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Last spring in May my friend and I saw on the internet that there is exhibition

of Claude’s Monet paintings, so we decided to go see it. I am so glad that we

saw it because it was amazing. It was in Norblin’s factory in Warsaw.
It wasn’t a regular exhibition like in museums. It was interactive. The paintings
were shown like a movie. Objects painted in the compositions were moving. It
was unbelievable. My friend and I were fascinated by it. The paintings were
shown like a movie: one after another. The transitions between them were
very smooth. There were 3 rooms in which there were screens the size of wall.
What I particularly liked was the room where there was recreated bridge from
one of the Monet’s most famous paintings ,,The Japanese Footbridge”. You
could walk on the bridge and take amazing photos. Also, on the floor there
were lilies that were shown in this landscape. The rest of the things painted in
this particular composition were displayed on the walls. Another thing that I
liked was the room with information on the walls about other impressionist
If I have one criticism, it’s that there wasn’t enough chairs to sit on. There was
only about 5 chairs to sit in every room and many more people. My friend and I
had to sit on the floor like others.
Despite that, I would definitely recommend going to this type of art exhibition.
It is a mind-blowing experience for people who love art and for people who
usually don’t go to museums. This place is perfect for taking Pinterest photos.

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