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ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1

A) by B) with C) as
D)of E)such as
NİZ.________________ ____________ _

A report on the notorious Fiveways School,

(1) recently by government (2).............
was published yesterday. The report highlights
inadequate strategic planning, poor standards of
teaching, and semi-derelict building conditions
(3) being largely to blame for the problems
at Fiveways, the school branded the worst in
Europe. (4).........., our reporters entered the
school by prior arrangement, and (5) at
Kpss Kaynak Arşivi
first hand the chaos that has heaped infamy on
Kpss Doküman Arşivi
the school. On the day of their visit, our reporters
learned that one disruptive pupil had been given a
3-week suspension for punching a teacher in the
face. Our reporters saw pupils virtually running
riot, throwing stones at passers-by and verbally
abusing a teacher.

1. A) nonetheless
A) visiting B) therefore
B) having visited C) although
C) to visit D) moreover
D) visited E) because
E) to have visited
f i
ro ,


A) authorities 5.
B) inspectors A) has witnessed
C) controllers B) witnessed
D) examiners C) had witnessed
E) practitioners D) was witnessed
E) witness

4 İngilizce Öğretmenliği
7* *
3 -m -M T* ' ÖABTTürkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı - i
7. One can conclude from the text that......
A) the amount allocated to the Investigation of life
on Mars was more in seventies but decreased
“The Mars program has never fully moved past in later decades.
Viking emotionally," Steltzner told me. Even If B) to speed up the search, people came up with
the planet had life, scientists now knew, finding it stunning projects, which were very expensive.
would be extremely hard. So they didn’t go back C) the interest of the late seventies did not pre­
to the surface for twenty years. The lull of the vent scientists finding new ways to search for
late seventies gave way to the budget cuts of the life on Mars.
eighties, which led to the Taster, Better, Cheaper” D) the contact with The Mars Observer was lost
era of the nineties—an attempt to build spacecraft for three days in the orbit of Mars.
more efficiently with the help of industrial partners E) the eighties gave rise to developments for
like Lockheed Martin. NASA finally returned to inexpensive, better spacecrafts in the nineties
Mars In 1997, with the Pathfinder lander and Its
roving sidekick, Sojourner {they mostly found
more volcanic rocks). But the technical achieve­
ment was bracketed by disasters. The Mars
Observer, launched in 1992, dropped out of sight
three days before it was scheduled to enter orbit.
The Mars Climate Orblter, launched In 1998, 8. NASA’ s attempt to return Mars was disrupted
incinerated in the planet’s atmosphere, owing to because....
a mixup in measuring units between the ground A) unexpected problems ceased them to carry on
crew and the onboard computer. A month later, their search.
the Mars Polar Lander touched down on the B) volcanic rocks were too much to land the
South Pole and was never heard from again. spacecraft on the surface.
•I C) the Pathfinder lander was not equipped with
enough technical tools.
C D) the Mars Observer was better to land on the
£ surface than the Pathfinder lander.
E) the planet’s atmosphere was full of gases
which bum the spacecraft.

9. One important point mentioned in the passage

is that......
A) the interest in finding clues about life on Mars
has always been a top rated issue among
6. According to the passage, life on Mars....
A) would be very difficult to prove since the mars
B) the nineties was a period in which the highest
program had never been completely moved.
budget was allocated
B) has been the matter subject of lots research
C) the fire in The Mars Climate Orbiter resulted
since the last quarter of twentieth century. <
in a mixup in some parts between the ground
C) is extremely hard to prove as scientists didn’t
crew and the onboard computer.
go back to surface for two decades.
D) since nineties, three important attempts were
D) would make It easier to build spacecraft more
made to lunch a spacecraft on Mars but none
efficiently with the help of industrial people.
of them was successful.
E) was a hotly debated topic in the past but lost
E) with the aid of some industrial partners, NASA
its significance as the program was very costly.
has developed the Pathfinder lander, which
was technical disasters. _____________
İngilizce Öğretmenliği 5 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz
ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı - 1 **


