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Chapter 1 Topic Page

Lesson 1 Welcome to “My English Coach” 3

Lesson 2 Spelling in English 4
Lesson 3 Punctuation 6
Lesson 4 See you! 8
Lesson 5 Singular and Plural 10
Lesson 6 What are they? 12
Lesson 7 Showing things 13
Lesson 8 More demonstratives 14

Chapter 2

Lesson 1 Possessive adjectives 15

Lesson 2 Whose is this? 16
Lesson 3 Adjectives before nouns 17
Lesson 4 Describing objects 18
Lesson 5 Telling time 19
Lesson 6 What time is it? 20
Lesson 7 Numbers 20
Lesson 8 How old are my family members? 21

Chapter 3

Lesson 1 I am in My English Coach! 22

Lesson 2 Describing my bedroom 25
Lesson 3 What are they and what are they not? 26
Lesson 4 There are no chairs 27
Lesson 5 Let’s do some chores 29
Lesson 6 I can speak English but I can’t fly 31
Lesson 7 Is this correct? 32
Lesson 8 Find someone who can… 33

Chapter 4

Lesson 1 Her routine 35

Lesson 2 More about you 37
Lesson 3 True or false 39
Lesson 4 I study in My English Coach 40
Lesson 5 What do they do? 42
Lesson 6 Let’s take a flight! 45
Lesson 7 How often do you…? 47
Lesson 8 Even more information about you… 50

Chapter 1 - Lesson 1
Welcome to my English Coach!

Good Bye!
Hello! Good Morning! See you(tomorrow)!
Hi! Good Afternoon! See you later!
What’s up! Good Evening! Good night!

Activity I: Read the conversation and practice it. Then change it using your own

A: Good morning! Other options:

B: Hi!
How are you? I´m fine.
A: How are you? How are you doing? I´m OK.
B: Great thank you! How are you? I´m great.
A: I´m fine. Excuse me! What´s your name? I´m just fine.
I´m not bad.
B: My name is Tom, what about you?
A: My name is Stacy. Nice to meet you Tom.
B: Nice to meet you too, Stacy. See you later.
A: Bye.

Chapter 1 - Lesson 2
Spelling in English

Activity I: Practice the alphabet.

Activity II: Study the following chart; compare how you pronounce the specific
letters from the chart in English vs. Spanish.

Activity IV: Practice spelling and pronouncing the following words.

Names for men Names for women Famous places Food Common products

Hunter Danny New Zealand Pizza Apple

Oliver Barbara Hawaii Bread Google
Rafael Olivia Tokyo Hamburger Amazon
Dylan Edith Vancouver Pickle Visa
Theo Zoe Turkey Pretzel Shell

Chapter 1 - Lesson 3

Activity I: Study the following punctuation vocabulary.

Capital letters: A, B, C, D, E, …

Lowercase letters: a, b, c, d, e, …

Punctuation marks: . (period) , (comma) : (colon) ; (semicolon) ? (question mark)

! (exclamation mark) ( ) (parentheses) [ ] (square brackets) “” (quotation marks)
´ (apostrophe) … (ellipsis marks) _ (underscore) / (slash) - (hyphen)

Activity II: Match the information with the picture and write their correct

Activity III: Read and match the pictures with the rules.

Always turn on your camera.

Avoid any external distractor.

Avoid external noises (TV, dogs,


Avoid taking your class when

resting in bed.

Be punctual.

Don’t walk while you are taking

your class.

Find and download your Student

Workbook from Classroom.

Find the link for your session in

Classroom and Whatsapp
Raise your hand to participate.

Show respect to your classmates

and teacher.

Sign up in Google Classroom.

Sign up in Gmail.

Take your class in an appropriate


Turn on your microphone to


Chapter 1 - Lesson 4
See you!
Activity I: Complete the dialogues.
Teacher: ______, students!
Students: Hello, teacher!
Teacher: Good_________, everyone.
Students: __________ ______________
Teacher: Welcome to your English class.
Students: ______________ ____________
Teacher: Your_______________

Boss: Well, John. Have an excellent ________.

John: Thank _____, boss.
Boss: Good _______________
John: __________ ___________. See you

Ann: _____, Peter!

Peter: _____, Ann! How are you ______?
Ann: I´m _______. And you?
Peter: I´m ________.

(The bell rings)

Ann: Oh, no! My English class…
Peter: No, problem. See __________
Ann: Ok, see _________. Bye
Peter: ________________

Activity II: Answer the questions. Then spell the information.

