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The Town With 2 Countries?!

This town belongs to two countries, yes. There is a line that splits everything in half
—the streets, shops, houses, government taxes, and even the name of the town is
split in half. This is the most interesting town in Europe. Welcome to Baarle.
Baarle is unique because it is shared by Belgium and the Netherlands. Two countries
coexist in this town, and everything is divided: churches, bus lines, mailboxes, and
even different beers. The border, marked by a line, splits shops, buildings, and City
Hall. As you can see, the borderline runs through this boardroom.
Now, I am in Belgium, and I can hop over to the Netherlands. It even splits houses in
half. Before we show you what the houses look like, here's a fun story. We sent our
team to record videos of Baarle, but we didn't have enough time to do all the shots
we wanted. So, we used Storyblocks to make this video. Storyblocks is a complete
content solution for creators and businesses, offering royalty-free HD and 4K stock
footage, storyboarding tools, and more. We use Storyblocks to plan our videos from
shoot to edit, and we think you will like it too. Click the link in the description to
check out Storyblocks so you can love it as much as we do.
Check it out, guys. These are called line houses. The borderline divided this house to
the front door, meaning one side is Belgium, and the other is the Netherlands.
Everyone who lives here has to follow the border. If your front door is in the
Netherlands, you live in the Netherlands; if it's in Belgium, you live in Belgium. Here's
the crazy part: you still have to pay taxes for two countries. If you have a home like
this, you have to pay taxes for the square meters you have in Belgium or the
We asked the locals which side is cheaper to live on, and it turns out it's Belgium.
Shopping in the Netherlands is cheaper, but living is cheaper in Belgium. So, you can
choose which one you prefer.
You might be wondering why the town is like this. Well, let me tell you a story. 800
years ago, two guys created this border to separate their land, and centuries later,
these land borders became country borders. One town, two countries. This town is
still split into two, and they're still living in peace. All the people together are doing
really fun and cool stuff together. The big idea here is simple: borders. Most of the
world thinks that borders should look like big walls, barbed wire, electric fences, and
military guys with guns. But these borders are not inspirational.
This little town in Europe shows us how to live in peace even with different borders,
cultures, laws, and taxes. I hope that one day, borders go from walls to simple lines
on the sidewalk

He Built A Virtual Human!
Okay, this is crazy. This guy created a virtual human with his team, and they gave it a
disease. Hi, my name is Jack, and it's finally possible to create virtual humans to treat
diseases. This Will Blow Your Heart. If we want to make a treatment for a disease like
Parkinson's, you know how long it takes: 13 years. And you know how many dollars it
costs: 2 billion dollars. And you know how many new drugs fail: 66 percent fail. It's
hard to find treatments that work till today, right now millions of people are
suffering from many of these diseases without good drugs. We have to do this faster.
We also have to bring down the cost. Many of these drugs cost too much money. So
what if we can develop and test drugs on Virtual humans first? What if we can build
a virtual human inside a very strong computer and test drugs on them?
Turns out it is now possible to do that. They took a very strong computer; it's as
strong as 20,000 laptops and created a virtual human inside of it. How every
molecule in your body can be represented with numbers, and we can represent a
virtual human body with billions and billions of numbers in a computer. And this is
where it gets crazy: they can give a virtual human a disease like cancer, Alzheimer's,
or Parkinson's simply by changing some of these numbers. And by doing so, we can
then model what it would look like to give this virtual drug, this drug into that virtual
human. We could do that billions and billions of times, and then they give virtual
humans treatments to see if they work simply by doing math. And by doing that
billions of times, we can change it slightly every single time, we can change that
drug, we can find the right optimal solution for that particular disease. And after
we're done with all those billions and billions of times we ran that in the big
computer, then we could start doing it in real humans if the drugs work virtually on
their computer model. Biopharma companies test them on real humans, and that is
how you can make new drugs faster, cheaper, and safer.
Brought down the risk. We brought up the probability that we're going to be
successful in those clinical trials. It's what Jack and his team are doing today here in
Palo Alto, California. In the future, I will not be surprised if they can find novel
treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and cancer. The industry has been working
on many of these diseases for decades, for 30, 40 years. We have to do better, and
now finally, we can do that. Indeed, your life may be saved by the science on this
whiteboard. Foreign

