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iluflt'ffiflilffililffiilfft Np - 235

' 02\
First Semester Degree Examination, March/April Z0Zg
(2021 -22 and Onwards) (F+R)
8'am f s.u
Time : 1'lz Hours Max. Marks : 30

lnstruction : Answer all the Sections.

Answer any five questions from the following : (2x5=10)

1. Ecosystem.
doBd drd{.

2. Food chain.

3. Drought.


4. Global warming.
srorlgd uoddnd.

E-Waste rules. *1

E -orrirOo$$rl$b.

Wind energy.

7. Landslides.

?.ilrod:R d.

Np - 235 lllllilllll]ll!ffillllllilllll


Answer any four questions from the following : (5x4=20

8. Explain inter-state conflicts on water sharing in lndia.

qn dddO- & e o d do zSEo$ O-S er oddoaa, aao d rl9d1 &d oA o.

9. Write a brief note on soil erosion and desertification.

d>s65 idd9 ildJ $&?tratueddrad doEd rJdtd udouo.

10. Write a brief note on endangered and endemic species of India.

rpddd aoadd eoi,sSelCd aario {eeo$ dedts,a8d$ t^l{Bosd Eddd &ea.
11 . Give an account on Environmental Protection Act, 1986.
doid ioddma uaol:., 1986 erdl Ddo&.
12. Write a note on structure and function of forest ecosystem.
erdea, doBd ddd{o$ daid dr$ radrd{1edo:.r.

13. Write a note on Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental studies.

dodd eldrol:d udcuogo$ dradd u{t^:dor:0.

tffi|il]!1ililil]1ililllilffit ft NP-298
I Semester Degree Examlnation, March/Aprll 2023
(NEP) (2021 - 22 and Onwards) (F+R)
(Open Electlve)
Paper - 1.5 : EVENT MANA

Time :ZYz Hours

B {o'n Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answers should be written or English


Cqnrl -a
1. Answer any eight sub-questions. Each carries two marks. (8x2=16)
Cndaaddo ooun erud-{,d",rl9ri erudO:r. ge 6dod addr seodrl$J.

a) What do you mean by Event ?

dud aoddedr ?
b) Who is an event planner ?
dt^loa oSoea;d.rodd o$adr ?

c) What is event sehedule ?

#t"t6iD devadoSo, aoddenb ?

d) What do you mean by corporate event reporting ?

ua{prdem #'u* dda aodded: ?

e) Give the meaning of event budget.

#t^ipD d:lorld d$ *rodde$ ?

Give the meaning of cvent workshop"

dFJm motrrrod aodded: ?

s) Give the meaning of conference,

ddge$rdd e*$rd$* fr&6.
NP - 298 -2- Illllil]ililrilll]til]iltlllt

h) What do you mean by corporate culture ?

aodprdeutr tsoB*.9 aoddenb t
i) What are virtual events ?
asaiad #P[Jd ooddeab ?

j) What is brain storming ?

afr&q uscbroe aodded: r


Aqmrl - D

Answer any six questions. Each carries five marks. (6x5=30)

oJndcnddo egcb 4,d4rlgrl erudo:i. d,.g €,d4ri oub erodrl$).

. 2. Explain in brief characteristics of Event Management.

+u3d Odrddo$ rf:sozl$dl Bo8da.ofl Adolr.

3. State the objectives of corporate events.

uo{prdeotr duldrl$ wdedrlgnb* een.

4. Explain SC's of event management.

dhtd drdmgddo$ 5C dsq &do&.


5. Explain the advantages of public relation in event management.

# $S Odrddo$O." md ru0d B o zo o fi rle od e,,rl oHD rbd er$dro orlgabq odo&.

6. Briefly explain five qualities of event manager.

*pt^id drdxa*ddd ocd: rbearlgdl noSduR &do:r.

7. Briefly explain different social media.

eed rodndd dDEd:r1+Q loffitrrR adoxr.
llilllllllilfllfl[il|]fllffi .s. Np - 2sB
8. Explain the steps of blue print for event planning success.
d$S ql,oeBd o$d{d oeo df,oil dodrletntlo adorr.
9. Explain any four principles of holding evonts,
dt^lS trdm*ddo$ odJodcrDddra ilD$r6 ddJ$dtr &doAr.

Otpod - f)

Answer any two questions. Each question carries seven marks. (2x7=141
olndcmddo oddl dqrlerl erudOa. €,.9 d,d4rl agt erodrl$b.

10, Explaln the procedures to be considered for conducting a mega event.

0.0c$ eld!,. dt;d exbwo"drtoexbdlDfi ernbdodt$erod ee'addgq &dO&.

11. Define event management and explain the importance of event management.
dtJd dddqddo$dr4 Erorera,,pe d$dl #$d drdra*ddo$ ub6djd$e Sdorr.

12. Explain the ditlerent types of corporate evsnts.

eef $mdd rodprdeuf raallrgabrl$sbn &dotuo.
NP _ 259
semester Examination, March/A pril 2023
(NEP) (F + R) (2021 - 22 and Onwards)
Paper - 1.3 : Principles of Marketing

Time :ZYz Hours Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answers must be written or English.

A$'ad- a
Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (2x6=12)
ob{.1aaddo exb wd-{,dorlerl wd-{,d4o1ro odd: eodrlgdl
erudo&. $ecoodl
1. a) What is marketing ?
dnoaul €,goir aodde$ t
b) What is personal selling ?
{,o$qd d>cnp^l aoddedr ?
c) Expand FMCG.

a66.adf .,x. d. o$di aBoxr.

d) What is product mix ?
erudd, A:4ea aoddeab ?

e) State two importance of online marketing.

erodercre-: dvdore,r
dgobos ad& agdlsDrdo$rbd ge,x.
f) What is branding ?
Lqbo6on6 aodded: ? '

g) What is social media marketing ?

xodndE drquf, dnooul dgofu oobded: r
h) Give the meaning of value.
alPe:rd ufir,gp:r.