1. What´s your email address? My email address is: _________________________
2. How do you call this “,”? _________________________
3. How do you call this “( )”? _________________________
4. How do you spell “it´s”? _________________________
5. How do you spell “they´re“? _________________________
Activity III: Answer the following questions.

1. What´s your CA’s name? His/her name is ________________________________________

2. What´s your class ID? _______________________________________________
3. What´s your Classroom Code? _______________________________________________

Activity IV: Study the following expressions that we use in class.

Questions: General vocabulary:

How do you say libro in English? Attendance
What´s the meaning of classroom? Homework
How do you spell language? Weekly Project
What page is it?
How do you pronounce it?
Are you ready?
Any questions?
Who knows the answer?

Expressions and actions: Ask a question, please.

Repeat, please. Read, please.
Write it down. Speak slowly, please.
Listen. Ok, so far?
Pay attention. Here!
I am finished. All together now.
I am ready. Stop talking.
I am almost finished. Louder, please.
Your turn. Go! Try again.
Answer, please. Stop!
One-minute left.

Chapter 1 - Lesson 5
Singular and Plural

Activity I: Write a or an in the short line and write the plural form of these


1.- _____dish _______________ 11.-_____person_______________

2.- _____tomato_______________ 12.-_____cherry_______________

3.- _____knife_______________ 13.-_____apple_______________

4.- _____elephant_______________ 14.-_____box_______________

5.- _____watch_______________ 15.-_____potato_______________

6.- _____man _______________ 16.-_____boy_______________

7.- _____mouse_______________ 17.-_____tooth_______________

8.- _____beach_______________ 18.-_____woman_______________

9.- _____child_______________ 19.-_____key _______________

10.-_____chair_______________ 20.-_____city _______________

Activity II: Make each noun from the box plural. Sort the nouns into the proper
plural categories.
loaf dog life hair family
baby shorts princess puppy radio
mango video story leaf hero
city wife boy glasses cat
fish potato foot watch

Add “s” Add “es” Add “ves”

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Add “ies” Irregular nouns

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

Chapter 1 - Lesson 6
What are they?
Activity I: Write sentences using the corresponding demonstrative and article.

1. _____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________

Chapter 1 - Lesson 7
Showing things

Activity I: Complete the sentences. Use “this is” or “these are”.

1. _____________ my favorite cookies.

2. _____________ exotic birds.

3. _____________ the new book.

4. _____________ my cellphone.

5. _____________ my new jeans.

Activity II: Based on the sentences from the previous activity, make drawings
showing if the object or objects are near or far.






Chapter 1 - Lesson 8
More Demonstratives

Activity I: Find the mistake and write the correct sentence.

1. These are an English books. 1. ________________________________________.

2. These is a beautiful day. 2. ________________________________________.

3. These are my friend. 3. ________________________________________.

4. This are my mother. 4. ________________________________________.

5. This are my flowers. 5. ________________________________________.

Activity II: Change the sentences from the previous activity into negative

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

Chapter 2 - Lesson 1
Possessive Adjectives

Activity I: Choose the possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, your,
their) according to the subject pronoun in parentheses.

1. (I) __________ book.

2. (they) __________ pen.

3.(he) __________ scissors.

4. (I) __________ notebook.

5. (she) __________ bag.

6. (we) __________ pencil.

7. (you) __________ eraser.

8. (it) __________ ruler.

Activity II: Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun.

1.- Sandra has a turtle. ________ turtle is big.

2.- The bike is new. ________ color is purple.

3.- I have a new laptop. ________ laptop is white.

4.- Andrea and I are sisters. ________ house is small.

5.- You are not Italian. ________ name is not an Italian name.

6.- David and Kevin are brothers. ________ house is big.

7.- Stewart has a new car. ________ car is blue.

8.- My mother, my brother and I have cats. ________ cats are old.

Chapter 2 - Lesson 2
Whose is this?

Activity I: Choose the correct pronoun for each subject.

1. Jen This is ______ book.

2. Benny This is ______ ruler.

3. John and I This is ______ eraser.

4. Peter and Wendy This is ______ class.

5. You This is ______ notebook.

Activity II: Read the conversation and underline the possessive adjectives.
A: Hi, Tony!
B: Hi, Lisa! How are you?
A: I’m great! What about you?
B: I’m excellent too, thanks.
A: That is perfect! Hey, can you help me? Whose is this? Do you know?
B: Oh, yes! It is my new pen! Thank you so much. And whose are these? They are not my
A: Oh! Look at those boys over there, I think they are their notebooks.
B: You are right! Let’s go tell them.

