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3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan unsure kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my opinion)
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana,
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan
pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my opinion)


(Menanyakan dan Menyatakan Pendapat/Pikiran)

Asking Opinion: is to ask other people's opinions on an issue.

Giving Opinion: to express an opinion on a matter or issue.

Let’s study the expressions below!

Asking for an opinion Giving an Opinion

 What's your idea?  In my opinion...
 What are your thoughts on all of this?  The way I see it...
 How do you feel about that?  If you want my honest opinion....
 Do you have anything to say about this?  According to Lisa...
 What do you think?  As far as I'm concerned...
 Wouldn't you say?  As I see,…..
 How was the trip?  If you ask me, I feel…
 How do you like your new house?  I think ….
 How do you think of Rina’s idea?  I don’t think I care for it.
 How do you feel about this dicition?  I think it is good/nice/terrific…….
 What is your opinion of the movie?  I think that awful/not
 What are your feelings about it? I think (that)… nice/terrible…………
 Have you got any comments on ….  I don’t think much of it.
 Do you have any idea?  In my case …..
 Do you have any opinion on..…  What I’m more concerned with ….
 Would you give me your opinion on……….?  What I have in my mind is………
 What is your reaction to ….  From my point of view ….
 What is your opinion about……….?
 What are your views on……….?
 Please give me your frank opinion?
 What do you think of…….?
 What do you think about………?
 What is your opinion?
 Why do they behave like that?
 Do you think it’s going?
 How do you like?
Unsur kebahasaan ( I think, I suppose, in my opinion)
Personal point of view
Ahmad : What do you think of english material.
Siti :I think English is the dificult language that I have learned .
Ahmad : What do you mean?
Siti. : English is different from Bahasa, it has many term to arange anything and it makes me confused.

Response (dissagreeing with an opinion)

Ahmad :I think you are wrong Siti, English is the easy one if you make it your habbit in daily life.
General point of view
Salsabila : what is your opinion about global warming?
Johan : some people say that it causes of the wrong way of life.
Salsabila : what do you mean?
Johan : well, we have to start to do what we can do to help reduce global

Response (agreeing with opinion)

Salsabila: that’s a good point . let’s do that by this time.
Yuli : I think Rina’s answer to the question is not right. It should be ‘vinegar’.
Vivi : I think it is ‘vinegar’ too, not ‘wine’.
Yani : In my opinion, our volley ball team needs a new coach. Mr. Zulfan
cannot handle too many teams himself.
Firda: I agree with you.
Rahmat: Our English should be more active, I suppose. Why don’t we meet three times a week?
Rully: I agree, but after the final exam. Now we are very busy preparing for it

State your first reason

-I think that...
- Firstly/ f irst of all/ to start with...
-I think there are two aspects of... The f irst

State your second reason

The second aspect is...
Another reason why...
We should also consider the fact that...
Another matter/ aspect to consider...
Let us not forget...

Giving examples
-such as
- like
- for example
- for instance

Expressing result
• because of this
• therefore
• thus
• as a result
• for this reason
• consequently

Expressing personal opinion

• Personally, I think
• I (strongly) believe
• In my opinion
• I think (that)…

Expressing the opinion of somebody else

• some people say
• some people say that
• many people say
• many people say that
• people often say
• it is said
• it is said that
• according to

Expressing contrast

• nevertheless
• even so
• even though
• however
• in spite of
• despite
• but
• although


In short,
In brief,
To conclude,
In conclusion,
Do we really want to make our children pay for our mistakes?

Task 1. Below are given several opinions. Some of them are polite and some impolite.
Highlight the opinions with:

 If it is an impolite way of disagreeing

 If it is a polite way of disagreeing
- If it is a polite way giving opinion
 If it is an impolite way of giving opinion

1. I am afraid, I don't agree with you on this matter.

2. I agree with you to a certain point but I would appreciate if you look at it
from another point of view.
3. That's an interesting idea but I think our idea is much better.
4. Do you really think like that?
5. Rubbish! Nonsense! I don't agree with this.
6. Actually, as a matter of fact I think we can look at it again and decide.
7. This is what I am getting at.
8. You want to know what I think? Let me tell you what I think.
9. I feel compelled to disagree with you on this matter.
10. I find it rather silly that you think like this.
11. I think we should all work together to rid our society of social evils.
12. It occurs it me that you have closed your mind against any right opinion.
13. As far as I can say this club is going to dogs.
14. You make a strong case for changing all the rules but I think you might have overlooked the fact that it is not
15. This is most distasteful book I have ever read.
16. To my mind this is the truth and I believe it.
17. The food here is absolutely inedible.
18. I understand where you are coming from but you have to look at it from our perspective as well.
19. You have a point, but have you ever thought how the poor people on the street feel.
20. This opinion is absolutely useless. Please get out of here.
Task 3.
Make your own sentences of Asking, giving and response an opinion