NP - 259 ,-2- rilililffitllfl]Iilfllilillr


AqDd- ?,c

Answer any three questigns Each question carries four marks. (4x3=12)

oln{.1oaddo &Ja& 6 d"rte rf wQ on 1 d.3 Co o d> €, d4C)rD uoel* e od,f Sd:o do o a d.>d d.

2. Explain the importance of marketing.

dno-oe^l qqo3:od, qldDaDrdCrq &do&.

3. Analyse the objectives of market research.

dD$dq nodoeddo$ entdedrl$dl ad-eot'rir.

4. Explain the value delivery process.

dJoe.:, eddma Eqobo$dtr ado&.

5. Explain the functions of marketing intermediaries.

dncat^i dgobo$ d;drd8rrl$ aaoJ:rd$q DdoR.

6. What are the benefits of green marketing ? Discuss

d$& dnoot^i qgdJo$ {,oloexdil$ otDddt r z3*ra.

'rY cqnrl- :r

Answer any three questions. Each question carries twelve marks. (12x3=36)

olndoaddo drodc €,d4derf en:doxl. -'gadoodc €,,d4dlra odqddr eodrl9dco


7, Elaborate the different approaches in study of marketing.

d>aoo qqCro$ eldro$dd eed aA?dif$dl B&xadaan udouro.

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll -s- Np _ zss
8. Discuss how components of macro environment determines the ma*eting
plans of firm.
nd$d doidd epodrlq;b dod0o$ dnooe.l €,gofoo$ aloeegdrl$ dceeJ deri dorsad>
?3e&dd aoalddl ziz3rxr.

9. Explain the ditferent methods of promotion.

{,zadd Dad a6adrf$e. ado&.

10. what is price ? Explain the methods of pricing policy.
aJeJ aoddeab ? z,JeJ &e8oi: a6adrf$Sn eldO$.

11. Discuss in detail the various steps involved in the development of new product
dni erudd, eed,edq,o3roJJo-agrtooad:d aed doddsdl eddaafi dzsr:r.

rrilillrlil]ilililtililllilill NP - 258
I Semester B.Com. Examination, March/April 2023
(NEP) (2021-22 and Onwards) (F+R)
Paper - 1.2: Business Management and Startups

Time : 2Tz Hours Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answer must be written either in Kannada or English.

A?,ildrl -a
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (6x2=12)
otn{.1oaddo er& erud{,dorl*ri en:dotu. $9oSood: wd--'gd*oiro add: uodrlSdl
a) Define scientific management.
dqpd &drddc:q mraDrefr.
b) Expand 'PODSCORB'.
.. . 'PODSCORB' erd:o ado&.
c) State any four features of motivation.
oln{aadd" oa*o {,eded#od: e,t{eorf$dl dioxr.
d) Give the meaning of informal teader'.
'ersdz,ood oaod:d' etfrrddl Cea.
e) What is ven|,ure capital ?
;odioedrd: uoduos aodded: ?

f) What is MUDRA Yojana ? ;

dleg oJoead aodded: z

g) What is kitchen incubator ?

etari ed:oraieo"ld aodded: z
h) State the objectives of (SPRS) Single Point Registration Scheme.
S P RS d en:dedrf$d1 dBoxr.
NP - 258 llllllllllllllilllllllffiilill]

Aqarl - ?)
Answer any three questions. Each question carries four marks. (3x4=12)
obdemddro drJacb4,d4rleri erodot.
r {,ocooc$ d,doJrro
Jc{ Naerl uodrl$d1
dooad:dd. t
2. What are the essentials of a good plan.
eru$ab oJoezsdo$ eddrddrlsdl eetu.

3. Explain the features of startups.

xa o,trreraf r19 earl9dl Ados).
4. Describe the functions of incubation centres.
e$u, dedd deo$ rl$ uad, rl9d1 ado&.
5. Distinguish between leader and manager
oa oJ: d & ito aa rlo d, dxa*dd & n dJ d d, u'0, B rl gdl D d o,x

,, 6. Explain the requirements of sound motivation system - . :,
erugd: {,eddCr erddrddrts$ ado,Rr

I Answer any three questions. Each question carries twelve (3x12=gg)marks,,

oln$cnddra drJa& $d"rteri erudoa. {,oc3ood €,d4orra dddd erodrlgdl
dooad:dd. ,

7. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organisations.

$eed d:dr e?roa nogo^ldrls er$droerl$c se erarrdrdraedsq aaoa. :

8. Explain the different styles of leadership.

uood:dd*d OAd dirOil$q Adoxi.
9. what is design thinking ? Explain the stages of design thinking.
eucrB zsoddo$ dgobobodde$ ? aoad, z3odd 6gobo$ doddsdl odoxJ.
'10. Explain about the GOI initiative of
software technology part of lndia.
etdd Baordg mdded do$qddo &eacbd wd!,d:rfqjdtr edo&.
11. What is global business leadership ? Explain features of a global business
eorl8d roraad il?o$dddaodded> ? ?rodgd mrmd oao$dd*d o{rarlgd:o ado&.

Iililil ilil iltiltil ililtllil ilil

I Semester B.Com. Examination, March/Apnl 2023

(NEP) (F + R) (2021 - 22 and Onwards)
Paper - 1.1 : Financial Accountancy

Time : 2/z Hours Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answer should be written in English or
in Kannada.

&iarl -a
1. Answer any six of the following sub-questions. Each sub-question carries
2 marks. (6x2=12)
d9nc cJagmcd,o so: ercil-{,doderi en:do&.de wi-{,dri2 erodrls;.
a) Give the meaning of Financial Accountancy.
.!=-- :^:
sJ.ros^J- -UJ:^,.w ---- JJ:.j.
b) What is hire purchase system ?
aJDari $oeo .roddea$ ?

c) Who is a consignor and consignee ?