Chapter 2 - Lesson 3
Adjectives before Nouns
An adjective gives more information about a noun or a pronoun,
it usually goes before the noun or pronoun it describes.

Activity I: Match the adjective with the object for each picture and write them on
the lines.

1. pink raincoat __________ __________

2. yellow scarf __________ __________
3. beige vest __________ __________
4. blue skirt __________ __________
5. gray blouse __________ __________

Activity II: Match the adjectives and objects with the corresponding picture.

1. young girl vs. old woman

2. thin cat vs. fat cat
3. big gingerbread cookie vs. small gingerbread cookie
4. tall man vs. short man
5. old pot vs. new pot

Chapter 2 - Lesson 4
Describing objects
Activity I: Put the words in the correct order. Circle the possessive adjectives
and underline the adjectives.
1. my / ball / this / blue / is ________________________________________________
2. that / new / is / his / computer ________________________________________________
3. jeans / those / beautiful / are / her ________________________________________________
4. is / this / young / brother / my ________________________________________________
5. toys / are / these / its / old ________________________________________________
6. this / our / is / house / big ________________________________________________
7. are / their / those / black / backpacks ________________________________________________
8. sweater / that / small / is / your ________________________________________________

Activity II: Write the possessive adjectives that you circled in the previous
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________
6. _______________
7. _______________
8. _______________

Activity III: Write the adjectives that you underlined in the previous activity.

1. _______________ 2. _______________
3. _______________ 4. _______________
5. _______________ 6. _______________
7. _______________ 8. _______________

Chapter 2 - Lesson 5
Telling time
Activity I: Put the time below the clock using numbers.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
Activity II: Write the time below the clock from the previous activity using
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________

Chapter 2 - Lesson 6

Activity I: Write the name of the following cardinal and ordinal numbers.

1. 47 _______________________________________

2. 80 _______________________________________

3. 31st. _______________________________________

4. 2nd. _______________________________________

5. 19 _______________________________________

Activity II: Change the cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers.

1. one _______________ 4. three _______________ 7. thirty _________________

2. seven _____________ 5. twenty ______________ 8. seventeen _____________

3. twelve _____________ 6. two ________________ 9. eight __________________

Activity III: Answer the questions with real information.

1. When is your birthday? _____________________________________________________

2. What’s your favorite day of the year? _____________________________________________

3. When did you start your English course at My English Coach? __________________________

4. When is your best friend’s birthday? ________________________________________________

5. When is a special day for you? Why? ________________________________________



Chapter 2 - Lesson 7
How old are my family members?

Activity I: Write the age of your family members.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3 - Lesson 1
I am in My English Coach!

Subject Verb Subject Verb Subject Verb

Contraction Contraction Contraction
Pronoun "to be" Pronoun "to be" Pronoun "to be"
I am I’m He is He’s We are We’re
She is She’s You are You’re
It is It’s They are They’re

Activity I: Write the verb to be in the correct form.

1. Sara _____ my sister.

2. They _____ Paul and Peter.
3. Sally and I _____ friends.
4. ____ he John? Yes, he _____ John.
5. _____ you a teacher? No, I ______ a student.
6. She ______ Sandy and he ______ Danny, they ______ from Canada.
7. We ______ in MY ENGLISH COACH.
8. Karla _____ very intelligent.
9. It ____ a car and they _____ bicycles.
10. Mice _______ horrible!
11. My father _____ a doctor.
12. Women ______ beautiful.
13. The children _______ happy.
14. She _____ Karen.
15. He and she ______ in my class.
16. I _____ _________.

Activity II: Change the sentences 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 11 from the previous exercise
into questions.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________________________
Activity III: Describe the people from the pictures.


Name: This is Pierre.

Origin: He is from Paris
Nationality: He is French.
Profession: He is a chef.
Description: He is young and tall.

Name: _______________________________________________________________
Origin: _______________________________________________________________
Nationality: _______________________________________________________________
Profession: _______________________________________________________________
Description: _______________________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________
Origin: _______________________________________________________________
Nationality: _______________________________________________________________
Profession: _______________________________________________________________
Description: _______________________________________________________________
Activity IV: Answer the questions. Follow the example.

