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What is the pressure gradient of 9.2 ppg mud?

o 0.092 psi/ft

o 0.92 psi/ft

o 0.478 psi/ft

1A, Pressure gradient = 0.052 x 9.2 = 0.4784 psi/ft

Large pit gain will create high Shut In Casing Pressure.

Is this statement true?

 Yes, it is correct.

 No, it will not.

 There is not enough information.

A larger pit gain will result in higher SICP but SIDPP will stay the same.

Large pit gain will create a lot of hydrostatic reduction in annulus. In order to
balance formation pressure, casing pressure will be increased.

More pit gain = more hydrostatic reduction = more casing pressure.

Fast drilling in large diameter hole may cause an error in shut-in pressures.

When killing the well with driller’s method, what should you see to the pit volume
during first circulation?

 Pit volume stays constant.

 Pit volume decreases.

 Pit volume increases.

If the wellbore influx is gas, it will expand when it comes close to surface therefore you will
see an increase in pit volume and casing.
During first circulation of driller’s method, gas will naturally expand when it reaches
surface. With gas expansion, pit volume will increase.

More details: How are pressure and pit volume doing during the first circulation of
the driller’s method?

What are the positive well control indicators while drilling?

 Short fill while tripping, flow while pipe in static

 Increase in flow show, pit volume increase, flow with pump off

 Both of answers above

Pipe Backflow: If a pipe is static, that means the pressure should be balanced. If there is
flow back into the trip tank, this indicates pressure pushing into the pipe. This means that the
well may need shut in. Pit Gain: The fluid system in a drilling rig is a closed system.
 Increase in flow show. Without any increasing in flow rate in, increase in return flow
indicates something coming into wellbore while drilling. ...
 Increase of active pit system (Pit gain) ...
 Continue flowing while the pumps are off.

While circulating mud in the well, which part of pressure lost will act at the bottom
of the wellbore ?

 Drill string pressure loss

 Bit pressure loss

 Annular pressure loss

When the mud is flowing upward while circulating, the annular pressure loss will act
in the opposite direction of the flow. Therefore, annular pressure loss will act at the
bottom of the well.

What are two parameters affecting hydrostatic pressure calculation?

 True Vertical Depth and mud weight

 Hole geometry and mud weight

 Hole size and True Vertical Depth

Hydrostatic pressure is pressure created by fluid column and two factors affecting
hydrostatic pressure are mud weight and True Vertical Depth.
Hydrostatic pressure = 0.052 x TVD x Mud Weight

Well information: 5500′ MD/ 4500′ TVD. Mud weight in the hole is 9.5 ppg.

What is the hydrostatic pressure at the bottom hole?

 2,223 psi

 2,717 psi

 2,921 psi
 Hydrostatic pressure = 0.052 x 4500 x 9.5 = 2,223 psi

What is the proper gauge when recording the slow circulating rate?

 Drill pipe gauge in driller console

 Drill pipe gauge in remote choke panel

 Pressure gauge from mud logger

It is good practice to read the slow circulating pressure using the drill pipe gauge in
remote choke panel because this gauge will be used while killing the well.

What should you do when the positive well control indication is detected while

 Stop the pump and shut the well in

 Stab safety valve, space out and shut in

 Space out, shut down and shut in

 The correct procedure to shut the well in case of well control situation while
drilling is called “3 S“
 Space out – stop drilling and space out where the tool joint is not located at
the BOP rams.
 Shut down – stop pumping
 Shut in – shut the well in using BOP ram

 If flow check indicates wellbore influx, crew must quickly shut the well in.
 If flow check does not show any influx, drill string must be run back to bottom
in order to circulate at least bottom up to ensure hole condition.

What is the most important reaction when the well is flowing (well control situation)?

 Obtain the slow circulating rate pressure every 1,000 ft

 Shut the well in as quick as you can to minimize influx

 Have people check the mud weight every 15 minutes

Minimize well bore influx will create less problem when you will try to kill the well.
This is the most important reaction that people need to do when the well control is

Which method of well control has only one circulation to kill the well?

 Wait and Weight Method

 Driller's Method

 Volumetric Method

Wait and weight method or some people may call “Engineering Method” is one of the
famous methods to kill the well. This method is to control the well by circulating kill
weight mud at the start. Additionally, with this method, bottom hole pressure is
maintained by using step down chart.

Which well control method does need two circulations to kill the well?

 Wait and Weight Method

 Driller's Method

 Volumetric Method

Driller’s method requires two circulations to kill the well. The first circulation is to
remove influx out of the wellbore and the second circulation is to kill the well with
kill weight mud.

