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Muscle weakness in critically ill children

B.L. Banwell, MD; R.J. Mildner, MD; A.C. Hassall, MSc; L.E. Becker, MD; J. Vajsar, MD; and
S.D. Shemie, MD

Abstract—Objective: To establish the incidence of muscle weakness in critically ill children. Methods: Neuromuscular
examinations were performed in 830 children without identified antecedent or acute neuromuscular disease (age 3 months
to 17 years 11 months) admitted for ⬎24 hours to a pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) over a 1-year period. Results:
Fourteen of 830 (1.7%) patients had generalized weakness. Four failed repeated attempts to extubate. Multiple organ
dysfunction occurred in 11 patients and sepsis in 9. Most children received corticosteroids, neuromuscular blocking agents,
or aminoglycoside antibiotics. Eight of the 14 children were solid organ or bone marrow transplant recipients. Muscle
biopsy showed evidence of acute quadriplegic myopathy in all three patients in whom biopsy was performed. Three
patients died. In survivors, significant weakness persisted for 3 to 12 months following ICU discharge. Conclusions:
Muscle weakness is an infrequent but significant feature of critical illness in children. Transplant recipients seem to be at
particular risk.
NEUROLOGY 2003;61:1779 –1782

The development of muscle weakness in critically ill cant weakness developed during the course of their
adults has been well documented.1-6 In adults with ICU admission.
sepsis and multiorgan failure, the incidence of severe
muscle weakness, often manifesting as failure to Methods. Subjects. All children, ages 3 months to 17 years,
admitted to the pediatric ICU at the Hospital for Sick Children for
wean from mechanical ventilation, approaches 70%.5 ⬎24 hours during the 1-year study period were examined two to
Several forms of intensive care–acquired weakness three times weekly by the ICU fellow and ICU physiotherapist.
have been described: critical illness polyneuropathy,7 Any patient meeting one or more of the following criteria was
identified as a case: 1) muscle weakness defined as Medical Re-
acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM) also termed search Council (MRC) grade ⱕ4 in any one muscle group; 2) re-
critical illness myopathy,8,9 necrotizing myopathy,10 duced or absent tendon reflexes; or 3) inability to wean from
and prolonged neuromuscular blockade.11 Clinical mechanical ventilation (in patients without evidence of pulmonary
features are failure to wean from mechanical ventila- disease or severe CNS dysfunction). Patients with pre-existing
neuromuscular disease, acute Guillain-Barré syndrome, botulism,
tion, severe skeletal muscle weakness or quadripare- or spinal cord injury were excluded. Patients exposed to neuro-
sis, and reduced or absent tendon reflexes. muscular blocking agents were tested every 24 hours, using the
Associated risk factors include critical illness, status train of four repetitive nerve stimulation, until a qualitatively
observable muscle response was elicited. They were identified as
asthmaticus, organ transplantation, exposure to cor- cases only if muscle weakness, areflexia, or failure to wean from
ticosteroids, prolonged neuromuscular blockade, sep- ventilation persisted after neuromuscular blockade resolved. All
sis, and multiorgan failure.1,3,11-15 patients identified as cases underwent a detailed neurologic exam-
ination performed by the study neurologist.
Documentation of muscle weakness in critically ill Electrodiagnostic studies were offered to all patients. They
children is restricted to small case series,16,17 case included electromyographic (EMG) studies with concentric needle
reports,18-21 and occasional inclusion of pediatric pa- electrodes from at least one proximal and one distal muscle in the
tients in adult intensive care unit (ICU) series.20-22 lower extremities and standard nerve conduction studies from
several nerves in both upper and lower extremities.
We prospectively evaluated the incidence, clinical Muscle biopsy was offered to all patients with clinical and
features, and prognosis of children in whom signifi- EMG evidence of myopathy. Open muscle biopsy was performed

Drs. Banwell and Mildner contributed equally to this work.

From the Departments of Pediatrics (Neurology [Drs. Banwell and Vajsar], Critical Care Medicine [Drs. Mildner and Shemie, A.C. Hassal], and Neuropa-
thology [Dr. Becker]), Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Received November 26, 2002. Accepted in final form September 5, 2003.
Address correspondence to Dr. B.L. Banwell, Department of Pediatrics (Neurology), Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M5G 1X8; e-mail:

Copyright © 2003 by AAN Enterprises, Inc. 1779

Table Clinical features of children identified with muscle weakness


Patient no. Age, y Diagnosis ICU stay, d Max score Days Episodes of sepsis

1 12.5 DKA 13 3 8 1
2 10.6 HT 6 2 2 0
3 15.7 Trauma 28 — 0 2
4 15.0 HT 39 3 12 1
5 1.6 HT 41 3 14 1
6 2.7 Asthma 8 — — 0
7 16.7 S-J 8 2 6 1
8 13.7 Seizures 27 — — 1
9 12.1 BMT 12 3 2 0
10 17.5 Myocarditis 26 4 2 1
11 16.5 BMT 14 5 3 1
12 17.5 OLT 9 3 1 0
13 2.6 HT 26 4 3 0
14 17.3 BMT 36 3 11 1

