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16: They Eat Rocks As A Snack?!

(And They Like It)

these people eat rocks

say it rocks just like a snack and they

love it I eat it because sometimes I

crave it this one is my favorite because

it's saltier I eat clay every week we

flew all the way around the world just

to find out why do they eat rocks

what does it taste like so you just just

eat it like that yeah


we went all the way to this country in

Central Asia welcome to

it's an amazing country with so much


from Snowy Mountains to beautiful apple


and the best part the people

they were so nice and we really really

loved it but when we went to the markets

we noticed something very strange they

eat rocks

some people call them rocks some people

call them Chuck and some call it clay

but no matter what you call it in

Kazakhstan it's also called food because
when you go to the market you will see

buckets of clay from the mountains right

next to the fruits and nuts so of course

I have to try it

a bit dry

salty with a little bit of lime

some pepper some chili

okay okay whether you like it or not I

still needed to know why do people eat

it turns out it's kind of a mystery

nobody really knows where it comes from

but some people say it has a lot of

nutrients that's why we eat it yes some

people think that clay has a lot of

minerals like calcium copper magnesium

zinc and iron and believe it or not

Kazakhstan is not the only country that

eats clay

the habit of eating rocks or Clay is

called geophagy so I'm interested in

eating it

I can't stop to eat is it a bit

addictive yes if I eat something I have

to eat we change on top and it's been

around since the ancient Greeks and

today it's still seen around the world

like in Kyrgyzstan this is food they put

it for food yes it's really tasty and in

many other countries like Nigeria


this is really

as I put this in my mouth guess this

satisfaction and calmness I have or



long time most doctors do not recommend

eating rocks


see craving rocks is actually seen as a

symptom a sign that your body needs more

nutrition I am addicted to eating clay I

can't stop there are times I can

actually go weeks days I didn't have

accessories and the time I finally found

this new again I started again because

if your body needs more minerals like

this you will naturally crave things

that have them like spinach broccoli

nuts and yes even clay that's why some

pregnant women crave clay right now we

may eat this when they are pregnant my

mom said when she gave birth to me she

hate this alone then the CFO has

something that is very medicinal for

pregnant women
now let's be clear not everyone in

Kazakhstan it's Clay yes as a child I

tried clay I didn't like it it's just

too dry for me but I have friends who

love it and they just crave for it but

still it's pretty interesting that food

can be so different from one country to

the next and if you ever find yourself

craving a rock eat some spinach or go


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17:How This Country Creates Rain

this is a private flame full of salt

we're gonna drop that salt in the air


for the first time ever I want to tell

you the story of how this country

creates rain
The story

here in the United Arab Emirates the

weather is very dry which means in the

winter weather is really nice but it

also means there is very little rain and

humans need rain so the Emirates built

this command center with one Mission

Make It Rain
The process

here is the step-by-step process

they monitor all the skies in the

country in real time and look for tiny

clouds the minute they find a small

Cloud they get excited because it has

rain inside of them operation research

work so they get a plane and a pilot and

The salt

they put 48 kilograms of a special type

of salt inside that plane why because

salt attracts water we developed this

Nano enhanced salt it's three times

better than normal salt this is the

first time they're opening this salt

packet usually this only opens up in the

air but now you're gonna see what's

inside of it these salt molecules

Inside the salt

attract water particles and make clouds

heavier and heavier until they rain


tiny blades
go to the sky

drop salt right under the clouds check

this out
Drop salt under the clouds

and this process results in rain

it's as crazy as it sounds

so this is actually a natural phenomenon

it happens in the nature by itself so we

are just making it better and faster and

sometimes they don't even need to send a

plane they release this salt on top of

mountains to generate more rain this is

a real program with tens of researchers

and Pilots working full time to make

more rain in the country it's called

cloud seeding
We cannot control the rain

but here is the truth despite all of

this we still cannot control the rain

100 we cannot control where the cloud

will go or where it will rain but

everybody is trying last year alone they

sent over 300 planes to the skies almost

one every day you know about the water

problem and by our operations it could

be one of the solutions to provide fresh

water for added and similarity regions

around them

just think about this for a second if

humans need to send planes to the skies

to make water let us save water when we

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19: The Exciting Anti-Noise Window

