) and FPD
knee flexion. In addition, the peak knee varus-valgus (r = -0.187, P = .208, n = 47); and Iso ABD and FPD
angle during this time period was calculated. All kine- (r = -0.132, P = .381, n = 46) (Figures 4-7). However,
matic angle values were identified by computer algo- Iso ABD was significantly and negatively correlated
rithms used via custom software (LabVIEW, National with FPA (r = -0.372, P = .011, n = 46), indicating
Instruments, Austin, Tex). The variables of interest that participants with greater isometric hip abduction
for statistical analysis were frontal plane knee angle strength demonstrated greater knee valgus ([-] angular
at peak knee flexion (FPA) and frontal plane displace- convention) motion (Figure 4). Descriptive statistics
ment (FPD) during the lateral step-down test. Frontal for all outcome variables are presented in the Table.

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Norcross et al.

6 7
Figure 6. Scatterplot showing normalized isometric (Iso ER) and ec- Figure 7. Scatterplot showing normalized isometric (Iso ER) and ec-
centric (Ecc ER) hip external rotation strength and FPA ([-] valgus, [+] centric (Ecc ER) hip external rotation strength and FPD ([-] valgus, [+]
varus) with associated simple linear regression trend lines. The solid varus) with associated simple linear regression trend lines. The solid
line represents Iso ER (r = -0.179, P = .228), and the broken line repre- line represents Iso ER (r = -0.187, P = .208), and the broken line repre-
sents Ecc ER (r = 0.052, P = .734). sents Ecc ER (r = 0.050, P = .746).

These findings show eccentric strength of the hip ab- that imposed similar demands. Thijs et al19 evaluated hip
ductors and eccentric and isometric strength of the hip strength in individuals performing a single-leg forward
external rotators are not related to frontal plane knee lunge and found no significant differences in peak hip
motion during the lateral step-down test. Isometric hip abduction (Cohen’s d effect size [d] = 0.36) or external
abduction strength was weakly correlated with frontal rotation (d = 0.30) strength between a group that moved
plane knee angle at peak knee flexion. Individuals with into dynamic knee valgus during the lunge compared to a
greater isometric hip abduction strength demonstrated group that moved into dynamic knee varus as measured
greater knee valgus with Iso ABD strength explaining using 2-D video analysis. In addition, they found no sig-
approximately 14% of the variation in FPA (r2 = 0.138). nificant relationships between hip abductor and external
However, the low strength of the association in the di- rotator strength and the magnitude of frontal plane knee
rection contrary to what would be expected from a bio- motion in either group. Bell et al20 found that participants
mechanical framework makes the clinical significance of who displayed medial knee displacement during an over-
this result unclear. head squat test exhibited greater normalized isometric
Prior to comparing our results to previous research, it hip external rotation strength than participants who did
is important to note how the use of either 2-dimensional not demonstrate medial knee displacement using 2-D
(2-D) or 3-dimensional (3-D) methods of motion anal- video analysis. However, they also found no differenc-
ysis changes the strict interpretation of the measured es between groups in isometric hip abduction strength
“knee valgus” motion. Although 3-D motion analysis (d = 0.34), and concluded hip musculature weakness did
yields pure frontal plane knee angles, 2-D motion analy- not contribute significantly to frontal plane knee motion
sis results in dynamic knee valgus, or medial knee dis- during this functional task. Lawrence et al21 also showed
placement, angles in which the specific contributions of no significant difference in the frontal plane knee angle
femoral adduction and internal rotation, and knee valgus of participants with high and low hip isometric external
motions to this composite angle are not known. As a re- rotation strength (d = 0.21) during a single-leg drop land-
sult, it is difficult to directly compare the magnitudes of ing using 3-D motion analysis.
the frontal plane knee angles reported in the literature. Two studies have reported a significant relationship
Therefore, it is necessary to compare studies based on the between hip musculature strength and frontal plane
premise that during closed kinetic chain activities, knee knee angle that are inconsistent with our results. Willson
valgus, femoral adduction, and femoral internal rotation et al22 demonstrated a significant association between
are associated,9,16 and increased movement into these po- greater isometric hip external rotation strength and lesser
sitions would result in greater measured 2-D dynamic frontal plane projection angle (r = 0.40), defined as the
knee valgus or 3-D pure knee valgus angles. angle between lines drawn between the anterosuperior
Our findings are consistent with a number of previous iliac spine to the middle of the tibiofemoral joint and the
studies examining the relationship between hip strength mid-tibiofemoral joint to the middle of the ankle mor-
and frontal plane knee kinematics during dynamic tasks tise, derived using 2-D kinematic analysis. Claiborne et


