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Project Proposal Writing Guideline

Write you proposal in informative and persuasive way by outlining everything stakeholders should know
including the importance of the project to be conducted. In proposal writing, the goal is to emphasize how the
proposed solution is practical and appropriate. Try to explain your rationale for the methodologies you are going
to use and justify your choice by applying in text citation.

Your proposal should contain all the following sections: follow the listed order, it ensures a logical flow to your
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Background of the organization [Optional]
o Mission of the organization
o Vision of the organization
 Background of the Project
 Statement of the problem
 Objective of the project
o General Objective
o Specific objectives
 Scope of the project
 Limitation of the project
 Feasibility Study
o Technical Feasibility
o Financial feasibility
o Market Feasibility
o Operational Feasibility
 Significance of the project
 Beneficiaries of the project
 Proposed methodology
 Development tools
 Project deliverables
 Cost breakdown
 Task and Schedule
 References
Template for Cover page

Title: ______________________________________

A Proposal Submitted to the department of Computer Science and Engineering

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
and Engineering

No Student Name ID. No.

1 <Student Name 1> <Student 1 ID. No.>

2 <Student Name 2> <Student 2 ID. No.>

3 <Student Name 3> <Student 3 ID. No.>

4 <Student Name 4> <Student 4 ID. No.>

5 <Student Name 5> <Student 5 ID. No.>


Adama, Ethiopia

1. Abstract
Provide an overall summary of the project mainly in relation with problem statement and the proposed solution
by you as the service provider. [Shouldn’t be more than 250 words]

2. Introduction
What is the project about? Put what you want to do in context.

3. Background of the organization

Only if your project is for specific organization.

4. Background of the project

Provide a detail background information and give more insight into your motivation. You need to demonstrate
your understanding on practical problems in current situation and your ability to select a topic that has a
potential solution. Describe the purpose or relevance of the project.

5. Statement of the problem

Your statement of the problem should answer all the following Questions:

 What are the problems in hand?

 How do these problems affect your community at the moment?
 How does your proposed solution fix the problem you stated?
6. Objectives
The general objective states what you expect to achieve in general terms. While specific objectives break
down the general objective into smaller, logically connected parts that systematically address the various
aspects of the problem. Your specific objectives should specify exactly what you will do in different phases
to make the main aim comes true.

Your objectives should be stated using action verbs that are specific enough to be measured, for example: to
compare, to design, to assess, to implement, to determine, to calculate, to collect, etc. Avoid the use of vague
non-active verbs such as: to understand, to study, etc., because it is difficult to evaluate whether they have
been achieved.

7. Scope of the Project
Project scope is a way to set boundaries on your project. It define exactly what features and deliverables are
included and excluded from the project goal. Note: Scope should be big enough to solve the problem stated.

8. Limitation
State constraints or limiting factors for your project that can impact quality, delivery, and overall project
success and then mention your strategies to manage those constraints. Some of the limitations might be figured
out during you are working on your project. So, you have to revise this section on the final document.

9. Feasibility study
How do you evaluate the practicality of your project plan?

 Do you have the required equipment and adequate technical knowledge to complete your project
objectives? [Technical Feasibility]
 Is your project fiscally viable? Evaluate cost/benefit analysis of the project. [Financial Feasibility]
 How your team expects the project’s deliverables to perform in the market. [Market Feasibility]
 Does current mode of operation provide reliable services/data you need? Are the current work practices
and procedures adequate to support the new system? If the system is developed, how it will be deployed?
Is there any Social acceptability and Government policy issues? e.t.c.[Operational Feasibility]
10.Significance of the project
Highlight the value and positive contribution of the project outcomes both for real-world practice and
literature advancement.

11.Beneficiaries of the project

Who will be benefited from the project?

12.Proposed Methodology
Discuss your approaches and process you will employ in the development of the envisioned system. Include
step by step procedures, data collection methods, design frameworks, algorithms and project planning.
Better if you use flow charts, block diagrams, pictures e.t.c.
13. Development tool
The required Hardware and Software to implement the project.

14. Project Deliverables
Note that you are doing a final year project not a research. The main aim of a project is to achieve a tangible
or intangible result i.e products and/or services. So, in this section you have to clearly state the product/service
you are going to submit at the end of the project.

15. Cost Breakdown

Use table to represent the cost analysis that pinpoints all the elements price, resulting in how much the product

16. Task and Schedule

Provide schedule as per the following sample

Activity Time Week 01 Week 02 ………… Week n

<Activity 01>

<Activity 02>


<Activity n>

17. References
<You must use references (IEEE style) when appropriate to justify your project>


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