Which well control method will you use if you cannot circulate and gas continue

 Driller's Method

 Wait and Weight Method

 Volume Metric and Lubricate and Bleed Method

The best way to kill the well if pumps are not be able to use is to utilize “Volume
Metric” and “Lubricate and Bleed” to kill the well.
Volumetric is the method to bring gas to surface while controlling the bottom hole
Lubricate and Bleed is the method to displace the well with kill weight mud.
Both methods are used when the circulation cannot be performed.

What is the primary method to prevent well control situation?

 Right mud weight in the well

 Experienced Supervisors
 Good well control equipment

The right mud weight will give sufficient hydrostatic pressure to control formation
pressure resulting in preventing well control.

What is the secondary well control?

 Mud Weight

 Highly Trained Personnel

 Blow Out Preventer (BOP)

Blow Out Preventer (BOP) is the secondary well control.

If the gas migrates up during shut the well in, what will happen with casing pressure
and drill pipe pressure?

Note: For this case, there is a float valve in the drill string

 Casing and drill pipe pressure increase.

 Casing pressure increases but drill pipe pressure remains the same.

 Casing pressure decreases but drill pipe pressure increases.

When the gas migrates up, the casing pressure will increase. However, the drill pipe
pressure will stay the same because the float valve will not allow gas to migrate into
the drill string.

Personnel fail to follow the drill pipe pressure schedule while killing the well with wait
and weight method.

What could be happened?

 Increase in bottom hole pressure and it might result in loss circulation.

 Decrease in bottom hole pressure and it might induce more influx.

 Both answers are correct.
 The drill pipe schedule is used to maintain constant bottom hole pressure
while killing the well using wait and weight method. Failing to follow the drill
pipe pressure schedule will result in either reduction in hydrostatic pressure
or increase in hydrostatic pressure.
 If the bottom hole pressure is more than fracture gradient, the lost circulation
will be occurred. On the other hand, if the bottom hole pressure is less than
formation pressure, the influx will come into the wellbore.

Reservoir is at 10,000 ft MD/9,000 ft TVD and reservoir pressure is 5,200 psi.

What is the formation pressure gradient (psi/ft)?

 0.578 psi/ft

 0.520 psi/ft

 0.420 psi/ft

Pressure gradient = 5,200 psi ÷ 9,000 ft TVD = 0.578 psi/ft.

What is the definition of blow out?

 Abnormal pressure zones

 Uncontrolled fluid flowing from reservoir to surface

 Influx into the wellbore while drilling

What are the positive well control indicators?

 Flow with pump off

 Pit gain

 Increase in flow show without changing flow rate

 All above

The positive well control indicators are flow with pump off, increase flow show and
volume pit increase.

A formation is at 12,000 ft MD/9,500 ft TVD and reservoir pressure is 5,000 psi.

What is the formation pressure in ppg?

 8.0 ppg

 9.2 ppg

 10.1 ppg

Formation pressure, ppg = 5,000 ÷ (0.052 x 9500) = 10.1 ppg

What should you do if the current mud weight is less than planned weight up
schedule while drilling?
 Slow rate of penetration and try to increase mud weight to the planned
weight up schedule.

 Keep drilling if there is no sign of well control indications and try to

increase mud weight at the same time. It will minimize rig time.

 Stop drilling and increase mud weight as per planned mud weight

If you are behind the weight up schedule, you must stop drilling and increase mud
weight to planned weight up schedule. Do not try short cut by drilling and keeping
the weight up at the same time.

Which pressures are adjusted by a choke?

 Drill pipe pressure

 Casing pressure

 Both casing and drill pipe pressure

The choke is used to control both casing and drill pipe pressure in a well control

What should you do first when you try to adjust kill rate?

 Hold drill pipe pressure constant

 Hold casing pressure constant

 Do not need to hold any pressure constant. Kill rate can be made as
quickly as you can.

When you are trying to adjust kill rate, the first thing you need to do is to hold
casing pressure constant then adjust kill rate. By holding casing pressure constant,
the bottom hole pressure will remain constant.

Will slug affect bottom hole pressure?

 Yes

 No

 Depend on how much slug pumped. If too much slug is pumped, the
bottom hole pressure will be affected.

Slug is the heavier mud which is typically pumped into the drill string to push the
mud down. Pumping the slug will not affect bottom pressure because the slug will
push the mud in the annulus and leave air on top of slug.

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