ICU ⫽ intensive care unit; MOD ⫽ multiple-organ dysfunction; DKA ⫽ diabetic ketoacidosis; HT ⫽ head trauma; S-J ⫽ Stevens–John-
son disease; BMT ⫽ bone marrow transplant; OLT ⫽ orthotopic liver transplantation.

from a clinically affected muscle, processed using standard meth- ber of ICU days, MOD scores, and number of septic epi-
ods, and stained using conventional histochemical techniques. sodes for each of the 14 patients. Multiorgan failure was
Muscle was also processed for electron microscopy. In addition to
children identified by the above methods, the medical records
documented in nine children, nine required inotrope sup-
were reviewed for all children who succumbed during the 1-year port, and seven received aminoglycoside antibiotics. Nine
study period for whom autopsy muscle specimens were obtained. patients were treated with corticosteroids for 4 to 11 days,
For autopsy cases, sampled muscles included the diaphragm, in- with total cumulative doses ranging from 0.5 to 260 mg/kg
tercostal, and one limb muscle (gastrocnemius or deltoid).
for an individual patient. Nine children required neuro-
Identified patients underwent a weekly neuromuscular assess-
ment in the ICU and after transfer to the ward by either the ICU muscular blockade with vecuronium or pancuronium, five
fellow or the neurologist. All patients were referred for outpatient of whom required brief infusions or single doses and four of
follow-up with the study neurologist after hospital discharge. whom received continuous infusions lasting ⬎24 hours
The study was approved by the Ethics Review Board of the
(range 61 to 312 hours). All 14 children required mechani-
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
cal ventilation, with mean time on ventilator of 260 hours
Results. Patient characteristics. During the 1-year (range 11 to 552 hours). Twelve of the 14 patients (86%)
study period, 1,553 children between 3 months and 17 were ventilated for ⬎5 days. Eight of 14 (57%) children
years 11 months old were admitted to the ICU; 848 were identified in our series were solid organ or bone marrow
admitted for ⬎24 hours. Twelve children were excluded transplant recipients.
because of a pre-existing neuromuscular disorder and six Neuromuscular features. Patients were identified with
due to Guillain-Barré syndrome. Of the 830 eligible pa- muscle weakness between day 4 and day 26 after ICU
tients, 16 patients were identified by the ICU fellow and admission. All 14 patients had generalized weakness in-
therapist and referred to the neuromuscular specialist. volving all four limbs with reduced or absent tendon re-
Two of these patients were excluded: one due to parental flexes, four patients failed repeated efforts to wean from
refusal to partake in the study and one due to extreme mechanical ventilation, and two patients had additional
patient irritability that precluded accurate examination. clinical features of focal compression neuropathies (pero-
Thus, of the 830 eligible patients, 14 (1.7%) children with neal neuropathy in one patient, femoral and peroneal neu-
acquired weakness were identified: 5 boys and 9 girls. The ropathies in a second patient). Wasting of proximal and
mean age of the cohort was 12.32 years (range 1.6 to 17.5 distal muscles was prominent in 8 of the 14 patients.
years). The age distribution of the cohort was bimodal, Electrodiagnostic studies were declined in seven pa-
with 3 children under age 3 years and the remaining 11 tients, including one child with clinical features of pero-
children age 10 or older. The incidence of neuromuscular neal nerve compression. Four of the five children
weakness in very young ICU patients (between 3 months undergoing needle EMG showed myopathic findings with
and 3 years old) was 0.7% (3/406 eligible ICU patients), short-duration, low-amplitude motor unit potentials and
whereas the incidence in older children (ⱖ10 years) was small polyphasic potentials with an early recruitment pat-
5.1% (11/214 eligible ICU patients ⱖ10 years old). None of tern. The EMG in the fifth child was normal, possibly
the 210 ICU patients between ages 3 and 10 was identified because this study was performed when the child was al-
as a case. ready showing improvement in muscle strength. Motor
The table highlights the admission diagnoses, age, num- and sensory nerve conduction studies were done in seven
1780 NEUROLOGY 61 December (2 of 2) 2003
neuropathies in one child, and demonstrated a mild demy-
elinating polyneuropathy in one patient.
Serum creatine kinase levels were significantly elevated
to 2 to 100 times the upper limit of the reference range in
three patients. Total and free plasma carnitine levels were
normal in all 14 children at study inclusion. In one patient,
subsequent carnitine deficiency (total carnitine 12 mmol/L
[reference range 32.0 to 84.0 mmol/L], free carnitine 6.2
␮mol/L [reference range 26.0 to 60.0 mmol/L]) developed
during her ICU stay. Mild electrolyte imbalance occurred
in patients with renal failure, but significant hypomag-
nesemia or hypophosphatemia was never documented.
Thyroid function studies were normal in all 14 children.