Are you a student? Short answer (SA): Yes, I am. Long answer (LA): Yes, I am a student.

1. Is the teacher in the classroom? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

2. Are we in the My English Coach? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

3. Is the teacher a girl? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

4. Is Tom Cruise from USA? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

5. Am I a teacher? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

6. Are you a doctor? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

7. Is the teacher very tall? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

8. Are you from Canada? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

9. Is Spanish your first language? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

10. Are we Mexican? SA _______________ LA ___________________________

11. Is Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal? SA _______________ LA


Chapter 3 - Lesson 2
Describing my bedroom

Activity I: Draw your bedroom.

Activity II: Write 5 sentences with things there are and 5 sentences with things
there aren’t in your drawing.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3 - Lesson 3
What are they and what are they not?
Activity I: Build up sentences using the correct form of the verb “to be”.

1. Jake / guitar player (-) _____________________________________________

2. Manny and Dan / firefighters (+) _____________________________________________

3. Brian and Ron / chefs (-) _____________________________________________

4. France and China / countries (+) _____________________________________________

5. Paris / country (-) _____________________________________________

Activity II: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb “to be”.
1. A pencil, a ruler, and a notebook __________ school objects.

2. Brazilian, Italian and American __________ nationalities.

3. Susan and Mary __________ men’s names.

4. Rabbits _______ slow. They __________ fast.

5. Giraffes __________ tall. They _________ short.

6. Hello __________ a farewell. It __________ a greeting.

7. My sister __________ married. She __________ single.

8. I __________ from Finland. I __________ from Norway.

9. London __________ a country. It __________ a city.

10. Karen __________ a beautiful girl. She __________ ugly.

Chapter 3 - Lesson 4
There are no chairs

Activity I: What pieces of furniture do you have in these parts of your house.
Complete the chart.



Living room


Activity II: What´s wrong with this house? Write sentences about the house.
Use “there” and the words in parentheses.

Example: There´s no stove in the kitchen. / There isn´t a stove in the kitchen. (stove / kitchen)

1. _______________________________________________________. (chairs / dining room)

2. _______________________________________________________. (stove / living room)

3. _______________________________________________________. (refrigerator / bedroom)

4. _______________________________________________________. (bed / bedroom)

5. _______________________________________________________. (armchairs / bathroom)

6. _______________________________________________________. (clock / kitchen)

7. _______________________________________________________. (clothes / living room)

Activity III: Complete and answer the questions using the correct form of the
verb “to be”. Use short answers.

1. _____ there a museum in your neighborhood? _________________________________________

2. _____ there any trees in your neighborhood? __________________________________________

3. _____ there any dogs in your neighborhood? __________________________________________

4. _____ there a cinema in your neighborhood? __________________________________________

5. _____ there any libraries in your neighborhood? ________________________________________

Chapter 3 - Lesson 5
Let’s do some chores
Activity I: Match the chore with the corresponding picture.

1. Set the table 2. Wash the dishes 3. Cook

4. Look after the children 5. Vacuum the carpet 6. Sweep the floor
7. Mop the floor 8. Dust the furniture 9. Clean the
10. Do the laundry 11. Iron the clothes 12. Make the bed
13. Take out the trash 14. Clean the toilet 15. Water the plants
16. Do the shopping 17. Hang out the clothes

Activity II: Draw the chores you didn’t find in the pictures.

Activity III: Invite your family members to do some chores.

1. Let’s _______________ the bed.

2. Let’s _______________ and __________ the floor.
3. Let’s _______________ the laundry.
4. Let’s _______________ vacuum the carpet.
5. Let’s _______________ the table.
Activity IV: Complete the conversation.

Mom: Johnny and Susy please help me do some chores this weekend.
Susy: Sure mom, what do you want us to do?
Mom: Please _______ the grass and take out the _____, _____ the laundry and dust the _____.
Johnny: Ok, mom. Susy, let’s divide the chores. I’ll cut _____ _____ and _____ _____ the trash. Can
you do the laundry?
Susy: Sure, and _____ dust the furniture together, ok?
Johnny: Ok, but then, _____ cut the grass together too.
Susy: Ok, _______ do it!

Activity V: Use the phrases to invite someone to do them with you.