10. Founded In 1753, the British Museum in Lon­

don has an art collection that categorizes with (I) Smartphone adoption among American teens
those of much older galleries of Europe. has Increased substantially and mobile access to
A) The far much older art museums in Europe the internet is pervasive. (II) One in four teens are
have art collections in their possessions far su­ “ceil-mostly" internet users, who say they mostly
perior than those owned by the much younger go online using their phone and not using some
the British Museum founded in London in other device such as a desktop or laptop comput­
1753. er. (Ill) Nine in ten (93%) teens have a computer
B) Though London’s British Museum was estab­ or have access to one at home. Seven In ten
lished less than three hundred years ago, the (71%) teens with home computer access say the
art collections in its possession are compa­ laptop or desktop they use most often is one they
share with other family members. (IV) One in four
rable with those of much older European
boys are “cell-mostly" internet users — far more
than the 15% of girls who are cell-mostly. Among
C) Some of the older art galleries in Europe
teen Smartphone owners, half are cell-mostly.
founded the British Museum in London in
(V) These are among the new findings from a
1753, and since then have been supplying it
nationally representative survey of 802 teens ages
with art collections that are equivalent to those
12-17 and their parents.
of their own.
D) Even though establishecTin1753, London's
British Museum, which owns a wide collection v
of European art, is comparable in size to much
older European art galleries. jg
E) Founded in 1753, London British Museum C
can be considered a rather young one when g
compared to those located in Europe, but still n
the art collection it owns is much richer than
the latter ones.
(I) The National Association for Special Education
Teachers indicates that special education teachers
must nurture their students by focusing on their
physical, social, academic and psychological de­
velopment. (II) The special educator is required by
11. Less is known about the cause of dislexla than the code of ethics to be a role model for students
about the causes of many serious diseases. and serve in his or her position with the highest
A) Dislexia is such a serious disease that we level of integrity (III) This is accomplished through
barely know anything about Its existence. treating students with dignity, addressing the
B) One information we lack about the cause of special needs of students and allowing students to
dislexla is that we know a lot about the others. connect learning in the classroom with their own
C) We know more about the causes of some lives. (IV) it is also accomplished by understand­
serious diseases than we do about that of ing that every facet of the academic experience
dislexla. for special education students contributes to his
D) Despite all the Information we have about or her learning. (V) As a result, special education
teachers must work to develop an educational
dislexia and other diseases, we don’t know
program for students that Incorporates all educa­
much about the former.
tors in its planning.
E) Dislexia is one disease about whose cause we
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
know more than other serious illnesses.

6 İngilizce Öğretmenliği
3* 7* 3* 3* 3* iP Ü ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1
15. The people of Watertown were awakened early
Friday morning by the shootout that claimed the
first suspect in the Marathon bombing case and
then spent an eternal day In fear behind locked
doors, feeling the terror that terrorists want you to
14. Teaching any subject or skill involves method and
feel. The shutdown was finally ended early Friday
process. Uniformity of education is vital to ensure
evening, but the second suspect was still at large
different individuals pursuing similar Interests learn
and the people had only just begun to venture
equy............................... ........................................
from their homes when more shots were fired
................................................ Education programs
are programs written by education ministries or
The people waited and waited and then a voice
any appropriate governing body to define how a
crackled the good news over the police radio. The
subject or skill may be progressively administered
people of Watertown were already cheering when
in formal education. The structure of the education
the news tweeted by Boston police.
system is elaborate and diverse. '
A) They would later identify the second man as
A) Individualized Educational Programs are
Tamerlan's 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar
referred to as IEP in the U.S., and Individual
Education Plans in the U.K. and Canada.
B) Early Friday evening, shortly after authorities
B) Every subject studied as part of primary educa­
lifted the shutdown, a resident who lives not
tion is carefully planned to follow a path of
far from the previous night's shootout emerged
advancing difficulty and progress.
from his house
C) Students are administered these specific
C) Word spread that the police had the second
educational programs across countries of the
suspect in the surrounded.
world in relevance to their specific education
D) His avowed goal had once been to get his
t_ American citizenship by boxing for the U.S.
D) Hence, there is the need for a program or
Olympic team and then turn pro.
processes plan that may govern the education
jg E) The investigators soon came upon video
jg footage of him walking in tandem with another
E) The Educational programs that aim at generat­
young man wearing a baseball cap and carry-
ing professionals at the end of the program are
N ing a backpack.
known as Professional Educational Programs.

İngilizce Öğretmenliği 7 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz

ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı - 1
> 9.

16. Nick Cave, a former actor,........ 18.

A) attained great popularity in the late 1980s Mary: I am sick and tired with this new re­
B) thought of following the footsteps of Kenny ceptionist. Not once has she managed
Rogers to write down a message or a phone
C) has converted to decaffeinated coffee number correctly.
D) turned on the radio to hear the news Janet: Don't tell me furthermore, she has poor
E) generated electricity for large urban areas attitude, too.
Janet: Roger and Ted had already done, but It
seems they are happy with her.
A) I am going to talk to him about this at my earli­
est convenience.
B) Don’t you think it is time we sent a written
complaint to the personel department?
C) So long as Mr. Brown away trusts her, there is
nothing much she can do.
D) Human resources says there are better ones
on the short list.
E) I think you are making a big mistake by telling
me all about tills.