He Was Almost A School Shooter

this guy was going to shoot hundreds of

kids he was going to get a gun go into

his school shoot all of his friends

everyone and his life yes he was going

to be a mass school shooter before I

tell you what happened let me tell you

his story hello nice daily my name is

Aaron Stark and I was almost a school

shooter when I was 16 years old I

planned on getting a Gun and shooting

either a mall or my school food court

some kids grow up in happy homes with

hugs kisses and toys but Aaron grew up

in a violent home with abuse rape and

drugs the very first memory I ever have

in my life is of laying on my bloody

mom's body looking up at my father while

he's holding a tire iron in his hand as

I'm screaming at him you just killed my

mom all this violence made Aaron become

a sad and angry kid he didn't have

friends in school and most kids just

wanted to bully him I was told I was

worthless by just about everybody in my

life and when you're told you're

worthless enough you will believe it and

I did he tried to get help from the cops

and even from so social services but no

one helped this kid

when he couldn't stand living anymore he

decided that he wanted to get a gun and

kill everyone and then kill himself

it wasn't about who was innocent or who

wasn't it was about causing destruction

I wanted to make my parents deal with

creating a monster I wanted to have them

deal with making me with a gun in his

pocket and revenge on his mind Aaron was

ready for violence until he met his

friend Mike Mike was My One True Friend

even though I lied to him stole from him

took his belongings without asking he

didn't care he still saw me as a good

kid he would tell me all the time you're

a good kid get world and when he brought

me in and we sat down and had a movie it

wasn't just hanging out with a friend it

was reminding me that I could even like

things that oh wow I can like food I can

enjoy a thing and being shown that I can

be human again it reset the clock back

on my Humanity when Mike showed Aaron

kindness and how to enjoy living this is

what made Aaron decide to put the gun

down and improve his life this was the

moment that Aaron did not become a

school shooter people didn't give up on

Aaron so he did not give up on himself

now Aaron is living a happy life with

his wife and four kids and every day he

is saving countless lives you need to

give love to the ones that you feel

deserve at the least because they need

it the most

he started a Facebook group called You

Are Not Alone where people can find

other people to talk about the problems

in their life over 30 suicides have been

prevented by this Facebook group You are

not alone over three school shootings

have been prevented in various countries

Aaron tells his story to anyone who

would listen he talks on TV some of the

kids who would have been my victims at

the high school

are actually now for close friends of

mine and he is a public speaker I even

had the honor of being keynote speaker

in FBI at conference I got to speak to

190 members of the FBI and you hopefully

showed them a way to see that person in

pain as a human and not just a checklist

I hope I made an impact when we hear

about Mass Shooters we might think that

they're monsters but behind that there

is a lot of pain what Aaron wants the

world to understand is that most people

are not born a shooter or a criminal

it's something that comes from years of

hate bullying and abuse it all comes

down to pain and feeling worthless

you feel like you're nothing and the

more you push that pain down the more it

will boil away every bit of humanity

inside of you even though Aaron has

horrible memories from his childhood

I'm not looking for sympathy I'm not

looking to sympathize or empathize with

these shooters I'm just wanting to show

a light onto the path of that Darkness

Aaron's story is incredible it blows my

mind just how close he came to becoming

a school shooter and how such small acts

of kindness were enough to stop him from

destroying hundreds of lives I hope that

we can live in a world where any kid in

pain can reach for a helping hand or a


How To Start A New Country
right now there are

195 official countries in the world but

did you know that soon we're going to

have thousands of new countries with

their own flag passport and even land

why and how can you and I start a


this crazy idea I read about in a book

called the network state by this guy

Balaji hi my name is Balaji and I think

it's now possible to start new countries

Why do we need new countries
first of all why do we need new

countries well because old countries are

too slow it takes years and decades to

get anything done just to get a court

you need to wait a decade in

some cases it's the same reason why we

build startups because big companies are

too bureaucratic and some countries

don't make sense someone created their

borders using pen and paper years ago

and the people are stuck inside so

The problem with old countries

here's the problem with old countries uh

they're not Innovative they're

militaristic they're frozen in time and

really they're built for the year 1945

not the year 2022 and so we need our new

countries every actually built for the

internet era according to biology it is

possible to build new countries today

for the next one minute I want you to

focus and use your imagination imagine

to build a new country today you don't

need land you just need

the Internet first start with an idea

A mission

start with an idea that's powerful

enough to start a country a mission that

