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Hoven E-Commerce 12
Expectations & Rules
A. Expectations for Class Participation
1. Being prepared to be involved actively in class (eg. Having thought about the class ahead, contributing to small
group activities, accepting the role of leader on some occasions and having others lead you).
2. Listening to others (ie. Not just waiting for what they have to say so you can talk, but thinking about what is said,
responding to it, relating it to what others have said or something you have read).
3. Being willing to explore issues (ie. Being more concern with understanding the issues than persuading others to
take your point of view).
4. Taking responsibility for your own learning (eg. Showing initiative, doing more than the minimum, being more
concerned with growth than grades).
5. Being concerned about the learning of others (eg. Asking questions, sharing experiences, suggesting ideas).

B. Suggested Class Rules

RESPECT - for self, others, and class environment
FUN - everyone has the right to enjoy class and is responsible for:
- ensuring that they do not inhibit anyone’s enjoyment
- taking an active role in making class an enjoyable experience
FREEDOM - everyone has the right to express their opinion/feelings without fear of ridicule.
POWER - everyone has the power to make decisions/choices whenever/wherever appropriate (keep in
mind, the teacher has the final say)
BELONGING - everyone belongs in this class. Everyone must make sure that they allow classmates and
visitors to also belong.
LEARNING. This relates to not just the curriculum, but also other learning opportunities,
such as interpersonal skills, communications, career potential, and personal growth.

C. Classroom Conduct
1. Clean up after yourself – do not expect anyone else to pick up after you.
2. Come Prepared – always bring your materials needed with you.
3. Be on time
4. Once outside the classroom, you are expected to not destroy this privilege and you are to conduct yourself in a
business-like manner.
5. Class does not end until you are dismissed. Do not get up and stand at the entrance.
6. As I get major headaches from perfumes and cologne – DO NOT APPLY IN CLASS.
7. My E-mail address is If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The phone number to the phone right beside my desk is 604-542-5257 or use Facebook or a dm on TEAMS
8. No electronic devices will be allowed without permission. Any devices caught being used may be confiscated.

I have read both the Classroom Conduct sheet & the Course Outline

Let’s work together and have a Great semester! Printed Student name: ____________________________

________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Your Signature Parents Signature Parent’s E-mail Address

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