{ddJ um-md s5JgJ {o6J i,SdDrJ;ilft[ ;cdC a]DdJ ?
d) What is account sale ?
ard C>oas (e&ouf deef ) acCCed: ?
e) What is Revenue expenditure ?
evw(;-!\, -*n= A^J--,.-?\ -\
a^lOJ COUL \JiaJ., a

f) Mention un] row features of dependent branches.

v.^iv-wv ;ri;--J
cl-c.^^)! 5 e:a;s
^J--r.--,^ 9g_::6#& €,irrr.
g) Give the meaning of database accounting.
<- I
ilrJios sqEo o
sw.5-J gq;&.

h) lf Assets are { 6,00,000 and Liabilities are < 3,00,000, find out the Amount
of Capital.
s&rl#c{ 6,00,000 "bq trmsDrods;
w { 3,00,000 "ad_d zrodaos draddd)
r c(
dod.:foadJo. - Gr

NP - 257 I tililll lllll illilllt llill lllt lil

aqroil - &)
Answer any three of the following. Each question carries 4 marks. (3x4=12)
6r dsjnd c>doadd,o dlpe d,dqderi erudox. €,.9 €,dqd 4 erodrlsc.

2. Give the meaning of accounting concepts and explain money measurement

concept and accrual concept.
dp{d dodeJfo$ efrrdd1&eG d:d> deaood er$Cr:d ild? dozSo$
dodedc)dJ edo&
3. Ramya of Bangalore consigned 2OOO kgs of oil at T 150 per kg to Kavitha
of Mysore. She incurred t 20,000 for carriage and freight. Kavitha incurred
{ 5,000 as unloading charges, { 8,000 as godown rent and T 6,000 as selling
expenses. Normal loss in weight is 100 kgs (leakage) in transit. Kavitha sold
1720 kgs of oil at t 250 per kg. Find out the value of unsold stock.
zJorlgood ddrddd& &.rdrDod deaoddori 2000 d.d. aioS:q dg E.d.rl < 150
6md iddr larod draa&eDd. etddc mrod drd? ,ddr d4{ 20,000 ErDr^ld:ed.
daaoddd: < 5,000 ndddl"g&do$rer:, { 8,000 wrgead ztrariri d:d? t 6,000
dno'co,ld aDz3:r dDadJsEd. aad>d, d-'.l; 100 d.d.rl$c (doeod) xariaedEo$O.,
daaoddd: 1720 d.d. adpJ:q Ee d.d.ri T 250 dod dnooo; dtradroad.
d>oot"laaitd aioJ: dPe-r, dd1 dod:bGo):O.

4. Venkatesh enterprises of Bangalore has branch at Darawad. Prepare Branch

Account in the books of Head Office from the following for the year ended
Branch stockfi
on 1-4-2021 1,60,000
Branch petty cash on 1-4-2021 6,000
Goods sent to branch 2,00,000
Goods returned to Head Office 45,000
Cash sales at Branch 3,60,000
Cash sent to branch for expenses :
For salaries 36,000
For rent 9,500
For petty cash 4,500 50,000
Petty expenses at branch 5,500
Branch stock on 31 -3-2022 1,96,000
Branch petty cash on 31 -3-2022 ?

llllllllllllllllllllllllllilllil -3- Np - 257
dodsood dcEs3ed iodoJ:r 6adundd-o_ aa:cbdl dooed. 31 -g-2022 ddr
doddesc"dod deoQ, dgeoo$ dlddo_qodmd asdoj:d: dc1Do&.

1-4-2021d0d: uca3o3:O_diddc 1,60,000
1-4-2021d0d: aaJcJ:e_d dee a3e.r_d 6,000
deoQ,Ood dS:b:,C iddodsc 2,00,000
?sreu\-\^rvcJ o^:airad
- idd:dfc 45,000
:-aJ^J- P\ J J- : -
ad&Lurir.^cJ -JlOaI
- 3,60,000
Eecq, dweoc;od uca;:;; &egJ-r1;n;..oc 6r :

iozo$du 36,000
zDBrirl 9,500
*e;-d dr 4,500 SO,00O

--IJ 1=r ==J: ;:*r i;GC dm 5,500

31-3-2022 t::; -rl; i..- rJ;JildJ 1 ,96,000
31-3-2022d0C: as:oiO;i *o;J dm ?

5. Calculate the amount of interest included in each installments.

Cash price { 2,00,000, Down Payment { 50,000, Three annual installments of
t 60,000 each payable at the end of each year.
doarlv 9* {eod:d uB ol:e$ dod:b& cco.
-.J-)t- ^J^9 + r
onoJ zJg < 2,00,000

ilD:da er t 50,000
T 60,000c !,€ dceri dl,od) dcd;il#d: q;e ;trc dodc$o_&€dd)dr.

6. Write a note on Human Resources Aocounting.

CDd# icildne; eduraticJ: arn irlaeoe$ Sf rJ zroetO.

NP - 257 -4- 11ililil llil ilr ililr lllllllll llll

Aqrod - 3

Answer any three of the following. Each question carries 12 marks. (3x12=36)
6r dsnd d>$oaddo $Jacb d,d4rl9ri erudotu. d,.g 4,d4ri 12 erodd$c.

7. a) What is accounting ? Explain any four accounting functions.

eidoa{aodded: ? olndemddo oaer:o uao$rapadrl$dtr adoxr.
b) Ascertain the value of closing stock from the following.
i) Goods sent on consignment 50000 kgs at T 50 per kg.
ii) Normal loss 5% loss in weight.
iii) Non-recurring expenses incurred by consignor Loading t 18,000 and
insurance { 12,000.
iv) Non-recurring expenses incurred to consignee unloading T 12,000.
v) Goods sold by consignee 42500 kgs at t 65 per kg.
dr dsnd dDbeo3)od eoEd.: aasa&d &ie3c:dl dod:EoGobo.
i) daadoJnd nddr 50000 d.d. { 50 €,.3 d.d.ri.
ii) xadnd, d{ dedd 5 daadC>d droddO.r
iii) daadoad&ri sd drdrdgrd daf esoeBon{ t 18,000 d.:dl adr< 12,000.
iv) nd$ &edoftddori erd $drdeid dz* dfgd$dtr eae&do$#, t 12,000.
v) nddr :*eE,o&ddood dtrore"laad d$rl$r 425OO E.d. T 65 d,e ddri.