17 weather forecasters can determine the

expected direction of a storm. ,
A) Upon calling a truce for the elections
B) Benefiting highly from the Gulf Stream
C) In trying to follow the course of the hijacked
D) By analyzing high pressure systems, fronts,
and other influences
E) By creating artificial precipitations In the areas
in need of water

8 İngilizce Öğretmenliği
ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1
19. 20. Sophisticated graphics provide chemists
Jack; .......... with beautiful, three dimensional simulations
Lynda: This morning she was called away of molecules, producing Images they can
instantly shrink, expand, and swivel.
due to a family emergency.
A) Ayrıntılı grafikler, kimyagerlere onların anında
Jack: Oh dearl I hope there is nothing
küçültebildiği, büyütebildiği ve döndürebildiğl
serious. Do you know when she’ll be
imgeler üreten moleküllerin Üç boyutlu benzeti­
sini sağlar.
Lynda: Her father fell and broke his hip.
B) Kimyagerlerin anında küçültebildiği,
She’ll be back Monday morning. She
büyütebildiği ve döndürebildiğl imgeler üreten
asked mB to apologize to you for the
ayrıntılı grafikler, kimyagerlere moleküllerin
harika üç boyutlu benzetisini sağlar.
A) I have been looking for the last tender docu­
C) Üç boyutlu moleküllerin harika benzeti­
ments since this morning. Has anyone sent
sini sağlayan ayrıntılı grafikler, kimyagerl­
erin anında küçültebildiği, büyütebildiği ve
B) I called for a staff meeting and until so far no
döndürebildiği imgeler de üretir.
one has showed up. Very interesting.
D) Ayrıntılı grafikler kimyagerlere moleküllerin
C) Angelica was supposed to be in my office this
harika, Üç boyutlu benzetisini sağlayıp kimy­
afternoon. Do you have any idea about her
agerlerin anında küçültebildiği, büyütebildiği ve
döndürebildiği imgeler üretir.
D) You should have called me this morning. Why
E) Kimyagerlere harika, üç boyutlu molekül
didn’t you? Did you forget again?
benzetisi sağlayan ayrıntılı grafikler, kimyager­
E) Next time please remind her to be there on
lerin anında küçültüp, büyütüp ve döndürdüğü
time. This is the United States, not Argentina.
imgeler yaratır.


Kpss Kaynak Arşivi - Kpss Doküman Arşivi
İngilizce Öğretmenliği_____________ g_______________________________ Diğer sayfaya geçiniz
ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1 ¡Ut

21. Sismograf, sismik dalgaların neden olduğu

yer sarsıntısını, hareket noktasından dünya
boyunca ya da dünya yüzeyi boyunca hareket
eden titreşimleri kaydeder.
A surprising feature of nature is that it appears to
A) A seismograph records oscillation of the
be in balance. Populations of plants and animals
ground caused by seismic waves, vibrations
remain pretty much the same from one year
that travel from their point of origin through the to the next. This constancy is surprising when
Earth or along Its surface. we consider that every organism is capable of
B) A seismograph recording oscillation of the producing more than one offspring, and so every
ground causes seismic waves, vibrations that population is capable of rapid growth. What keeps
travel from their point of origin through the all the populations in check? Our best clues about
Earth or along its surface. how nature stays in balance come from episodes
C) The oscillation of the ground caused by of Imbalance. Jackrabbits, for example, have
seismic waves, vibrations that travel from their occasionally become extremely abundant in the
point of origin through the Earth or along its western states of Nevada, Utah, and Idaho. When
surface are all recorded by a seismograph. this happens, it doesn't take a professional ecolo­
D) A seismograph’s job is to record oscillation gist to notice the change. Anyone driving through
of the ground caused by seismic waves, these lands at night hears frequent thumps as the
vibrations that travel from their point of origin car hits jackrabbits. Humans cause this abun­
through the Earth or along its surface, dance of jackrabbits by killing their predators.
E) Recording oscillation of the ground caused by In the West, a rancher's life is dominated by a
seismic waves, vibrations that travel from their struggle with wild predators that prey on domestic
cattle and sheep. Most of the wolves and moun­
point of origin through' the Earth or along its
tain lions have been eliminated from ranchlands,
surface is a seismograph.
^ but the wild coyote persists. To rid the ranchlands
of coyotes, meat laced with strychnine is set out
near the herds. As the coyotes die, the calves
jjj and Iambs survive better but another problem
g soon develops—jackrabbits become so abundant
N and eat so much grass that the cattle and sheep
have a hard time finding enough to eat. (Eight
jackrabbits eat as much as one sheep, and forty-
one eat as much as one cow.) The balance of
nature becomes upset. Under natural conditions,
Jackrabbits do not become so abundant that they
overgraze the land. Jackrabbits produce many
young, but their populations remain small because
most of the young are eaten by coyotes. The
elimination of coyotes from ranches enables most
young jackrabbits to survive and reproduce. The
population then becomes unnaturally large. Cases
of population outbreaks, such as this one, are
dramatic in contrast with the year-to-year stability
of other populations. Apparently, populations are
normally kept in check by interactions with their
physical environment as well as their herbivores
predators, parasites, and competitors. Nature gets
out of balance when the natural relations among
populations are altered, which most often hap­
pens as a consequence of human activities.