people can stand behind with its own

flag or even national anthem imagine

building a country that was meant for

vegans or having one where self-driving

cars were legal or simply a country

where people like and get along with

each other that's the kind of thing that

we don't have in many of today's

countries second find people online find

Online community

an online community that believes in

your idea

the kind of online community that can

build a network sheet is it's a lot

deeper than your Game of Thrones or

video game Community okay this is not a

casual thing this is you know a key

piece of your identity this is something

you genuinely believe in these people

you trust enough that you'd want to live

with them and sacrifice with them third

Offline community

go offline have your community meet

offline and build trust trust that is so

deep that you're willing to sacrifice

for each other

Get land

fourth get land now your online citizens

can buy land together like Apartments

buildings farmlands or even small towns

all around the world think about Hawaii

you it's two thousand miles away from

the mainland United States but the

people in Hawaii think of themselves as

part of the same country as the

Americans in the same way you could have

a piece of the network State that's two

thousand miles away from another piece

but these people still think themselves

as part of the same country they're in

the same digital Community even if

they're far apart physically fifth count

Count your citizens

your citizens how much money they

needed what they own with enough time

your online citizens will grow and grow

and grow and before you know it your

country can have a million citizens with

billions of dollars from all around the

world once you have enough people in

land you'll be taken more seriously as a

country and when you get this big it's

time for the last step six gain

Gain diplomatic recognition

diplomatic recognition go to one of the


195 countries and convince them to

recognize your people your passport your

flag as a real country the big countries

will not recognize you but the small

countries will because they can trade

with you and learn from your people

countries copy each other and more and

more will recognize you so this is a

continuous process once you realize it's

not going to happen overnight

um that's fine you get the first and

then you work on it more and you get two

three four five and there's a cascading

process where the more countries that

recognize you the more countries that

will recognize you the more you can grow

The cascading process

this new country will be so much better

it will have a better Constitution

better presidents better laws better

everything so you can have technological

innovation cultural Innovation moral

Innovation change you want to see you

can now execute if you can get enough

people online to agree with you in

crowdfund the territory


this idea sounds stupid and crazy but

theoretically it's not impossible only

13 years ago someone started a whole new

currency without a government it started

as a joke now it's not it's Bitcoin and

countries like El Salvador have started

to recognize it as a real National

currency we've started billion dollar

companies we've started trillion dollar

currencies could we start million person


the countries we live in today are just

ideas but these ideas can be so much

better faster and smarter sometimes

you need to start from scratch to build

a better country

Best Citizenship In The World?
this may be the best citizenship in the

world and they all have it

because of this card they get free land

free education free weddings free

hospitals and even a free funeral it's

the citizenship of a country in the

Middle East called the United Arab


this is what life is like for citizens

from the Emirates of Dubai and because

the city is so generous they get the

craziest benefits I have ever seen are

you ready for this

when you are born your parents pay

nothing your delivery and checkups for

the next nine months are all free then

you grow up and you go to school local

school in Dubai is

and so are universities because Dubai

will pay for you to get a degree I

studied at Zayed University in New York

University both for free who's gonna pay

for that the government then you get

married if you can't afford the wedding

you get twenty thousand dollars to throw

a wedding

and after marriage every local Dubai

family gets this

free legs did you get free land yes did

you get Freeland yes did you get

freelance yes and if you cannot afford

the home then you get a grant to build

it for free

I also can't afford building a house I

can get a zero interest loan on housing

zero zero if you need to go to the

hospital the hospitals are free and if

you need surgery that's not available

here they will fly you to another

country to get treatment for free when

you become a senior citizen you get

discounts many many discounts and if you

live alone and can't afford it Dubai

will even send a caretaker to look after

you for free

and when you die well in Dubai that's

also free your funeral will be taken

care of and Dubai will build a full tent

with air conditioning within five hours

of your death next to your home so your

friends can come and say goodbye to you

the point of government is to take care

of people and in Dubai they take it to

the extreme imagine if every city every

state every government in the world did

this we would have a much happier world

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