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Vladimir A.



Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Life and Works of Rizal

Activity 5

1. Principle and Assimilation Advocated by Rizal

- Rial's advocates really give us an identity among other nations, especially Spaniards. They
wanted the Philippines to be their colony, where they could abuse and imply regardless of
the state's situation. Other Filipino people during that time really idolized other nations and
believed that what Spaniards would like to offer was progression, while in fact they really
wanted to take advantage of our resources. Rizal's advocacies awaken us to the real
situation. Using his novels, many Filipinos deeply understand and weave together all the
reasons why abuse and unequal treatment occur.

2. Rizal’s relationship with the other Propagandists.

- People under the colonization of Spaniards thought that their situations were normal and
brought about by destiny. Many farmers at that time believed that the reason they were
poor was because they were just farmers and should look for another decent job. That's
until they understand that all the hardship was brought by the abusive colonizer. Spaniards
wanted to have ownership of every piece of land in the Philippines. They have a plan for
managing the industry of the Philippines for their own advantage. Many people joined the
revolution after the spread of Rizal's death and novel. They saw the situation in the bigger
picture. Many writers and martyrs stood up and took part in what they believed was right.
They avenge the death of Rizal because they then understand that Spaniards are afraid that
the novel will reveal their real intentions. Additional writings from different known writers
are distributed, leading the Filipino people to strike against the plans of the Spaniards.

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