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Good morning, ma'am, and my fellow classmates.

Today I would like to share my

thoughts on self-doubt, pressure, and high expectations. These words were always a
part of me throughout my college journey. As the last card in my family, it’s been hard
being the youngest daughter of the family. There were times when I thought about
shifting courses, especially during those times when I was at my lowest in life. I
received a few bad comments, judgements, and criticisms.

There were moments when the weight of expectations threatened to crush my spirit,
when the echoing voices of doubt and criticism were so loud inside my mind. Shifting
my course seemed like an escape, a fleeting temptation in the face of hardship and
troubles. However, I held onto the belief that success is not defined by a single
failure, and the path to greatness is often paved with setbacks.

I've always told myself that, no matter what happened, I promised to receive and
take home that degree with me. Even though I am not that lucky, I will make sure
that I hold that diploma in my right hand, thanking God for everything. And now, this
is the day—the culmination of countless sleepless nights, relentless perseverance,
and unwavering determination. As I look back at the arduous journey that brought
me to this moment, Self-doubt, pressure, and expectations were formidable
adversaries, but I emerged stronger, resilient, and ready to claim the victory that is
rightfully mine. In the midst of judgement and comparisons, I found the strength to
silence the disapproving voices. I realised that my worth is not determined by the
narrow metrics of success imposed by society. Instead, it is forged through
resilience, the ability to rise from the ashes of failure, and an unyielding commitment
to my own aspirations. As the last card in my family, I may not be the perfect winning
card, but I have become a testament to the power of determination and tenacity.
Today, I stand before you, not just as a graduating student but as a symbol of
endurance, a living proof that the human spirit can weather storms and emerge
triumphant. To those who doubted, criticised, or abandoned me along the way, I
extend gratitude for the lessons learned and the fuel for my burning resolve. The
diploma I hold in my right hand is not just a piece of paper; it is a manifestation of my
resilience, a testament to the countless sacrifices made, and a tribute to the
unwavering support of those who believed in me.
So, as I step into the future, diploma in hand, I carry with me the lessons of the past
and the strength to face whatever challenges lie ahead. This is not just my victory; it
is a victory for every dreamer who faced adversity and emerged victorious. Today, I
declare to the world, with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit unbroken, that I am
more than the sum of my expectations. I am the one who holds my destiny, and my
journey has only just begun.

Angeline B. Alegre


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