B. Mr. Raju purchased a machine cash price of t 3,90,000 on 1-4-2}ig from

Mysore Machines Ltd. under hire purchase system.
The terms being t 9O,0OO down payment and the balance in three equalannual
installments together with interest aL15"/" p.a. on the outstanding cash price,
depreciationis to be charged at 10% p.a. under diminishing balance method.
Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of Raju till 31 -3-2022 under
Asset Accrual Method. ;
&r. ooao aoaldd; t od: ol:o$dd2 d;,tu6 tudo6 O.ddood 1-4-2019 dod:
{ 3,90,000 ri zoari ddogo$O-5roeax,em.d. ud,,od ddQrlsc d$dodo8d.
dr:orld dea md8tud) { 9O,OOO d:d: erued deodd2 ilrod) id: aaard dod.:rl$O-
aa&rd dedd ts uqBd>ed mda;iAdar. ma?a dedd 1O dd*Bddeo$dj"L
.asrdo deJo$ *qo8do- drl$)d)dr.
oaar: ddd d{ dd O- er rld, aa d d odd odaro n uA o$d} do o d:d dqe C) O-
31-3-2022 dddri iod aodrl$dtr ddoJDddJ.
NP - 257
9' Following particulars relating to Kolar branch for the year ended g1-g-2022.
The goods are sent to branch at cost plus 25%.

1) Balances at branch on 1-4-2021 :

Stock at invoice price T 1,90,000

Debtors t 2,65,000
Petty cash { 4,000
Outstanding rent { 5,000
Furniture at branch T 90,000

2) Transactions for the year 2021 - 22 :

Goods sent to branch at lp T 17,50,000

Cash received from debtors < 10,75,000
Bad debts written off T 25,000
Goods returned by customers < 30,000
Allowances to customers t 20,000
Cash sales { 5,20,000
Goods returned by branch { 30,000
3) cash sent to branch during 2021 -22tor expenses l
Salaries T 60,000
Rent T 24,000
Petty cash T 6,000 90,000
4) Balances at the branch as on 31-3-2022:
Stock at invoice price t 1,60,000
Debtors t 3,75,000
Petty cash T 6,500
Outstanding rent T 4,500
Depreciate furniture at 1 O"h p.a.
Prepare Kolar Branch Account in the books of Mysore Head

NP - 257 rilililililtiltililtIililfliltilt

dsdod oddds: 31-g-2022 Eu dodn-ti.:*d ddrEu icz.:celdcei d-teeed uoa5rl

ci r
idd;rt#.e d?,-3 ddd dedd 25 EoBtu
'n---Lj----d- wvw/vvws Caoile;f,d;dC.

1) 1-4-2021d0d aaJoi:OJ Se-url$c :


-O6J *e^: COOd,

\-/ca UJer..Jc, OJJ
eJ -F-\ { 1,90,000
cJ:Srl$c T 2,65,000
^o-.J )))-
cJv_(J .J/\CN { 4,000
c"JUca)(2,! C^J f Od I I L\JcJ -_c_9
LJ v C9 I \ t 5,000
dq3eoo$ eed.raeilddmd$c T 80,000
2) 2021 - 22i6oodrrios;bodod drdoadriqb :

D&iri duc&xrd lddc idd; iS dddO_ { 17,50,000

ubrJd$od {o$b&d dra t 10,75,000
f!: :ar*a{.
Q 9\.t
e^i ^J9t''
IYJ { 25,000
ry dddo &o€d:tr&d lddcrld: t 30,000
nD,ddori d.ou doea
J T 20,000
-?l-?- i--(
N' IL"}J CJJd(,)d€J
t 5,20,000
deoQ, Eepeori bo8cbAld idd;d#; { 30,000
3) 2021 - 22 rtiozroe^,doii deoq, dr:oo;J dv:*i.; rilrj :

douSaaufl t 60,000
zroErirroA t 24,000
aSe.r_d ddQ { 6,000 90,000
4) 31-3-2022d0d uoaJo3;O_d 9er:ud$o :

idEo iofl ddde_ me-b { 1 ,60,000

ar ?- e-€ :la.a
{ 3,75,000
ogor * i*:.?r
.Jg..O On6J t 6,500
md8izJeaad zoa&rl T 4,500
&edoeiEdead d:ed mchrE 10 dedd ,dde. qdod, dps dqleocl: ^9r
,--"" iaeo-*zJ : rj a-J^J\l\ J^i-L c
91 I'Jc,\\-/c,V(, <,rercu aUoI\,\,UCr!O 9,L\JvU,<l.

lllillllllllllllllillillllllilllll .2. Np _ 257
1 0' sahana sends 7o,ooo units of a product at T 48 each to Ramya on consignment
basis and incurres T 18,ooo on freight
and r 1s,ooo on insurance. on receipts
of goods Ramya accepts a bill drawn
by sahana for T 6,50,000 for 3 months
and at the end of the accounting year,
she sends account sales showing the
following details.
sares 60000 units at an average price of
T 65 each
Normal loss 2% of the goods consigned.

Expenses incurred unloading charges

t 14,000
carriage t
15,000, selting expenses T 12,500
and Godown Rent T 13,500.
Ramya is entitled for a commission of
50/o oototal sales. The final balance
due to Sahana is settted by bank draft.

