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Grammar 5b

7 Write sentences using the causative.

Betty had her wedding dress made by a fashion designer.

Ken is having his photograph taken by Jenna.
I have had my hair dyed by the hairdresser.
We will have the invitations sent today.
John will have his trip to Rome organized by an art expert.
Harriet had his violin stolen last night.
Jude is having her book published next month.

Skills 5c

7 Make notes about MOBA und the headings: name, location, who/how/when it started, what
one can see there. Tell the class.

Name: Museum of Bad Art

Location: The basement of the Dedham Community Theatre
Who started it: Scott Wilson and Jerry Reilly
How it started: It started as a joke when one of the guys found an awful painting into the rubbish
and they started collecting them. But surprisingly the public liked the museum they opened and it
became really popular.
When it started: 1994
What one can see there: You can see many bad and strange paintings such as portraits, landscapes,
seascapes etc. from untalented and talented.

8 Imagine you visited the MOBA museum. Write an email to a friend describing your visit. Write:
what/where it is, what is on display, if you liked it.

Hi, Kristi,

I hope all is well with you. I want to tell you about a museum I visited this weekend. It had strange
but funny paintings.

It is the Museum of Bad Art, MOBA. It is in the basement of

the Dedham Community Theatre. I went there because I was
very curios. Could the paintings be that bad? When I went
inside there were lots of people and everyone was laughing.
The first painting I saw was of a dog that looked like a 5-year-
old had drawn it. I burst out laughing. Another one showed
the Mona Lisa but let’s just say differently. I visited the whole
museum and I swear I’ve never laughed that hard in months. I
loved it.

Maybe next month I will go and visit the Brookline MOBA

because I want to see more of these paintings. I’m attaching
here some photos of the paintings I found on the internet
because we weren’t allowed to take pictures in the museum.

Love, Joana
Everyday English 5d

4 In pairs, use phrases from the dialogue to act out a similar dialogue for the other poster.

I: What are you doing on Friday Night, Jessie?

Jessie: I have no clue. I haven’t made any plans.
I: Would you like to go to a concert?
Jessie: A concert? Why not? I haven’t been to one in ages. What kind of concert is it?
I: It’s a Profilers concert.
Jessie: OMG, I love that band. When is it exactly?
I: It’s on Friday night at nine thirty.
Jessie: Ok, come to my house and then we’ll go there together.
I: That sounds great. Meet you on Friday!
Jessie: Bye!

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