Let’s… run / go to the park / make dinner / close the window / go to the mall / get something
to drink / sit down / go to the library / buy a cake / dance

1. It is very hot! Let’s ________________________.

2. The children are hungry. Let’s _______________________.

3. It’s Sara’s birthday. Let’s ____________________.

4. I love this song! Let’s _________________.

5. It’s late, the bus is about to leave! Let’s ____________________.

6. It’s very cold here. Let’s __________________.

7. I am tired. Let’s _________________.

8. You are bored. Let’s __________________.

9. I need a new pair of shoes. Let’s ___________________.

10. We have the exam tomorrow. Let’s ___________________.

Chapter 3 - Lesson 6
I can speak English, but I can’t fly
Activity I: Write what these superheroes can and can’t do.

1. Superman (+) _________________________ but he (-) ________________________.

2. Batman (+) _________________________ but he (-) ________________________.

3. Wonder Woman (+) _________________________ but she (-) ________________________.

4. The Flash (+) _________________________ but he (-) ________________________.

5. Aquaman (+) _________________________ but he (-) ________________________.

Activity II: Write 5 things that you can do. I can drive a truck.





Activity III: Change the sentences from the previous exercise into the negative




Chapter 3 - Lesson 7
Is this correct?

Activity I: Find and correct the mistake. There is one mistake in each sentence.

1. Can you to play a musical instrument?

2. He can ride a horse?

3. Can they a car drive?

4. Can she well cook?

5. Can you play the chess?

Activity II: Put the words in the correct order.

Example: awesome presentations / make / he He can make awesome presentations.

1. play / very well / basketball / ? / John


2. not do / Sara / karate


3. four languages / speak / I / fluently / ?


4. not write / Jack and Jill / poem / nice / a


5. ride / a / perfectly / horse / we


6. play / the guitar / ? / she


7. not run / fast / Mike


8. they / not speak / with German people

9. not play chess / Samantha


10. Nick and I / not read / in Chinese


Activity III: Write the question for each answer.

1. ______________________________________? Yes, I can ride a bicycle.

2. ______________________________________? He can speak two languages.

3. ______________________________________? No, she can’t speak German.

4. ______________________________________? She can play the guitar and the violin.

5. ______________________________________? Yes, he can play the piano.

6. ______________________________________? No, they can’t swim.

7. ______________________________________? Yes, we can play soccer.

8. ______________________________________? They can play three musical instruments.

9. ______________________________________? No, he can’t fly.

10. _____________________________________? Yes, she can dance very well.

Chapter 3 - Lesson 8
Find someone who can….

Activity I: Ask questions to find someone who can…

A: Can you say the alphabet really fast?
B: Yes, I can. Really? Show me!
B: No, I can’t. Can anybody in the class do it? Really? Show me!

Question Student´s name

1. Can count from 20 to 0 __________________________

2. Can touch his/her nose with the tongue __________________________

3. Can say hello in 3 different languages _________________________

4. Can say 5 countries and their capital cities __________________________

5. Can make a sound like an animal __________________________

6. Can sing a little in English __________________________

7. Can twist his/her tongue __________________________

8. Can make a funny face __________________________

9. Can draw something really fast __________________________

10. Can crack his/her knuckles __________________________

11. Can say what a platypus is __________________________

12. Can make music with his/her body __________________________

13. Can say this number in English: 7,837,964 __________________________

Activity II: Answer the questions. Use short answers. If your answer is negative,
then write something that you can do, which can be related or the opposite of
the action asked about.

Example: Can you speak Japanese? No, I can’t, but I can speak English.

1. Can you ride a horse? __________________________________________

2. Can you row a boat? __________________________________________

3. Can you speak French? __________________________________________

4. Can you cook Korean food? __________________________________________

5. Can you lift a bus? __________________________________________

6. Can you jump five meters? __________________________________________

7. Can you use a computer? __________________________________________

8. Can you stand on your head? __________________________________________

9. Can you count to ten in German? __________________________________________

10. Can you fly? __________________________________________

Chapter 4 - Lesson 1
Her routine
Activity I: Write the activity for each picture adding the specific time.

1. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

2. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

3. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

4. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

5. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

6. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

7. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

8. She _____________________________________________ at _________.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
Activity II: Match the activity with the correct picture.

1. She waters the plants.

2. She goes shopping.

3. She cooks dinner.

4. She feeds the baby.

Activity III: Complete the text using the present simple of the following verbs.

meet / get up / eat / travel / be / have / take / get / wear / like / brush

Sabrina _________________ at half past seven every day. She _________________ a shower, then she

_________________ breakfast. She _________________ eggs and orange juice. She

_________________ her teeth and _________________ dressed. She _________________ a suit to

work. She _________________ an air hostess. She _________________ to different places every day.