Prepare necessary Ledger Accounts

in the books of Sahana.

nddddcb 70,000 d4,rsq geodooddo t

48 dod dar:rddori dc{,fabor^f
r'doddG daad dDa6oad. T 1g,ooo rEorr
dqr rbe t 15,000 eabo$dl
aEdgxrcbdod. Bd$dsb
&rdre Bodqlrdo_da$dddcb T 6,50,000 E63 Sorlg no,,d
D'"po z"qdo$uBd rbq daarodrdo- dgdod CIddrtgcgn epdoow deer erdtr

dncne"l 60000 doafirrlgc

{,eohodd,.q Boano t 65 dod
xacnd, d{nddJ opd dedd 2.
ddou:&d d?*dsb_ Bddr Bp&dog;l T 14,OOO
Faori t 15,OOO, t

Cnoao^i dB{ 12,500 d.:dJ wrgead zrDGriT 1S,SOO.

d"$ddd6 e'uD d>ooo,ld abeeJ dedd 5 dtudN'rl
erdroafld,:aod. Bdanddori
eroga$ ger:u zroro6' 6gtrl dlanodd ged)de
dnderorbdd. ddoaddd d)Bdde_
oa$ej udouo.

Np - 257 -8- llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllil

1 1. Mr. Nataraj started his business on 1-4-2022 in the name of

"Tirumala Enterprises". By using accounting equations show effect of the
following transactions on the assets, liabilities and capital,
a) lnitial capital invested { 2,00,000.
b) Open a bank account with T 30,000.
c) Shop advance t 25,000 paid to the land lord.
d) Purchase furniture for { 8,000 for the use in business.
e) Purchase goods for cash T 50,000.
f) Sold part of goods for { 35,000.
g) Withdrew cash for T 20,000 for domestic use.
h) lncurred the following expenses :

Rent { 15,000 and Electricity bill t 5,000.

1-4-2022 dod.: .):. dsoozsdd& Ad:, -r-ddq Ed:C:e-r ao$d€uixf diod-O-
u doupxr &q d. dd_rdd Btu edd$dd1 u$:.r d$d o d d, daa dr19 od e:a rlq;b, zsd"?f,r o rl$r
d:dr z^:odaa$d d:ed errbd doma$Cdl doeo:r.

a) erdoq:d uodao$ droad T 2,00,000.

b) { 30,000r19ri mrod arod ddoJ::dd.

c) erorlB ul:ie8c rl C)gdrroR &eGd d::crld dao t 25,000.
d) { 8,000dd aedoeiddead$dl depeo trSdnEfl dood.:dooadJddJ.
e) T 50, 000 dddod$d1 .idd: dedde- dood:doe d:a o.
f) { 35,000d z.od.: e,paild drJd$d} dnooos C>derai.
g) {oA *{rdrlenan boidd .Jdd t 20,000.

h) dr:od a$ld aarCmod d?*dsel t";oi:dd: :

?rJari t 15,000 c)dJ cdJrd Def mtg dDadJd)C) { 5,000.

NP - 003
I $emester B,Com, Examlnatlonn March/Aprll 2023
(NEp) (2091 * 9022 and Onwards) (F+n)
*qd si'affi ddd SS* - |
wo$mn dqd -

Time : 2/a Hours Max, Marks : 60

ffisr€,,-d4rtqri eru$d ardouo. (oouQ ildilwri tueddod). (5x4=20)

1 ) Eqdddtr deri zo*frtiedc codt de$dd: de*tqd r

2) ecbd$bpcr martn &and €,gdrrl$ {,ddeoaod EOo$ sierod ee.9rlqadd f

3) rorlseddea oatludlufl oJrndneaddd d:dogd ?

4) dqd uddrdrtoir {dnildq dogqp dert udenocrxidr ?

5) {od erudorerld E*$$rld Dri des)dd bqdo${udouo.
6) ;icer d:6n* t,r{edg&eDd)rlu#e$ ? dddd bqejo$qudol:o.

il. addr €,,d*fi*ri erugd udouo. (dJoduddQ ddrlgri Qr:eddod). (10x2=20)

1 ) dpCIr ddo$O-deddttr atr'"pd doue.: de nddedod.: edoBcraRd ?

2) {*eol: abQ aeno6u, codr olnd *tad dorlSrlgQ rbd:8frud:u3r t ad t udosro.

3) n3,,tuero erqrddol:Q* Srqi.oo$d u{Odgolnea;drtgde d.:d: Sodrl$dl d,:oBtu.

ilt, dsdod dddddi ahndde a.ocb Qaildo frode*ur uddt, dod geard &ea. (3x1=3)

irordanrlO, Brordd e,"-briobod anifl dfrlwade) qaxird EedJrl$.*rl p6rd

Silodd mq0d ddrdrian uqjdrd , mDdS Bodedrl$ranbgd. d0dd doecnU$,
["rtra^r?, n'adndd &&rtrrl$Str Ho{peor Sndo$erl xnSrunrtoqdra erca3e{d

40& aoaE uoaseo$mafl Sffir$ drb&d $Sdn dndcnrb$d. Eooclred dfirrl$

t,"eo$ dectrro uooarl dedrox epdid $'a&cJrro qdddood: Brord Bodoed
NP - 003 rlllililtililtiltilililfltililt

*odud;utl. e"Eoir eruooirdd sdgcb ,sqqdr drldd €,eabo1lodud;uJr. Eoer{

erucndd#dsq drd:e doerlud:c3:. srdd irordd &aaad raddor:d:drd:
dodddtr, bod;9d dilrrisdl, .adde.r_ddq z"$riood ddaddda xacnad-uerd
,dDddc;d doodooir:rd agd>rdd qgdro$o_ .rouddl d:d:, €,.tsabris
dd9o- e[,$JtudJ zedq: erdaod dojiDddood, Bofi €,edbrrgr xafidrige.r_; dede.:
($dD& 90 ddrled, 30 ddrteri "adq "aeia3ed:)

lV. ioEeazud a;dd ufio& odad: €,d4rfsidi drd&tu. (1x2=2)

v. 'adrzlsoe1 odd> ddi1$d1 ugl {odaadd d?^isr. (1x2=2)

1 ) e.eJrfo+tt,

2) un*gedn,

3) udBo*1,
4) dddd.

