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IV Drug Administration Theory NOTES

Practical Course Preparation

Please complete this sheet as you work through the eLearning Theory Modules and bring it along to the
practical workshop so that we can answer any questions that the theory has brought up for you. If you
have more urgent questions that need answering while you work through the modules, please do not
hesitate to contact us by email

As this way of delivering the course is new, we would also like feedback on how the eLearning works, both
in flow and content, and effectiveness of the learning to prepare you for your practical session. Your
suggestions are vital to helping us develop this course. Thank you


Any questions or anything within the module that you didn’t understand?

Any problems with the eLearning or flow, that you feel needs improving?

Checking and ID procedures

Any questions or anything within the module that you didn’t understand?

Any problems with the eLearning or flow, that you feel needs improving?

Benefits and risks of IV therapy

Any questions or anything within the module that you didn’t understand?

Any problems with the eLearning or flow, that you feel needs improving?
Complications of IV Therapy

Any questions or anything within the module that you didn’t understand?

Any problems with the eLearning or flow, that you feel needs improving?

Methods of IV administration

Any questions or anything within the module that you didn’t understand?

Any problems with the eLearning or flow, that you feel needs improving?

Pharmacological Aspects of IV Therapy

Any questions or anything within the module that you didn’t understand?

Any problems with the eLearning or flow, that you feel needs improving?

Next Steps

Please ensure you have completed all the pre-requisite training and passed the formal drug calculations
test before attending the practical workshop

Please consider how you will be able to get supervised practice at work in these skills.
Contact for more information

It will be helpful to print off the Administration of IV Therapy Learning Contract/competency

documentation from the intranet for you to self-assess in those areas where you are already competent, as
you work through the modules

Any general comments about the programme can be added here

We look forward to seeing you on the practical workshop soon 

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