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A Checklist for Little Learners


• Can raise their hand and wait to be called on.
• Can follow simple directions.
• Can ask a grown-up for help.
• Can talk about their feelings and needs.
• Can listen to a story without interrupting.
• Can ask questions if curious or confused.
• Can apologize if they’ve made a mistake.


• Can share with other children.

© 2023 by WeAreTeachers. Teachers may make copies of this for school and classroom use.
• Can wait for their turn.
• Can have a back-and-forth conversation with a peer.
• Can lose a game gracefully.
• Can be kind to others.
• Can tell the difference between tattling and telling.
• Can join in activities and games with others.
• Can keep their hands to themselves.
• Can write their first name.


• Can open every item in my lunch on their own.
• Can use a spoon and fork.
• Can clean up when they’re finished eating.
• Can use a napkin. REMINDER!
• Can remember if they packed a Each child develops at their own
or are buying
lunch. pace and time. This is just a list of
recommended skills, but their joy
and curiosity matter most!
A Checklist for Little Learners

• Can identify which lunch box is theirs.

• Can drink from a water fountain, cup, or straw independently.
• Can tell a teacher if they’re allergic to a certain food.


• Can wash and dry their own hands.
• Can cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze.
• Can blow their nose with a tissue.
• Can put on and zipper their own coat.
• Can tie their own shoes.
• Can use the bathroom on their own.
• Can tell their teacher their parents’ first and last names.
• Can tell their teacher their caretaker’s phone number.

© 2023 by WeAreTeachers. Teachers may make copies of this for school and classroom use.
I’m ready for kindergarten!
I can write my first name.

I know my shapes and colors.

I can color the rectangle blue, the circle red, the triangle green, and the square yellow.

I know my numbers.
I can draw a line from the numbers below to the group that shows that number of toys.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

© 2023 by WeAreTeachers. Teachers may make copies of this for school and classroom use.

I know about me!

I am years old.
My birthday is .
My favorite color is .
My favorite food is .

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