Vl. aoeJedd d:e.rpO_.)oaoJ:E doeO a3od.:me_:Ori d$ udolrO. (4x1=41

Vll. edrl$O_oae4 ddrteri efir udor:0. (1x4=4)

1) denod

2) fuo" +,

3) drodtr
4) doqJ,abea
5) oo3eef al:radx;'

6) BroS)44

7) dd

8) ddo$
rllliltlffitlltilililfftilffit NP - 000
Vlll. .qdrtqrl uo&ooub !0 en{etQ rb$8tu udo0ro. ocgaub $E*rtprl en{Oe. (1 xS=S)
,, danrud acnudfrd BoCd dods sdlesd$4 ddaa ddr
J:Idd so) 1986

tu) 191 1 a) 1896

2) rpod aodd ddbilr rfododro_
a) dn$ zi) Sdnac
Rr) agd A) dozrf
3) deeo{,oa$ orrtoeoo FBdrBrd e{ea no{
a) er&6edd p,c) uro.gpdedd

a) dedd a) den0#edd

4) ub$qd pddrl$Sn udo$ueEcnxno$Pdrldnb4 uqrrtood EdCrl$ era@.d

- o) dodd
1925d s) 19g5d dodd
' Ar) 1950d dodd a) 1945d dodd
5) r0o$rroo ituAo$ nqJoJD odg.Borlgrtodgddodcaiedo ?
" a) €,g eodgri.odg s) ilo$,gortertDdu
:,) er& eorterlodg A) aoqleb .AorlertodL

I llllllll llili ilt ililt ifiil lHl llfi
NP - 039
I Semester Degree Examination, March/April 2023
(NEP) (2021 -22 and Onwards) (F + R)
(Open Elective)
Functional English Grammar a Skills
B Cor", CR
Time : 2Yz Hours Max. Marks : 60

l. Answer all the questions in a sentence or (10x2=20)

1) What is Spoken English ?

2) Expand SVOC.
3) Define Noun phrase.
4) What is prepositional phrase ?

5) Mention any two functions of clauses.

6) What is adjective clause ?

7) Model verbs are used for and

8) Give two examples for future perfect continuous tense.

9) Name the Writing skills.
10) What is the functional use of writing ?
il. Answer any four of the following : (4x5=20)

1) Write a dialogue stating that you are not attending your uncle's wedding
due to exams.

2) Draft an e-mailto your{ather about your health

3) Name the sub-skills of reading and explain.

Np - 03e llllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll

4) ldentify the tense of the following sentences :

A) She likes roses.

B) He had done his duty.
C) I will come tomorrow.
D) I will have written a letter.
E) lwill have been writing a letter.
5) Write a note on the advantages of dictionary.

lll. Answer any two of the following : (2y1Q=2A)

1) Which are the strategies and methods to improve reading skill ?

2) How many tenses are there in English and mention the divisions along with
example ?

3) What is Skimming, scanning, extensive reading and intensive reading ?

I ll]illt lll] il ffi llll llil llll
NP - 035
I Semester B.Com./B.B.A. Examination, March/April 2023
(NEP) e0m2
--- and Onwards) (Freshers + Repeaters)
Generic English (L2)
Time : ZYz Hours Max. Marks : 60
lnstructlons : 1) Answer all the
2) Wrlte tha carract
(Grammar Component)

t. Skim the passage and write a suitable title.

The birds were chirping, and the sun was shining. Kevin and Juno were sitting
on a park bench together. Neither of them was smiling. After a long period of
Silence, Kevin said, "This isn't going to work. I mean, you are a dog person and
l'm a cat person." Juno nodded. A tear rolled down her face. Kevin went on,
"lf we got married and bought a house, what kind of pet would we get ? Cat-dog ?
Somebody's going to be unhappy."

il. Scan the passage given below and answer the following questions.
A Phobia is an intense fear or feeling of anxiety that occurs only in a particular
situation that frightens you. This might be something as seemingly logical as
a fear of heights, or as illogical as a fear of green. Musophobia-fear of mice.
Peladophobia-fear of bald people. Amathophobia-fear of dust. Pnigophobia-fear
of choking.
a) What is Phobia ?
b) Name the different types of Phobia.

lll. List any two examples to online references. 2

lV. Write a Cover Letter for the post of Manager at IBM Bangalore. 5

V. Mention any four types of listening. 2

Vl. lmagine Yourself playing the role of Gas stove and write a paragraph including
the words given in the bracket (lighter, matchbox and flame).


NP - 035 -z- Itiltilttil]tiluilililtililt

Vll. Do as directed.

a) lntroduce yourself in front of an interview panel. 2

b) what enquiries would you make in the following situation ? z
i) You want to know when semester crasses are going to start.
ii) You want to know the reason for the delay in the delivery of your product.
c) Give a set of instructions on how to prepare vegetable salad. 4

Vlll. 1) Underline the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. 2

a) The train traveled at very slow speed.
b) The girl in the new dress looks beautiful,
2) ldentify the clauses in the following sentences. z
a) lf you eat good food you will stay healthy.
b) There was a traffic jam after the school hour.

lx. 1) Fill the blanks with appropriate tenses given in the bracket. 2
a) He to Delhi yesterday. (went, has gone)
b) The servant come when called. (did not, has not)

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the bracket. o
a) lndian culture different from other cultures. (is/are)
b) The cost of the cylinder -=_- risen. (has/have)
c) Slow and study the race. (win/wins)

3) Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms given in the bracket. 2
(Earn one's bread, Daredevil, nick of the time)
a) Palguni reached college at the to attend the final exam.
b) sanjay is a true who wiil face any challenge easily.

