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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2023-24/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 5

Name: …………………………………………………. Group: …………


This is an individual weekly activity for you to carry out. This activity should be completed
before the next class.

1. What is the function of present perfect tense?

2. When can you apply present perfect tense in your job application letter?

3. Compare the two sentences below. What are the effects of applying ‘you-attitude’

and reader-centered writing in a job application letter?

Sentence 1: Sentence 1:

I am pleased to inform you that I am You will get an employee whom you
capable of leading a team. can rely on to lead a project.

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2023-24/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 5

4. What is persuasive language? List down some examples of persuasive words and

phrases that you can use in your job application letter.

5. Share your findings in class in Week 6.

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