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#include <stdio.

#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define THINKING 0
#define HUNGRY 1
#define EATING 2

sem_t mutex;
sem_t semaphores[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];

void test(int philosopher_id) {

if (state[philosopher_id] == HUNGRY &&
state[(philosopher_id + 1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] != EATING &&
state[(philosopher_id + NUM_PHILOSOPHERS - 1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] !=
state[philosopher_id] = EATING;
printf("Philosopher %d is eating.\n", philosopher_id);

void grab_forks(int philosopher_id) {

state[philosopher_id] = HUNGRY;
printf("Philosopher %d is hungry.\n", philosopher_id);

void put_forks(int philosopher_id) {

state[philosopher_id] = THINKING;
printf("Philosopher %d is done eating and thinking.\n", philosopher_id);
test((philosopher_id + 1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS); // Test left neighbor
test((philosopher_id + NUM_PHILOSOPHERS - 1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS); // Test
right neighbor
void *philosopher(void *arg) {
int philosopher_id = *((int *)arg);

while (1) {
// Philosopher is thinking
printf("Philosopher %d is thinking.\n", philosopher_id);
sleep(1); // Simulate thinking time

// Philosopher is hungry and wants to eat


// Philosopher is eating
printf("Philosopher %d is eating.\n", philosopher_id);
sleep(1); // Simulate eating time

// Philosopher is done eating, release forks


int main() {
pthread_t philosophers[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
int philosopher_ids[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
sem_init(&mutex, 0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++) {
sem_init(&semaphores[i], 0, 0);
philosopher_ids[i] = i;
pthread_create(&philosophers[i], NULL, philosopher, &philosopher_ids[i]);
// Let the simulation run for a while
// Terminate the philosophers
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++) {
// Join the philosophers
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++) {
pthread_join(philosophers[i], NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++) {
return 0;

it21100@slave4:~/os/lab9$ ./dps
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is hungry.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 1 is hungry.
Philosopher 2 is hungry.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is hungry.
Philosopher 4 is hungry.
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is hungry.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 3 is eating.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 2 is hungry.
Philosopher 3 is eating.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 4 is hungry.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is hungry.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is hungry.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is hungry.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 3 is eating.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is hungry.
Philosopher 4 is hungry.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 1 is hungry.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is hungry.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 3 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is thinking.
Philosopher 3 is eating.
Philosopher 4 is hungry.
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is thinking.
Philosopher 1 is eating.
Philosopher 2 is hungry.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is thinking.
Philosopher 4 is eating.
Philosopher 0 is hungry.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 1 is thinking.
Philosopher 2 is eating.
Philosopher 3 is hungry.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is eating.
Philosopher 4 is thinking.
Philosopher 0 is eating.

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