She _________________ her job. She _________________ lots of people.

Chapter 4 - Lesson 2
More about you
Activity I: Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verb
in parenthesis and sharing your personal information.

1. I _____ (be) from ___________________. And I __________ (live) in ______________________.

2. I ___________ (work/study) at _____________________.

3. I ___________ (work) as a/an _______________ ______. (And/Or) I ___________ (study)


4. I ___________ (live) with ___________________________________________ (family members).

5. I ___________ (have) ______________________________ (pet(s): dog, cat, rabbit, snake, etc.)

6. I ___________ (study) English at ___________________________________________________.

7. I ___________ (go/play/eat) ____________________________________________ on Saturdays.

8. I ___________ (go/play/eat) _____________________________________________ on Sundays.

9. My best friend is _________________________________________.

10. _____ (He/She) _____ (be) from ___________________. And _____ (he/she) __________ (live) in


11. _____ (He/She) ___________ (work/study) at _____________________.

12. _____ (He/She) ___________ (work) as a/an ____________________. (And/Or) _____ (He/She)

___________ (study) ___________________________________.

13. _____ (He/She) ___________ (live) with ___________________________________________ (family


14. _____ (He/She) ___________ (have) ______________________________ (pet(s): dog, cat, rabbit,

snake, etc.)

15. _____ (He/She) ___________ (go/play/eat) _______________________________ on Saturdays.

16. _____ (He/She) ___________ (go/play/eat) ________________________________ on Sundays.

Activity III: Change the sentences from the previous activity into negative form.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________________________________.

4. ______________________________________________________________________________.

5. ______________________________________________________________________________.

6. ______________________________________________________________________________.

7. ______________________________________________________________________________.

8. ______________________________________________________________________________.

9. ______________________________________________________________________________.

10. _____________________________________________________________________________.

11. _____________________________________________________________________________.

12. _____________________________________________________________________________.

13. _____________________________________________________________________________.

14. _____________________________________________________________________________.

15. _____________________________________________________________________________.

16. _____________________________________________________________________________.

Chapter 4 - Lesson 3
True or false

Activity I: Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

My name is Vicky Jackson. I __________ (live) on a farm with my mother and father. I like it but I

__________ (work) very hard. Every morning I __________ (wake up) at five o’clock and __________

(feed) the horses. Then I __________ (go) back to the house. Mom __________ (make) breakfast at

5:30 and I’m not late for breakfast because I __________ (like/neg.) cold eggs. After breakfast I

__________ (help) dad for an hour. Then I __________ (take) a shower and get ready for school. The

school bus __________ (leave) at 8:15. I __________ (leave) home at 8:00.

After school I can __________ (watch) TV for an hour. Then we __________ (have) dinner. We

__________ (have) pork for dinner but my father __________ (hate) it. He __________ (eat) it because

mom gets angry if he doesn’t. After dinner I __________ (do) my homework. Then I __________ (go)

out and __________ (feed) the horses again. I __________ (go) to bed early because I’m always tired

at the end of the day.

Activity II: Read the previous text and answer TRUE or FALSE.

1. Vicky doesn’t like the farm. ___

2. She doesn’t work very hard. ___

3. She has a shower before 8:15. ___

4. Her father loves pork. ___

5. After dinner she feeds the horses. ___

6. She likes cold eggs. ___

7. Her mother leaves home at 8:00. ___

8. She lives in the city. ___

9. She feeds the horses twice a day. ___

10. She does homework before dinner. ___

Chapter 4 - Lesson 4
I study in My English Coach

Activity I: Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. Professor William ____________ English every morning. (teach)

2. Tom and Sally _____________ in Toronto. (live)

3. Rose ___________ French at My English Coach every day. (study)

4. Tim and John ___________ in the park every morning. (walk)

5. Sally ____________ watch TV every afternoon. (watch)

6. A chef ___________ delicious meals in the restaurant. (cook)

7. Kelly _____________ to the movies every Saturday. (go)

8. I ___________ my credit cards every month. (pay)

9. Sandy and Steve __________ beer every Friday. (drink)

10. Peter _______________ his car every Sunday. (wash)

11. The policeman __________ care of people. (take)

12. Mice ________ very fast. (run)

13. Sue __________ to Paris every vacation. (fly)

14. Tiffany __________ on Sundays. (work)

15. Students ____________ English in class. (speak)

16. The doctor __________ his hands before a surgery. (wash)

Activity II: Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

a) My family and I _____________ (live / lives) in the city. My mother ___________ (work / works) near

here, so she ____________ (drive / drives) to her office. I ____________ (don’t work / doesn’t work)

near. I __________ (take / takes) the subway. Our son ____________ (ride / rides) his bike to school,

but our daughter doesn’t _____________ (go / goes) to school yet.