10 İngilizce Öğretmenliği
/ \ uzm an ların kaleminden

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ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1

22. According to the passage, although every 25. It can be concluded from the text that....
organism is able to give a birth more than one, A) the exclusion of coyotes from fields makes all
young jackrabbits to survive and reproduce.
A) It is not unexpected that populations of plants B) populations are always regulated by interac­
and animals remain pretty much the same all tions with their physical environment besides
year. their only predators.
B) every population is capable of rapid growth C) farmers try hard to guard their animais from
thorough constancy. wild predators.
C) Jackrabblts have sometimes become extreme­ D) human activities are the sole reason of Imbal­
ly scarce in the western states of Nevada, ance of nature and other populations.
Utah, and Idaho. E) poisonous meat that is left for the coyote kills
D) It is unusual characteristic of nature that the not only coyotes but also the wolves and
number of plants and animals seems to be mountain lions.
E) Imbalance in the nature keeps organisms
producing more than one offspring.

23. One reason why Jackrabbits produce too 26. Despite the variety of authors of English litera­
much is that....... ture, whose works remain paramount through­
A) the animals keeping their number in balance out the English-speaking world?
are killed by humans. A) Joseph Conrad
B) people driving through their habitats at night B) William Shakespeare
often feed their offspring. C C) Robert Burns
C) their predators do not feed on domestic cattle E D) Dylan Thomas
and sheep any more. E) Thomas Pynchon
D) People cannot take necessary precautions to
cease their producing.
E) all of the wolves and mountain lions in the
habitat were eliminated by coyotes.

24. One can conclude from the passage that....

A) as the coyotes die, the calves and lambs can
27. In the 12th century (1154-1485), a new form of
find more to feed.
English now known a s __________ evolved.
B) It is the imbalance of nature to produce abun- \
This Is the earliest form of English literature
dant wolves and mountain lions.
which is comprehensible to modern readers
C) instability of populations do not has any effect and listeners, albeit not easily.
on other populations' number. A) Renaissance Literature
D) Overgrazing of Jackrabblts’ keeps the number B) Old English Literature
of coyotes in balance. C) Middle English Literature
E) the exceeding number of a population leads to D) Modernism
outbreak of another population. E) Victorian Literature

İngilizce öğretmenliği 11 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz

ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1 *** 3*kr

28. Which of the following is not among important 32. Among the literary genres,. means
intellectual movements that have Influenced narration demonstrating a useful truth, es­
the study of literature? pecially in which animals speak as humans;
A) Post-modernism legendary, supernatural tale.
B) Romanticism A) short story
C) Feminism B) poetry
D) Marxism ' C) realistic fiction
E) Agrarianism D) fable
E) humor

33. Human lips have much more Intricate muscle

29. A/an __ consists of a discussion of a interlacing than Is found in other primates and
topic from an author’s personal point of view. their resulting flexibility certainly helps in making
sounds like p or b.
A) essay
Considering the origins of languages, which
B) poem
approach has the probability of claiming above
C) novel
D) ballad
A) The natural sound source
E) drama
B) The physical adaptation source
C) Tool making source
D) The genetic source
.3 E) The divine source
30. Which of the following is not among oral litera-
ture types? the study of the characteristics of
A) epic speech sounds.
B) poetry A) Phonetics
C) folktale B) Phonology
D) ballad C) Syntax
E) novel D) Pragmatics
E) Semantics

31. Which of the following genres is not included

35. What is the basic structure of the kind of syl­
In dramatic poetry?
lable found in the word "cup”?
A) folklore A) CCV
B) comedy
C) tragedy C) VC
D) melodrama D) VCC
E) tragicomedy E) CV

12 İngilizce Öğretmenliği
\ uzmanlarımı kaleminden F

m -m OABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı- 1
36. unfaithful Which of the following gives the 40. When a (n ) develops beyond its role as
sequence of the affixation of the word given a trade language and becomes the first lan­
above? guage of a community, it is called a (n ).............
A) onset-coda A) dialect - accent
B) prefix - suffix B) pidgin - creole
C) prefix-infix C) creole - pidgin
D) onset - nucleus D) accent - dialect
E) infix - suffix E) sociolect - idiolect

37. One does not say “They is" in Standard Engltsh

because “they” and “is” are inaccordant.
The above rule is given In terms o f .............
A) phonotactics
B) parts of speech
C) allophones
41. What is meant by Task-based Learning (TBL)?
D) agreement
A) the teaching method that Is designed to pro­
E) morphology
vide second-language learners instruction in
content and language
B) the teaching method that emphasizes interac­
tion as both the means and the ultimate goal of
38. study
A : Dün aldığım ayakkabıyı çok sevdim. C) the teaching method that focuses on the use of
C authentic language
B : Güle güle kullan, kaça aldın? «
D) the teaching method In which students learn
A : Babam aradı, biraz konuştuk. Sonra bir
about a subject through the experience of
baktım ki saat 3 olmuş, eve döndüm. 3 problem solving
Which one of the following maxim is violated
E) the teaching method that focuses on the idea
In above dialogue?
that an important part of learning a language
A) Quantity
consists of understanding and producing lexi­
B) Quality
cal phrases as chunks
C) Manner
D) Refiexivity
E) Relevance

