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Roll Your Own Crowdfunding : DIY Approach

Shabbir Petiwala June 23, 2015 Comments Off

It is possible that you have a great idea in mind and it would be really successful with the help of best crowdfunding
platform.Crowdfunding platform makes use of the vast networks of friends, family and colleagues through social media
websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to get the word out about a new business and attract investors.Crowdfunding
facilitates the raising of capital for a variety of purposes, using numerous variations of the model.In recent months, a few
popular crowdfunding websites like kickstarter revised their rules and regulations, and as a result, many projects previously
eligible have been rejected.

They proceed to start own crowdfunding based website and got their project funded.As portal parameters tighten the
rules,and as a result more and more campaigns are forced into independent crowdfunding efforts which professional
known as DIY Approach(DO IT YOURSELF) strategy.

DIY Approach:-

DIY approach was originated when some project creators had their project removed from Kickstarter and decided they
could do this themselves by making their own crowdfunding based website and got their project funded. In this DIY
approach one can develops, promotes, and manages a campaign from beginning to end, without the help of an
established crowdfunding community. EXAMPLE– Lockitron raised $1,500,000 on their own, which is 1000% more than
their original goal, after Kickstarter said “no”. after seeing many backers feel optimistic that they too can find funding if
denied by common portals.

Now its possible with DIY approach to alive your idea from thousands of projects that are started every day as a result
chance that your idea can get lost in the crowd.

Full customization as per your idea/project, unrestricted administration, and no item prohibitions.
Avoid 4-5% commission fees
Time periods for campaigns as much you want.

Thanks to – (Crowdfunding software) which provides footstep in the world of DIY crowdfunding
which makes possible to launch your own crowdfunding website/platform or page. As an open-source startup-
point, provides everything one would need to get a website up and running. For those, who are not
technical and fear that they will not be able to build a functional portal on their own, there are other options available.

We developed all crowdfunding software in PHP Programming. We used Codeigniter Web Framework. From our
experience it is easy to manage PHP Crowdfunding Site and find local PHP Developer.

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