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To : hannaamilia@gmail.

From :
Subject : Island Trip

Hi Hanna,

Great to know you are interested in going on a trip to an island! I think

you can go to the Redang Islands. It’s a very beautiful island to visit.
Some of the activities you can do there is snorkeling. It’s a very fun thing
to do because you can see a lot of fish and corals. Other than that, the
activities you can do is scuba diving. It's a very interesting activity
because you can explore the wonderful underwater world and you can
also see beautiful sea creatures.

Next, If you don’t think Redang Island is good enough for you , you can
go on a trip to the Perhentian Islands. The activities you can do in the
Perhentian Islands are a full day snorkeling. Perhentian Islands are well
known for their clear visibility and a variety of marine life. For your
information, there are a total of five checkpoints to choose from! After a
full day of adventure, you can go back to your resort and explore the
rest of the islands!

That is all from me. I hope you have a nice trip. Bye!


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