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Making it through challenges enriches my life.

In my life today,

I expect obstacles

and understand their place in my existence.

Positive things happen to me,

even when I am facing a challenge.

Meeting the day’s trials and tribulations

provides me with numerous opportunities

to grow as a person.

I learn something new about myself,

especially when I solve a sticky situation.

I emerge a stronger,

more vibrant human being.

Making it through a challenge

means I expand my mind and character.

I become a better person

because of the obstacles I must navigate through.

My knowledge about myself and the world continues to grow.

Traversing daily trials

allows me to solve uncomfortable situations.

Occasionally, I am stumped or vexed by something.

But the rewarding feelings

I experience as I work through these situations

are worth my time and effort.

The successes I achieve bring me strong

My character strengthens

as I encounter a challenge.

I stretch myself intellectually.

I push myself physically.

I embrace feelings of jubilation

as I recognize I can conquer

whatever challenge crosses my path.

Today, I recommit to being positive

as I work through challenges.

I remind myself that life is full of obstacles that I must face.

I intend to rise up

to meet these challenges with gusto and integrity.

My life is enriched

because of my efforts to rise

above the trials and tribulations that happen t

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I feel about meeting a challenge?

2. What kinds of efforts do I make when I encounter a challenging situation?

3. When the next obstacle arises in my life, how will I approach it differently?

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