all right check this out there is
traffic noise outside with one click of

a button

I can cancel it trust me this is a video

you want to see noise we all suffer from

noise pollution traffic construction

Cars airplanes

we try to avoid Noise by closing our

windows but if you live in a big city

sometimes even closing the window may

not be enough

to Kill The Noise


that's why you have to see these

scientists hi we are a team of

researchers in Singapore and we found a

way to kill noise this team can reduce

the noise coming from outside your

window without having to close it this

window can create silence yes this is as

crazy as it sounds it's called the

anti-noise window and it works like


Wow see

it's like much lower


low C Sound itself is magical it is like

a wave that looks like this and when

there is a lot of sound outside then

there's a lot of waves entering your

home and your ear at some point they can

get annoyed they'll give you stress

increase your blood pressure or lose

sleep at night all because of sound so

after many years of research we found a

way to cancel the bad noise by creating

another noise as opposite of this bad

noise and when the median air we get

silence so if you want to silence this

wave all you have to do is make another

wave that is the opposite of it so in

these waves meet they become silence

yes they cancel each other out and that

is what this team invented a window that

can create silence

they installed a microphone outside and

24 speakers inside and whatever noise

the microphone picks up the speakers

create an opposite wave inside your

house on the spot so it feels like there

is no noise at all and to be clear we're

not actually canceling anything outside

the noise is the same the speakers are

creating more noise inside to make it

quieter that is why this is magical

which means in real simple terms it

feels like the average city noise is cut

down by half and the average annoying

car sound is also cut down by half it

means that we can now open up our

Windows to allow natural ventilations

and lightings to pass through the

buildings instead of closing the windows

and turning on the air conditioning

so it's like an energy saving Gadget as

well this team has invested 39 years to

understand sound better in five years

you have a Windows that's basically

retrofit with this noise canceling

that's crazy the future is crazy so

someday in the future you could get this

window in your house live in a big noisy

City and enjoy your fresh air in

if you want to solve The World's

Toughest problems all you need is a

little bit of thinking outside the box

and a lot of Silence to help you do that

see you next week

20: World's Cleanest Milk

the milk I'm about to drink is the

world's cleanest milk

it has no lactose no cholesterol and it

doesn't even come from an animal this is

the world's first milk that is made

without a cow and these guys made it

sorry cut the video

I need to tell you something you are not

subscribed to NAS daily YouTube channel

that's why you need to subscribe before

the end of the year 2022 we want to get

to 10 million followers and please

please please

subscribe so we hit our goal and reach

many many more people the next video is

going to be even better so please

subscribe thank you so much back to the

video hi my name is Aviv and my name is

Zori and we found a way to fix milk yes

turns out milk needs fixing because

traditional cow milk is not as good as

it looks on TV

because one milk is not healthy milk

from cows is full of lactose which is

the thing that makes you go

and 65 of humans cannot tolerate lactose

it is also filled with cholesterol and

saturated fats

two milk is not sustainable for every

one liter of cow milk one thousand

liters of water are wasted

reproduction is a leading contributor to

greenhouse gas emissions it uses lots of

water and produce a lot of waste and

three milk comes from animals and

animals need a lot of space and money

and water and energy to give us milk and

in animal factories milk production mean

animal abuse

that's why we need to come up with a

different kind of milk one that is

sustainable affordable and ethical so

avivinori gave up their jobs to take the

biggest risk of their life make

something that we drank for thousands of

years better

after extensive research they found a

way to do it first they copied the genes

from a cow on how to make milk and then

transformed it into a microbe so now you

don't need a cow to make milk just the


and using fermentation this microbe can

make milk proteins and from these

proteins they created milk it looks

exactly the same and tastes exactly the

same as the one you get from a cow

except this new milk is much healthier

and no cows harmed in the process tell

me which one is real and which one is


tastes like milk okay

it tastes exactly the same this milk is

so good it can make a cow jealous and

grateful this process is called

microbial fermentation we potted the

whole mechanism of producing milk into a

single cell microbe so we don't eat the

rest of the cow and we surely don't need

to spend resources in the process of

creating a 900 kilograms animal with

this process you just need 10 of the

water one percent of the land and zero

percent of the cows to create real milk

I'm not sure how to say it but this is a

big deal yes this is a big deal for the

first time in human history we can make

better healthier and more sustainable

food essentially we can make everything

we love about dairy products without the

downsides so imagine this very soon you

can go to the supermarket and the entire

Dairy section will be a lot healthier

and a lot more sustainable all the

cheese yogurt and milk will taste just

as great and cost just as much without

any factory farming I I just don't

understand why this is so revolutionary

like don't we already have almond milk

and cashew milk this is not almond milk

almond milk tastes different and you

cannot make cheese from it you cannot

make yogurt from this cashew or almond

milk the promise of this one is to be

chemically the same it's the same

molecules that come from a cow are now

coming from a lab and it's just health

clear and better and you can make cheese

and yogurt from this which you cannot do

sure people like Aviv and Ori are

working every day every night every

weekend to do something that has never

been done before and when they succeed

we all succeed both humans


that's more than a minute

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