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IIM Raipur PGP | 2023 | FA Course | Individual Assignment Submissions | @RamKakani & Abhishek Ranga

Continues Assignment # 3
Each student will submit by 09-08-2023 (deadline) . If you have any doubts, then you can write to OR call Shri
Akhilesh K P (+91-771-2474-603/ 9744240824). There should be around 10-13 submissions. Delay would
imply non-submission.

Please note that all your submissions will be Microsoft Word files and the filenames would be
YourRollNumber_YourSubmissionNumber.docx. Example, Ms N Sarojini’s Roll Number # is 23PGP001 then
the first submission would be 01_1.docx; and similarly Shri Rohit Sikandar Singh with Roll Number #
23PGP024 ninth submission would 24_9.docx.

PFA the questions.


Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. When should I cite a source in the text of the submission?
If it is not your original idea/analysis or if you didn’t discover the information yourself, cite it. – for example, if you used
quarter.html to share an information on alternate asset then you will submit the reference in end … such as: Source:
quarter.html, assessed on 07-07-2021

2. I have helped others do the submissions? And, I’m getting the lowest marks in the class? Typically, you may not
have submitted the way it was expected by the evaluator. For example, you solved the problem correctly but may not
have stated the solution properly (OR explained properly OR ideas did not sound original).

3. I have lot of other work. How can I spare time for this?
Get your priorities of life on track. And believe me, in life there are no free lunches … at least not in this Janma!
(personal experience!). To learn … some effort is needed. And, remember … life is not instantly fair. Takes time! In
the worst case – give a try to some problems – I am confident you will be able to do in a few of them. Trust me, even I
would struggle to do all correct in the first go.

4. Is there an incentive if the submission is larger?

No. In fact, even repeating (copy pasting) the question results in lower assessment.

5. Does this submission need a basic background of finance?

It does not. It just needs your time and efforts.

6. Where can I get sample submissions and related material?

Let us create samples and avoid being one! :D

Practical responses (that are not internet-based) reflecting one’s own understanding in their own language
will be deeply appreciated. Unique submissions having minimal similarity and reflecting effort will get amply
rewarded. Plagiarism will be harshly dealt with.

Wish You Happy & Safe Learning!

Ram & Abhishek

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