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pO tee BASIC Z@ | ETHICAL ~ ¥ ZB RINCIPLES + Vfte~n Shayne ¢. Ducay BSN2B {a NNW 1.Principle of Stewardship ok 2.Principle of Casuality (Cause and Effect) 3.Principle of Double Effect 4.Principle of Cooperation % Principle of Stewardship * STEWARDSHIP - refers to the expression of one’s responsibility to take care of, nurture, and cultivate what has been entrusted to him or her * Stewardship consists in the practical recognition that man is not the absolute master of himself orl of his possessions. He has received every gift and grace from God. He must use them in a responsible manner to promote the interest of God and to establish His Kingdom in the heart of men. (Hugh J.O Connel) % Principle of Stewardship Dimensions of Stewardship 1. Personal 2. Social 3. Ecological 4. Biomedical ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY TREATMENT * Ordinary - are those that in the judgement of the patient offer a reasonable hope of benefit and do not entail an excessive burden or impose excessive expense on the family. « Extraordinary - are those that in the patient’s judgement do not offer a reasonable hope of benefit or entail an excesive burden on the family. % Principle of Causality (Cause and Effect) * A fundamental concept that asserts that every event has a cause or multiple causes that lead to it. Events do not occur randomly but are the result of specific causes that can be identified and understood. * This principle is a fundamental concept in science, philosophy, and everyday life, as it helps us make sense of the relationships between events and their underlying causes. % Principle of Double Effect * addresses situations where an action may have both good and bad effects, and it provides a framework for evaluating the moral permissibility of such actions. The principle of double effect typically consists of four conditions: 1. The act itself must be morally good or neutral. 2. The agent intends only the good effect and not the bad effect. 3. The good effect must outweigh the bad effect. 4. There must be a proportionate reason for allowing the bad effect. % Principle in Cooperation * Cooperation is a fundamental social principle that involves individuals or groups working together for a common goal or mutual benefit. * Cooperation is defined as the participation of one agent in the activity of another agent to produce a particular effect or share in a joint activity. This becomes ethically problematical when the action of the primary agent is morally wrong. + 2 MAJOR DISTINCTIONS 1. Formal cooperation * Intending the evil action that another is doing. "This is when you deliberately, consciously, and willingly intend the evil to happen * There is knowledge of the evil before hand or while it is happening, and consent to it being done. This is always sinful and immoral. Examples: * Hiring someone to commit murder. * Agreeing that a child should be aborted. * Advocating an unjust war of aggression or retaliation * Supporting the use of weapons of mass destruction in warfare > 2. MATERIAL COOPERATION ¢ Simply means that although we do not share the intention of the wrongdoer, we are involved in the matter or the actual doing of the action. * Providing the means to do evil without knowledge of the evil itself. Examples: © Equipping an assassin with a murder weapon. * Working in a pharmacy that provides contraceptives. * Taking someone to an abortion clinic as a taxi driver.

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