b) My friends Tom and Sandy_____________ (live / lives) in a small town. Sandy____________ (take /

takes) a train to work. Tom ____________ (don’t work / doesn’t work) now. He’s retired. He also

_____________ (use / uses) public transportation, so they ______________ (don’t need / doesn’t

need) a car.

c) I live with my parents we____________ (have / has) a house in the suburbs. My mom and dad both

_____________ (go / goes) downtown to work. They both _____________ (have / has) cars and

____________ (drive / drives) to work every day. I ____________ (do / does) a lot of work at home

because my parents are very busy.

Chapter 4 - Lesson 5
What do they do?

Activity I: Read these people’s information and answer the questions below.

Brittany Davis. Joshua Burns. Maya Black.

College Student. Website Designer. Rock Musician.
“My classes all start at 8:00 “I design websites for small “I go to work at ten o’clock in
a.m., so I get up at 7:00, eat a companies. I’m self-employed, the evening, and I play until
quick breakfast, and take the so I work at home. I get up at 3:00 a.m. I take a break at
bus to the university. In the 6:30 and go for a run before midnight, though. After work, I
afternoon I have a job at the breakfast. I’m at my computer have dinner at an all-night
library, my only time to study by 8:00, and I work until 6:00. restaurant. Then I take a taxi
is in the evening, from eight Around one o’clock I take a home. I go to bed at five in the
until midnight. I work at the lunch break, and I “surf the morning and sleep until two in
library on Saturday too. But on net” to look at other websites. the afternoon. I only work
Saturday nights I stay out late, I work hard- sometimes I work three nights a week- Friday,
and on Sundays I sleep until all night to finish a project. But Saturday, and Sunday- but I
noon.” I never work on weekends!” practice every afternoon”

1. What time does each person get up?


2. Who works on weekends? Who works on weekdays?


3. Who eats breakfast in the morning?

4. Who works five days a week?

5. Find one thing you like about each person’s schedule.


6. Find one thing you don’t like about each person’s schedule.

7. What do each one of them do?


8. Who sleeps until noon?


Activity II: Read these people’s information and answer the questions below.

1. Andrea lives next door so we _____ see her.

a) never
b) often
c) rarely

2. Nancy and I [30%] _____ go out for coffee together.

a) never
b) frequently
c) occasionally

3. We meet _____ at the Annual General Meeting.

a) never
b) every day
c) every year

4. My doctor _________.
a) every year checks my health
b) checks every year my health
c) checks my health every year

5. It [0%] _____ rains here in the summer.
a) never
b) sometimes
c) rarely

6. _____ we take the dog off his leash at the beach.

a) Sometimes
b) Never
c) Rarely

7. My sister __________ two days of school in a row.

a) often misses
b) misses often
c) often miss

8. My boyfriend and I take vacations together quite _____.

a) never
b) hardly
c) frequently

9. Andy [10%] __________ gets to visit with his cousins.

a) very frequently
b) very rarely
c) very often

10. I don't spend much money because I __________.

a) never go to the mall
b) rarely go to the mall
c) always go to the mall

Chapter 4 - Lesson 6
Let’s take a flight!
Activity I: Look at the flight schedules and answer the questions below.

1. Does the flight to Paris leave at 10:20 a.m.?


2. What time does the flight to Berlin depart?


3. What is the destination of the flight that departs at 8:45?


4. Does the flight to London leave at 9:20?


5. When does the flight to Dubai depart?


6. Is the flight to Moscow at 9:30?


7. At what time is the flight to Barcelona?


8. Does the flight to Rome depart at night?

Activity II: Choose “do” or “does” to form the yes/no questions.