39. Between twelve and eighteen months, children

begin to produce a variety of recognizable
words such as “milk,” “cookie," “cat,” “cup,” etc.
42. Which of the following is not among learner
This period is called a s .............
A) one-word stage
A) Individual variations
B) babbling stage
B) Aptitude
C) cooing stage
C) Intelligence
D) telegraphic stage
D) Learner styles and strategies
E) extensive production stage
E) Mime and gesture

İngilizce Öğretmenliği 13 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz

OABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı - 1 3*lr »

43. Which of the following is not concerned with 47. sometimes also called
the feedback given on ‘written work’? natural method, is a method that refrains from
A) Involving students using the learners’ native language and just
B) Accuracy and fluency uses the target language.
C) Responding A) The series method
D) Correcting B) Silent way
E) Training students C) Total physical response
D) The direct method
E) Grammar-translation method

44. Which of the following sounds of the language

is described as a device by which we commu­
nicate emotion and meaning?
A) Intonation
B) Pitch
C) Stress
D) Sound and spelling
E) Individual sound

Kpss Kaynak Arşivi - Kpss Doküman Arşivi

Ic .

45 In order to describe the levels for various lan- N
guage teaching methods, Richards and Rog- 3
ers' 1982 approach expanded on Anthony’s
three-ievel framework; however, they chose
the terms_______ , ________ ,and_________ .
A) approach / method / technique
B) hypothesis I theory / application
C) approach I design / procedure
48. The method works in three steps: in step one
D) procedure / theory / approach
the new vocabulary structures to be learned
E) design / technique / theory
are taught using a combination of translation,
gestures, and personalized questions; in step
two those structures are used in a spoken
class story; and finally, in step three, these
same structures are used in a class reading.
Which of the following language teaching
methods Includes these three steps?
46. Which of the following is not among the inter­
A) Dogme language teaching
active language teaching methods?
B) The oral approach I situational language teach­
A) The direct method
B) Language immersion
C) TPR Storytelling
C) Suggestopedia
D) Directed practice
D) Communicative language teaching
E) Total Physical Response
E) Audio-lingual method

14 İngilizce Öğretmenliği
■M# T tfi ^ *
3 ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1

49. More than one sort of drill can be incorporated

into one practice session:
“Teacher: There’s a cup on the table ... repeat...
Students: There’s a cup on the table...
Teacher: Spoon... Students: There’s a spoon on
the table...
Teacher: Book,.. Students: There's a book on the
Teacher: On the chair... Students: There’s a book
on the chair... etc."
Which of the following language teaching
methods allows for practicing such a session?
A) Silent way
B) Suggestopedla
C) Communicative language teaching
D) Grammar translation method
E) Audio-lingual method

• i“

50. Which of the following language teaching

methods was developed by the Bulgarian
psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov to learn a
language approximately three to five times
as quickly as through conventional teaching
A) Direct method
B) Silent way
C) Suggestopedia
D) Communicative language teaching
E) Natural approach
İngilizce Öğretmenliği 15 Diöer sayfaya i
ÖABTTürkiye Geneli Deneme 5mavi /
Verilen soru kökDnde cümlenin ana Soru kökü, üd cümle arasında M etindeki "But the technical achi­
fiil grubu “was published” olup so­ ._____, olup yapı olarak 'afthough' evement was bracketed by disas­
rulan rfede srfat cümleciği yani yan ve "because* dışındaki seçenek­ ters’ ile Incinerated in the planet's
cümledktir.Doiayısıyla “by* ifade« ler olabilir. "morBover* Daveten-ek atmosphere, owing to a mixup in
sinden dolayı Passive, Tense Mar­ olarak anlamında, "therefbre" bu measuring units between the gro­
ker İse past olması gerekmektedir yOzden-bu nedenle, “nonetheless" und crew and the onboard compu­
O yOzden doğru yanıt "which was İse zıtlık bağlacı olup rağman anla­ ter" ifadelerinden dolayı doğru yanıt
visited* cümleciğinin kısaltılıp "visi­ mına gelir. “Okul Avrupanm enkfltü- Aseçeneğidir.
11. ! c 21. A 1 31. A 41. C
^ T İ ted" olarak bırakılmasıdır.
42. E sO olmasına rağman okula ön izinle Doğru yam t “A ” seçeneğidir.
8 12. D 22. D 32. D
*1 43. B D o ğ ru y a n ıt “ D " s e ç e n e ğ id ir. raportörlerimiz girdiler” denebilmesi
3. C 13. B «T A 33. B
34. A 44. 1 B lçîn doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir.

