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Goodmorning class!

Before we proceed to our next topic, let's have a recall of yesterday's lesson. What is our previous lesson
Are you done reading? I have a question to you class. When did you have your first crush? 
There are three stages in Adolescence let us discussed first the Early Adolescence, when your age is
about 12-13 years old you may experienced rapid growth in this stages. Do you still remember class, for
the girls when did you have your first menstrual period and for the boys when did you start having an
adam's apple? 

In early adolescence stage, 

As you are still awkward with your body due to rapid physical changes that take place at this stage, you
have to embrace the fact that you are physically maturing already and know how to take care of your body.
You have to accept the fact that you are already sexually capable of reproduction. This acceptance will help
you start to think more responsibly of your body. Knowing that hormonal changes increase your sexual
desire will aid you to understand that this is part of your growth. Also, you need to be comfortable with the
way you look. Accepting these facts imply that you experience less emotional tension and learn ways to
handle challenges, as you grow more comfortably in this developmental stage. 

In Middle Adolescence stage,

At this stage is become more adept in social settings, socially adept person remembers the details brought
up in conversation as well as the ones mentioned in passing and follows up on them later. 

You now enjoy going to school more because of your friends. You can ask the support of your friends to
help you solve some of your problems. The ups and downs of adolescence are more meaningful when
shared with people who care for you. However, you should only disclose things about yourself with persons
whom you truly trust. At this stage, rejection and peer pressure may be inevitable. 

Lesson for tomorrow

Early adolescence
As you are still awkward with your body due to rapid physical changes that take place at this stage, you
have to embrace the fact that you are physically maturing already and know how to take care of your body.
You have to accept the fact that you are already sexually capable of reproduction. This acceptance will help
you start to think more responsibly of your body.
Middle Adolescence


         This activity aims to help you discover what life was like before and compare it with your present life
as a teenager. By discovering the differences, you may be able to understand how generations evolve and
be able to describe the characteristics of the modern generations.


1. Think of your parent(s) or perhaps an older family member.

2. Identify how this person is different from you. You can ask how they communicated with their
parents when they were your age, what they did when they went out with friends and family
members and where they went to have fun, among other things.
3. Try to identify as many differences as you can. Write your answers on the call-out signs provided


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