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Verbos Irregulares em Inglês presente e passado

be was ser; estar hear heard ouvir; escutar

bear bore nascer; produzir hide hid ocultar; esconder
tornar-se; keep kept manter; guardar
become became
transformar-se know knew saber; conhecer
begin began começar lead led comandar; guiar
break broke quebrar; romper learn learnt aprender; estudar
bring brought trazer; executar perder;
lose lost
construir; desperdiçar
build built
fabricar make made fazer; criar
buy bought comprar mean meant pensar; significar
choose chose escolher; preferir conhecer;
meet met
come came vir; chegar encontrar
fazer; cuidar; pay paid pagar; saldar
do did
funcionar put put pôr; colocar
drink drank beber read read ler; aprender
drive drove dirigir; guiar ride rode andar; passear
eat ate comer; mastigar run ran correr; fugir
feed fed alimentar; nutrir say said dizer; contar
feel felt sentir; perceber see saw ver; observar
encontrar; sell sold vender; negociar
find found
descobrir send sent enviar; mandar
forbade; sleep slept dormir; descansar
forbid proibir; impedir
forbad speak spoke falar; dizer
forget forgot esquecer take took pegar; tirar
receber; tell told contar; saber
get got
conseguir think thought pensar; acreditar
give gave dar; entregar wake woke acordar; despertar
go went ir; partir win won ganhar; conseguir
have had ter; possuir write wrote escrever; anotar
1 - complete as lacunas com a forma correta do verbo entre parênteses:

a - I usually - _________ (go) to school.

b - You _______ (play) basketball once a week.
c - She never _________(help) me with that!
d - In this club people usually ______ (dance) a lot.
e - Linda ______(take care) of her sister.
f - John rarely ________(leave) the country.
g - She _______(drive) very well.
h - Water _________(freeze) at 0 degrees.
I - He ________(have) a big apartment.

2 - Complete as colunas com os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Presente e depois

transforme-as em interrogativas
1 - They ________ (visit) us often. Int.: ________________________________
2. Tom _______ (work) every day. Int.: ________________________________
3. He always _______ (tell) us funny stories. Int.: ________________________________
4. Martha and Kevin _________(swim) twice a week. Int.: ___________________________
5. The summer ________(be) hot. Int.: ________________________________

3 - Complete as colunas com os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Presente e depois

transforme-as em negativas

1 - Linda ______(take care) of her sister. neg.: _________________

2. Water ________(boil) at 100 degrees. neg.: ________________________________
3. My sister ________(speak) English. neg.: ________________________________
4. A triangle ______(have) three corners. neg.: ____________________________
5. London _________(be) in England.neg.: ________________________________
(PUC-GO/2015) In Text 8, most of the verbs in Portuguese are conjugated in the past tense,
such as “chegou”, “enamorou-se” e “resistiu”. Complete the following text using the correct
past tense conjugation of the verbs in parenthesis in English:
Last night Susan (go) ____________ to her friend’s birthday party. She (dance) ____________
with her boyfriend, and (eat) ____________ cake. After they (leave) ____________ the party,
Susan and her boyfriend (decide) ____________ to go and watch a movie at the theater. They
(see) ____________ the new Transformer’s movie, and then they went home. When she (get)
____________ home, Susan (take) ____________ a shower and (fall) ____________ asleep
4 - Choose the correct option from the ones listed below:
a) go/dance/eat/leave/decide/see/get/take/fall.
b) went/danced/ate/left/decided/saw/got/took/fell.
c) will go/will dance/will eat/will leave/will decide/will see/will get/will take/will fall.
d) had gone/had danced/had eaten/had left/had decided/had seen/had gotten/had taken/had
5 - (Unesp/2010) Assinale a alternativa na qual todas as palavras são formas verbais relativas ao
Adopted, become, decided, recognized, ruled.
b) Adopted, allow, become, recognized, ruled.
c) Approved, became, been, decided, ruled.
d) Allow, approved, became, decided, may.
e) Can, debated, entitled, made, offered.
Lembrando que:
Regular verbs (verbos regulares)
Para usar os verbos regulares em frases afirmativas no Simple Past, basta mudar a terminação
do verbo de acordo com as seguintes regras:
1. Aos verbos regulares terminados em –e, acrescenta-se somente o –d no final do verbo:
to love (amar) – loved
to lie (mentir) – lied
2. Aos verbos regulares terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante (CVC), duplica-se a última
consoante e acrescenta-se o –ed:
stop (parar) – stopped
control (controlar) – controlled
3. Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de consoante, retira-se o y e acrescenta-se o –ied:
to study (estudar) – studied
to cry (chorar) – cried
4. Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se somente o –ed:
enjoy (aproveitar) – enjoyed
stay (ficar) – stayed
Os verbos irregulares não possuem um padrão de formação. Eles não seguem as regras
indicadas acima pois possuem uma forma própria.

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