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As we grow older, we tend to encounter changes in ourselves, emotionally and

physically, and these changes often occur during the puberty/adolescence stage. There
are eight changes that we tend to experience when we are at this stage of life. First is
the Physical Transitions, where we tend to experience hormonal changes in our body.
In this stage, our brain will also develop. We will also face changes regarding our
beliefs, like religion, political views, and morality. We can also face an identity crisis in
this stage, where we tend to keep asking questions about our identity. We are also
doing reckless behavior. We mimic behaviors like adults, our socialization also changes,
and others tend to do sexual experimentation. As part of the puberty stage, I, myself,
can relate to the changes occurring now and then. For instance, the physical changes
that I tend to experience, I can see that my body is different from what it used to be, my
breast is developing, and my menstruation is present every month. I can also see the
changes in the way I think; I realized that I have grown more mature than the kid I was
before. I can now be responsible for the choices that I have made and their
consequences. When puberty hits me the first time, I am also doing reckless behavior, I
tend to be emotional in small things, and I get angry even with the slightest mistake.
The way I socialized with people has also changed because I managed to distance
myself from strangers when I hit puberty. I have also experienced questioning my
identity, questioning my purpose, and why I am here. All the experience that I have
encountered is a result of my development as a human being, and I hope that those
negative attitudes that I tend to feel will improve in time.

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