Kpss Kaynak Arşivi - Kpss Doküman Arşivi

4- ; a 14. D 1 24. E
15. •c 25. C 35. B 45* C Doğru yam t “A " seçeneğidir.
S-l B
û. 16. A 26. B 36. B 46- E
17. D 27. C 37. D 47. i D
7.; E "But the technical achievement was
16. B 28, E 38. E 48.| C
8. A bracketed by disasters" He Incine­
19. C 29. A 39. A 49. E
9« D
4a B 50. 5. rated In the planet’s atmosphere,
10. 8 20. D 3<L E c
"our reporters entered the school owing to a ntfxup in measuring units
2_ by prior arrangement, and“ soru kö­ between the ground crew and the
authorities: yetkili künde and bağlacrndan Dncekî Ten­ onboard computer” ve “the Mars
Inspectors: müfettiş de Simple Past olup, paralel olma­ Polar Lander touched down on the
Tekrar Edilmesi Canken Konuîar controllers: denetmen sı gerekir. South Pole and was never heard
examiners: araştırmacı Doğru yanıt “B” seçeneğidir. from again/ Oç girişiminde başanz
practitioners: pratisyen olduğunu anlatmaktadır.
Verilen ifade de tıükümet tarafın­ Doğru yanıt "D” seçeneğidir.
dan gönderilen müfettişler okulu zi­
yaret etmiştir/ olduğuna göre okulu 6.
inceleyecek olan kişiler B seçene­ Metindeki "seventies gave way
ğindeki Inspectors olabilin to the budget cuts of the eighti­
Doğru yam t UB" seçeneğidir. es, which led to the “Faster, Better,
Cheaper* era of tile nineties” ifade-
b lerf geçmişten bu yana araştırmala- established less than three hundred
> ^ years: founded ln1753
jğ nrr devam ettiğini anlatıyor.
C Doğru yanıt UB" seçeneğidir. -S categorizes with: comparable with
PJ has: rts possession

N £ Doğru yam t *’B” seçeneğidir.

Soru kökü boşluktan sonra Vlng de­
vam edip seçmeklerin tamamı gra­ Metinde geçen 'seventies gave
mer olarak mümkündür. Ancak “by* way to the budget cuts of the eighti­
ve V/fth* passîve yapılarda, "such es, which led to the "Faster, Better,
as” örnekleme yaparken, "of” ise Öd 11.
Cheaper" era of the nineties” ifada
isim arasında altlik, İyelik bildirirken less...than: more..than
de “led to Faster, Better, Cheaper
kulianılar. Farklı olan "as” neden- seçenekteki inexpensive öe eş an­ many serious diseases: some seri­
sonuç bağlacı olarak kullanılır. lamlıdır. ous diseases

Doğru yan ıl “C” seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “C” seçeneğidir.

Doğru y a m f E " seçeneğidir.

4 İn g iltz o e Ö ğ re tm e n liğ i
In g iflz c e Ö ğ re tm e n liğ i 3
ÖABT Türkiye Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1

12 . 16. 20.
“Ons reason why Jackrabbits pro­ Aslen [ngife olmayan Joseph Con- Verilen tanına essay terimine aittir.
Paragrafın tamamında genel olarak Soru kökü Simple Past Tense olup Sophisticated graphics: Ayrıntılı
duce too much" ifadesini metin­ rad, Robert Bums, Dylan Thomas Belirtilen diğer terimler, edebiyatın
“teen* grubunu anlatırken sadece hem Tense hem de anlam olarak grafikler
chemists with beautiful, three di­ de geçtiği y er "Humans cause this ve Thomas Pynchon İsimi! yazar­ farklı türleridir.
tVde boy ve giri olarak ayrılmıştır. doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir.
mensional simulations of molecu­ abundance of jackrabbits by killing lar çalışmalarıyla İngiliz edebiyatın­ Doğru yanıt WAMseçeneğidir.
Ooğru yanıt “D” seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “A ,r seçeneğidir.
les: kimyagerlere moleküllerin hari­ their predators.” Bu anlam A seçe­ da önemli yer tutsalar da Ingiliz asıl­
ka, üç boyutlu benzetisini neğinde "the animals are killed” ola­ lı VVilSam Shakespeare. İngiliz ede­
producing images they can ins­ rak verilmiştir. biyatındaki örnek alınan çalışmala­
tantly shrink, expand, and swivel: Doğru yantt "AMseçeneğidir. rı, cncütüğü vb özgünlüğüyle en iyi
kimyagerlerin anmda küçültebildiği, yazar sıfatını korumaktadır.
büyütebildiği ve döndürebidiği im­ Doğru yanıt "B ” seçeneğidir. 30.
Soru kökündeki th e expected di-
geler üretir. Epic, poetry, folktale ve ballad, söz­
I. cümledeki ‘special education te*
- rection of a storm” ifadesi île D Doğru yanıt MD” seçeneğidir. lü edebiyat türleridir. Novel ise yazı­

