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Chapter 2

How Did the Ideas of the Italian Renaissance Spread Throughout

How Did the Renaissance Ideas
begin to Spread?
⚫ Renaissance ideas eventually spread west and north to
all areas of Western Europe
⚫ Scholars and artist travelled to the Italian city-states
for knowledge and brought it to their homelands
⚫ Ideas changed and adapted to fit each society
⚫ P.49
⚫ Canada’s Renaissance type ideas
Where and How did the Renaissance Spread?
Why Were Ideas So Slow to Spread?
⚫ Effects of the Renaissance across Western Europe
came later but were just as significant
⚫ Feudalism
⚫ Harder to break in lands beyond Italy
⚫ Owners of fiefdoms (feudal land) were strongly opposed
to the Renaissance
⚫ War
⚫ Many Northern European states at war which prevented the
spread of new ideas (Germany, Netherlands, England)
⚫ The Catholic Church had a stronger hold and kept the status
quo (the present way of doing things)
What Allowed Renaissance Ideas to
Spread More Quickly?
⚫ When the Hundred Years War ended, travel became
⚫ Urbanization
⚫ France and Germany waged war on the Italian city-states
⚫ Exposed European monarchs and nobility to Renaissance
⚫ Ideas were borrowed from Italy
⚫ Italians were hired
⚫ Peace = increase in trade
What Allowed Renaissance Ideas to
Spread More Quickly?

⚫ Increase in trade = increase in business and banking

⚫ Wealth used to support artists
⚫ Growth of
⚫ A system of thought that centers on
humans and their values; potential,
and worth; concerned with the welfare
of humans
⚫ Popcorn reading: pg. 55 of text!
The most influential invention of all time.
The Printing Press
Invented by Johann Gutenberg in the
First European book printed was the
Gutenberg bible
- Faster than copying a book by hand
-More books = more readers and writers

-By 1500, more than 200 printing presses

-Church opposed printing of bibles for the
common people = afraid they would no longer
be needed
How Did Humanism Affect the
Renaissance Worldview?
⚫ Classical writings suggested that life on Earth has
⚫ Before most people focused on the afterlife
⚫ These writings lead people to believe that humans
potential to do great things, no matter who they were
⚫ Even though they believed in faith and the afterlife,
humanists thought life on Earth should be rich and
How Did Scholars and Philosophers
Spread the Ideas of Humanism?
⚫ Scholars travelled from one university to another to
study and teach new ideas
⚫ Humanism supported civic duty and the value of
⚫ Humanism in Europe as opposed to Italy was more
focused on religious issues and learning Christian
texts to become better citizens and Christians
⚫ Francanesco Petrarch (1304-2374)
⚫ Discovered and translated ancient classical Greek and
Roman texts as well as promoting
their study
⚫ Believed that truly educated people
read books, travelled and surrounded
themselves with art
⚫ Believed in God and the value of
life on Earth
⚫ Erasmus (1466-1536)
⚫ Believed people should be taught to
argue and apply their knowledge
⚫ Said bible should be translated for
all to read
⚫ Believed the role of the Church was
to teach and support the faith
⚫ Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
⚫ Created the essay writing form
⚫ Believed in tolerance and common
⚫ Believed that friendship, love, and
courage should form the basis of
human actions
How Did Artists Help Spread the
Ideas of the Renaissance?
⚫ Art began to reflect the new thinking of humanism
⚫ Began portraying the world as it really looked
⚫ After the 15th century, art focused less on religious
⚫ Recording the likeness of people became important
⚫ Artist travelled more and developed better techniques
⚫ Became respected and got paid
⚫ Became important contributors to society
⚫ Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)
⚫ Painter, poet, architect, sculptor
⚫ Painted the Sistine Chapel
⚫ Created realistic representations
⚫ Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
⚫ May be the best-known painter and figure of the
Renaissance, genius, inventor
⚫ Mona Lisa considered the most famous painting
⚫ Introduced the sfumato technique (blurring of lines)
⚫ Donatello (1386-1466)
⚫ Developed a technique for casting bronze statues

- Donatello’s David
(created about 1440)
How Did Ideas Spread Among
Scientists and Mathematicians?
⚫ Movement of science slow during the Middle Ages
⚫ Religion
⚫ Europe still very superstitious
⚫ All money went to arts
⚫ Universities paid little attention to science
⚫ Renaissance = scientists looking at the world using
reasoning and observation
⚫ Accumulation of knowledge during the Renaissance lead to
the age of scientific discovery
Scientists and Mathematicians
⚫ Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
⚫ Mathematician and astronomer
⚫ Came up with the theory that the Earth revolved around
the sun rather than everything revolving around the
⚫ Proved that the Earth rotated on its axis once a day
⚫ Believed to be a heretic (having an opinion against the
beliefs of a religion)
Scientists and Mathematicians
⚫ Leonardo da Vinci
⚫ Dissected cadavers to makes drawings on anatomy
⚫ Made plans for parachutes, tanks and submarines
⚫ François Viète (1540-1603)
⚫ Wrote books on trigonometry and geometry
⚫ Provided solution to doubling a cube and trisecting an angle
⚫ During the Renaissance, the mechanical clock was
⚫ Before the early 1500’s time was measured by
⚫ Sundials
⚫ Hourglasses
⚫ Time could now be accurately measured
How Did Writers Influence the
Renaissance Worldview?

