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We chose this study out of curiosity, as before we proposed a title we have searched different

studies and literature that relates to one of our variables, the academic performance, and we
rarely encountered a study that pinpointing the senior highschool strands as one of the factors
that can affect the academic performance of college students, particularly the accountancy

So with that, as accountancy students, we have decided to do this study, a comparative one,
for us to assess and find out if there are any differences towards the academic performance of
the ABM and Non-ABM graduates taking accountancy courses in college.

We would like to assess the effectiveness of their senior highschool strands towards their
academic performance as accountancy students.

Students have the capability for remarkable academic achievement in a University environment.
There are different factors that have influenced the academic performance of students in their
chosen course. And the Walberg’s Theory of Educational Productivity is highly relevant to
the current study for it tackles the influences on learning that affects the academic performance
of a student.

Walberg's theory of academic achievement put in place that psychological characteristics of

individual students and their immediate psychological environments influence educational
outcomes (cognitive, behavioral, and as well as their attitudes) which relates to our anchored
theory which is The Astin's Theory of Involvement Model.

Also, Walberg's research identified nine important factors that influence educational outcomes,
including student ability/prior achievement, motivation, age/developmental level, quantity of
instruction, quality of instruction, classroom climate, home environment, peer group that are
present the three components of Astin’s Theory of Involvement Model that it clearly identified
that student characteristics are important for school learning on how they are academically
inclined as accountancy students.

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