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Lateral Step-Down Test

Tab l e
al23 evaluated hip strength and frontal plane knee motion
in individuals performing a single-leg squat using 3-D Descriptive Statistics for FPA and FPDa,
analysis. Peak knee valgus and frontal plane knee mo- and Normalized Isometric and Eccentric
tion, defined as the difference between peak knee valgus
Hip Abduction and External Rotation
during the squat and standing frontal plane knee angle,
were not significantly correlated with either eccentric hip
abduction (r = -0.249) or external rotation peak torque
FPA 7.28°±8.70°
(r = -0.356). However, concentric hip abduction was sig-
nificantly correlated with the magnitude of frontal plane FPD 5.66°±0.23°

knee motion (r = -0.365). The authors concluded greater Eccentric hip abduction 0.053±0.180
hip abduction strength resulted in decreased motion in the Isometric hip abduction 0.052±0.015
valgus direction during a single-leg squat. It is important Eccentric hip external rotation 0.038±0.009
to note, however, that greater knee valgus is associated Isometric hip external rotation 0.030±0.007
with greater hip adduction.9,16 As a result, it is expected Abbreviations: FPA, frontal plane knee angle at peak knee flexion; FPD, frontal plane
that eccentric, not concentric, force production from the
(-) valgus, (+) varus.
hip abductors would be important in limiting knee valgus
motion as these muscles would be lengthened during hip
adduction motion. Therefore, it remains unknown how thermore, based on the results of this study, it is unclear
concentric strength of the hip abductors would influence how this test may be applied to a pathologic population.
knee valgus motion. Although hip abductor1-3,5 and external rotator1,3,5 weak-
Although the findings of this study are contrary to ness has been demonstrated in individuals with patholo-
our hypotheses, we propose the following possible ex- gies associated with increased frontal plane motion, such
planation for the obtained results. The lateral step-down as patellofemoral pain syndrome and iliotibial band fric-
test used in this study may not have placed a sufficient tion syndrome, it is unknown whether this weakness
functional demand on our participant sample to elicit the would manifest in increased frontal plane motion dur-
response suggested by earlier research. Previous studies ing the lateral step-down test or potentially be obscured
on healthy individuals that identified lesser hip strength via the same compensatory mechanisms that were likely
in participants displaying greater frontal plane knee mo- present in this study.
tion involved more demanding tasks such as running11
and single-leg landing from a jump.10 It may be that the Limitations and Future Research
single leg step-down test used in our study, similar to the Future research is necessary to assess the utility of the
forward lunge19 and single-leg squat,23 was not demand- lateral step-down test to evaluate hip abductor and ex-
ing enough dynamically and allowed participants to use ternal rotator strength in a patient population actively
compensatory mechanisms they would not be able to use experiencing symptoms related to chronic lower ex-
in a more difficult task. For instance, participants with tremity pathologies. Our study was limited in that it
greater strength may have been able to go into greater evaluated healthy individuals who may have exhibited
knee valgus knowing they had the requisite strength to strength and neuromuscular control mechanisms that
return from that position, whereas the task may have are not congruent with patients currently experiencing
been slow enough for those with lesser strength to make symptoms. Evaluation of an adapted version of the lat-
a compensatory knee varus movement to successfully eral step-down test from a greater height or at a greater
complete the task. These potential compensatory mecha- velocity so as to increase the dynamic demands placed
nisms help to illustrate the multifactorial nature of the on a healthy population also is warranted for its possible
strategies used to complete a dynamic task, which makes use in identifying individuals at risk for lower extremity
it difficult to draw conclusions regarding individual per- and low back injuries.
formance and just a limited number of those factors. In addition, because all participants performed ec-
Nonetheless, the results suggest the use of the lateral centric strength testing prior to isometric strength testing
step-down test is not indicative of hip abduction or exter- as we considered the eccentric measure to be the most
nal rotation strength in asymptomatic individuals. Fur- important, we cannot rule out the possibility that test-

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Norcross et al.

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ATSHC1109NORCROSS.indd 278 11/3/2009 2:57:27 PM

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