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“I Appreciate Me”

Confidence is one of the factors that prevent me from appreciating myself. Growing up
with confidence is just as crucial for children as being healthy. Low self-esteem has many
detrimental impacts, particularly on our mental health. During my whole childhood, I was
constantly reminded of my body weight. At first, it didn't bother me because my family and
friends loved me for being chubby because they like children that are chubby. However, things
changed when I began to show signs of not losing weight as I aged. They always remind me
that I need to diet, which really bothers me because even if I wanted to, it's hard. I constantly
struggle to lose weight because my mum makes such delicious food and I can't stand being
exhausted all the time from exercising. Even though it bothers me, I can always appreciate
individuals who make remarks about my weight because I know that they simply care about me.
They care that I maintain a healthy weight since carrying around extra weight has a lot of
drawbacks. I also criticize myself excessively to the point that I start to doubt my abilities. I'm
frightened of failing, so whatever I do that goes wrong or disappoints me makes me feel worse
and lowers my self-esteem. I became reluctant to take action as a result.

Sometimes it's harder to realize what's right than wrong about yourself. Some of us feel
uncomfortable simply thinking about our favorable attributes. We frequently find it difficult to
reply to praise without feeling awkward. Many individuals, including myself, may be too critical of
their looks and the size, shape, and physical characteristics of their bodies. Some of the
deepest suffering and self-hatred I've had in my life have been related to feeling physically
flawed or unworthy. Our culture is preoccupied with outward appearance. I fail to recognize that
how much we weigh, how tall we are, the size of specific physical parts, or the appearance of
our bodies have little to do with how much we can enjoy them. Instead, everything revolves
around how we feel about our bodies and how we look. Appreciating ourselves and our bodies
is one of the best things we can do for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Genuine appreciation, like most things in life, comes first and can lead to the desired result,
outcome, and feeling. Let's start loving ourselves now rather than waiting till we drop that last 10
or 20 pounds or get whatever it is we believe we need to feel better about our bodies and looks.
Even though it might be difficult for many of us, being able to enjoy our physical selves can and
will bring a sense of freedom, serenity, and love to our lives—both for me and for others I share
it with. I need to overcome my lack of confidence and change my mindset in order to develop
self-appreciation. We should work to improve ourselves rather than bring ourselves down.
Negativity is possible, but by focusing on the small, everyday accomplishments for which we
should be grateful, we can remind ourselves of how great and fortunate we are and drive away
any negative thoughts that could be keeping us from doing our daily tasks. Confidence is
harmed by negative ideas, but I can improve it by employing positive affirmations to change my
perspective. There is a lot to be said about the effectiveness of positive self-talk as a strategy
for getting through difficulties. I must be the person in the world to believe in my abilities more
than anyone else. I can act more confidently when I feel good about myself. Additionally, this
could help me reach my full potential. Failure may sometimes be a valuable asset. It may be a
significant step in the right direction. Failure is clear evidence that I keep trying. Even if I
repeatedly fail, I will still learn important lessons and gain worthwhile experience. I can get
stronger and be more equipped to deal with challenging circumstances. Failure may be a strong
motivator that propels us toward our greatest accomplishments. We must alter the way we think
about it. Instead of allowing failures to drive me to sadness, I will utilize them as inspiration.

We tend to focus more on negative than positive thoughts, which causes us to have a
limited inner perspective. My inner perspective may be expanded by talking to myself positively
and being more thankful. By doing this, I can build new neural connections that enable positive
thinking. Sincere self-appreciation fosters humility and compassion because it helps us see that
we all have strengths and shortcomings. I accept my goodness without being cocky or

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