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Plan, Justine L.


The Weight of Words: A Journey Through Heartache

Heartbreak is a universal experience, often stemming from the most unexpected sources and

leaving lasting scars. Each individual copes with their emotional wounds in unique ways, grappling with

the pain caused by even the simplest of actions or words. For me, navigating through emotional turmoil

has been a delicate dance, as I find myself easily wounded by seemingly trivial matters, struggling to

dismiss them as inconsequential. Concealing my pain has become second nature, burying the hurt deep

within the recesses of my being to shield myself from judgment. The fear of being perceived as weak or

overly sensitive drives me to bury my emotions beneath a facade of stoicism, masking the turmoil that

rages within.

I vividly recall the first time my heart was shattered, not by the fleeting affections of a crush, but

by the betrayal of trust from someone I held dear—my father. As I stood on the threshold of a new

chapter, basking in the glow of academic achievement, his words cut through my elation like a knife. In

the wake of my academic success, his whispered disappointment pierced through the jubilation, casting a

shadow over my accomplishments. The sting of his words lingered long after the ceremony had ended,

echoing in the recesses of my mind and shaping my subsequent endeavors. Fueled by relentlessly

pursuing of validation, I became consumed by the need to prove my worthiness, tirelessly striving for

academic excellence to appease the specter of my father’s disapproval. Despite outward accolades and

praise from peers, the gaping wound left by that initial heartbreak remains unhealed, festering with each

passing day. The pursuit of perfection has become both my shield and my prison, a relentless cycle of

striving and self-doubt that threatens to consume me.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, there remains a glimmer of hope—a longing for reconciliation, for the

assurance that my efforts are enough. Until the day I hear the words of acceptance and affirmation from

the one who wounded me, the burden of inadequacy will continue to weigh heavily upon my heart,

hindering the healing process and perpetuating the cycle of heartache. In the journey through heartache, I

cling to the belief that someday, the scars of the past will fade, and the wounds will finally begin to

mend. Until then, I press forward, navigating the labyrinth of emotions with resilience and determination,

seeking solace in the hope that someday, I will find peace.

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