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Charise Joy B.

Miguel 12-ABM-3

The Influence of World Literature on Students

The impact of world literature on me as a student has been profound. Exploring diverse literary
works from around the globe introduces me to new cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This
exposure cultivates empathy, helping me understand and respect different ways of life. It
broadens my outlook, challenges my assumptions, and encourages me to look beyond my
immediate surroundings. By delving into stories set in various historical and cultural contexts, I
gain insights into different time periods, societal norms, and the evolution of cultures.Moreover,
engaging with characters facing various challenges prompts personal reflection and growth.
World literature acts as a guide, enriching my understanding of the world and nurturing my
development as a student. Additionally, world literature fosters creativity and imagination.
Experiencing diverse storytelling techniques and vivid imagery within literary works ignites my
creative spark. It inspires me to explore my own creative abilities, experiment with different
forms of expression, and appreciate the art of storytelling on a deeper level.

In summary, the influence of world literature on students is significant and diverse. It shapes
individuals into culturally mindful critical thinkers with empathy. It equips them with skills to
navigate a connected world, fostering personal growth, deep thinking, and a lasting admiration
for the diverse human stories found in global literary works. Consequently, world literature
transcends being merely a subject of study.

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