Kpss Kaynak Arşivi - Kpss Doküman Arşivi

achers must nurture their students seçeneğindeki "high pressure
lı edebiyat türüdür.
by focusing on their physical, so­
systems, fronts, and other influen­
Doğru yanıt tfE” seçeneğidir.
cial, academic and psychological
ces* eşleşmektedir.
development” ifadesi III. cümlede Doğru yanıt “D" seçeneğidir.
This is accomplished' olarak nite­
21 .
Sismograf: A seismograph
Doğru yanıt "B” seçeneğidir.
Kaydeder records 27.
Metnin "The population tha^ be­
sismik dalgaların neden okluğu yer
comes unnaturally large. Cases of Ingiliz Edebiyatında, verilen seçe­ 31.
sarsıntısını: oscillation of the gro­
population outbreaks, such as this neklerdeki dönemler şöyledir Re­ Dramatic poetry might incfude co­
und caused by seismic waves
one,./ cümlesinde nüfusun aşın naissance Literature: 1466-1625, medy, tragedy, melodrama, and
hareket noktasından dünya boyun­
14. artması zincirin bozulmasına neden Old English Literature 450-1153, mixtures [ike tragicomedy. Howe­
13. ca ya da dünya yüzeyi boyunca ha­
Boşluktan önceki cümlede "‘unifor­ olmaktadır denmiştir. Middle Engfish Literature 1154- ver, folklore Is included in the songs,
Konuşmada boşluktan sonraki ifa­ reket eden titreşimleri: vibrations
mity of education Is vital to ensure Doğru yan ıt "E" seçeneğidir. 1485, Modernism 1901-1939, Vic­ stories, myths, and proverbs.
de de "Roger and Ted had already that travel from their point of origin
different individuals pursuing simi­ torian Literature 1857-1901. Doğru yan ıt “A" seçeneğidir.
done,” B seçeneğindeki "it is time through the Earth or along its sur­
lar interests learn equally” sonraki Doğru yanıt MC” seçeneğidir.
we sent a written complaint” ile bir­ face
cümlede ise ^Education programs” birini desteklemektedir. Doğru yanıt “A” seçeneğidir.
ifadeleri D seçeneğinde * the need Doğru yanıt “B* seçeneğidir.
for a program or processes plan"
olarak nitelenmiştir. ^
Ooğru yanıt “D" seçeneğidir.
ğîdir. *£" %
3. 3 c C Short story means fiction of such
E C ra
« e 22. E g brevity that it supports no subplots.
E E N Poetry means verse and rhythmic
N M Metnin birinci ve ikinci cümlesi, ’A
3 writing with imagery that creates
surprising feature of nature’ ile ‘ Po­
15. Metinde geçen "In the West, a 28. emotional responses. Realistic fic­
19. pulations of plants and animals re­
Boşluktan sonraki “The people wa­ rancher’s fife Is dominated by a Post-modemlzm, romanticism, fe­ tion means story that can actually
Boşluktan sonraki "This morning main pretty much the same from
ited and waited and then a voice she was called away due to a fa­ struggle with wild predators that minism ve Marxism edebiyat çalış­ happen and is free to life, but hasn't
one year to the next This cons­
crackled the good news over the mily emergency* açıldama bir soru­ prey on domestic cattle and she­ malarını etkileyen önemli akımlar­ happened y e t Humor means ficti­
tancy is surprising when we consi­
police radio.” cümlesi C seçeneğin­ ya cevaben söylenebilir Bu yüzden ep.” cümlesinde ’a rancher's life is dandır. Agrarianism İsa kırsal toplu­ on full of fun, fancy, and excitement.
der that every organism is capab­
deki “Word spread that the police C seneğindeki “Do you have any dominated by a struggle* C seçe­ mun kentsel toplumdan üstün oldu­ Fable means narration demons­
le of producing more than one offs­
had the SBcond suspect in the sur­ idea about her whereabouts?" ifa­ neğinde hard to quard ifadesiyle eş ğunu v b tarımcılığın önemini vurgu­ trating a useful truth, especially In
pring,’ ifadesinde geçen This cons­
rounded* ile eşleşmektedir. desi doğru yanıttır. anlamlıdır. layan bir akımdır. which animals speak.
tancy’ ile nitelenmiştir.
Doğru yanıt “C" seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “C" seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “C” seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “E" seçeneğidir. Dogru yanrt "D” seçanegidîr.
Doğru yanıt “O” seçeneğidir.
İn g iliz c e Ö ğ re tm e n liğ i
İn g iliz c e Ö ğ re tm e n liğ i 6
.3 * ÖAHT Türkiyeı Geneli Deneme Sınavı -1
ÖABTTDrkfye Geneli Deneme Sınavı - 1
43. 47.
33. 36. 39.
A, C, D ve E seçeneklerinde verilen Doğal dil edinimine en yakın şekil­ 1970lerde Georgi Lozan ov tarafın­
Somda insanların dudak kasfarmın Soruda “unfaHhfur sözcüğünde altı Dil edinim (language acquisition)
feedback türler! written work İçin ve­ de dil öğretmeyi hedeflediği ve bu dan geliştirilen metod C seçeneğin­
zaman içerisinde daha esnek duru­ çizin eklerin dizisi sorulmaktadır. Bu sürecinde çocuklar 12-18 aylar ara­
rilir. B seçeneğindeki feedback tüıü SBbeple diğer bir ismi natural me- de doğru verilmiştir.
ma gelerek p ya da b sesini çıka- durumda “un" ekt bk önek (prefix) sında tek sözcüklü dönemde bulu­
İse oral work için verilir. toddur. Doğru yan ıt nC” seçeneğidir.
rabllmelerinln dillerin kökeni üzeri­ ve “fuF eki de bir sonektfr (suffix). nurlar (one-word stage).
Doğru yanıt “B " seçeneğidir. Doğru yarut "D” seçeneğidir*
ne verilen savlardan hangisi FTa iflş- Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir. Doğru yanrt "A" seçeneğidir.
kili olduğu sorulmaktadır. Fiziksel
uyum görüşü, dudak kaslarının ge­
lişmesi gibi küçük farklılıklar bir ara­
ya gelerek dil sisteminin üretimi ve
algılanışına olanak tanıdığını sa­ 40. 44.