Affirmative short answer Negative short answer

1. _____ you like ice cream? _____________________ _____________________

2. _____ she live in Madrid? _____________________ _____________________

3. _____ they hate mushrooms? _____________________ _____________________

4. _____ you drink coffee every morning? _____________________ _____________________

5. _____ it snow here in winter? _____________________ _____________________

6. _____ he play tennis on Sundays? _____________________ _____________________

7. _____ she work in an office? _____________________ _____________________

8. _____ they study Chinese? _____________________ _____________________

9. _____ we arrive at 10 p.m.? _____________________ _____________________

10. _____ you smoke? _____________________ _____________________

Activity III: Ask questions for the underlined words.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

George often takes a bath.

2. ___________________________________________________________________________?

Mike eats corn-flakes for breakfast every morning.

3. ___________________________________________________________________________?

My parents never smoke cigarettes.

4. ___________________________________________________________________________?

Peter and Rob go to school by bus.

5. ___________________________________________________________________________?
I read two books every month.

Chapter 4 - Lesson 7
How often do you…?
Activity I: Fill in the chart with real information about yourself. Then look at the
example. Choose and write five sentences from the chart with information
about you and five sentences with information about Tom.

Example: Tom always drinks coffee.

Always Usually Often Sometimes Never

Tom You Tom You Tom You Tom You Tom You
drink coffee *
buy fast food *
play tennis *
eat sweets *
watch TV in the
save money *
listen to music *
play videogames *

1. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________________

Activity II: Now ask questions about the chart.
Example: How often does Tom buy fast food? He usually buys fast food.

Does Tom play soccer? No, he doesn’t play tennis.

1. ________________________________________ He always watches TV.

2. ________________________________________ He sometimes plays tennis.

3. ________________________________________ No, he doesn’t save money.

4. ________________________________________ Yes, he usually listens to music.

5. ________________________________________ He often plays videogames.

6. ________________________________________ Yes, he always drinks coffee.

7. ________________________________________ He usually eats sweets.

Activity III: Read this passage and underline all the words that you don’t
understand, ask your teacher if necessary.

Professor William is from Chicago in the United States. He is an English teacher. Now he lives
in Mexico. He works in an English school every morning. He teaches English there and he also speaks
a little French. He studies Spanish in the afternoons. His wife is Tiffany; she works in a travel agency.
They have 4 children Tom (5), Kelly (10), Charles (16) and Samantha (23).
Professor William usually plays tennis with his wife on Fridays. Their favorite day is Sunday because
they take their family to the park. They play many games and Tiffany always buys ice cream for
everybody. They are a happy family. However, sometimes the children have some small problems
because Tom often takes Charles’ stuff so they are always arguing. And Samantha never lets Kelly
come into her room so she gets sad. These are not big problems. They always solve their problems;
they are just a normal family.

Activity IV: Answer the following questions according to the reading.

1. Where does Professor William live?


2. What does he do for a living?

3. What’s his wife’s name?

4. What does he teach?


5. Where does Tiffany work?


6. How many kids do they have?


7. How old is Samantha?


8. What is his favorite day?


9. What does he do on Sundays?


10. What do they always eat on Sundays?


11. Who gets sad? Why?


12. Who does Tiffany buy ice cream for?


13. What do they do at the park?


14. What do Charles and Tom always do?


15. What does professor William study?


Chapter 4 - Lesson 8
More information about you…
Activity I: Answer the following questions, give long answers.
1. How often do you study English?


2. How often does your sister dance?


3. How often does your mother cook?


4. How often do you and your friends eat together?


5. How often does your best friend play a sport?


6. How often do you swim?


7. How often does your brother wash the dishes?


8. How often do you smoke?


9. How often does your dog bark?


10. How often do you do your homework?


Activity II: Answer the following questions.
1. What time do you usually get up on Sundays?


2. What do you usually do after school?


3. What’s something you never do on Sundays?


4. What’s something you always do before going to school?


5. What time do you usually have lunch?


6. What time do you usually get home?


7. What time do you usually go to bed on weekdays?


8. What time do you usually take a shower?


9. What’s something you never eat for dinner?


10. When do you usually visit your relatives?


Activity III: Change the following sentences into affirmative, negative and/or
question form:
1. You know the answer.

(-) _________________________________________________________________

(?) _________________________________________________________________

2. He has breakfast at 8 o’clock.

(-) _________________________________________________________________

(?) _________________________________________________________________

3. Some schoolgirls don’t wear uniforms.

(+) ________________________________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________________________________

4. Does she cut her husband’s hair?

(+) ________________________________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________________________________

5. She does her homework every day.

(-) _________________________________________________________________

(?) _________________________________________________________________


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