X. 'Sanskriti' the cultural fest is to be held in your college on Sth March 2022 and
you are asked to deliver a Welcome Speech on the occasion. Draft a welcome
speech. E
Itililr]iltiltliltilfl]llilt -3- NP - 035
(Prose and Poetry)

l, Answer any flve in one or two sentences each. (5x2=10)

1) who did Mr. Pneumonia infect in the lesson "The tast reaf " ?
2) Sue and Johnsy were artists. True/False.
3) List any two things that man will do by planting a tree.
4) How did the Grandfather impress the crowd with the python in the story
"All Creatures Great and Small" ?

5) The Python's weakness perceived by the Grandfather was

6) What was the reaction of the lawyer when he first heard Suresh Chabria's
distribution of property in the lesson 'Daughter' ?
7) When Helen heard footsteps, she stretched out her hands thinking it was her
l) Father
ll) Teacher
lll) Mother.
ll. Answer any two of the following in about one page each. (2xS=10)
1) How did the introduction of the word "wate/' awaken Helen Keller's Sout ?
2) Explain the theme of environmental awareness brought out in the poem
'Heart of the Tree'.
3) Decision alter Destiny. Discuss with reference to the story "Daughte/'.
4) Comment on the distinction in the preference of the elderly couple towards
exotic pet in the story "All Creatures Great and Small,,.
I rxlrfffi fifft ift firfi llilr tlilfill rup : **s
First Semester Degree Examination, March/April 2A23
(F+R) eA21 -22 & Onwards)
(Open Elective)
Spoken English For Corporate Jobs
Time : 2Tz Hours," lBa+I Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Write all the question numbers.

l. Answer any ten in one or two sentences eachl (10x2=20)

1) What is consultation in corporate environment ?

2) Deline proactive mindset.
3) What are etiquettes?
4l'I Write a shofi note on intonatioru,
5)' Name any four types of ceremonial speech.
6) Wtrat is receiver driven conversation?
VA Write any two;uses of visual aids in presentation.
8) What is body language?
9) Write an example for lack of effective cross cultural communication.
10) Why are questioning skitls important?
11) Mention tfte kinds of persuasive speech.
12) Write an example for ope,n-ended and closed-ended question.

13) Write an example for cultural differences.

14\ Define linguistic etiquette.
ll. Write a note on any four of the following in about one page each. (4x5=20)

1) Tips to be followed when greeting someone.

2') Problem solving skills one must develop.

, P.T.O.
rrfp - oss lltffiffitllilIilililfl$lllillll

3) Language fluency and its importance.

4) Developing vocabulary.

5) Principles of effective speech.

6) lrnpofiance of etiquette in business.

lll. Answer any two of the following in about two pages. (2x10=20)
1) Explain the strateEies required to solve a problem in corporate

2) Explain politeness strategies with examples.

3) Briefly explain the procedure to prepare Power Point Presentation.

4l Describe the strategies for effective cross-cultural communication.

I ilIlilil il1il til iltil ililr rill tilt NP - 050
I Semester B.Com. Examination, March/April 2023
(NEP) eA21-22 and Onwards) (F+R)
Mahabharata-Yayathi U pakhyana
Grammar and
Time .2Tz Hours Max. Marks: 60

lnstructions: i) Answer in
ii) O. No. I and Vl should be only.
€ffii;-+iffir (8x1=$)
iocJDc v:3dd$ sb:., a-rdc:o.
Choose thJcorrect answer.

1) q-{Tr+rrt qfrrqffir a
3{) E{T 3Tr) Er{{r E) qqq{r {l enawr
2) q-dFTRa \rillcl?T: {dtsr: €R
3i) €Eq sn) qqrcW. E) eq {) *}fr,
3) 3fiiq-g: s-{el gr: ?

a) gftiBle en) $qs E) er$atq {l q-g,EH

4) Wq-di *qi u-qT 3ir$-q ?

er) g{ruri an) slg{Mi E) qqnuri {1 rr-r+twi

5) Tdrqrrt
ryfiT *.s qBqr qfrfdr i
3{) }fiqs en) tftqs =\
i/ et-$.ltq {r *-tool*
6) E"{Tna R-E
qfrai qi qqrfr: T€frqq ?

3{) qrdq en) qrffisatq E) @ {) ell*t

z1 ffimTqg* ?

ei) ewdurw en) qqas E) gsw {r qtr€Tf,€q

a; encnr$ t+;
et) g;o1 en) xqt e) qqqqq {) yPrdq
NP - 0s0 .2. llillllllllllllllilllllllllllllili

ssrs 3st frsdl

ll. !tr'Gl (1x8=8)
olrdm-dn lod: 6r-.n 'cgdid: ed:;:0.
Answer any one question :

t) qan{rril*-d: t-qqrss tqr-6rfl-F*qi ffi fusat

Write about the place, time and works of Vedavyasa, the author of
d:mzpdgC 63" r ; eje5, Eie , t-gds', zrd,,zroc;J0.

z) xt' frETfu quiq-er

Describe Puru, how devoted he was to his father.

:^.,i-.-- q.4
:"]Je \-l.rral 'w..gv ^;3^v-J1 ; | tr &L,
qJO UJ.Ja.IJ.! ".a,Rqf. .

llt. 6$: rufr.q"tr kq-dt (2x4=$)

eddd18;o$ e+r *isd udar:o.
Write short notes on any two.
1) teq* 2) {rffiET
3) s-rq+q {nq. 4) qqlfr.

tv. rilgqf Td@3l-g-dki T-iqT ftgar (4x3=12)

Nae.l:i 5,c_ed71#dJ. sIJ:tJA iJ ;ib:r.