Muscle biopsy was performed in three patients, and
scattered basophilic atrophic fibers with loss of ATPase
reactivity were present in all three specimens. Immunocy-
tochemical studies demonstrated loss of myosin immunore-
activity and prominent calpain expression in affected
fibers. Electron microscopy confirmed selective loss of my-
osin thick filaments, consistent with acute quadriplegic
myopathy.8 In one patient (Patient 14), these findings were
present in the majority of fibers (figure).
Skeletal muscle specimens (diaphragm and limb mus-
cles) obtained at autopsy were reviewed from 16 cases,
Figure. (A) Normal sarcomere morphology (longitudinal
none of whom were identified as having ICU-acquired
section) in healthy control muscle. Note the clearly delin-
weakness prior to death. One autopsy case, a 3-year-old
eated A band (marked A) containing myosin thick fila-
girl, demonstrated scattered atrophic fibers with patchy
ments and the well-defined M band (m) in the center of
ATPase reactivity and loss of myosin immunoreactivity in
the A band. The I band (I), made up of actin thin fila-
all three muscles studied, consistent with AQM. Autopsy
ments, emanates from the Z disk (Z). (B) Muscle from Pa-
was not performed for Patient 14, the only patient enrolled
tient 14 shows complete absence of the A band due to loss
in the study to die during her ICU admission.
of myosin thick filaments. The I band (I) is present. The Z
Patient outcome. The mean length of hospitalization
disk (Z) is thickened and is no longer an exact register with
following discharge from the ICU was 37.2 days (range 5 to
adjacent sarcomeres. (C) Transverse section of healthy con-
113 days) for the 12 patients for whom this information
trol muscle. (C, inset) Note the hexagonal array of thin fila-
was available. One patient was transferred to another in-
ments (arrowhead) surrounding a central thick filament
stitution (length of subsequent hospitalization unavail-
(arrow). (D) Transverse section of muscle from Patient 14.
able), and one patient, who had profound muscle weakness
(D, inset) Note the nearly complete absence of myosin thick
(grade 0/5 in all limb muscles) and areflexia, succumbed in
filaments. Only thin filaments are present (arrowhead).
the ICU without ever recovering any voluntary contraction
⫻40,000 (A through D); ⫻400 (insets, C and D).
of her limb muscles. Two patients died within 3 months of
discharge from the hospital: one of presumed cardiac ar-
rhythmia and one due to pulmonary complications of graft-
children. In four, including the one with normal EMG, versus-host disease after bone marrow transplant. In the
decreased size of compound muscle action potentials with month prior to death, both patients had proximal muscle
otherwise normal data were apparent. One patient with weakness of a severity such that they were unable to climb
leukemia (treated with vincristine) had normal strength stairs.
until admission to the ICU for complications of bone mar- Of the 11 surviving patients, 9 were available for
row transplantation. Nerve conduction studies demon- follow-up and 2 patients were discharged to facilities out-
strated findings characteristic of a demyelinating side Ontario. At 3 months after hospital discharge, one
polyneuropathy with slow nerve conduction velocities and child was normal and eight had persistent proximal weak-
prolonged distal latencies in several nerves. Needle exam- ness of the upper and lower limbs (strength on at least two
ination in this patient was declined, and there were no muscle groups MRC grade ⱕ4). Two of these children were
prior nerve conduction studies available. Electrophysi- unable to walk independently. Two patients had multiple
ologic confirmation of compressive neuropathies of the assessments. One patient regained normal strength and
femoral and peroneal nerves was demonstrated in one pa- activity level at 8 months. The second patient had normal
tient. Nerve conduction studies were normal in two pa- strength but reduced endurance at 18 months after hospi-
tients, but testing had been delayed by parental request in tal discharge.
one child until he was already showing significant muscle
strength recovery and was performed very early in the
course of illness in the second child, prior to the time of Discussion. The incidence of muscle weakness
maximal neuromuscular weakness. Consent for further (1.7%) in this prospective-based study of critically ill
studies in this child was declined. Therefore, electrodiag- children is lower than that reported in some adult
nostic studies were classified as myopathic in four pa- ICU series (20 to 76%),5,23,24 most of which included
tients, were normal in two, showed compressive only patients with sepsis, multiorgan failure, or pro-
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1782 NEUROLOGY 61 December (2 of 2) 2003

Muscle weakness in critically ill children
B. L. Banwell, R. J. Mildner, A. C. Hassall, et al.
Neurology 2003;61;1779-1782
DOI 10.1212/01.WNL.0000098886.90030.67

This information is current as of December 22, 2003

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