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1-Blackbody and Photo-electric effect

W : Power (‫)االستطاعة‬
T : Time
p : momentum (p = m × V)
C : Speed of the light 3 × 108 m/s
KE = ½ mV2
KE : kenitic energy
m : mass of the electron = 9.1 × 10-31 kg
V : Speed of the electron
E : Photon energy
C : Speed of the light 3 × 108 m/s
λ : Wavelength of the photon
E = Φ + KE
E : Photon energy
Φ : Work function of the metal
KE : kenitic energy
Stopping potential V0 = h/e (ʋ - ʋ0)
h : Planck constant
e : 1.6 × 10-19 j
ʋ : Frequency
ʋ0 : Threshold frequency
2- Compton effect
At rest (‫ )حالة السكون‬: Eelectron = m0C2
After recoil : Eelectron = √(𝑝2 𝐶 2 + 𝑚02 𝐶 4 )

Δλ : Compton shift

: Compton wavelength of the electron = 0.0242 Å
𝑚0 𝐶

Conservation of the momentum

pscattered × sin θ = pelectron sin φ
pscattered × C sin θ = pelectron × C sin φ
Conservation of the energy
Eincident = Escattered + Eelectron

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