Kpss Kaynak Arşivi - Kpss Doküman Arşivi

vunmaktadır. Pldgin, insanların ticaret gibi ge­ Bu soruda, cevaba en yakın olabi­
Doğru yanıt “B” seçeneğidir. neldi etkileşim kurduktan dönemler­ lecek A seçeneğindeki ‘intonation’,
de, iletişimin kurulduğu iki farklı dü­ a sound device by which we show
37. den gelen kesitlerle oluşan dülerdîr. grammar and meaning Olarak ta­
Soruda Standart İngilizcede “They Bu diller zaman içinde o toplumda nımlanır ve duygu yerine anlam İlet­ 48,
is” kullanımının yanlış olduğu, çün­ yerieşlr ve Insanlann edindiği, yani meyi sağlar. C, D ve ■E'seçeneğin- TPR Storytelling (Teaching Profici­
kü “they* adılmın (pronoun) Is" İte anadlD olduğu zaman ise creole ha­ de verilen ses türlerinden hiç biri ency through Reading and Storytel­
birlikte kullanılması gerektiği ve bu line gelir. duygu iletkenliğini direkt vermez. ling) is a method of teaching fore­
durumun nedeni sorulmakiadır.BIr Doğru yanrt “B” seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “B” seçeneğidir. ign languages.TPRS lessons use a
34. dilde bu gibi dizime ilişkin kuralları mixture of reading and storytelling
SesbSgİsî (phonetics) konuşma yöneten bütüne uyum (agreement) to help students learn a foreign lan­
seslerinin karakteristik, yani somut denir. guage In a classroom setting and
özettiklerini betimler. Doğru yanrt UÜ ° seçeneğidir. the method works in three steps.
Doğru yanıt “A" seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt "C” seçeneğidir.
A seçeneğinde Content-based Ins­ 45.
truction, B seçeneğinde Communi­ A seçeneğindeki sıralama, 1693 yı­
cative Language Teaching, D seçe­ lında Anthony tarafından formüle
neğinde Problem-based learning, E edilmiştir. B, D ve E seçenekleri ise
seçeneğinde Lexical Approach ta­ metodolojide belirtilmemiştir.
nımlanmıştır. Doğru yanıt “C” seçeneğidir,
f 38- Doğru yanrt “ C* seçeneğidir. to M
£ Soruda verilen diyalogda A ve B ko- ^ S c
ra n
^ nuşucusumm hangi ¡fetişim kuralını JJ
(conversational maxims) ihlal ettiği {¡J
3 49.
3 soıulmaktadır. A konuşcusu aldığı 3 Audio-Ungual method is based on
ayakkabı hakkında diyalogu başla­ 46. behaviorist theory, and the Instruc­
35v tırken B konuşucusu verdiği yanıtta 42. A B, C ve D seçeneklerinde verilen tor would present the correct mo­
Soruda "cup" sözcüğünde bulunan ayakkabıyı ne kadara aldığını sor­ Bu soruda A, 0, C ve D seçenekle­ metotlar Interactive language teac- del of a sentence and the students
seslemin (syllable) temel yapısı so­ maktadır. Bunun üzerine A konuşu­ rinde öğrenci farklılıklarına örnekler hfrıg methods arasındadır. E seçe­ would have to repeat it The teac­
rulmaktadır. Seslem bir sessiz (con­ cusun, B konuşucusunun sorduğu verilmiştir. E seçeneği ise öğrenen neğinde verilen audio-Ungual met­ her would then continue by presen­
sonant), bir sesli (vowel) vs bir de soruya yanrt vermesi beklenirken, değü öğretmen De DgiDdjr ve Öğreti­ hod İse structural methods arasın­ ting new words for the students to
sessizden (consonant) oluşmakta­ verilen yanıtın soru He ilgisiz olduğu me yardımcı araçlardır. dadır. sample In the same structure.
dır: CVC. görülmektedir. Doğru yanrt “E” seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “E” seçeneğidir. Doğru yanrt “ E" seçeneğidir.
Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir. Doğru yanıt “E” seçeneğidir.
İn gilizce Ö ğretir enliği
tnrjttizce Öğretmenliği 8

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