⚫ Writers began to compose their works in their own

⚫ Vocabularies, spellings, grammar became more
⚫ This increased a common sense of identity among their
speakers, readers and writers.
⚫ Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)
⚫ Canterbury Tales (explained social and political
circumstances of the time)
⚫ Sir Thomas Moore (1478-1535)
⚫ Wrote Utopia (describes a world that has no problems)
⚫ Executed for his refusal to denounce the catholic church
⚫ François Rabelais (1494-1553)
⚫ Wrote Pantagruel, a series of books which made fun of
aspects of society that he felt needed to be changed
⚫ Great example of humanism – questioning all aspects of

⚫ Pléiade (mid-1500’s)
⚫ Began writing in French rather than
⚫ William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
⚫ Poet, playwright
⚫ His works studied worldwide for their
inventive use of language and their
insights into human nature
⚫ P.75 #1, 3 read section on Leonardo da Vinci
How Did the Ideas of the Renaissance
Change Social and Economic Systems?
⚫ Urbanization and the fall of the feudal system created
a new middle class
⚫ As a result, more people had to learn to read, write and
do arithmetic
⚫ Quality of Life improved
⚫ The sense of safety, comfort, security, health and
happiness that a person has
⚫ Urbanization lead to the growth of a capitalist society
⚫ An economic system that depends on private investment and
making profit
How Did the Ideas of the Renaissance
Change Social and Economic Systems?

⚫ Trade was previously for the acquiring of basic

necessities and done by bartering, but increased trade
goods led to increased use of money
⚫ People became wealthier and money could therefore
be used for pleasurable things such as art, music etc.
⚫ Society started becoming more secular and people
began to focus more on this life on earth
⚫ Having to do with physical things; the opposite of
The Renaissance Family

⚫ Was an extended family with father, mother, children,

grandparents all living in one household.
⚫ Father ruled the household, made all important
⚫ Mothers maintained the household
⚫ Good relations very important
⚫ Children viewed as mini-adults
⚫ Married young, worked young
Women in the Renaissance

⚫ Although humanist believed all

should be educated, it was
mostly reserved for elite men.
⚫ Women had very little
⚫ A few women were writers and
artists but they were considered
⚫ Before the Renaissance, education was generally provided
by the Roman Catholic Church
⚫ Focused on grammar, rhetoric (art of persuasive thinking) and logic
(science of reasoning and proving arguments)
⚫ The Renaissance brought education based on the value of
human life and students were taught to be good citizens
⚫ Began asking questions and seeking answers rather than
accepting what they were told by authorities.
Religion: The Protestant Reformation
⚫ Write this done! Highlight it
⚫ What was it??? A movement to reform the practices
of the Roman |Catholic church= Protestant
1) The bible was translated into new languages (everyone
could now read and understand it)
2) There was open sharing and debate amongst members
of society
3) There was a new humanist perspective

⚫ All of these things made the Protestant Reformation

⚫ Lianardo is a successful merchant in the city-state of
Florence who has become very wealthy. He enjoys
gathering with the other men from his community and
discussing classical writing, art and philosophy. As a
humanist, Lianardo believes he has a responsibility to
use his knowledge and wealth to improve his

Step One: After reading this paragraph what have

we learned? Make a list of facts that we can pull out
of this paragraph.
⚫ Lianardo is a successful merchant in the city-state of
Florence who has become very wealthy. He enjoys
gathering with the other men from his community and
discussing classical writing, art and philosophy. As a
humanist, Lianardo believes he has a responsibility to use
his knowledge and wealth to improve his community.
⚫ Step Two: Read the question (MORE THAN ONCE)

⚫ Which project is Lianardo LEAST likely to support?

a) Building a public library
b) Construction of a private school for only wealthy
c) Funding a sculpture to make a park more beautiful
d) Donating to a stained glass window at the church.
Step Three: Cross out any NO’s!
⚫ Conclusion p.86
⚫ P.87 #5, 6, 7
⚫ These are the following terms and concepts you should know
from the first two chapters… HINT HINT!!!!!
- What is Worldview? - How the Renaissance spread
- Value - Why was it slow to spread
-Belief -Status quo
-Elements affected by Worldview -Humanism
-Factors affecting Worldview -Printing press
-The Silk Road -Scholars
-The Middle Ages -Scientists/mathematicians
-How the Renaissance began -Writers
(crusades, 100 years war, magna -Quality of life
carta etc) -Capitalist society
-Feudal system -Secular
-City-state/ urbanization -Family and women
-Trade -education

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