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Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about climate change,

this message is to denounce and show. It is called Together we can

change climate change. We talk to you today in order to explain
the situation and the context in our world.
If the temperature continues to rise then the world will become
unlivable for us. Moreover some places will have completely
changed for example Greenland will completely melt as well as in
Africa where the temperature could reach 50 degrees. The melting
of these glaciers could lead to rising sea levels.
The causes of this climate change are the intensive use of
polluting energies like cars, factories. These energies release
greenhouse effect so as to carbon dioxide, methane, fossil or fuel.
This is because of the human activity that pushes the
overconsumption of these energies.
The consequences are rising sea levels, melting glaciers and rising
The solutions to reduce the greenhouses effects are to favor public
and environmentally friendly transportation, use renewable
energies, reduce heating by insulating, stop overconsumption and
protect the oceans.

In our opinion donald trump tweet is not telling the truth and is a
lack of respect for the chinese because he says that the climate
change was created by and for the chinese he also says that it's a
HOAX and doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I disagree with
him because climate change is a real problem in the world and not
only for the Chinese, moreover it is not a hoax and we think that it
is necessary to speak about it to find solutions and not to say
nothing as he did.

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