Asking Opinion with the response


Giving Opinion with the response


Task 4.
Create a conversation using expressions of Asking, giving and response an opinion based on the given
situations below. Then, act them out with your group in front of the class

Task 5
Identify the expression of asking and giving opinion in the dialog

Maya : Nafa, do you think that English is difficult lesson?

Nafa : I don’t think so. I think there is no difficult lesson.
Maya : Pardon?
Nafa : Yes, I think if we learn seriously, there is no difficult lesson. It’s depend on our seriously.
Maya : I don’t think so, in my opinion, it’s difficult because I hard to do every tasks that are given by our teacher.
Nafa : According to me, it is because of you are lack of vocabularies. So, try to enrich your vocabulary then.
Maya : Em… I think so. Anyway, English in our class is scheduled at the last class, right?
Nafa : Yes. What do you think about it?
Maya : It’s good. There is no problem about it.
Nafa : I don’t think so. I think if English is in the first class, it will be easier to do the lesson. I am hard to follow that
Maya : But I think if we learn seriously, there is no hard in it. It’s depend on our seriously.
Nafa : hahaha are you kidding me? That’s my words!
Maya : I think so hahaha
Task 6. Compare the dialog below , which one is the expression opinion, advice and suggestion

Dialogue 1

George : What’s wrong with you?

Beth : I failed my exam.
George : Did you study very hard?
Beth : I think so. But still I failed. Do you have any suggestion?
George : Mmm I think you need a tutor, I will ask Harry to help you
Beth : Harry the genius???
George : Yes he is! He is good in explain something and people is easy to understand his
Beth : Oh my God! Thank you George…
George : You are welcome Beth, it’s my pleasure to help you…

Dialogue 2

A: Some people say friends are always honest with each other.
What do you think?
B: in my opinion friends need to be completely honest.
One little lie and the friendship just disappears.
A: Ah, that’s pretty strong language. Do you really think that?
B: Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me.
He was a really good friend, and I just felt completely betrayed.
It destroyed the friendship

Dialogue 3
A: Doctor, what are some things I can do to stay as healthy as I can be?
B: You need to eat healthy foods and avoid unhealthy foods.
A: Sometimes I don't know what the best foods are.
B: Fresh fruits and vegetables are important, along with protein and whole grains.
A: What things should I avoid?
B: You don't want to eat food that is high in fat. You need to avoid caffeine and sugar.
A: Beyond diet, what else can I do to be healthy?
B: Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day is important. If you smoke, you need to stop.
A: How about having a beer on the weekend?
B: Less than a serving of alcohol a day can actually be good for you. Do not overdo it!
Task 7.
Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential dialog
1. Vano : I knew it from a local newspaper. Anyway, will you participate in the competition? As I know, you are
good at robotics.
2. Vano : I hope so. I think the competition is good to improve students’ skills and knowledge at robotics. I wish
there will be a robotics competition for senior high students too, so I can attend it. You know, I attend
a robotic extracurricular club at my school , but I am still an amateur.
3. Vano : Youre right
4. Vano : Vena, I heard that your school would attend a national robotics competition in Yogyakarta. Is that true?
5. Vano : It’s good news. Let’s prepare ourselves for the competition
6. Vano : Sorry to hear that. Personally, I think you are talented at robotics. Perhaps, you were just unlucky at that
time. There will be many other opportunities. I believe you can improve your skills and create better
7. Vena : Really? We can study robotics together then I heard from my brother that his campus would hold an open
robotics competition. We can enter the competition.
8. Vena : Yes, it is. How did you know?
9. Vena : O.K I think we should focus on robotics. When we have difficulties, we can ask my brother.
10. Vena : No, I wont. I failed in the selection test.
11. Vena : Thanks for your support. I must say that my school representatives are better than me. I once watch their
performances at a provincial competition and they showed the best. I hope they win the competition in

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