Translate and explain any four shlokas.

t ) ffi'qi g s-qrqi qt +n?-rH t

qrSW: € E-€;rh E-cBq ffirqd1

2) qgq sfraTe.i qT m tr{ilrgrr: I

ffiB=i €)g rTffi)sE Eknr fr trr

3) qrt{qt eqqT *BT qriliT qfirdr EErI
31cr{r firuwsw*pn wFEn: *ffim: g0: I

3rdlsFi q &-rT Ei qe q fr.{ErEq-Eqtt

llllilllllllillilllllllilllllilllll .s- NP - 0s0

+1 eru{ui ffi qd: sm eie{tf,qr

xffiqqs@ gk" qEq-$ur:tl
s) q "rci q {ei q-rrti "ffi g* q q &qqr
qrrwsreT $rqfr di E{i iltffirq}tt

o) vftrqrwrfr t rtw.qrqFi qtqT s6l

TdTsT ffi 16; q{ srrr;q*Rnrttr

V g*: q"fflq]: aq-<ti ftqgat (2x3=6)

;-)a J-oJ J^J-)- J6 J-
c"J iy C*) cJl;OJ / )\,' I
) ^J - (.J qr i ^Jco.Z 3i J I I *cJ Ud.

Explain with reference to context any two sentences.

t; mei a gm-owi AS lrqgdqrqt

2) *-r *i Rlqq$ {qmrl
g) qSEfq{8rflq-r: q t erg uMt
4) EdrsE F{g+ne q<tssfrrlud: I

vt {iq-fiilqqr ra{TFr frsat

a) q*qrqi v_qr{r +iqfr qrqrj rqq-ot (5x1=5)

1) qq '11 2)gdq 3) olpmq +)qt4r6

s) qrdr 6)qen*npn 7) qfr-f,H 8) 3l-dq

b) q*qni frH - ter+fu - q-flfr frc-dt (5x1=5)

1) qilfr. 2) {F{trr 3) mq 4) qro'*-{

s) yrffiEaqr 6) si 7) qTftffiTF{: sy erefttat

NP - 050 -1-
Iil]ilil ilil liltilil lliltiltiilt

ut. qq qfiFeq qB-Hr )rq-{qrq Efl{rfrr ftrsat (4x2=$)

olh qwqT: g*+r: qTqTqT: gfr ffi.n -{qT firEFa r fu e-sw+r. frqqqqr; qqffi
Fq-ffiq qrqRl {gq-q SgEE-"frfr tqq fu;orqr gda: FqT$T{T:, €-.rir{
fi-Efr, 3nqrqR, ftregdfr qt fu--g tEi grET*fq €-d Eq lEqfrt
vlqF{i{g reui ffi 3sqqf; rrqRl GTr: A qR gd-$ftil: q-dfr Se-*.rd
lfSftt qwqllrdrtg v.el{ffi t(: I nrqq {rq*ftr{g fi5u qtqt Fq{rqi
f+q;xfr HUqd, qqf.n.t gf-{rqr Frq;flui g q 3trsTgqt i, t fu-;( 3iq {.ilfrffi
5qr+r E"{aqf,T Efr *fg,*qt Fq-qd: 3ndtrtfu, sq{Tilqq-gz}fe iN-Sd @
ilqg {rflqt nqr fr;n;i vqtf,t
gf;TT :

1) qg*E Ww-shfr *qi frmqq i

2) gt'-+: th 3ffi i
s) q-w-+iirm; Qprfer; th sdR i
+l nqfrfttqT* *qi wa'ror t
ffiffin$ffiffiffiffi I NP-062
I Semester B.Com. Examination, March/April 2A23
(NEP) (2021-22 and Onwards) (F+H)
Hindi Gadya Ki Vidhayen Aur Vyakaran

Time : 2Yz Hours Max. Marks:60

t. fi=+fufua sr{i t sfl{ gn {fq qr Erw ii frfuq (10x1=10)

1) ffi<{EG q{ E-rS qcai w ?

2) Gqr + qfr ql {rcr wl t ?

3) dk-d ql erpi wr t ?

4) ri?ffiffiWqlqwrt ?
s) *mmq * *d +1&i yd qr *}q 3il4 t ?

6) e-<qfr qq1ffi+frt ?

7) rf,{st{B ?

B) {qgqr affi q-i-r ii e{T 6rir qlt ii ?

9) +firfr * t{iegfl, 3{rHT 156 fuqr*a q1q vri *?

1o) ',nr-YtrT' dkf, foi?i s t{ils q}q t ?

lt. ft--S A 3Tqc{rri * q-y{il qrcil *frq r (2x7=14)

1 ) qq qr fr affi N *fr t
frTsdr ${T EIr{ qqT +ft
S I t r

2) fq-q irr6 r{rf, 61qtq-{Tr+rr ron t, erft y-*ri 3{qt s1 er-o frql t

3) "epq tFT *i o'n, e) qq-guq or tq S fr-i w$r I

ut. 1 )'q6f,r om fifor' - qrrr T{ro or qniyr frcq{ Bqfr ffiqdr3ii q{

lcFrTr glfrq t (1x16=16)

2) rrs{fr-dl rroriril {i?fr s} qr{-dq q{qms & qm qr<vi l5i drf,eq qrrs * sq ii
yfrwtft-d frqr qqt t - Eq qem erq qri n-;n v6qd t, 3TT* w dfrq t r


NP - 062 I tilllllt illl lil lllil lilil flil fii

tv. ft* gm q{ frtquft frfuq I (1x5=g)

1) Yisi
zy rRm r

v. ffi*{yr{i*w-rfrfuq I {Bx5-15)
1) ffifunxr6d& 3nqfrrrvr-oqft{bq r

1) A-cr

2) qr{s
3) Wf{H
4) q)q-€
s) korq t

2) qqq fr qftqrEr fru*-r, Eq.* t-ii 6) fr{tE{"r Eqq frkq t

s} ffifuo ql-r{ ffi A qrqq q{riq I

i, si, * gnr, * ftq, q{ t

4) ffiqur fu$ s-dA t ? qt-{rE{"r frfuq r

5) 6ri s 3{TqR qq fmqr;5 ffi Et-A B ? {irer5{u srfl-Eq



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